An Angel in the Court of Indra
First Awareness
The moment I open my eyes, I realize: I
am a soul. I descended from the Sweet
Home of Light in order to give radiant
light to the world.
Who am I?
I am an angel in Indra’s Court, the land
of angels. With the wings of soul
consciousness, I, the angel, always
To Whom do I Belong?
Soul converses with Baba:
Good morning sweet Baba. From your
wings of knowledge and yoga, I gather
strength. I know that to fly high, I
must go beyond the old world and its
relationships of bondage.
Baba converses with the Soul:
Sweet child, wake up! Sit down with Me.
This is not an ordinary gathering –
this is the unique gathering of angels.
I shower the rain of knowledge that
changes a forest of thorns into a garden
of flowers. Only angels live in the
kingdom of Indra –Lord of Rain. Angels
smell the bad odor of body consciousness
and transform it into the fragrance of a
sweet garden. Can you instantly
transcend this forest of thorns, and
find your original land, in your
original state? Practice the spiritual
drill of going to your Sweet Home in a
Receiving Inspirations
I take a moment to quiet my chattering
mind by focusing on Baba, the Ocean of
Silence. In this silence, I receive from
Baba pure, inspiring thoughts for
Receiving a Blessing from Baba
I manifest my angelic form before sweet
Baba in the subtle regions. With much
love and powerful drishti, He gives me
this blessing:
You benefit yourself and shine with the
glow of God’s light. Because of this,
you remove the illness of spiritual
disheartenment in all souls. Your
example infuses them with faith and
inspires them to rise to their soul’s
Unlimited Subtle Service (last 15
I bestow on the world the blessing
described above. I take this blessing
from Baba and gift it to the whole world
through my pure thoughts. With my
angelic costume, I circle the earth
globe and give this blessing to all
Before Going to Bed
I steady myself in the stage beyond
sound. I mentally check: was I
disobedient in anyway during the day? If
so, I admit it to Baba. Did I succumb,
mentally or physically, to any
attractions, attachments, or selfish
preferences? I chart my actions, and
remove the impact of faulty actions with
30 minutes of yoga. I go to sleep with a
clean and clear heart.