May 16, 2015
Smriti or to
Sweet child:
Always remain aware that although you are in this world, your intellects
understand that you are the Brahmins of the confluence age. All other human beings are in the iron
age. You can see the contrast. Your intellects know that you have now moved
away from the iron age. You are aware
that Baba has come. This old world is
changing. This is in your intellects. You understand this.
Sweet Baba, during the course of the
day I will reaffirm the awareness: Baba you are making our intellects so deep
and subtle. I, such a tiny soul am
changing from one with a stone intellect and am becoming one with a divine
intellect. I will allow such thoughts to
flow through my intellect all day.
Samarthi or Power
I constantly plug myself into the
power that is received from the above smriti.
I become aware how my smriti is recharging my self-respect. I pay attention to how my smriti is giving me
strength and is allowing me to operate with equanimity and patience in an
ever-changing world.
Mano-vritti or Attitude
Baba to Soul: You
understand that you are a child of the ONE Father. Everyone calls Him God, the
Father. We belong to Him. We are a family of souls.
I am determined to have an attitude
to include everyone as a member of God’s family. When I recognize each soul as a child of God
with the right to His inheritance, then my attitude expands to include all
souls in the world family.
Drishti or Pure Vision
Baba to Soul: A
yogi can silence others with their drishti.
Drishti is a power that can take one into absolute dead silence.
I am determined to practice becoming
bodiless. I will make the effort to
create such a stage of yoga that my drishti can silence anyone and take them
into absolute dead silence.
Creating a Wave
I will do mansa seva and be part of
creating a beautiful wave of pure remembrance and attitude spanning the whole
globe during the 7:00pm to 7:30pm meditation.
I will engage the smriti, mano-vritti, and drishti from above and give
sakaash to the whole world as a humble instrument.