Message for the day – July 2023
01. To have tolerance means to be stable.
When one is faced with defamation or insult, tolerance gives the power to be stable and cool. And so there is the ability to smile even when there is negativity that comes. Tolerance means to see beyond the insults because of being stable in the stage of self-respect.Experience:
When faced with criticism, if I am able to be stable in my stage of self-respect, I am able to learn from every negative remark that comes my way. I will never become defensive, but will be able to see clearly what new learning I could take.Zeal & Enthusiasm
Zeal and enthusiasm are the wings on which we can fly over all circumstance and turn mountains into molehills.
02. Concentration develops when the intellect is clean and clear.
For the one whose intellect continues to wander, concentration becomes difficult or impossible. On the other hand, for the one who is focused on one thing there are no other distractions at that time and there is easy concentration.Experience:
When I am able to remain focused, I am not troubled by distractions which lessen my concentration. Instead I am able to increase my discrimination power and am able to decide and judge well. This happens because my intellect becomes clean and gets cleared of waste.
Cultivating the habit of blessing rather than judging strengthens our capacity to give.
03. To be victorious means to pass obstacles with ease.
The ones who aim to become victorious never think of not being faced with obstacles. Instead they look at each obstacle as a chance to use and express their own inner powers. So there is constant progress visible in them.Experience:
When I am prepared for the inevitable challenges that life brings, I will not experience fear, tension or anxiety but will always be confident and fearless. Apart from actually being victorious in the situation, I also experience winning over my weaknesses and discovering new powers within me.Success
Repeated and lasting success requires a positive combination of our state of mind, intelligence, personality traits and skills.
04. The ones who see specialities become special.
To see specialities and ignore negativity is to take a step ahead by imbibing those specialities. This creates a habit of seeing, taking in and expressing only positive qualities. So whatever the person may be, whatever his qualities may be, there is only a connection of positivity with him.Experience:
When I am able to relate to everyone in this way with only specialities, I become special. I also find others responding positively to me and using only their speicialities while in contact with me. There are also a lot of good wishes that I receive from others because of my positive attitude.Free
To be free from expectations is to be free from sorrow.
05. To be free from guilt means to ensure quick and easy progress.
Blaming oneself for all that happens and taking the mind to extreme levels of guilt takes one to a sense of unworthiness. uch a person loses the strength and is unable to look for solutions in difficult situations. Hence there is nothing new that can be thought of, and the situation doesn’t get any better.Experience:
When I continue to blame myself, I believe that I deserve neither happiness nor love and that the sorrow that I am experiencing is a deserved punishment. So I lose all enthusiasm to improve the situation and have no awareness of the treasures that I have. So I experience no progress in my life.Silence
Silence slows down the mind so it creates fewer thoughts that are powerful, positive and peaceful.
06. To fill the ones who are hopeless with hope is the greatest service.
To have faith by seeing the positive qualities even in the most negative person is to fill them with hope. Also to fill hope means to encourage others to move forward in the most negative situation. When this is done they are able to use their potentials for a positive purpose and slowly bring about a change for the better.Experience:
When I am able to see positivity under all circumstances, I am able to have the courage and enthusiasm to make the best out of every situation. This also naturally makes me an inspiration for those around me too and makes me an image of support for those who want to make effort.Truth
Speaking the truth with humility and in a sweet manner does not make anyone angry rather it increases the heartfelt respect of others.
07. To have power means to enjoy the variety of life.
When there is the inner strength there is enthusiasm to give the best and also to learn and improve with every obstacle. To work with inner power is to be like a skilled player whose focus is on enjoying the match too rather than just on winning.Experience:
When I have learned the art of focusing on my strengths, I am able to enjoy the variety scenes that life brings for me. I would enjoy dealing with all these different scenes in a natural and easy way, and also be naturally victorious. And so I have the benefit of double enjoyment.Being Powerful
Whatever is happening, is good and whatever will happen, will also be good - this powerful thought finishes the web of weak thoughts.
08. To see only problems is to become the one who only takes service.
When there is the practice of seeing only problems in all situations there is the inability to find solutions and act effectively. All the resources that could be used for the benefit of the self and others remain hidden. Such a person becomes dependent on others for finding solutions and a source of pity.Experience:
When I am caught up with problems and not able to see anything else, I am unable to experience progress. I find myself moving backward losing a lot of things I have. I would not be able to retain my self-confidence and would become dependent on others.Concern
Complaining depletes our energy because we are thinking about what is not in our control. Complaining means focusing on the problem and concern is focusing on the solution.
09. To have a balance between being a master and a child is to ensure success.
To be in the consciousness of being a master means to have confidence in whatever has to be done and in the ideas that have to be put forth. Along with this if there is the consciousness of being a child, there is learning and improvement, because criticism is taken in the right spirit.Experience:
When I am able to be open to criticism as a child, I am able to learn from it. I am able to gain further mastery without being troubled by ego. My learning would never be blocked by what other people think or feel. Instead I am able to experience constant progress and sure success.Virtues
A person becomes good human being by filling virtues in the self, looking at virtues in others, donating virtues and discussing virtues.
10. It is on the basis of actions that praise is received.
The one who only talks but is not able to put his talk into practice does not become worthy of praise. On the other hand, the one who is able to bring his good thoughts and words into action becomes worthy of praise. Such a person's actions become inspirational for others and encourage them to follow him.Experience:
When I am able to act according to my thoughts and words, I am able to take inspiration to do more. For every positive action that I do, I experience support and good wishes from others which encourage me constantly. My account of positivity is always full and it takes me further to a cycle of positivity making it a habit. So I find that I don't have to work hard for performing positive actions.Responsibility
At every situation, taking personal responsibility of our thoughts, words and deeds helps us to respond in a positive way. This is our 'response-ability'.
11. To check regularly means to bring about a change.
When there is any negative action performed, there is an immediate feeling of guilt and a desire not to perform it again. But the checking also needs to be at a level where it never repeats again. Maintaining a chart of one's own weakness means checking regularly. Such checking brings about a permanent change.Experience:
When I am able to maintain a chart where I could monitor my own progress, I am able to remain committed to my transformation. Adverse situations or people will never deter me, but I am able to bring about the desired change. I am able to continue the process of transformation even when what I seek to change is not harmful in the present phase of my life. Thus regular checking will prevent carelessness from creeping in.Success
Success is achieved when decisions are arrived at, after listening to, understanding and clarifying things patiently and carefully.
12. The easiest way to bring positivity in life is to become worthy of God's love.
A simple checking whether to perform an action or not is to see if it would be approved by God. When every action is thus checked, there would be positivity and benefit expressed through everything. There would not be any negative, waste or even ordinary actions performed, but only those that are sealed with the power of positivity.Experience:
When I am able to bring about such positivity in my life, I'll not only win the love of God, but also the love, praise and good wishes of all those around me. I also become trust worthy and an image of support for those who are seeking to bring positivity in their lives.Contentment
While question mark (?) increases waste in life, full stop (.) is the sign of contentment and well-being.
13. The one who is the master of the self is able to master situations and control people.
If there is an attempt to control situations and people without trying to control the self it becomes impossible. It only takes things more out of control and leads to extreme emotions like anger. To be a master means to be a master of one's own feelings and emotions under all circumstances. It means to have the reins in one's own hands.Experience:
When I am able to be a master of my own thoughts, feelings and emotions I am able to deal effectively with situations and people. I never go out of control or lose my cool however difficult the situation or person may be. This enables me to be aware of my own inner resources and use it to be the best of my ability.Peace
Peace gives rest to mind. Sometimes rest is the only medicine needed.
14. Fortune is in one's own hands.
To have fortune in one's own hands doesn't mean to have it in the lines of one's hands. It means to have the ability to make the best use of all the resources available. When they are put to the best use, they naturally increase. Through right actions one can draw the line of fortune as long as desired.Experience:
When I understand the significance of my actions and create an elevated fortune for myself through right actions, I am able to experience constant progress in my life. I also naturally become an inspiration for others too, so that they can discover their inner resources to create an elevated fortune for themselves.Mastery
To be master over thoughts means to control and stabilize thoughts whenever one wishes.
15. Simplicity is the promise of happiness.
The one who is simple is able to see through the complications of situations and people. He has
the ability to only pick out what is useful and worthy from the expanse of all that is available. A simple person's words and actions are the ones that give happiness to those around.Experience:
When I am simple in my vision and attitude, I am able to remain happy, as I am free from the complications of all that is happening. My mind is not caught up with unnecessary things, and I am able to remain easy in the most difficult situations. This attitude of mine also helps in creating an environment of happiness where others too experience this happiness.Silence
Inculcate the virtue of silence in your life and you will easily pinpoint and remove your weakness.
16. The one desire for perfection ends all other desires.
The desire for perfection brings the capacity to keep on learning from all situations. There is something new to learn and so there are no other desires. Since the mind is busy with bringing about perfection, there is no time for waste and negative. There is the ability to transform negative to positive.Experience:
Love for perfection makes me experience constant progress. I have no thought about what I have to get, but continue to attain from each moment and each situation. I am then naturally free from all other desires.Courage
Courage is required to do anything auspicious and courage comes from truth.
17. Understanding brings happiness.
Happiness lies in understanding the secret of whatever is happening. When one is able ot remain happy in this way, he is able to spread this happiness to those around too, influencing the lives of all.Experience:
When I am able to remain happy under all circumstances, I am able to be free from the influence of others' negativity. Instead I will be able to become a major source of positive influence to those around me.Cooperation
The world becomes a happy place with the cooperation of everyone.
18. Creativity comes when there is happiness.
Happiness touches the heart and enables the creativity to come from within. The one who is happy doesn't wait for the right opportunity to be creative, but uses each moment as a chance for using creativity - for bringing newness.Experience:
When I am happy I am able to enjoy and make the best use of each and every moment of my life. I will want to do something new, unique and different. So I also have the satisfaction of having done my best.True Heart
God is pleased with a true heart. We receive a thousand steps of help from Him when we take one step of courage.
19. To pay attention to every act is to be a hero.
A hero actor is one who has great attention for every act of his. He makes sure that none of his words or actions are ordinary or waste. He ensures perfection in everything he does. This naturally brings the best out of him.Experience:
Since I pay constant attention to everything I do, I find that I am able to give my best. I am then satisfied with whatever is happening since I know what I do is not as important as how well I do it.Good Wishes
Good wishes are that magic which makes right a spoilt task, and spoilt mood.
20. To consider problems to be a game is to move forward with lightness.
Even when the most difficult problem comes my way, I am able to give my best when I understand the significance of whatever is happening. Because I never experience being subservient to the problem, I am always a master.Experience:
When I understand that problems are just a game, I am able to play whatever part I have to, externally. But internally I will experience lightness knowing that this is the part I have to play. It would be easy to understand the significance of the part that I am playing and remain happy.Conscience
The most potent power to put an end to internal and external wars is the human conscience.
21. Words filled with good wishes bring change in others.
When there are good wishes combined with the words that I speak, there is love. Whatever is spoken with love has its effect on others. Such words are free from all kind of negativity, so they naturally have a lot of power. Only such powerful words can bring about a change in others.Experience:
When I speak with love and good wishes, I find that I am light, knowing that I have no selfishness in whatever I have said. The others too are able to immediately correct themselves. This also enables me to gain good wishes for having taken them a step forward.Truth
Truth is the imperishable essence. We overcome falsehood and illusion through practicing the power of truth.
22. To have attention to accumulate is to experience constant progress.
The one who has the attention to accumulate each and every moment makes sure that he uses well his treasures like thoughts, time etc. Then, there would never be anything waste or even ordinary. Instead each treasure would be used for the benefit of all.Experience:
Having attention to accumulate makes me realise the importance of whatever I have. This makes me pay attention on even little things and I find myself benefitting from each moment and with each thing that happens. Thus I experience constant progress.Enthusiasm
Having good wishes for everyone fuels our enthusiasm.
23. Lightness comes when words are accurate.
Accurate words means there is nothing extra spoken. Whatever has to be said is said to the point. Such words being short are sweet to hear too and are those that never hurt others. They bring about the result needed accurately.Experience:
When my words are to the point, there is a lot of lightness experienced within me and my physical energy is saved too. Others too experience benefit through my words and so I naturally get blessings from them, which helps me move forward with lightness.Benefactor
Just as every father wishes only good for his children, God is the constant Benefactor. It's one's own actions that cause sorrows.
24. Success is achieved through accurate efforts.
The one who puts in accurate efforts for the success of every task, naturally tries to do the best. Because of his own contribution, others too help him and contribute whatever they can to achieve what he sets out to do. So there is success in everything.Experience:
When I do the right thing, I will be able to experience constant self-progress. I will then never have the slightest feeling of failing, but will always experience success as a right, even if the result is not what I have expected. I experience positive feelings because of having put in the right effort.Fly High
It is difficult to cross a mountain of problems by foot, but it is easy to cross it by flying in an airplane of blessings.
25. To be seated on the seat of self-respect is to be truly great.
The one who is constantly in the stage of self-respect is constantly stable. And because of this stability he always has the right authority. This brings about right decisions too and he moves forward with ease facing all situations.Experience:
When I am aware of my own specialities and work with them I inspire others too to recognise my positive qualities. I also never have ego but am able to remain humble. This humility enables me to win the respect of others too.Be Cool
Getting angry is like grasping a hot coal & throwing it at someone else. It is the self who gets burnt first before the other person.
26. To give regard to others' ideas is to be a learner.
The one who is open to the ideas of others is the one who is able to learn from everything. He is humble and has respect for all. He has the authority over what he does, he is the master and is yet open to learning.Experience:
Even when my best plan and ideas are rejected or criticised, I am able to remain cool and light because of my regard for others and their ideas. Because of this I am able to constantly learn and experience progress.Happiness
Our thoughts create our external world. Positive and concentrated thoughts bring about a world of lasting happiness.