A Trustee in Conversation with the Lord
and Master
First Awareness
The moment I open my eyes, I realize: I
am a soul. I descended from the Sweet
Home of Light in order to give radiant
light to the world.
Who am I?
I am a trustee. Baba entrusts to me my
body, mind, time, and wealth. Baba
merely loans them to me; I am a trustee
and not the owner.
To Whom do I Belong?
Soul converses with Baba:
Good morning sweet Baba. I sit wherever
you make me sit; I do whatever you ask
me to do. Baba, I am in a sweet
relationship with you, and not in
bondage to my karmic accounts. I am
free. I feel how You, the Lord and
Master, inspire me to move. I perform
every act by your divine inspiration.
Baba converses with the Soul:
Sweet child, wake up! Sit down with Me.
When you give all you have to Baba, you
experience living death and rebirth.
This is a new divine birth that cannot
be compared to anything else. In this
birth you are free and not dependant.
This freedom comes when you transform
“mine” into “yours”. When you remember
that this body, this service, these
virtues, and these powers have been
loaned to you. Then in a second, you
will be able to fly. Don’t spread the
net of, “This is karmic bondage.” “This
is bondage of my old body.” “This is the
bondage of being part of a group, etc.”
You spread a net, trap yourself in it,
and then call out to Baba, “Free me!”
Baba says, “You are already free – let
go of the net and see that you are
Receiving Inspirations
I take a moment to quiet my chattering
mind by focusing on Baba, the Ocean of
Silence. In this silence, I receive from
Baba pure, inspiring thoughts for
Receiving a Blessing from Baba
I manifest my angelic form before sweet
Baba in the subtle regions. With much
love and powerful drishti, He gives me
this blessing:
With the magic mantra of remembrance,
you can achieve whatever you wish. By
keeping this mantra in your awareness
constantly, you achieve boundless
success and a future beyond your wildest
Unlimited Subtle Service (last 15
I bestow on the world the blessing
described above. I take this blessing
from Baba and gift it to the whole world
through my pure thoughts. With my
angelic costume, I circle the earth
globe and give this blessing to all
Before Going to Bed
I steady myself in the stage beyond
sound. I mentally check: was I
disobedient in anyway during the day? If
so, I admit it to Baba. Did I succumb,
mentally or physically, to any
attractions, attachments, or selfish
preferences? I chart my actions, and
remove the impact of faulty actions with
30 minutes of yoga. I go to sleep with a
clean and clear heart.