A Spiritually Fit Soul in Conversation
with the Personal Trainer
First Awareness
The moment I open my eyes, I realize: I
am a soul. I descended from the Sweet
Home of Light in order to give radiant
light to the world.
Who am I?
I am spiritually fit. I exercise my mind
and intellect (buddhi). One minute I am
bodiless, and the next minute I sit
before BapDada and have a sweet
spiritual chitchat. I nourish my buddhi
with a diet of controlled thoughts. I
take care not to eat the unhealthy food
of waste thoughts.
To Whom do I Belong?
Soul converses with Baba:
Good morning sweet Baba. My buddhi feels
light Baba because I give You all my
burdens. I take care not to love sleep
more than I love You. Recollecting Your
praise, Sweet Baba, I experience all
powers coming to me. I aim to
experience the seed stage and not go
into any expansion.
Baba converses with the Soul:
Sweet child, wake up! Sit down with Me.
The purpose of sitting in meditation is
to have a sweet spiritual conversation.
Therefore, don’t open a file of
complaints about yourself or others. As
your Personal Trainer, Baba advises you
to reduce the weight of your buddhi and
become light. End its grossness and
become subtle. Do not take the food of
extra thoughts. This requires
self-control -- the ability to fix
buddhi where you wish, when you wish,
and for as long as you wish. Only then
will your intellect become subtle. This
is true greatness.
Receiving Inspirations
I take a moment to quiet my chattering
mind by focusing on Baba, the Ocean of
Silence. In this silence, I receive from
Baba pure, inspiring thoughts for
Receiving a Blessing from Baba
I manifest my angelic form before sweet
Baba in the subtle regions. With much
love and powerful drishti, He gives me
this blessing:
Just as one drop of water cannot
penetrate waterproof material,
similarly, God’s love has made you Maya
proof. No illusion or attraction can
penetrate the barrier of this eternal
and altruistic Love.
Unlimited Subtle Service (last 15
I bestow on the world the blessing
described above. I take this blessing
from Baba and gift it to the whole world
through my pure thoughts. With my
angelic costume, I circle the earth
globe and give this blessing to all
Before Going to Bed
I steady myself in the stage beyond
sound. I mentally check: was I
disobedient in anyway during the day? If
so, I admit it to Baba. Did I succumb,
mentally or physically, to any
attractions, attachments, or selfish
preferences? I chart my actions, and
remove the impact of faulty actions with
30 minutes of yoga. I go to sleep with a
clean and clear heart.