An Heir in Conversation with God
First Awareness
The moment I open my eyes, I realize: I
am a soul. I descended from the Sweet
Home of Light in order to give radiant
light to the world.
Who am I?
I am an heir in the family of God. I
inherit my fortune from God Himself.
To Whom do I Belong?
Soul converses with Baba:
Good morning sweet Baba. Thank you Baba
for bringing me into a loving
relationship with the Brahmin family.
You gave me not only knowledge that I am
an elevated soul but also knowledge that
I am your child. By entering this
Parent – Child relationship with you, I
also enter a pure brother – sister
relationship with all my divine family.
Baba converses with the Soul:
Sweet child, wake up! Sit down with Me.
Did you ever dream you would receive the
fortune of being My heir? You have a
right to all My property. I come here
to give you the experience of
Parent-Child relationship and to grant
you your inheritance. You receive this
fortune when you join the family of
God. Leave the world of sorrow and
enter this world of happiness. Become
the highest of human beings by following
the highest maryadas.
Receiving Inspirations
I take a moment to quiet my chattering
mind by focusing on Baba, the Ocean of
Silence. In this silence, I receive from
Baba pure, inspiring thoughts for
Receiving a Blessing from Baba
I manifest my angelic form before sweet
Baba in the subtle regions. With much
love and powerful drishti, He gives me
this blessing:
When the meeting of the Ocean of Love
and the rivers filled with love takes
place, the rivers then become master
oceans of love. You are a master ocean
of love who ties everyone with the
thread and sustenance of pure love and
fulfills the deepest wish of souls. You
give them a sense of belonging and lead
them to the Father’s heart where they
can heal, grow, and thrive.
Unlimited Subtle Service (last 15
I bestow on the world the blessing
described above. I take this blessing
from Baba and gift it to the whole world
through my pure thoughts. With my
angelic costume, I circle the earth
globe and give this blessing to all