Beloved Avyakt BapDada’s deeply loving teachers, those who are always lost in the experience of a meeting
with God, the instrument intense effort-making teachers who with your elevated attitude create a powerful
atmosphere, all brothers and sisters from this land and abroad, please accept Godly love and remembrance.The alokik season to celebrate the avyakt experiences with our Beloved BapDada has now begun. This first
turn in the month of October, it is the turn of Uttar Pradesh and West Nepal to serve. Along with many
coming from the different States of Bharat, double foreign brothers and sisters have also come to Madhuban
from many countries. In the drama, this unique meeting has its own lovely and unique splendor. Beloved
BapDada has made our sweet Gulzar Dadi a detached observer and settled her in Gamdevi, Mumbai. From
there, the subtle vibrations of her tapasya are giving the experience of BapDada’s presence. In each one’s
heart is also merged the remembrance of Dadiji together with the remembrance of Beloved BapDada. Dadi
Jankiji is giving everyone very good loving sustenance and a lot of love. This is also a wonderful scene of
the drama that until now, we have been receiving corporeal sustenance in the avyakt form and now, through
the Incorporeal form, BapDada is making each child full in every way. The pure vibrations of the home of
Madhuban, the power of the gathering, the classes full of experience of the experienced brothers and sisters,
and the video of the revision of the avyakt BapDada’s murlis are refreshing everyone. Whoever comes to
Baba’s home go back with very good experiences.
The double foreign brothers and sisters have separate classes and workshops in Pandav Bhawan and Gyan
Sarovar. Prior to that, brothers and sisters from about 55 countries had arrived for the Peace of Mind and
Call of the Time retreats and went back fully refreshed. Now, until the 3rd April 2020, all of you are being invoked in Madhuban for your own turns. Everyone comes to Madhuban with this faith and bhavna that we
are going to our Baba’s home to fill our aprons with all blessings.
We fully hope that all of us Brahmins together send to Gulzar Dadi even more powerful sakaash of good
wishes so that the doctors can grant her permission to come to Madhuban. Achcha.
Lots and lots of love and remembrance to all.
17/10/19 Avyakt BapDada 17/03/07
With your elevated attitude, make intense effort to make your vibrations
and the atmosphere powerful; give blessings and receive blessings.
Today, BapDada, the Ocean of Love and Power, has come to meet His loving, long-lost and now-found,
beloved children. All the children, through the attraction of love, have also reached here from far, far away
to celebrate a meeting. Whether you are sitting personally in front of Baba, or are sitting in this land or
abroad, you are celebrating a loving meeting. BapDada is pleased to see all His loving children and totally
co-operative companion children. BapDada is seeing that the majority of the children have just the one
thought in their heart: We will now very quickly reveal the Father. The Father says: The enthusiasm of all
the children is very good. However, you will only be able to reveal the Father when you first of all reveal
yourselves as complete and perfect, the same as the Father. So, the children ask the Father: When will You
be revealed? And the Father asks the children: You speak, when will you reveal yourselves as being equal
to the Father? Have you fixed a date for your becoming complete? Those abroad say that a date should be
fixed a year in advance. So, have you had a meeting among yourselves and fixed a date to become equal to
the Father? Have you?
BapDada sees that, nowadays, there are many meetings of every wing. BapDada heard about the meeting of
the double foreigners ; He liked it very much. All the news of the meetings always reaches BapDada
anyway. So BapDada is asking: For when have you fixed a date for this? Will the drama fix this date or will
you fix it? Who will fix it? Of course you will definitely have to keep the aim. All of you have a very good
aim, the best of all, but now, according to the aim you have kept, also develop the qualifications according
to that elevated aim. At present, there is a difference between the aim and its qualifications. When the aim
and its qualifications become equal, then the aim will become practical . When all the children celebrate a
meeting at amrit vela and have a thought, they do that very well. BapDada hears the heart-to-heart
conversation of every child everywhere. You have very beautiful conversations. You also make very good
effort, but in your effort, you need to bring about intensity in one thing. You are making effort, but there has
to be intense effort. There has to be determination for intensity; there has to be this addition.
According to the time, BapDada has one desire for all the children - even though you may be numberwise,
and BapDada knows, even while you are numberwise - let there always be intense effort; there is a great
need for this. Time is moving fast towards completion. However, now, children definitely have to become
equal to the Father. This is also fixed. You simply need to have intensity in it. Each one of you has to
check yourself: Am I an intense effort-maker at all times? Because many papers come in your effort and
they will come. However, for an intense effort-maker to pass that paper - it is fixed as though an intense
effort-maker has already passed that paper. Not that that one has to pass , but that he has already passed .
This is fixed. All of you are doing service with great interest. However, BapDada has told you before too:
according to the present time, you have to do three types of service at one time, that is, through your
thoughts, words and deeds. Through your mind give an experience. Through your words, give an
introduction to the treasure of knowledge. Through your face and activity, give the experience of the
practical form of a completely yogi life. You have to do all three types of service at the same time, not
individually. There is little time and there is still a lot of service to be done even now. BapDada has seen
that the easiest method for service is to create vibrations through your attitude and to create the atmosphere
through your vibrations, because the attitude is the most powerful method of all. Just as the rockets of
science are able to fly very fast , in the same way, your spiritual attitude of good wishes and pure feelings
will change your vision and your world. While sitting in one place, you can serve through your attitude. It
is possible to forget what you have heard, but you cannot forget the experience you have had of an
atmosphere. You have experienced in Madhuban the atmosphere of the land where Father Brahma
performed actions, the land where he had yoga and performed divine activities. The atmosphere that anyone
experiences even now cannot be forgotten. The experience of the atmosphere becomes imprinted on your
heart. Of course you have many big programmes of serving through words, but each one of you has to
create an atmosphere with your spiritual attitude and vibrations. However, your attitude will become
spiritual and powerful when you do not have any vibrations of a wrong attitude in your heart or mind. The
attitude of your mind should always be clean. If you have any wasteful attitude towards any soul, or, in
terms of knowledge, if you have a negative attitude, then negative means rubbish. If you have rubbish in
your mind, you will not be able to serve with a pure attitude. So, first of all, check yourself: Is the attitude of
my mind pure and spiritual? Transform a negative attitude into a positive attitude with your good wishes.
With negative, you feel distressed in your own mind, do you not? You have waste thoughts, do you not?
So, first of all, check yourself: Is there any conflict in my own mind? Of course, it is numberwise. There
are good ones, and there are also those who create problems with them. However, just to understand “This
one is like that” is good. Consider wrong to be wrong and right to be right, but do not keep it in your heart.
To understand this is a separate matter. It is good to be knowledge-full. Of course, you will say something
is wrong when it is wrong. Some children say: Baba, You don’t know what they are like. If You were to
see them, You would know. The Father believes what you say; He already knows before you tell Him what
that one is like, but by keeping such things in your heart and in your attitude you yourself become distressed.
When you have something bad in your heart and mind, then where there is something bad, where there are
waste thoughts, how can that one be a world benefactor? What is the occupation of all of you? Would any
of you say that you are benefactors of only London, of Delhi, of UP? Or, of wherever you are staying? OK,
not the land, but of the centre that you are staying at? All of you say that your occupation is that of a world
benefactor. Who are all of you? Are you world benefactors? If you are, then raise your hands! World
benefactors! You do not have anything bad in your mind, do you? You may understand it, but that is a
different matter. Understand that this is right and that is wrong; however, do not keep that in your mind. By
having this attitude in your mind, your vision and the world also change.
BapDada gave you homework. What was that? It is the easiest effort which everyone can do – the mothers,
the youth, the old ones, the children can all do that. The method for that is just to do one thing. When you
come into contact with anyone, then give blessings and receive blessings. Even if that one gives you bad
wishes, what course do you give? To change the negative into positive . At that time, give yourself this
course. What is the challenge? Your challenge is also to make nature satoguni from tamoguni. This is your
challenge, is it not? You have all issued the challenge that you have to make nature satopradhan. Do you
have to make it like that? If so, then nod! Wave your hands! Don’t wave them just by seeing one another,
but wave them from your heart. Now, according to the time, the intense effort is to create the atmosphere
through your attitude. So, if there is even a slight bit of rubbish in your attitude, how would you create the
atmosphere through your attitude? Your vibrations will reach nature; words will not be able to reach there.
Your vibrations will reach there. Vibrations are created through your attitude and the atmosphere is created
through your vibrations. In Madhuban, too, not everyone is the same. However, the atmosphere was
created through the attitude of Father Brahma and the specially beloved ones and their intense efforts.
Today, Baba is remembering your Dadi. What is the speciality of Dadiji that you saw? How did she control
everything? She never kept anyone’s defect in her mind, no matter with what attitude the other person came
to her. She gave enthusiasm to everyone. Your mother Jagadamba created that atmosphere. While
knowing everything, she always kept her attitude pure, and all of you are experiencing the atmosphere
created by that. Even though it is ‘follow Father’, BapDada always says: Know each one’s speciality and
make that speciality your own. And note down for every child: someone who has become BapDada’s child,
each and every child, even though that child may be the third number, the speciality of the drama and the
blessing from BapDada is that, out of all the children if someone has 99 defects, he definitely has one
speciality and with that speciality, he has a right to say, “My Baba!” He may be influenced, but he would
still have unbroken love for the Father. This is why, now, according to the closeness of time, whatever
places of the Father there are, whether they are in the villages, in the big zones or the centres, it is necessary
for every place and every companion to have an atmosphere of elevated attitude. Simply remember one
word: even if someone is giving bad wishes, who is the one who is taking them? Is the one who is giving
and the one who is receiving just one person, or are there two? If someone gives you something bad, what
will you do? Will you keep it with yourself? Or, will you return it, throw it away, or keep it carefully in
your cupboard? So, will you keep it hidden in your heart? Your heart is BapDada’s throne. Therefore, now
remember one word firmly in your mind, not just in words, but in your mind: I have to give blessings and
receive blessings. Do not keep anything negative in your mind. OK, if you heard something with one ear, it
is your duty to let it out through the other ear. Or, is it the duty of someone else? Only then will you be able
to do the service of creating an atmosphere in the world and among souls through your attitude at a fast
speed. You want to bring about world transformation, do you not? So, what will you remember?
Remember it with your mind. Just remember the word ‘blessings’; that is all. Because, what do your non-
living images give? They give blessings, do they not? When people go to the temples, what do they ask
for? They ask for blessings. It is because they receive blessings that they ask for them. Even in your last
birth, your non-living images give blessings; with that attitude, they fulfil everyone’s desires. So, it is
because you have repeatedly become those who give blessings in this way that your non-living images give
blessings even today. OK, if a soul is influenced by something, if you, a child of the Ocean of Forgiveness,
forgive him a little, that is good, is it not? So, are all of you master oceans of forgiveness? Are you? Or
not? You are, are you not? Say, “I first”. Become “O Arjuna” in this. Create such an atmosphere that
whoever comes in front of you will be able to take a little love and co-operation and experience forgiveness,
courage, co-operation and zeal and enthusiasm. Is this possible? Is it? Those who are sitting in the first
row; is this possible? Raise your hands! First, you will have to do it. You will have to do it. The teachers
in the first row, will all of you do this? Achcha.
The world is in great need. You become the images of solutions. When you become the images of
solutions, souls will be able to go to Nirvana. If you do not become the images of solutions, then the poor,
helpless souls will not be able to go to Nirvana. You have to open the gates to Nirvana. You will open the
gates with the Father, will you not? So, you will have this ceremony of opening the gate, will you not?
Now, fix a date among yourselves.
Baba receives children’s e-mails and letters from many different places. Those who have not written letters,
but have had the thought, then the love and remembrance of all who just had the thought also reached
BapDada. They write very sweet letters. They write such letters that you just remain flying in zeal and
enthusiasm; nevertheless, it is good. By writing letters, they tie themselves in bondage, because they make
that promise. So, from wherever all of you are seeing or listening, to all of you too, BapDada is giving you
BapDada knows that it is different times in different countries, but nevertheless, everyone is sitting in
remembrance and listening with a lot of enthusiasm.
This time it is the turn of Uttar Pradesh (UP) and Indore Zone:
BapDada is proud of the teachers, because you have maintained courage and surrendered yourselves and
had the thought to remain engaged in service throughout your whole life. Teachers, you are strong, are you
not? Are you strong? Or, are you a little weak? Teachers, do not become weak. ‘Teachers’ means those
who reveal the future through their features. Now, the future of the confluence age is: May you be angelic!
And, the features in the future are: May you be a deity! So, whoever has come in this group, do you servers
have the double intoxication that you are definitely going to become angels and so deities? All of you are
strong in this, are you not? Look, your photo is being taken. So, it should not be that you are not visible in
the photo . Remain strong. When there is a little upheaval somewhere, then some of you become frightened.
You very quickly become frightened. You do not go into the depths, but become afraid. If you go into the
depths, then no matter how big a paper or situation of upheaval it may be, when you go into the depths,
then, like going to the bottom of the ocean, you come up with lots of treasures. Do not be those who just
remain on the surface. Those who remain on the surface would only find fish but those who go into the
depths would bring up lots of things. Here, too, if any situation arises - and of course situations will come,
BapDada will not say that situations will not come - when any situation comes, the more you move forward,
the more subtle things will come in front of you, because you are to pass with honours . So, what have the
teachers thought? Are you going to pass with honours ? Or, are you going to pass with 33% marks? You
have to pass with honours, so raise your hands! Take their photo very well. Your photos will also be taken,
do not be afraid. You forget BapDada at that time. You become alone and so little things seem very big.
BapDada is combined with you, so keep Him with you in the combined form. Experience this and even a
mountain will then become like cotton wool. It is not a big thing. Do you know how many times you have
passed in how many cycles before? Do you know? Do you have that intoxication? “I have passed many
times, and now I just have to repeat it. It is not a new thing. I just have to repeat it.” Have this awareness.Did all of you have the thought of making intense effort and becoming number one? Did you? Raise your
hands! You did well. Now, the teachers are raising their hand. The first row is this anyway. It is good.
BapDada also gave the direction that, throughout the day, every now and then, whenever you have 5
minutes, exercise your mind because nowadays, the world is also keen on exercise. So, exercise your mind
for 5 minutes. Bring it from the supreme abode, to the subtle region. Remember your angelic form, then
remember your worthy of worship form, then remember your Brahmin form, and then your deity form.
How many are those? 5. So, in 5 minutes, exercise with these five forms. You can do this throughout the
day, while walking and moving around. You don’t need any ground or field for this; you don’t need to run.
You don’t need a chair, you don’t need a seat, you don’t need a machine. Just as physical exercise is
necessary for the body, and you can do that, you are not forbidden to do that, but also do this drill, this
exercise of the mind, which will keep your mind always happy, filled with zeal and enthusiasm and will give
an experience of the flying stage. So, all of you, begin this drill right now. From the supreme region to
being a deity. (BapDada conducted a drill). Achcha.
To all the intense effort-making children from everywhere who create a spiritual and powerful atmosphere
with their attitude, to those who always give an experience of powerful vibrations through their place and
stage, to the elevated souls who have determined thoughts, to the merciful souls who always give blessings
and receive blessings, to the double-light souls who always experience themselves to be in the flying stage,
BapDada’s love, remembrance and namaste.
Dadi Jankiji:
Last night, I phoned Dadi Gulzar, saying: Dadi, come here. It has now been two years. Drama
and Baba. However Baba moves us. Baba has sat us on the palm of His hand and given us so much
sustenance. Whatever He does now… All of you raised your hand in front of Baba. Now, I will just sit
peacefully. Seeing everyone’s happy, I am also very happy. OK.* * * O M S H A N T I * * *