Om Shanti 18-10-16 Madhuban
Based on Avyakt Murli -
Special Chart for the Silence Week (16-10-16)
Most beloved Avyakt Bapdada’s
super affectionate , always experiencing subtle powers with
the help of silence of mind, all designated teacher sisters
who experience dance of mind and all fast effortmakers grace
of Brahmin family brothers and sisters, Please accept Godly
sweet love filled remembrance.
After news - In the first
Murli of the season sweet Bapdada has given all of us a
special homework indicating that, children celebrate a week
of silence of mind, and do the dance of mind.
With that goal in
consideration, a chart is made, having 5 main points of
checking, from the entire Murli and is being sent to all of
you from Madhuban, with the help of which all can check the
state of their mind and give their result to beloved
Acha - remembrance to all ...
On Divine service,
BK Janki
Chart for Silence of
1. By being in true meaning of
the word Om Shanti, was the mind stable in every situation?
2. Which dance did the mind do
in the whole day?
a. How long was the dance of
joy and lightness?
b. How long was the dance of
turbulence or heaviness?
3. With the help of silence of
mind, how successfully were these 3 treasures utilised?
(Note the percentage)
a. Time
b. Thought
c. Breath
4. How much time was spent
being away from outwardness and experiencing rays of peace
5. Is the growth of service
according to the system (Godly instruction/ according to
code of conduct)?
Is there balance of service
and remembrance?
......................................... ..... Center Name
Zone Name
................................ ............ date from
.......... till.... .....
Note - After checking these 5
points daily and making your mind enriched of all the
powers, now practice special art of serving through mind.