Beloved avyakt BapDada’s dearly beloved instrument teachers, brothers and sisters who are the decoration of
the Brahmin clan, ones who travel around the three worlds with the plane of your divine intellect, ones who
always stay in the experience of the avyakt meeting, ones who are directly being sustained by the divine
blessings of the Father, the Bestower of Blessings, please accept love-filled sweet remembrance. Today, it is the last turn of the meeting with our Beloved Avyakt BapDada and it is Bhopal's turn to serve. In
this turn too, nearly 16-17 thousand brothers and sisters from this land and abroad have arrived in our beloved
home, Madhuban. The season of hot weather has already started. During this season, in the 12 alokik meetings,
all brothers and sisters who came to Madhuban had very, very good experiences. Although it was not possible to have a meeting in the corporeal form, nevertheless, with the facilities of
science, through the video, everyone received very good bhaasna (feeling) in person and from a distance (in the
subtle form). On the day of the incarnation of every meeting, everyone paid special attention to having an
avyakt stage, and in order to experience the avyakt meeting, also observed silence of the mind and of the
mouth. And the atmosphere was always very wonderful. Everyone was very much refreshed in each group by
the beautiful classes given by the seniors. In this meeting, in order to make us complete and perfect, Beloved Avyakt BapDada has told us three main
1) Accumulate the account of the reward of treasures through your own personal effort.
2) Constantly remain content, make everyone content, and accumulate in your account of charity.
3) Constantly serve tirelessly, altruistically and with a big heart and accumulate in your account of blessings. Tell me, my sweet brothers and sisters, all of you are accumulating in these three accounts, are you not? Today,
BapDada has especially drawn our attention that just as you have attention on the drama, just as you attention
on your soul-conscious form and on your dharna, in the same way, it is necessary to pay attention to the deep
philosophy of karma. Now, do not let any of your thoughts, words or deeds be ordinary. Pay this much
attention and race in your efforts. In situations of upheaval, let your stage be unshakeable and immovable.
Now, with special programmes of yoga tapasya, make yourself and others powerful and do the service of giving
sakaash with your mind. Now, put into your practical life all the homework that BapDada has given and all the teachings that He has
given. For self-progress and world service for the year 2019-2020, the annual meetings by the brothers and
sisters of Bharat and Nepal, will begin on 9th April. This year, a new theme for self-progress and world service
will definitely emerge and all this news will definitely be sent to all of you. After the meetings, there will be
Raja Yoga camps and yoga bhatthi programmes. Achcha. Lots of love and remembrance to all. Om shanti. Message from Dadi Janki My Baba spoke a wonderful murli. Each word of Baba’s was so deep. Whatever Baba says, it is important for
us to imbibe immediately. Baba is Karankaravanhar. Om shanti. Om shanti. Om shanti. The heart says thank
you Baba. Many many thanks to our beloved BapDada. 02/04/19 Om Shanti Avyakt BapDada Shantivan Video Revise-15/12/07 Knowing the importance of time pay attention to the deep philosophy of karma, become a conqueror of attachment and ever-ready. Today, BapDada, the Bestower of all Treasures – the treasure of knowledge, the treasure of powers, the treasure
of virtues and the treasure of elevated thoughts - is seeing all His children everywhere who are the children and
the masters who have a right. The Father who is the Master of the unending treasures is making all His children
full of all treasures. He gives each one of you all the treasures. He doesn’t give less to some and more to others
because the treasures are unending. All the children everywhere are merged in BapDada’s eyes. All who are full
of all treasures are pleased. According to the present time, the most invaluable elevated treasure is the time of the most auspicious
confluence age because it is only at this time that you can create the reward for the whole cycle. In terms of the
value of the attainments and the reward of this short age, the value of one second is equal to one year. This time
is so invaluable. It is of this time that it is sung: “If not now, then never”, because it is at this time that the Godly
part is fixed. That is why this time is said to be as valuable as a diamond. Satyug is called the golden age .
However, at the present time, time is as valuable as a diamond and you children are the experienced souls
whose life is like a diamond. It is only at this time that souls who have been separated for a long time have a
right to the attainment of a meeting with God, God’s love, Godly knowledge and God’s treasures. Throughout
the whole cycle you are deity souls, great souls, but at this time you are God’s divine family. Therefore, to the
extent that there is importance of this present time, know this importance and you can make yourself as elevated
as you want. All of you are the multimillion times fortunate souls who have attained the Godly fortune of this
great age, are you not? Knowing your elevated fortune, you are experiencing the spiritual intoxication of your
fortune, are you not? You are happy, are you not? What song do you sing in your heart? Wah my fortune! wah!
Because, compared to the elevated fortune of this time, in no other age can you attain such fortune. So speak: Always keeping your fortune in your awareness, you remain happy, do you not? Do you? Those who
feel that they are always happy, not those who are happy sometimes, those who always remain happy, raise
your hands! Always! (Sada) Always! Underline, ‘Always!’ Your photo is now being shown on the TV. The
photo of those who are always happy is being shown on the TV. Congratulations. Mothers, raise your hands!
Shaktis, raise your hands! Double foreigners … what word will you remember? Always. Those who are this
only sometimes will come later. BapDada has also told you earlier that the speed of time is now moving ahead very fast. Those who know the
speed of time should check themselves: As a master almighty authority, is my speed fast? Everyone is making
effort, but what does BapDada want to see? Is every child a fast effort-maker and passing with honours in every
subject or has just p assed? Those who are fast effort-makers have two special qualifications. 1. Conqueror of
attachment. 2. Ever-ready. First of all, you have to be a conqueror of attachment. If you are free from
attachment to your body and the consciousness of your body, then it is not difficult to become a conqueror of
attachment to other things. The sign of body consciousness is waste: wasteful thoughts and wasting time. You
can check yourself in this very well. Even spending your time in an ordinary way does not allow you to become
a conqueror of attachment. So, check whether your every second, every thought and every action was
successful. At the confluence age, the special blessing from the Father is: Success is your birthright. So, a right
gives you the experience of it being easy. So, now then, ever-ready! Ever-ready means that if time suddenly
gives you an order, then, in your thoughts, words, deeds, relationships and connections you are ever-ready. And
it will happen suddenly. For instance, you saw your Dadi. She was ever-ready for ‘suddenly’. She was easy in
her nature in every way and in every task. She was easy in connection, easy in her nature, easy in service, easy
in making everyone content and easy in remaining content. This is why BapDada is repeatedly giving you the
signal of the closeness of time. The time for making effort for the self is very short. Therefore, check your
account of accumulation. Baba has already told you earlier three methods for accumulating in your account of
accumulation. Baba is 2 telling you once again. Check these three methods yourself. 1. To accumulate the
treasure of your reward through your own efforts, to accumulate the treasure of attainments. 2. To remain
content – add the word ‘always’ to this too. To make everyone content, because by doing this you accumulate in
your account of charity. And this account of charity is the basis of the reward for many births. 3. To remain
constantly tireless and altruistic and to serve with a big heart. Whomever you serve in this way, you
automatically receive blessings from that one. These are the three methods – effort of the self, charity and
blessings. Have you accumulated in all these three accounts? So check this for when you suddenly have a test
paper , because, nowadays, according to the time, little things of matter can come any time due to the upheaval
of nature. Therefore, pay special attention to the knowledge of the philosophy of karma. The philosophy of
karma is very deep. Just as you pay attention to the drama, you pay attention to remaining soul conscious, you
pay attention to your inculcation, in the same way, it is necessary to pay attention to the deep philosophy of
karma. Ordinary actions, ordinary time and ordinary thoughts create a difference in your reward. At this time,
all of you effort-makers are elevated, special souls; you are not ordinary. You are souls who are instruments for
world transformation and world benevolence. You are not those who simply transform yourselves; you are
responsible for world transformation. Therefore, you definitely have to become embodiments of the awareness
of your elevated self-respect. BapDada has seen that all of you have very good love for BapDada and service. There is the atmosphere of
service everywhere according to one plan or another. Together with that, according to the present time, give
sakaash (the current of power) with your powers to the souls of the world who are becoming peaceless and
unhappy in order to liberate them from their peacelessness and sorrow. The physical sun is able to dispel
darkness and bring light with its sakaash, and is able to transform many things with the power of its rays. In the
same way, you master suns of knowledge, with the rays of peace and happiness that you have received, must
liberate others from their sorrow and peacelessness with your sakaash. By serving through your mind and with a
powerful attitude, transform the atmosphere. So, now serve with your mind. Just as you have expanded service
through words, in the same way, by serving through the mind, spread the topic that you have chosen of ‘Hope
and Happiness’. (Hope, Happiness and Divinity). Give courage, give zeal and enthusiasm. Give them the
Father’s inheritance; give them liberation from these things. There is now a greater need to give sakaash. Keep
your mind busy in this service and you will automatically become a conqueror of Maya and a victorious soul.
All the trivial things are side-scenes . In side-scenes some things are good and some things are bad. So, you have
to cross the side-scenes and reach your destination. In order to see the side-scenes simply remain seated on the
seat of detached observer; that is all. The sidescenes will then become entertainment. So, you are ever-ready,
are you not? If something happens tomorrow, are you ever-ready? Is the first row ever-ready? Are the teachers
ready? Achcha. Are those of the wings ready? However many wings have come, remain ever-ready. Think
about it. Look Dadis! Dadis, are you seeing this? Everyone is waving their hand. It is good. Congratulations.
Even if you are not ever-ready, become ever-ready by tonight because time is waiting for you. BapDada is
waiting to open the gates to liberation. The advance party is invoking you. What can you not do? You are
master almighty authorities. Have the determined thought: “I have to do this. I must not do that.” That is all. If
you must not do something, then, with your determination, demonstrate it by not doing that which you must not
do. You are masters, are you not? You are masters, are you not? Achcha. Who has come for the first time? Those who have come for the first time, raise your hands! Raise your hands
high! Wave them. So many have come. It is good. Multimillionfold congratulations to those who have come for
the first time. Congratulations. BapDada is pleased that the children of the previous cycle have once again
reached their family. Therefore, those who have come last must now show wonders. Do not remain behind. You
have come last, but do not remain behind. Remain ahead of all. For this you will have to make intense effort.
You have this courage, do you not? Do you have courage? It is good. The children who have courage receive
help from BapDada and the family. It is good because you children are the decoration of the family. So, all of
those who have come are the decoration of Madhuban. Achcha. It is turn of the Bhopal to serve:
Many have come. It is good that you have received a golden chance . All the
instruments who have come for service, did you experience supersensuous joy as the power and fruit of service?
Did you? OK, you are experiencing supersensuous joy now, but will that remain all the time? Or will it remain
for a short time? Ok. Now those who make a promise with their heart – do not raise your hand on seeing one
another – those who feel in their heart that they will constantly keep this attainment, that they will become
destroyers of obstacles. Look, you are being shown on the TV. The photo on the TV will be sent to you.
Achcha. This chance that you have been given is very good. You take this chance with happiness, and everyone
receives permission with an open heart to come here turn by turn. OK. BapDada is also pleased. It is good.
Look how many of you receive a chance. Half the class is are those who come here to serve. It is good.Now you will show some newness. It has been a long time since a new invention was created. The wings have
also become an old form of service. Exhibitions, melas, conferences and sneh-milans (small loving gatherings)
have all taken place. Now, find something new. Short and sweet. Less expense and greater service. You are
advisers, are you not? So the advisers have to give new advice. Just as, initially, there were exhibitions, then
melas and then the service through the wings, so find some new invention like that. We shall see who becomes
an instrument for this. It is good. You have courage and that is why BapDada is giving congratulations in
advance in the form of help to those who maintain courage. Achcha. Double Foreigners: Your name ‘double foreigners’ has become very famous. Now, should we give you the
name ‘double effort-makers’? Should you be called ‘double effort-makers’? Are you sure? Will you make
double effort? You are those who will do it. OK. Give an example where there are no obstacles anywhere in the
foreign lands. No obstacles in your thoughts, in your speech and words, in your relationships and connections. BapDada is also saying this to everyone in all the zones of Bharat. Baba is saying it to the double foreigners and
He is also telling all the zones of Bharat to create such a sample that all the zones and all the double foreigners
remain free from obstacles, free from negative thoughts and free from wasteful thoughts. Now race in this. Each
zone should race. Foreign lands are also one zone . BapDada will give that zone a big prize . There should be no
name or trace of any obstacles in the whole zone . If you co-operate with one another it will happen. Wherever
something happens you should be co-operative with one another and make that free from obstacles. Give
courage, zeal and enthusiasm. BapDada wishes to see such a picture.When the double foreigners come into a Madhuban gathering there is splendour in the gathering, because it
becomes international. Otherwise, it is just a gathering of Bharat. So, BapDada is pleased to see that double
foreigners are always in every turn of the season . You have made good progress in this. And BapDada loves
you specially anyway. Why? The people of Bharat have renunciation, but you have double renunciation. Your
culture is also different. The people of Bharat have the same culture. That is why BapDada is pleased. You now
experience belonging to Bharat and are residents of Bharat. Now, in one second, all of you, become lost in the experience of a very sweet silence stage. (BapDada
conducted drill.) Achcha. To all the intense effort-makers who always attain success with their determined thoughts, to those who always
have the tilak of victory, to those who are seated on BapDada’s heart-throne, to the worldbenefactors with a
double crown, to those who always make the qualifications for their aim equal to their aim, to those who are
sustained by God’s love, to all the most elevated children, BapDada’s love, remembrance and blessings from
the heart and namaste. * * * O M S H A N T I * * *