Beloved Avyakt BapDada’s deeply loving instrument teachers who are full with all imperishable
treasures, richest in the kalpa, holiest and highest, all brothers and sisters who are the decoration of
the Brahmin clan, please accept Godly love sweet love and remembrance. On the day of the incarnation of the avyakt form, while directly experiencing our Beloved BapDada’s subtle
powers and blessings, you must also be experiencing the alokik auspicious meeting with that love, zeal and
enthusiasm. This time, it is the turn of Karnataka to serve. Approximately 17-18 thousand brothers and
sisters have arrived in Shantivan. Together with loving sustenance through knowledge and yoga, all of them
are also being refreshed by our sweet Dadi Jankiji. All around is a beautiful atmosphere of zeal and
enthusiasm. Today, from amrit vela, all brothers and sisters were having avyakt experiences through their
avyakt stage. All around there was a lot of peace and an avyakt atmosphere. In the evening, as per the
system, everyone heard the murli through the video in the Diamond Hall, Conference Hall and the gardens
and were lost in God’s love. This is also a wonder of our sweet BapDada that He gives all the children
experiences as per their desires. He doesn’t allow anyone to have the feeling that they didn’t have a
personal meeting with Baba. All new and old children are making themselves full with the revised murlis.
Now, we are just waiting to welcome our sweet Dadi Gulzarji. All are eagerly waiting – when will Baba
bring His chariot to Madhuban! Now, the Golden Jubilee of the part of Avyakt BapDada is coming close.
In 2019, we will all celebrated 50 years of avyakt meetings with BapDada. In aid of this, while having
special yoga tapasya programmes everywhere, let everyone experience the complete and perfect stage like
that of Father Brahma. All directions for the month of January will be sent to all of you. You must all also
be making plans for the New Year with new zeal and enthusiasm. Achcha. The avyakt elevated versions
that were heard here are being sent to you all, please refresh everyone with these. Lots of love and
remembrance. Om shanti.
30/11/2018 - 02/02/2007 The sign of a soul full of Godly attainments – Holiest, Highest and Richest.
Today, the World Transformer, BapDada has come to meet His companion children. He is seeing three
special attainments on the forehead of each child – holiest, highest and richest. The foundation of this
knowledge is holy, that is, to be pure. So, each child is holiest; purity is not just celibacy, but purity in
thoughts, words, deeds, relationships and connections. Just see, you Godly Brahmin souls are the holiest in
all three aspects of time – the beginning, the middle and the end. First of all, when souls reside in
Paramdham, you are the holiest there. Then, when you come down in the beginning, you are the holiest
souls in the deity form. The speciality of a holiest soul, that is, of a pure soul, is that of remaining
completely pure while living with a family. Others too become pure, but the speciality of your purity is that
impurity doesn’t touch your mind or intellect even in your dreams. In the golden age, you souls are pure and
your bodies are also pure. The purity of both the soul and the body of the deity souls is elevated purity. Just
as you become the holiest, in the same way, you also become the highest. You are the highest of all
Brahmin souls and you have become the children of the highest-on-high Father. In the beginning, in
Paramdham, you are the highest, that is, you reside with the Father. In the middle, too, you become worthy-
of-worship souls. Such beautiful temples are built to you and you are worshipped with such discipline, with
the right method. You deities are worshipped in the temples with the right method. Similarly, temples are
built to others too, but only your deity form is worshipped with the right method. So, you are holiest and
also the highest. Together with that you are also the richest. In the world it is said, “richest in the world”,
but you elevated souls are the richest in the cycle. You are the richest throughout the cycle. Do you
remember your treasures? How many treasures are you the masters of? The imperishable treasures that you
attain in this one birth last for many births. No one else’s treasures last for many births. However your
treasures are spiritual. The treasure of powers, the treasure of knowledge, the treasure of virtues, the
treasure of elevated thoughts and the treasure of the present time – all of these treasures last for birth after
birth. The treasures attained in one birth go with you because you have attained them from God, the Father,
the Bestower of All Treasures. So, do you have the intoxication that your treasures are imperishable? You have become easy yogis in order to attain these spiritual treasures. You accumulate the treasures with
the power of remembrance. Also at this time you are carefree emperors who are full of all treasures. Do
you have any worries? Do you? Because these treasures cannot be stolen by any thief; no king can eat
(take) them, nor can water drown them and you are therefore carefree emperors. So, these treasures always
stay in your awareness, do they not? And why is remembrance easy? The basis of having greater
remembrance is relationship and attainment. The lovelier the relationship, the more natural your
remembrance is because there is love in the relationship. Where there is love, it is not difficult to remember
the one you love; in fact, it is difficult to forget that one. So, the Father has created the basis for all
relationships. Do all of you experience yourselves to be easy yogis? Or, are you yogis who find it difficult?
Is it easy? Or, is it sometimes easy and sometimes difficult? When you remember the Father with a
relationship and with love, remembrance is not difficult. Also remember the attainments. The Bestower of
All Attainments has given you all attainments. So, do you experience yourself to be full of all treasures?
BapDada has also told you the easy way to accumulate the treasures. The way to attain all the
imperishable treasures is to apply a dot. Just as perishable treasures increase by adding a zero, similarly,
the method to accumulate the imperishable treasures is also a dot. There are the three dots – the soul is a
dot, the Father is a dot, and whatever happens in the drama is a full -stop, that is, a dot. So, do you know
how to apply a dot? What is the easiest punctuation mark to apply? It is to apply a dot. So, the soul is a
dot, the Father is a dot and through this awareness your treasures automatically accumulate. By
remembering the Dot in a second you receive so much happiness. All of these treasures are the right of your
Brahmin life because to be a child means to have a right, and you especially have a right to the three
relationships. You made God your Father, your Teacher and also your Satguru. Through these three
relationships you attain sustenance, the study which is the source of income, and blessings from the Satguru.
You receive the blessings so easily. It is a child’s birthright to receive blessings from the Father. BapDada is checking every child’s account of accumulation. All of you should also check your account of
accumulation at every moment. The method to check whether you have accumulated or not is: whatever
actions you performed, you yourself should be content and whoever you performed that action with should
also be content. If there is contentment in both, then you can understand that you have accumulated in your
account. If there isn’t contentment in yourself or in the one with whom you performed that action, then you
haven’t accumulated. BapDada also continues to warn all of you children about the time. This present time of the confluence age
is the most elevated of all throughout the whole cycle because it is this confluence age that is the time to sow
the seeds of elevated actions. It is the time to attain the practical, instant fruit. Every second of the
confluence is the most elevated of all. Can all of you become stable in the bodiless stage in one second?
BapDada has told you an easy method – adopt a method for constant remembrance. All of you speak two
words throughout the day and you say those words many times. Those two words are “I” and “mine”.
When you say the word “I”, the Father has given you the introduction, “I am a soul”. So, whenever you say
the word “I”, then remember “I am a soul”. Do not think of “I” alone. Together with this think, “I am a
soul”, because you know that you are an elevated soul, that you are a soul who is within Godly sustenance.
And when you say the word “Mine”, who is “Mine”? “My Baba”, that is, God, the Father. So, whenever
you say the words “I” and “Mine” then make this addition, “I, the soul”, and “My Baba”. The more you
bring about the consciousness of “Mine” with the Father, the easier your remembrance will become because
you never forget anything that is yours. Throughout the day you only remember the things that are yours.
With this method you can easily become constant yogis. BapDada has made every child sit on the seat of
self-respect. If you bring the list of self-respect into your awareness, it is such a long list. When you are
stable in your self-respect there cannot be body consciousness. There will either be body consciousness or
self-respect. The meaning of self-respect is to come from that place of elevated awareness, that is, the soul.
So, are all of you stable in your self-respect? The more you are stable in your self-respect, the more natural
it will be to give respect to others. It is so easy to remain stable in your self-respect. Do all of you remain happy? Those who remain happy themselves also make others happy. BapDada
always says: Never lose your happiness throughout the day. Why? Happiness is such that, in just that
happiness, there is health, there is wealth and you are also happy. If there isn’t happiness, life is without
sweetness. It is of happiness that it is said: There is no treasure like happiness. No matter how many
treasures you may have, if you haven’t got happiness, then you cannot attain anything from the treasures. It
is of happiness that it is said: There is no nourishment like happiness. So wealth is happiness, health is
happiness. Happy is said, and so you are happy anyway. So, there are all these three things in happiness.
The Father has given you the treasure of imperishable happiness. Do not lose the Father’s treasures. So, do
you always remain happy? BapDada has given the homework to remain happy and to distribute happiness because happiness is such
that the more you distribute it the more it will increase. You have experienced this, have you not? If you
distribute happiness, before distributing, it increases in you. When you please someone, you yourself
become happy. So, have all of you done your homework? Have you? Those who have done it, raise your
hands! Those who have done it – to remain happy, not to give reasons and excuses, but to be an
embodiment of solutions - raise your hands! Now, you will not say that “this happened”, will you? Some
children have written to BapDada with their result, saying to what percentage they remained OK. If you
keep the aim, you automatically develop qualifications for that aim. Achcha. What are we going to do now? It is the turn of Karnataka to serve:
Those from Karnataka, stand up! It is good. Those from Karnataka
have taken a golden chance because now, at the confluence age, you receive instant fruit. There is
accumulation, but the instant fruit is that you receive instant happiness at the same time. For however many
days you did service, did you experience instant happiness in yourself? Did you receive happiness? Raise
your hands! Did Maya come? She didn’t come? Those who didn’t have Maya, raise your hands! Did the Pandavas have Maya? Did a little bit of Maya come? Achcha. The atmosphere here is very co-operative.
Scientists can change the atmosphere with the power of science. They can change heat into coolness. They
create the atmosphere, do they not? And in the cold they can create an atmosphere of warmth. The power
of silence creates an atmosphere of the awareness of spirituality. When you do service here, what is the
awareness you have? This is service of the yagya. The charity for the yagya is very great. When you do
service in this imperishable yagya your attitude becomes elevated. The atmosphere becomes elevated.
Now, what speciality will those from Karnataka reveal? Demonstrate it by performing a new task. The
numbers of Karnataka are huge and the area of service is also very large. Those from Karnataka can do this
great task, and that is that no small place of Karnataka should remain without being served. Otherwise they
will complain: Our Father came and you didn’t inform us! You didn’t give us the message! This complaint
should not remain.Those who have come for the first time, stand up! Congratulations to all of you for your Brahmin birth.
Achcha. You will receive toli anyway, but BapDada is feeding you the Dilkhush (happy-heart) toli. Always
remember this Dilkhush toli for coming to Madhuban the first time. That toli will finish as soon as you put
it in your mouth, but this imperishable Dilkhush toli will always remain with you. Achcha Do you remember BapDada’s spiritual drill? (BapDada conducted drill.) Now, BapDada wants every child,
whether old or new, little or senior – in fact, the little ones can quickly become like the Father – so now,
your mind should become stable and concentrated wherever you want in a second. Constantly continue to
perform this drill of concentration. Now, become a master of the mind in one second and become stable in
the awareness of “I and my Baba are my world, and there is none other.” Achcha. To all the intense effort-making children everywhere, to the children who are the embodiments of
experience of the flying stage with the wings of zeal and enthusiasm, to the children who always remain
seated on their seat of self-respect, to the merciful compassionate children who are always merciful and give
souls of the world drops of happiness and peace through the power of their mind, to the children who are
always merged in the Father’s love & seated on His heart-throne, BapDada’s love, remembrance & namaste. Dadi Janki:
Our Baba is wonderful and Gulzar Dadi’s part is wonderful. Today, I saw the message that
Gulzar Dadi brought from Baba for me. Sakar Baba sustained us children very well and afterwards, avyakt
BapDada also gave us very good sustenance through Gulzar Dadi. Everyone received love and
remembrance and BapDada especially remembered those from Karnataka. What Baba was speaking
through His mouth, I was reading that. This is a wonderful facility. According to the drama, there are the
wonders of science. What do we, Baba’s children, who stay in silence do? Whatever Baba orders, that
automatically comes into our lives. O.K.
* * * O M S H A N T I * * *