May 12, 2015
Smriti or to
Sweet child:
Senses become cool and calm with the power of yoga. There is the mischief of the senses. You have to conquer your senses so that there
isn't any more mischief. Unless you have
the power of yoga, it is impossible to control the senses. There is strength in
the power of yoga.
Sweet Baba, today I am determined to
experience Your love. I’m lost in the ocean of Baba’s light and beauty and lose
my taste for the world.
Samarthi or Power
I constantly plug myself into the
power that is received from the above smriti.
I become aware how my smriti is recharging my self-respect. I pay attention to how my smriti is giving me
strength and is allowing me to operate with equanimity and patience in an
ever-changing world.
Mano-vritti or Attitude
Baba to Soul:
First, control your senses, and second, imbibe divine virtues. Don't listen to anyone who becomes
angry. Hear it through one ear and let
it out through the other. Don't listen
to any of the evil things that you don't like.
I am determined to embrace an
attitude of detachment. I see but don’t
see. I hear but don’t hear. I move through the world cool and calm. I shower love no matter what is going on
around me.
Drishti or Pure Vision
Baba to Soul: When
you see that your husband is becoming angry, shower flowers on him. Continue to smile at him.
I am determined to see the benefit
in every situation and the beauty in every soul. I see the world through a twinkle in my eye.
Creating a Wave
I will do mansa seva and be part of
creating a beautiful wave of pure remembrance and attitude spanning the whole
globe during the 7:00pm to 7:30pm meditation.
I will engage the smriti, mano-vritti, and drishti from above and give
sakaash to the whole world as a humble instrument.