Beloved Avyakt BapDada’s deeply loving instrument teachers, ones who always maintain new zeal
and enthusiasm, ones who are instruments for world transformation, ones who have bid farewell to
the words “reasons” and “problems” for all time and become embodiments of solutions, the unlimited
servers, and all brothers and sisters who are the decoration of the Brahmin clan, in this land and
abroad, please accept many, many congratulations for the New Year with Godly love filled with sweet
remembrance. The New Year has come with new zeal and enthusiasm and all are is giving New Year greetings to everyone
with a lot of love. Beloved BapDada has given everyone greetings for the New Year and the New Age.
Beloved BapDada has this one desire for all the children, that along with saying farewell to the old year, let
the children also bid farewell to the old sanskars for all time, and become instruments for the great task of
self-transformation and world transformation. Everyone has the aim to become equal to the Father, so this
year, let all work together and make such intense effort filled with newness collectively so that you are able
to reach your destination of completion and perfection. Look how Beloved BapDada gives everyone His experience and is giving them alokik sustenance. This
time, it is the turn of Delhi and Agra to serve the groups and approximately 20,000 brothers and sisters have
arrived here. There are also about 450 double foreign brothers and sisters. The Children’s Retreat and the
Youth Retreat went very well, and all are sitting in the gathering. All are celebrating the New Year with
BapDada with a lot of zeal and enthusiasm. BapDada has given everyone the homework: Children, now finish for all time the words “excuses” and
“problems” with determination and the power of transformation and become an embodiment of solutions.
All of us heard these sweet elevated versions of BapDada through the video, let your classes also hear these
versions and refresh them. After hearing BapDada’s sweet elevated versions, Dadi Janki gave everyone greetings for the New Year and
congratulated everyone. Then all senior brothers and sisters lit the candles and cut the cake and sweetened
everyone’s mouths. Achcha. Lots of love and remembrance to all. Om shanti. 31/12/2018 Avyakt BapDada 31/12/2006 The newness for the New Year: With the powers of determination and transformation, say farewell to the words ‘reasons’ and ‘problems’ and become an embodiment of solutions. Today, BapDada, the Creator of the New Age, has come to give all His children everywhere congratulations
for the New Year and the New Age. Children from everywhere have also arrived here in order to give
congratulations. Have you come simply to give congratulations for the New Year or also for the New Age?
Just as you have happiness of the New Age, so you also give happiness for the New Age. So, do you
Brahmin souls remember the New Age just as much? Has the New Age come in front of your eyes? Just as
it is in your heart that the New Year is just here, in the same way, do you experience that your New Age has
just come? Is the awareness of this New Age just as close? Does the sparkling dress of your body come in
front of you? BapDada is giving you double congratulations. Are the scenes and scenery of the New Age
emerged in front of the children’s mind and their eyes? Your body, mind, wealth and relationships (people)
of the New Age are so elevated, and you have a treasure-store of all attainments. You have the happiness
that today you are in the old world and that just now you will go into the new kingdom. Do you remember
your kingdom? Today, you have come here for a double task – you have come to bid farewell to the old and
give greetings for the New Year. Similarly, have you come simply to bid farewell to the old year? Or, have
bid farewell to the old world, but does it feel just as easy to bid farewell to the old sanskars? What do you
think? Have you also come to bid farewell to Maya or have you just come to bid farewell to the year? You
want to bid farewell, do you not? Or, do you have a little love for Maya? Do you wish to keep her with you
a little longer? Today, BapDada wants to enable the children from everywhere to bid farewell to the old nature and
sanskars. Are you able to do this? Do you have this courage? Or, are you thinking that you do want to bid
farewell, but that Maya still comes? On this day, do you have the courage with the power of determination
to bid farewell to the old sanskars and to give greetings for the sanskars of the New Age and the new life?
Do you have this courage? Those who feel that this is possible, that it has to happen – do you have this
courage? Those who feel that you have courage, raise your hands! Do you have courage? Achcha, those of
you who haven’t raised your hands – are you still thinking? Did the double foreigners raise their hands?
Those who have courage, raise your hands! Not everyone. Achcha. The double foreigners are clever
because you have double intoxication. Just be careful! BapDada will see the result this month. BapDada is
pleased that you are the children with courage. You are the children who respond with cleverness. Why?
Because you know that, with one step of your courage, you will definitely receive a 1000 steps of help from
Baba. You have a right. You have a right to 1000 steps of help. It is just that Maya tries to shake your
courage. BapDada sees that you maintain courage well and BapDada also congratulates you from His heart.
However, you do maintain courage, but, as well as that, you also create waste thoughts: “I am doing this, it
has to happen, I will definitely do it…, I don’t know”. To have thoughts of not knowing weakens your
courage. In between, there is this ‘but…’ “I am doing it, but…” “I do have to do it, but…” “I do have to
fly ahead, but…” This makes your courage fluctuate. So, don’t think about ‘buts’ – you have to do it. Why
would it not happen since the Father is with you? So, there cannot be any ‘buts’ with the Father’s company. So, what newness will you bring about in this New Year? Strengthen the foot of your courage. Strengthen
your foot of courage to such an extent that Maya herself is shaken, but your foot doesn’t shake. So, will you
bring about newness in the New Year? Or, will you sometimes remain firm and sometimes fluctuate? You
will not do this, will you? What is the duty and occupation of all of you? What do you call yourselves?
Remember that. World benefactors, world transformers – this is your occupation, is it not? So, sometimes,
BapDada is sweetly amused. You have the title of ‘World Transformers’, do you not? Are you world
transformers? Or, are you transformers of London or transformers of India? Are all of you world
transformers? Whether you are living in villages, in London or America, you are all world transformers, are
you not? If you are, then raise your hands! Are you sure? Or are you only 75% that? Is it that you are 75%
world benefactors and you are allowed not to be the other 25%? What is your challenge? You have even
challenged nature that you are definitely going to transform nature. So remember your occupation.
Sometimes, you think about yourself: I should not be doing this, but it happens.
So, can the world transformers, the nature transformers, not become self-transformers? What is the Shakti
Army thinking? This year, remember your occupation of being ‘World Transformers’. Be a transformer for
the self and the for the Brahmin family because, first, charity begins at home, so, you will reveal the
practical form of your occupation, will you not? You yourself, and BapDada also want self-transformation;
you know that. When BapDada asks all of you what your aim is, the majority of you say, “To become equal
to the Father”. Is that right? You want to become equal to the Father, do you not? Or, will you see about
it? Will you think about it? The Father also wants that this New Year, you should show some wonder. All
of you have a variety of programmes for service with so much enthusiasm; you are also successful in that.
BapDada is happy that you are successful in the effort that you make. It doesn’t go to waste, but why do
you do service? What do you reply? In order to reveal the Father. So, today, the Father is asking you a
question. You have to reveal the Father and you definitely have to do that. But, before revealing the Father,
reveal yourself. Speak, Shiv Shaktis. This year, will you reveal yourselves as the Shiv Shaktis? Will you
do this? Janak, speak? Will you do this? (We have to do it.) Your companions, those sitting in the first
row, the teachers in the second row – teachers, those who will do it this year. Not that you will do it at some
time, but you will demonstrate this by doing it. Achcha – did all the teachers raise their hands or did some
not raise their hands?
Achcha, those from Madhuban? You have to do it, you have to. Those from Madhuban have to do this
because you are close. Note down this date (31st Dec) and also the time (9.20 pm). And the Pandava Army?
What are the Pandavas going to demonstrate? Victorious Pandavas. Not those who are only sometimes
victorious, but you are the victorious Pandavas. Are you this? Are you going to demonstrate it this year?
Or, will you say, “What can I do? Maya came, even though I didn’t want it, but she came”? BapDada has
told you earlier too that Maya will not stop coming till the end. However, it is Maya’s duty to come and
what is your duty? To be victorious. BapDada now wants you to bid farewell this year to one word for all time. Should Baba tell you? Then you
will have to bid it farewell. This year, BapDada wants to make you bid farewell to the word ‘reasons’. Let
there be solutions and finish reasons. Let problems finish and become an embodiment of solutions.
Whether the reason is the self, your companions, the gathering or the circumstances, in the Brahmin
dictionary, the words ‘reasons’ and ‘problems’ should be transformed into ‘solutions’. Because, this
morning at amrit vela, you spoke to Baba about these things, that in the New Year, you will do something
new. So, now BapDada wants you to celebrate the New Year in a such a way that these two words finish.
Become those who uplift others. Whether you yourself become a ‘reason’ or someone else is a ‘reason’,
become one who uplifts others, be a merciful soul, be one who has good wishes and pure feelings and give
co-operation and receive love. In the New Year, you definitely have to bring about newness – in yourself, in those who are co-operative
with you and in world transformation. Are those who are sitting at the back listening? So, you are going to
do this, are you not? Do not think, “The seniors will do it first; we are only little ones.” Little ones are
equal to the Father. Each child has a right to the Father. Even if you have come here for the first time, when
you have said, “My Baba”, you have a right. You have a right to follow shrimat and you also have a right to
all attainments. Teachers, make a programme among yourselves! Those from abroad and also those in
Bharat, make a programme ! BapDada will see that every week, every zone should send their result saying “OK”. Or if you are not OK,
put a line through OK; don’t write anything else. No one will read your letters. You all write very long
letters and therefore you (Dadi Janki) don’t have time to read them. So, just write OK or otherwise, that you
are not OK; put a line through OK. That is all. From that, Dadi will know that there is still a margin. If not
the zone, then every centre should write this. In all types of service – of the devotees, of those experiencing
sorrow and of Brahmins – either OK or there is a line through OK in all three types of service. Use the
power of transformation and the power of determination very well. Achcha. This time, it is the turn of Delhi and Agra for serving. It is good. Look, in the beginning of establishment it
was Delhi that was first instrumental. Bombay was also that a little at the beginning. However, Delhi was
the instrument at the time of establishment, and so will those who were the instruments for establishment
become instruments to claim the golden cup? Will you become this? This time, BapDada is having golden
cups made. We shall see how many claim it. However, Delhi definitely has to go to number one. It is like
that, is it not? Not that you will claim it, but that you are definitely going to claim it. If what Baba is saying
it true, then raise your hands! You definitely do have to claim it. Or, is it that you think, “We shall see
about it, we will think about it”? It is not like that, is it? You are courageous.Double-foreigners:
Those from abroad are increasing in number, and you are moving forward in serving
the various countries that are still left to be served with zeal and enthusiasm. BapDada is pleased to see that
you have become merciful in a practical way and are having mercy for souls. You have enthusiasm for
service and are also showing the practical form of service. Now, make double intense effort so that those
from abroad claim the golden cup. You can claim it. Then you will receive e-mails from everyone: OK,
OK. You will not receive anything more. You will have to read them then, will you not? (Speaking to
Dadi Janki). Simply write OK. The Father is showering love in an incognito way on the children who
remain OK. He sings the song, “Wah children! Wah!”Whether you are from Bharat or abroad, some children are making intense effort in an incognito way and
BapDada also has a list. There are these children in Bharat and also abroad, but, BapDada now wants to see
this over a long period of time. You are doing this, but it has to be over a long period of time. So, BapDada
was noting who the intense effort-makers are over a long period of time. If you become slack in between, it
is cut from being over a long period of time and this is why BapDada is making a list. At present, there are
only a few, but everyone has to become this. Those from Bharat and also those from abroad have to become
this. However, some are very good in an incognito way. BapDada continues to count how many children
like this there are. Now, pay attention to “Over a long period of time”, because only those who are
victorious over a long period of time will claim a right to the full half-cycle of the fortune of the kingdom. If
you do something only now and then, only for half the time, only for three-quarters of the time, then the
attainment of the fortune of the kingdom will also be just that long. This is why BapDada is giving special
thanks to the double foreigners , that you do pay attention, but in between, there is also tension. Now, let
tension finish and let there be attention. Become part of such a list of those who are intense effort-makers
over a long period of time. Not those who are this only sometimes, but continuously, all the time. Is that
OK? You are this. BapDada sees that you are the stars of hope. You will come onto the practical stage.
You are this, are you not? You are the stars of hope, are you not? Children are the stars of the Father’s
hope. Achcha. Congratulations. Congratulations. Now, are you able to experience yourself as a master of the mind and stabilize your mind in one second?
Are you able to order it? Reach your sweet home in one second. In one second, reach your kingdom,
heaven. Does your mind obey your orders? Or does it fluctuate? If the master is worthy and powerful, it is
not possible for your mind not to obey you. So, now practise – all of you reach your sweet home in one
second. Pay attention to practising this every now and again throughout the day. The concentration of the mind will
make you yourself and the atmosphere powerful . Achcha. To all the extremely elevated souls everywhere who are loving and co-operative with everyone, to all the
victorious children everywhere, to all the children everywhere who are powerful with the power of
transformation, to all the children who always reveal themselves and also reveal the Father, to the children
who are always the embodiments of solutions and world transformers, love and remembrance from
BapDada and please also accept blessings from His heart. As well as this, to all the children, who are also
the crown of the Father’s head, to such children who are the crowns on the head, BapDada’s namaste. * * * O M S H A N T I * * *