15-12-2005 Om Shanti Avyakt Bapdada Madhuban
In the New Year, bring the form of love and co-operation onto the stage. Give each one the gift of virtue and powers.
Today, God, the Father, is seeing His children everywhere who have a right to God's love. Only a handful out of multimillions in the world receive this love from God. This Godly love is altruistic love because only God, the Supreme Soul, is incorporeal and egoless. Because human souls are bodily beings, they definitely have one selfish motive or another. Only God, the Father, can give His children such altruistic love. God's love is the special basis of Brahmin life. It is the donation of life of this Brahmin life. If the experience of God's love is lacking in Brahmin life, then that life without love is not enjoyable; it becomes a dry life. It is God's love that is constantly with you in life and remains co-operative with you as your companion at all times. Where there is love and company, everything becomes very easy and simple. There isn't the experience of having to labour. You have this experience, do you not? Those who have God's love cannot be attracted by any person or thing because God's attraction and God's love gives such an experience of love that you always remain merged in love. People have understood this to be being merged in God. One doesn't merge in God, but one remains merged in God's love.
BapDada is seeing the children from everywhere. Everyone loves God, but one type are the lovely children and the other type are the children who are merged in love. So, ask yourself: All are lovely, but to what extent do you remain merged in love. The sign of children who are merged in love is that they constantly and easily follow God's instructions. They are obedient in following those instructions and have surrendered their body consciousness because it is not difficult to surrender yourself where there is love. The first instruction is: May you be yogi and may you be holy (pure). Because the Father has love for you children, He cannot bear to see you children labouring, for He knows that you have laboured a lot for 63 births. Now, this alokik birth is to become free from labour and to enjoy the pleasure of supersensuous happiness. So, are you celebrating with pleasure or are you having to labour? When there is love, it doesn't feel like labour to follow instructions. If you have to labour, it means there is a percentage of love lacking. Somewhere or other, there is one type of leakage or another. Leakage of two things makes you labour: 1. Attraction to the old world and this includes relationships and also material things. 2. Attraction to old sanskars. This old world and old sanskars attract you towards themselves. So, there is then a percentage in love of God. Check yourself: Am I free from these two types of leakage? Just remember: What are the eternal and original sanskars of you, the soul, and what are the sanskars of this Brahmin life at the end? You have elevated sanskars eternally, in the beginning and also now, at the end. Those old sanskars are of the middle period, not eternal, not of the beginning and not of the end. However, what is the aim of all of you? Ask any child and you only get the one response: My aim is to become equal to the Father. It is this, is it not? If it is, then raise your hand! Are you sure this is your aim? Or, does it change in between?
The Father asks you children: What are the sanskars that are equal in both Bap and Dada? The Father has always been generous-hearted towards every child. He has always been co-operative with every soul in giving them love and regard. So, do you experience yourself to be co- operative with every soul in the same way? Not that you co-operate when they co-operate, or that you give love when they are loving. No. Just as Father Brahma was co-operative and loving with every child, in the same way, always be loving and co-operative with everyone. This is called being equal. If children have to labour in transforming their sanskars, what is the reason for that? Father Brahma paid attention to himself, but he didn't labour. The reason for labouring in the transformation of sanskars is that although you have become lovely, you do not remain merged in love.
BapDada considers every child to be a lovely child; He knows every child to be this. He knows every child's horoscope, and yet what does He say? The child is lovely. BapDada always gives every child the same study, the same sustenance and the same blessing. Even though BapDada knows that that child is the last number, He doesn't keep any child's defect or weakness even in His thoughts. BapDada always sees them with the vision and attitude that they are lovely, long- lost and now-found beloved children, very sweet children, because He knows that it is only through this attitude and elevated vision that weak ones will become mahavirs. In the same way, through your elevated attitude, good wishes and pure feelings, you can transform anyone. Since you have issued a challenge that you will definitely also transform the elements of nature, are you not able to transform souls? You become conquerors of matter, so with the elevated feeling of soul consciousness, and with the desire for receiving benefit, are you not able to transform souls?
Now, the New Year is about to begin, is it not? So, in the New Year, within all of you in the unlimited Brahmin family, with your good wishes and elevated feelings, each one of you has to help one another to transform. Even if someone is weak and you know that that one has a particular weakness in his sanskars, just help with your love and power of co-operation. Give the hand of co-operation to one another. The scene of hand-shaking with co-operation will become such that it will be as though you are putting your hand in the other one's hand, that you are uniting in co-operation, and a rosary will then be prepared. Do not give teachings, but give loving co-operation. Do not become detached, do not step away, but be a support because your memorial is the rosary of victory. Each bead is a co-operative companion of the other beads for this is why the image of the rosary has been created.
Everyone is asking BapDada what they have to do in the New Year. You have carried out many programmes of giving the message; you are doing that and will continue to do that. Now, bring the love and co-operation of the message-carriers onto the stage. Be a great donor. Co-operate with your virtues and make others the same. With your virtues - in fact they are God's virtues but you have made them yours - with the power of those virtues, remove their weaknesses. Are you able to do this? Are you able to do it or is it difficult? Teachers, speak! Are you able to do this? Are you able to do it? Or, is it that you definitely have to do it? You definitely have to do it? No one should remain weak (with weaknesses) because you are all the lucky handful out of multimillions, are you not? Even if it is the last bead, it is of a handful out of multimillions. Your title is a master almighty authority. So, what is the duty of those who are almighty authorities? To give and receive love. Give and take between you the virtues that you have received from the Father. Give this gift of co-operation to one another. In the New Year, people give one another gifts, do they not? So, this year, give one another the gift of virtues. Keep benevolent feelings, and then, just as you give a message through lectures and words, in the same way, with your benevolent feelings, benevolent attitude and benevolent atmosphere, give this gift of virtues and gift of powers. To give co-operation to weak ones is to give a gift at the right time. Do not make those who have fallen fall even further. Lift them up, lift them higher. Not that, "This one is like this and that one is like that." They are worthy of God's love, they are a handful out of multimillions, they are special souls, they are souls who will be victorious. Have this vision. Now change your attitude, vision and atmosphere. There should be some newness, should there not? Whilst seeing the weakness, do not see it. Give enthusiasm and co-operation. Prepare such a Brahmin gathering and BapDada will applaud for that victory. You also repeatedly clap, do you not? BapDada will then applaud with: Congratulations, greetings. You will also applaud with BapDada, will you not? You just clapped and that was good, but there should now be the applause in front of the world. The sound should emerge from everyone's lips: "Our special beloved deity has come!" "Our worthy-of-worship souls have come!" This aim is firm, is it not? Is the aim that you will do it firm? Or, will you think about it and make plans etc.? You have to do it. Put aside the plans. You have to do it. Everyone is now waiting. Now end their waiting. Now make preparations to be revealed. Look, even the elements are so distressed now. So, calm down the elements. When you are revealed there will automatically be world peace. Achcha.
This time too, many new children have come. It is good. BapDada is pleased that all the children of the previous cycle, who have been hidden away in all corners, are coming here. Now, even those who have come late should have the aim that because there is little time left, they can claim a number ahead by making intense effort. The board for "too late" has not yet been put; the board for "late" has been put up. Therefore, you can make as much effort as you want and go ahead. Those who have come for the first time, raise your hands! Achcha. Out of all of you who raised your hands, you are going to make intense effort, are you not? The time for making slack effort is gone, the time for walking has now gone, it is now the time to fly. So, become double-light and fly. You can become whatever you want. Do not complain: Baba, You called us later. Even now, you can become double-light and fly. Do you have that much enthusiasm? Those who raised their hands: do you have this much enthusiasm? Those of you who have this much enthusiasm to definitely demonstrate this as you make further progress, raise your hands! BapDada is giving congratulations in advance. Achcha.
This time, it is the turn of Gujarat to serve and it is those from Gujarat who have come to meet BapDada. All those from Gujarat, whether you have come for a meeting or to serve, raise your hands! There are many. Very good. You have taken a good chance. BapDada says of those from Gujarat, as is the Sindhi saying: Those who are at the hearth are in the heart. So, Gujarat is the closest of all. Those who are close are said to be within calling distance: call out to them and they come. So, Gujarat is ever-ready in this way, is it not? Call you at any time "come" and you will come, will you not? Is it like that? Will you not even stop to think about your family? Will you just come? You are ever-ready. It is good. Gujarat was established through the inspiration of sakar Brahma. It was not those from Gujarat who gave an invitation to Gujarat. It was Father Brahma who opened a Gujarat centre. So, Father Brahma's special vision fell on Gujarat. And Gujarat has made effort and opened a good number of centres. How many centres are there. 300 centres and sub centres and 3000 Gita pathshalas. Which zone has the maximum number of centres? (Bombay, Maharashtra). Achcha. Have those from Maharashtra come? (They haven't come this time.) The maximum number are in Maharashtra. Those from Gujarat are doing good service. There is very good growth in Gujarat. What are you going to do now? There is expansion; you have brought about good expansion. Now, those from Gujarat should prepare number one heirs. At the very least, the bigger centres. Those who are the older heirs are there anyway, but now, make new heirs emerge. Each centre should make one heir emerge because only those who are heir-quality souls will become beads of the rosary. So, you have to prepare the rosary, do you not? The rosary of 16,108 also has to be prepared. If BapDada were to ask you to prepare a rosary of 108, could you make it? Could it be made? Dadi should say whether the rosary of 108 can be made. (Dadiji said, Yes, it can be created.) Is it ready? Has the rosary of 108 been made? (Yes, Baba, it is ready.) OK, write it down and show it to Baba! If it is ready, that is very good. Congratulations! OK, is the rosary of 16,000 half ready? (Not just half, it is more ready than that.) That is good. Look, it has been created in an incognito way and your Dadi has seen it. It is good. Now, everyone will ask you: Is my name in the rosary? It is good. Such good wishes and pure hopes will definitely make it ready. Now that you have all heard this, check yourselves: Am I ever-ready for that rosary? Achcha. What else are we going to do?
Coronary Artery Disease (CAD) group: It is good. This method to spread the sound is also very good because people see the practical proof, and they become well through meditation without any expense. Everyone likes that very much. Now, continue to increase this gradually. They have heard about it, you are doing it and you are also receiving success, and will continue to receive it. So, BapDada is congratulating those who are instruments for this task. It is also reaching the Government officially. If you continue to spread it further, the importance of meditation will continue to increase. BapDada likes this method. Achcha.
Double-foreigners: Double-foreigners would always be making double effort, would you not? For there not to be any name or trace of the old world or old sanskars is the double effort. So, are you making such double effort? Are you? At least nod! Those who pay attention to this double effort, raise your hands! Achcha. Then revelation will take place abroad. The victory of those who are making double effort will be revealed. BapDada is pleased that double foreigners are moving forward while paying attention to both service and effort. Congratulations for moving forward, but in future, let there be even more intensity in this attention. Whichever centre you go to, the atmosphere there should be experienced to be like the atmosphere of Madhuban. Every place should now give the experience of such an atmosphere. Anyone who comes to Madhuban goes back impressed with one thing or another. In the same way, souls who come to you should go back impressed with one thing or another so that they continue to come again and again, so that they continue to move forward. You are paying attention, you are making effort, you have the aim; now, let people be so impressed in a practical way that no one can stay without coming here and without becoming this. It is good that there are foreigners in every turn. Madhuban looks all the more beautiful because of this. It becomes international! You are victorious and the tilak of victory should always be clearly visible on the centre of your forehead. Now let the tilak of victory become a little clearer. Anyone who looks at you should see the sparkling tilak of victory. How many times have you become victorious? You have become this many times, you are this now and you will continue to become this. So, may the blessing of being victorious in both things be visible on your face and in your activity. You have intoxication and faith, anyway. You have the intoxication, do you not: If we don't become victorious, who else will? You have faith and also intoxication. Now, co-operate with one another and hoist the flag of victory in front of the world. The sanskars of the double foreigners are such that whatever you take on, you have to complete it, you don't leave it incomplete. So, in this too, you have to become complete. Is this all right? Is this firm? You are not weak in this, are you? Achcha.
Nowadays, people in the world are doing two things in particular. Exercise and attention to their diet. So, do you also do both these things? What is your exercise? Everyone does physical exercise, but the exercise of the mind is: one minute to be a Brahmin, then to be an angel and then to be an angel who is to become a deity. Continue to constantly perform this drill of the mind. And pure food is the pure thoughts for the mind. If you have wasteful or negative thoughts, then that is impure food for the mind. So, let there always be pure food in your mind. You know how to do both, do you not? For as long as you want, become an embodiment of pure thoughts. Achcha.
To all the special souls everywhere who have a right to God's love, to those souls who are loving and co-operative with the Father and who will always be co-operative with one another, to the victorious children who put into a practical form the aim, "We are victorious and we will hoist the flag of victory in the world", to the children who are equal to the Father and who always remain beyond the attraction of this old world and sanskars, love, remembrance and namaste from the heart of the Father, the Comforter of Hearts.
To the Dadis: (To Dadiji): You have shared very good news. (Speaking to Mohiniben): It is good. You have come back free. It was easy, was it not? You also have blessings from all the Brahmins. You came back having changed a crucifix into a thorn. BapDada is pleased. You have given good proof of the power of your mind.
To Dadiji: You are playing a very good part. Seeing you, everyone remembers the angelic life. To be loving and detached.
To the 13 main instrument teachers of Gujarat: You are good mahavirs. The duty of mahavirs is to be victorious and make others victorious. All of you are doing good service and service will continue to take place in the future too. BapDada is pleased to see the zeal and enthusiasm of the children. You are making the sound spread all over Gujarat very well. You will continue to spread it even more. BapDada is seeing all the children as lamps of hope. It is good. The gathering is good. Each one of you has a speciality. OK? Happy. The one who distributes happiness. (Sarla Didi asked BapDada: Whom has Dadiji kept in the rosary?) What do you think? Do you think, "I will definitely be in that."? Whatever little still remains, help one another and finish it. All of you are those who will definitely become equal to the Father. (What newness should we bring?) You were told that each centre should prepare at least one mike. So, next year, bring them here. Come back with at least 21 heirs. Begin to do this. Claim the first number. Everyone is saying "yes". You know the qualifications of an heir, do you not? You will make all of them belong to Baba, will you not? You will not make them belong to you, will you? Achcha.
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