03-04-12 Om Shanti Avyakt Bapdada Madhuban
Transform "mine" into "Yours" and become a carefree emperor.
Make your mind so busy in love for the Father and His service that there is no margin for any waste to come.Today, BapDada is seeing His carefree emperors from everywhere. From the time of waking up in the morning, every child remains stable in the carefree stage while performing every action. Every child has the experience that this life of being a carefree emperor is one of sovereignty and also of being carefree. It feels so lovely because all of you have given your worries (fikar) to the Father and taken spiritual intoxication (fakhur). The spiritual intoxication you have taken is imperishable spiritual intoxication. Each one experiences how lovely this carefree life is. Day and night, you have no worries about anything, but you just have spiritual intoxication. You know that the Father has given you this life to remain carefree - not just for this one birth, but He has made you a carefree emperor for many births. Now, your experience is that, if you have a carefree life, then a divine light is constantly sparkling on your forehead - and if you have worry, you then have a basket on your head that is filled with many types of sorrow. This method of a carefree life is very easy. You have made all the limited "mines" into "Yours". There is the difference of just this one letter in "mine" (mera) and "Yours" (tera). M and T. However, by changing "mine" into "Yours", your life becomes so happy. It has become that, has it not? Nod your heads. It has become that, has it not? Your lives have become carefree.
Now, this is what BapDada wants from every child: The basis of a life filled with worry is waste thoughts.
Therefore, not even a trace of waste thoughts should remain in any child because you have changed "mine" into "Yours", so then what do you become? You become carefree emperors and this life of a carefree emperor is so lovely. You are a carefree emperor while performing every action. You don't have any worry about "Why?', "What?', "How?' or "Until when?' All of those questions have now finished. Today on the last day of this season, BapDada wants every child to change the wasteful "mine" into "Yours". The Father Himself will burn it. You simply have to make the change of one letter. Do you agree? Is it possible? If it is possible, then raise your hands! Very good, because in the next five to six months, through your powerful attitude, all of you have to give rays of happiness and peace to the unhappy souls of the world. You have to keep your mind busy in this. Where do wasteful thoughts arise? They arise in your mind, do they not? So, BapDada wants every carefree emperor child to keep his mind, that is, his attitude so busy that there is no margin for any waste to come. You should not have to labour (mehnat), but should remain so busy in the Father's love (mohabbat) and keep your mind so busy in serving through your attitude that you don't even have to battle. Some children say: "I don't want these to come, but they come." What would you call that?
It is that you did not keep your mind busy in the Father's love and His service. When everyone is asked how much love do you have for the Father, what do you say? It is unlimited. So, it is not difficult to listen to whatever the one you love says to you. So, all of you have unbroken love for the Father, do you not? Or, do you have it only sometimes? Is it always or only sometimes? Those who say that you have love all the time, raise your hands! You have love all the time? See, think about it! If you have constant love, then, whatever the Father says, the children do. You know this, do you not?
So, now, in this season, BapDada wants to make you children have this determined thought. You are ready for this, are you not? Nod your head. Are you ready to make a determined thought? Those at the back, are you ready? Are the mothers ready? Are the Pandavas ready? Raise your hands well! Raise both your hands for this. When you raise your hands, you please BapDada. Just as you raised your physical hands, in the same way, raise the hands of your minds: I will never allow any waste thoughts to come. It is their duty to come and what is your duty? To finish them. BapDada has also told you earlier in this season about the two things that you have to pay attention to: One is thoughts and the second is time. You know this. The time of the confluence age - every minute has a connection with 21 births - and at this time, BapDada has love for the children and the children have love for the Father. So, one second of time in the confluence age is not a second - because it has a connection with 21 births. If not now"¦ if you save your time now, then as you have love for the Father for 21 births and each one wants to remain with the Father even now and also to return with Him"¦. You now have to return to your home, do you not? You have to return home together and then come into the kingdom with BapDada - you will come close together in the kingdom, specially with Brahma Baba. Father Brahma is in the angelic form, so if you want to go back with him, what will you have to do? You will have to become an angel, will you not? You will become an angel. You definitely have to become this.
You have to move along holding Father Brahma's hand in your hand, and so what is the hand? An angel does not have physical hands. So, what are Father Brahma's hands? Shrimat. BapDada's Shrimat is: Now become a carefree emperor and, just as your Jagadamba made effort - the Father said it and Jagadamba did it - you now have to follow Jagadamba in the same way. You definitely have to use your time and thoughts in a worthwhile way - they should not go to waste. You were told that each thought has a connection with 21 births, were you not? So, BapDada wants you to keep your mind constantly busy. Whether it is in churning the murli or in service, remain busy at every moment. Keep your chart. Every now and then, perform the drill that BapDada has told you about from time to time. You know the drill to become bodiless, do you not? The drill of the awareness of your three forms. You know this, do you not? Just as the Father has three forms, in the same way, you also have three forms - Brahmin, angel and deity. Keep your mind busy in the awareness of these three forms through the drill. What is the great mantra for this? Manmanabhav.
BapDada has lots and lots of love for every child and this is why BapDada wants every child to take the blessing: "May you be victorious!" You were told that some children think that they will become victorious, but that rosary is only of 108, and so they will not be able to come in the rosary even if they are victorious.
However, BapDada has so much love that, if you become victorious, BapDada will add extra strings to the rosary. You just have to become victorious. So, what is your thought? You are definitely going to be victorious, are you not? Or, will just 108 become victorious? No. Every child of the Father is victorious.
What is BapDada seeing on the forehead of each child? A tilak of victory, because you have recognized the Father in His ordinary form. Even if it is the last child and he may be weak in effort, he still has the speciality of having recognized the Father who came in an ordinary form and of saying "My Baba". This is why every child has to maintain courage and attain victory. What do you simply have to do? It is not a matter of any effort; it is a matter of love. You have love for BapDada, you have love for the family, and so you cannot keep yourself separate from the one you love. So, how much love do you have for Brahma Baba? Those of you who feel that you have unbroken love for Father Brahma and Father Shiva, raise your hands! Unbroken? Unbroken? Very good. So what does BapDada want to see in the next season? You know it. You are going to receive five to six months to transform the wasteful thoughts into powerful thoughts.
So speak! Those from Madhuban, stand up, whether you are those staying up at the top or down below - there are many. BapDada loves those from Madhuban. This does not mean that BapDada does not love others. They too are loved, but BapDada has special love for one thing of the Madhuban residents. What is that? All of you have remembrance in your mind. All of you are yogi souls. All of you are also gyani souls. However, those of you from Madhuban have received a lift to create your future easily. What is that lift? You are instruments for service for anyone who comes to Madhuban. For instance, those who cook or those who perform any other duty - BapDada says: Even if someone sweeps the floor, he too is fortunate.
Why? Anyone who comes here sees the atmosphere and becomes happy when they see the power of love in your heart. Whether it is those who prepare the food or it may be any other duty, but those from Madhuban have a chance. Seeing the love of Madhuban and the powerful atmosphere created here, BapDada is congratulating the Madhuban residents very, very much that you have now completed this season, and you will continue to become instruments in the future too to make souls content and give them powerful experiences through your mind and therefore, everyone should applaud the residents of Madhuban. Achcha.
Today, at amrit vela, the servers of Madhuban came in front of BapDada. BapDada met each one in the subtle region and just as Baba has already told you previously, at 4.00 am, your special Dadis who have gone in advance definitely come. Today, special Dadis and special brothers had also reached there and they specially requested to make the Madhuban residents emerge there. Specially, both Didi and Dadi, and the special brothers too remembered those from Madhuban. Dadi gave special remembrance and, together with that, they gave mangoes from the subtle region. You know the fruits of the subtle region are of very good quality - you don't have to bring them down with a stick. Whatever fruits you want, you can pick those with your hands. So Dadi said: Today, we are going to have a mango picnic with those from Madhuban.
There were other Dadis and special brothers also with her. BapDada said: Ask them what comes into their minds about Madhuban? What did Dadi say? You know, you already know, you know Dadi, do you not?
Dadi said: I still have the desire that each one from Madhuban, even if there is still something lacking in your efforts, you have to make effort for that but I want one thing from the Madhuban residents. What do I want? It is that each and every resident of Madhuban becomes equal to the Father. In fact, everyone has to become that, but Madhuban is special. Those from Madhuban had love for Dadi. Dadi used to say - I know this. So, in return of love, I want it to be just as Mama had kept the aim - that whatever Baba said, Mama did. Those from Madhuban definitely know this. In the same way, from amrit vela until night, if each one from Madhuban has love for Baba and for me and for the Dadis, then just as Mama put every piece of the Father's advice into her life, so we too did the same. So, if you have love for the Dadis, then demonstrate it by doing this: From morning till night, do not have any such thoughts, words or deeds that the Dadis, the Father or anyone else does not like. Specially give this message of ours to those from Madhuban. So I (Dadi Gulzar) asked Dadi: Dadi, when do you tour around in Madhuban? I (Gulzar ben) am now relating the news of the subtle region to those from Madhuban. I, Gulzar ben, said to them: Dadi, those from Madhuban will do whatever you tell them to. So, did I speak correctly? Will you do that? Raise your hands! Raise both your hands. Will you will do that? Very good.
Today is the last meeting of this season, and so there was even more splendour in the subtle region. All of you residents of Madhuban met Baba and became merged. However, Dadis even made the double foreigners emerge. Double foreigners, stand up! So, instead of all the Dadis, Dadi was saying: I like this one thing of the double foreigners a lot when I was there and their season began, I saw that they used to begin to accumulate their ticket money to come to Madhuban in such clever ways. When I used to hear how they had come, having accumulated their money in these various ways, I would to have so much love for them. I also saw that the double foreigners had very good zeal and enthusiasm. As soon as they came, they would say, "Mera Baba" and become so happy that, as soon as they said "mera" (mine), they would become mine. Their faces, their enthusiasm was visible very well. This is why I and BapDada used to say that the double foreigners are the decoration of Madhuban. Even now, whatever task of Madhuban has , the double foreigners carry it out with a lot of interest, and so give them lots, lots, lots and lots of love and remembrance from myself and tell them: You are always in the heart of the Father and the Father is always in your hearts. Give this blessing to them on my behalf. So, this was the news of the subtle region at amrit vela today.
Those everywhere, who are sitting far away and those who are personally in front of BapDada, how is BapDada seeing you all? BapDada is seeing that a sparkling point is shining on the forehead of each one of you. Each one of you has this thought in your mind: What do we have to become like? As is the Father, so are we. This zeal and enthusiasm is in everyone's mind.
This season, BapDada especially wants to make the teachers stand up. All teachers, stand up! Look how many teachers there are. A quarter of the hall is filled with teachers. Seeing the teachers, BapDada is pleased because you have received the fortune of the seat of being equal to the Father. You have received the seat to read the Father's murli. The Father always says that the teachers are companions. BapDada now wants one thing from the teachers. Should Baba tell you? BapDada wants each and every teacher's face to be seen as happy as that of Father Brahma's. It should be seen like this. Internally, there may be effort, but your face should reveal the Father. Whomever anyone looks at, the Father's sparkle should be visible in them. Those who serve with their faces in this way will definitely reveal the Father. The time has now come for you to reveal the Father through your face. The teachers always remember naturally "Mera Baba".
Now you have to reveal the Father through your faces. You can do this, can you not? If you can, then do it!
Look at what everyone says in the result up to now! That the Brahma Kumaris are doing very good work.
The Father is not yet revealed - He is still incognito. So, the time is now coming close through you - whether it is the instrument teachers or any child - you now have to reveal the Father. "The Brahma Kumaris are doing very good work". That has already happened. You have reached this far. However, now show that God Himself has incarnated in the body of Brahma and is making the Brahma Kumaris so worthy.
This point is now still left. You sing the song, "Mera Baba aa gaya - My Baba has come". However, it should now be revealed to souls that God Himself has incarnated and is carrying out this task through the sisters and brothers. You have to bring about this revelation, do you not? When will you do it? What will you say? "Now", will you not? (We will begin it now and it will be completed by next season.) Do all of you agree? Will it happen by next season? Those who agree with this, raise your hands! Few people are raising their hands. Those who are not raising their hands will simply watch, and you will do it. You teachers have had this thought, have you not? Because you can see that BapDada is saying that everything is to happen suddenly. Some children think that Baba has been saying, "Suddenly, suddenly" for a long time, and now it should happen. However, it will happen suddenly when the children become equal to the Father. Your faces, your images, your every word should reveal the Father. This is definitely going to happen. It has to happen and you simply now have to be instruments for it. What will you do in the next season? Firstly, you will make yourselves equal to the Father. Whatever weaknesses remain, you will remove them. And what is BapDada pleased about? At all the small and big centres, children have revealed what work they are doing through words and have changed the atmosphere through that. BapDada is congratulating you for that. Whoever has done programmes at any place, you have done them well and it has come to everyone's attention that the Brahma Kumaris have truly completed 75 years of their work in an incognito way. Now, they should say that God, the Baba of the Brahma Kumaris, has come. You have this aim, do you not? So, this work should begin by next season. Make a practical programme for this. You do make programmes and have meetings, do you not? In the meetings, make this programme. All the children have to become aware that the Father who gives the inheritance has come. They should not remain deprived. Seeing the sorrow of the children, the Father feels a lot of mercy. When they cry out in sorrow, the Father feels mercy for them. They are also calling out a lot for you gods and goddesses. So, by the next season, there should be no name or trace of any waste. Agreed? Do you agree? Raise the hand of your heart. Raise the hand of your heart. All knowledge of what waste is should disappear. When the princesses of heaven come (in trance), they are not aware of sorrow or peacelessness at all. They say: What are they saying? What is that? In the same way, no one in the Brahmin family should even know what waste is.
Pure and positive thoughts for the self, pure and positive thoughts for others. Achcha.
It is the turn of Delhi and Agra to serve: It is good. Everyone, look at the splendour on TV! (Everyone is waving a heart-flag of "My Baba") Very good. You can put the flags down now. Achcha. Those from Delhi will have to make their hearts bigger. Why? Where will all the Brahmins go when they become deities? They will go to Delhi, will they not? So, those from Delhi will have to make their hearts very big.
Look, when Father Brahma comes as Krishna, where will he come? He will come in Delhi. Even now, those from Delhi will have to open their hearts and increase the number of Brahmins in Delhi. The number in Delhi should be greater than that of all the other zones. You have hoisted the flag here, have you not? In the same way, hoist the Father's flag in the heart of every unhappy soul. These flags should not go to waste.
Hoist these flags in their real form in the hearts of the unhappy souls. Service is continuing to take place.
You do perform service, but BapDada has seen that this year, no zone has been left behind in service. All of you have done all the programmes happily with big hearts. You have done them beautifully and you have also made it clear for people: You are a soul, not a body. The majority have accepted this. Just as you have revealed the soul, in the same way, now make the revelation of God firm. BapDada will see who claims number one in this! Many have made the lesson of the soul firm. Now, they should understand that God is giving an inheritance and that they should at least claim a little inheritance. They are your family, are they not? They should not remain deprived. So, what do you have to do? You have been told that too. Delhi is the foundation. The day will also come when the whole ministry will think that they definitely have to accept what you say. Show this wonder. Delhi or any other zone can claim number one- BapDada will give them a prize. Now, you have to complete the things that still remain. You do have this enthusiasm, do you not? You do have enthusiasm, do you not? Those of you from Delhi have this enthusiasm, do you not? Achcha.
Double foreigners: BapDada wants that, just as you have received the title of 'double foreigner', in the same way, you have the title 'double effort-maker'. Intense effort-maker. Intense effort-making, double foreigners have come. Is this possible? Just as you are double foreigners, in the same way, you are intense effort-makers. No one is an ordinary effort-maker. BapDada is pleased that you maintain courage and arrive here. There wasn't a single meeting this season in which there weren't double foreigners. Just as you do this with courage, in the same way, show the example of double foreigners meaning intense effort-makers. Is this possible? Raise your hands! So, whoever comes in the next group, that will be the group of intense effort-makers. Whoever moves forward, next season, BapDada will make everyone stand up.
Whoever has been an intense effort-maker and has not had any obstructions in-between will be made to stand up. So, double foreigners will definitely stand up. Make even more intense effort and make such intense effort that you are able to raise your hands in front of BapDada. Is that OK? Do you agree? First row, do you agree? Do those from Madhuban like this? All those sitting here who are from Madhuban, do you like it? Those from Madhuban, stand up again! Achcha. This is being recorded on TV. If BapDada were to ask who was present, you can extract that from the TV. Achcha. All those who have come, everyone is listening anyway, but will those who are from Madhuban raise their hands for being intense effort-makers? Will you? Raise your hands now! Achcha. Multimillion times congratulations to you.
Very good. BapDada will note how many intense effort-makers there are from each zone. You can give the list. Those from every zone, and even those who have not come, definitely bring a list of those who are making intense effort. Bring a list of the names of such ones. Is this OK? Those at the back, do you feel this is OK? Do you feel this is OK? Very good. BapDada likes intense effort-makers very much. Until when will you make ordinary effort? You have to return, you do want to go home, do you not? So, you have to go back having become intense effort-makers. You were told that BapDada likes every child to be victorious. "This happened, that happened" - Baba does not like to hear such news. So, at the very least, all the zones can give the result of everyone who made intense effort in these next six months. If you make intense effort for six months, you will then develop the habit. You will develop the habit, will you not? So Baba will ask for the result of how many became intense effort-makers in six months. BapDada will also give a prize. The zone that has the most intense effort-makers will be given a prize. Do you agree? Those from Madhuban, do you agree? Achcha.
Many have come for the first time: Very good. BapDada is giving many, many congratulations to all those who have come for the first time. Why? Because you have crossed the atmosphere of sorrow and reached the side of happiness and comfort. Each one who comes here can at least give an introduction to other souls through your own life. Those who have come here should know that although you have come
last, you can go fast. You can also become effort-makers and go very high because you have accepted the Father, have you not? So, you have received a right to the inheritance from the Father. BapDada is pleased that you have at least reached your home before the time is up. The Father is pleased that the children have reached their family. You have reached your home. That is the place to do your work, but the home, God's home, is your home, and this is why BapDada is multimillion fold happy that those who had become separated have come to their family and reached their home. You can now become last so fast. There is a margin. If you make intense effort, you can move forward as much as you want. You will simply have to pay attention, that is all, and BapDada will be pleased: Wah children! wah! Welcome! As you have now come, continue to make yourself move forward. Continue to make intense effort. Om Shanti. Achcha.
To all the children everywhere, love and remembrance from the heart of BapDada. Together with that, the Father is pleased on seeing every child with faith and intoxication of their self-respect. Never let go of your self-respect. To be one with self-respect means to be one with all attainments. The list of self-respect is a long one. Keep one point of self-respect in your awareness every day, put it into your practical form, be an intense effort-maker and continue to move forward. Make BapDada sit in your heart and seat yourself in BapDada's heart. Be fearless and a master almighty authority and continue to move along. Continue to fly and make others fly. Om Shanti.
To Mohiniben: You now know how to move along. Continue to move along. You have the company and the hand, what else do you need?
(Today, Dadi Janki has not come on to the stage because she is unwell.) BapDada is seeing her in front.
Wherever the daughter is, she is in the Father's heart. BapDada is giving the child rays of all powers. You are a soul who is an instrument for service and this is why all souls and the family are giving you love and remembrance. You are an instrument. You have to be an instrument. This is just a little karmic account which will be settled. You have the good wishes of BapDada and the family with you and these will always be with you. Achcha.
To Par Dadi: Are you OK? Cheerful. It is very good. No matter how much difficulty there may be, it is not visible on the face. You are moving along as a detached observer. You are clever in moving along as a detached observer. You will claim a number.
To the three senior brothers: This method of meeting is very good. Now, specially make the atmosphere even more powerful. Anyone who comes through the door should experience which place they have come to. They experience peace anyway, but they should experience power and that they can receive whatever they want here; that they have never seen such an atmosphere anywhere else; that this is a unique place.
They should experience this. Together among yourselves, meet those from the different departments once or twice a week. Make time, select a topic and ask about their welfare and if they need any arrangements or facilities etc. Together with that, also give them homework on one point or another that you can ask them about next time you meet. This should happen in every department. Otherwise, they simply do their work and remain busy in that. There should also be some heart-to-heart conversations among themselves, just as the intense effort-making group does. So, can you not do this much? You can keep this programme once a week or a fortnight and you will then know about what there is and what there isn't in every department. If they want any salvation (help), they should tell you. Then you can consider it and give it to them. The meaning is that there should also be some discussion of knowledge in the department and not just work all the time. Is this possible? Is it possible? Then do it! Those at the centres sit together at night, and they should do that. Whether you sit once a week or a fortnight, if you do something positive, then anything negative will be reduced. Everyone should give their advice in this meeting (Annual Meeting) that is to take place.
(The Government has passed the film, "Who am I?' as an educational film.) Give this news to everyone. Continue to spread some sound or another because, at present, the atmosphere is OK. Whatever you do now, it will have an impact.
(Now, we will not meet for six months.) We will continue to meet. We will meet at amrit vela.
* O M S H A N T I *