19-02-12 Om Shanti Avyakt Bapdada Madhuban
In order to open the gates to the home, renounce the "I" of body consciousness with the attitude of unlimited disinterest. On your birthday, let your speaking and doing become equal with determination and become an image of success.
Today, BapDada is pleased to see all His children everywhere. The sound emerging from the hearts everywhere is, "Wah Baba! wah!" and the sound from the Father's heart is also the same "Wah children!
wah!" Today, everyone is celebrating the happiness of the divine birth with zeal and enthusiasm. Today, you are celebrating with happiness, and together with that, the Father is also celebrating the children's happiness. It is only on this day of the unique birthday when it is the same day of the divine birth for the Father and the children together. All of you are giving congratulations and also receiving congratulations because the Father has taken birth in order to create the sacrificial fire. So, only Brahmin children are needed in the yagya. So, this is the only birthday where the birthday of the Father and the children is on the same day and this is why this Shiv Jayanti is said to be a birthday as valuable as a diamond. So, the Father is seeing how each child has come to give congratulations with so much love and the Father has also come to give congratulations. This birthday is a birthday of deep love. The children are loving, the Father is loving and it is a lovely birthday.
The love of all the children in this land and abroad everywhere is reaching BapDada. The Father is giving each and every loving child congratulations filled with multimillionfold love. This love will easily make every child a karma yogi. This love constantly makes everything easy; it makes you powerful. It is not the birthday of BapDada alone, because the Father always stays with the children. We will stay together, return together and come into the kingdom together. This is also the promise of all of you, is it not? You have to stay together, fly back together and rule in the kingdom together.
Today, BapDada is also especially remembering your devotees because your devotees have copied very well what you have done because in the copper age when they first come from the supreme abode, the first birth is always satopradhan, and this is why they have copied you very well. So, on this day, together with all of you children, Baba was also remembering the devotees. Today, in the subtle region, there was a lot of splendour of the children at amrit vela. Every child was feeling: I am going to congratulate BapDada, and BapDada also accepted the congratulations from every child with deep love. So, today, this meeting (mela) was taking place in the subtle region. On the one side there were you children and on the other side, your companions who have gone in advance had also come. BapDada saw that the list of your Dadis and the special senior brothers was a big one. Each of the Dadis was congratulating BapDada and, together with that, they were also congratulating you fortunate children. So, today, in the subtle region, there was the mela of congratulations. All the special Dadis and brothers of the advance party were especially remembering you instrument souls who were their companions and were congratulating you from their hearts. So, BapDada is congratulating all of you on behalf of everyone. Did you accept it? There was just the one sound from everyone, from the sisters and brothers: When will you open the gates to go home? So especially Didi and Dadi were saying: Ask our friends and our brothers on our behalf: "What date have you fixed to return home? You will all return together, will you not? You will not return separately, will you?
Everyone will be present together to open the gates. So, they were asking for a date. BapDada smiled because even the Father wants this: Now, in order to open the gates, all the children need to have an attitude of unlimited disinterest. This is the key to open the gates. BapDada continues to say: Become one who has unlimited disinterest and as quickly as possible renounce wasting both thoughts and time, that is, become one with unlimited disinterest because BapDada has seen that the biggest obstacle is that of body consciousness. To renounce that body consciousness and to be soul conscious while walking and moving around is unlimited disinterest.
Everyone says, "My Baba, sweet Baba, Beloved Baba!" When you say "Mine" from your heart, then the body consciousness that comes in the form of "I"". the Father always says, "The consciousness of "I" that you always have, such as "Whatever I am doing", whatever I say is right". One "I" is common - I am a soul and this is my body. The other is a subtle "I" - This has already been told, "I did this, I am doing this, I am right in myself" You have to finish this subtle form of "I". Body consciousness comes in this form. So today, this subtle form of "I" which sometimes makes you consider the Father's speciality to be yours and you then have the consciousness of "I": this has to be finished. Just see, in the memorials that have been created; when they make a sacrifice, they don't actually sacrifice themselves, but what do they sacrifice? A goat. Why did they choose a goat to sacrifice? Because a goat always says, "Mai, mai" (I). The devotees have copied you very well. So, on this day, are you able to make effort and finish this "I" of body consciousness? You have come here on the Father's birthday, and so you will give a gift, will you not? The Father does not want any other gifts, but this subtle consciousness of "I". The Father says: Give this gift to the Father on this birthday. Are you able to give it? Do you want to give it? Do you have this courage?
Raise your hands! You pleased Baba by raising your hands. So, by raising your hand, you have given the gift. Would any of you take back something you had given as a gift? Some children say: Baba, we do not want it, but it comes back. What is the reason? When you are asked the reason, you give a very good reply.
You say that you know and you accept it, but what can you do when it comes back? Just think about it! If something you have given away comes back to you, would you then keep with yourself something that you had already given away? So, if you have given it from your heart, then, even if it does come back, will you keep it with you? What is the reason for that? You have love for the Father and because of love, whatever the Father says, you want to do that - this result comes to Baba, but what happens is that you lack determination. So, use determination! You do have the thought, but it is one aspect to have a thought and another aspect to have a determined thought. So, again and again, put determination into the thoughts you have. This attention is lacking. Determination is the key to success. So, what will you do today? Will you simply have a thought or will you have determined thoughts? When your thoughts are determined, the sign of that is: determination is the key to success. Because there is something lacking in applying the key, you are not able to have total success.
So today BapDada is seeing that it is the birthday of the children and the Father. So, this is a special day, is it not? Throughout the whole cycle, for the Father and children to have a birthday on the same day is the speciality of this birthday. So, on this day, the Father wishes that every child to put determination into their hearts today and create a determined thought to finish having waste thoughts and to finish wasting time.
You have to check with attention throughout the day, every now and again, whether your time and thoughts are being wasted. BapDada of course looks at everyone's register. To save time and thoughts means to bring the time of completion close. Are you ready? Or, would you even now say "What can I do if they come?" It is the duty of waste to come, but what is your duty? To welcome the thoughts? It is because you make them sit there that they have made their home there. They (waste thoughts) have also understood that you do not have that determination. Therefore, on this day of love, what do you all have in your hearts now?
From amrit vela until now, what repeatedly enters your hearts? My Baba, my Baba, my Baba! In the Father's heart too, this is, "My children, My children, My children"! The majority of you have stayed in remembrance of the Father. There is the impact of this day. BapDada has noted this. Because it is a day of love, everyone has been repeatedly remembering, "My Baba, My Baba", for a long time. Is it like that?
Raise your hands for this! It is a matter of today. Do you remember "My Baba"? Did you remember anything else? No. You are raising your hands in this way. Very good! So, repeatedly check yourselves every day because every day of the confluence age is the day of the Father's love. Today, you remembered the Father more because it is a special day. In the same way, at amrit vela always maintain the awareness of how great every day of the confluence age is. In this short birth, there is the guarantee of attainment for births. So, there is so much importance of every day. There is so much difference between 21 births and this one short birth.
So, today, BapDada wants this as a birthday gift from the children. Will you give this gift? Will you?
Raise your hands! Raise them with determined faith! Not that you will see about it or that you will do it later. No matter what happens, renunciation means renunciation. This is not renunciation but fortune. So, if you raised your hand correctly today, then it is a significant day of importance. On your face, there should be the finishing of all waste and the glimpse of constantly being an embodiment of remembrance should be visible on your face and in your activity. These words of Maya, "Why? What? When?, How?" should finish for only then will your face and activity do service. At present, there is a greater impact from lectures.BapDada is pleased that you give very good lectures, but, day by day, just as you had very good enthusiasm for service through lectures and words and you attained success, in the same way, now, according to the time, greater service will take place through your faces and activity. You have to practice this, in the same way as you became clever in giving lectures by practicing. Similarly, now give someone the blessing of happiness through your face and activity. Practice this because you now have very little time. Maintaining the importance of time and thoughts and continue to move forward. Everything is to happen suddenly.
Therefore, you do remember your birthday, do you not? The birthday is going to come, it is going to come" for how long did you remember that? BapDada is going to come, He is going to come, we are to meet Him - for how long did you remember that? Now have this thought: With determination, we have to finish having waste thoughts and wasting our time. Merging, "My Baba, my Baba", in your heart - to simply say this is a different matter, but merge this into your heart, because matters of the heart are never forgotten. You can forget something you have said, but, matters of the heart, whether they are good or bad, are never forgotten. So, today, you gave a gift to BapDada, did you not? Raise both your hands! Oh!
wonderful! Take a photo of this. BapDada is not just seeing at your hands, but BapDada is also seeing your hearts.
So, you gave a gift for today to yourself as well as to the Father. If your time and thoughts that were going to be wasted are saved, then how would your day be spent? You will constantly have the fortune of happiness and a happy state. Every day after celebrating a meeting with BapDada at amrit vela bring your thoughts into your awareness and, throughout the day, continue to check. BapDada is not fixing a time but you can fix your own time. Every now and then check: Am I fulfilling the promise that I made to BapDada on our birthday? Check this by yourself. Everyone wants this. Today, BapDada was looking at the faces: Yes, we do want to do it, we will do it, but then this waste comes, and it makes us forget the promise we made to the Father. So, now finish all waste! For one minute. So, now, for one minute become a powerful soul and have the thought: I definitely have to finish all waste. Achcha.
BapDada does not want to leave out even one child from making that child to be equal to Himself. He has love for you. Look at the sign of love on this day. Throughout the whole cycle, there isn't a day like this when the birthdays of the Father and the child are on the same day. The Father has love in His heart for every child: My child! God's child!. Whatever thought you have, may it be successful. Let there be power in every thought. Your speaking and doing should be the same. To say it means it has happened. Have pure thoughts. Then, waste will automatically finish because the advance party wants a date. Your senior Dadis, your senior brothers, you have love for them. You remember them so much. Dadi, Didi, Chandermani Dadi". Continue to take everyone's names. You remember all of them. So, demonstrate this practically by doing what they want. So, what was today's thought? Your speaking and doing should be the same. Is that OK? So, on this day, BapDada is giving all the children everywhere this birthday gift: Let your speaking and doing be the same. BapDada is giving every child the gift of determination on this day. Make an auspicious task successful with determination.
Those who have come for the first time, stand up! Wave your hands! BapDada is giving many, many congratulations to those who have arrived and come to know Baba; My Baba. BapDada is pleased that you have at least come here before the upheaval that is to take place, and so congratulations for that! All the children who have come - have a determined thought, not an ordinary thought. Have a determined thought that you definitely have to become an intense effort-maker. Fast, not ordinary! So, those who are to come will come in your kingdom. Therefore, the time for having ordinary thoughts has now finished. It is now the time and the chance for making intense effort. At least you have become the chancellors who take a chance. BapDada is pleased to see every child and is telling every child: If you make intense effort, you will return with the Father and also remain with Him. So congratulations, congratulations, congratulations!
It is the turn of UP, Banaras and West Nepal: Those from UP have been fortunate because from the beginning of establishment, apart from Delhi and Bombay, Father Brahma and Jagadamba have not been anywhere else as much to meet the children. So, you children are lucky that you have received the love of Father Brahma and Jagadamba by their setting foot on your land. You have received direct sustenance from Father Brahma and Jagadamba and this is why UP is fortunate. BapDada has seen that you have a speciality of service, in that you have opened good service centres. Many Kumaris have received the fortune of becoming a teacher and this is why many teachers are engaged in service and have also spread the sound.
You also know what BapDada wants, and that is: BapDada is telling all the zones to bring heir- quality souls in front of the Father. BapDada is now asking all the zones: How many heir- quality souls are there in every zone and in every centre? Every zone and the double foreigners from every place have to give BapDada a list of the heirs in their zones - the time is now coming close, so now intensify the speed of service. There are many regular students in all the zones. However, heir- quality means those who are co-operative in every task with their body, mind, wealth, relationships and connections. Not just co-operative with your own centre, but heirs are those who are loved by the yagya. An heir doesn't mean one who is very good in serving the centre; no. An heir means one who has love, who is co-operative and serviceable. So, send this list from every zone. All of you from Madhuban, look at this list. Ask for it. Then BapDada will give you the result as to who can be called an heir and what does an heir have to do. Those from UP who have come to play their parts in their turn: you have taken a lot of benefit from this turn. Every zone takes this benefit and those from UP have also taken a good chance. You have given a chance to many souls, and therefore, congratulations, congratulations!
BapDada is giving every child, all of those who are standing here, greetings for the birthday and, together with that, also giving you the blessing, "May you be an intense effort-maker!" Achcha.
1300 double foreigners have come from 95 countries. Very good. The decoration of Madhuban has reached Madhuban. Double foreigners have so much love for Madhuban and those of Madhuban also have love for the double foreigners. The double foreigners are the decoration of Madhuban. All the conferences and programmes that you have had, you have all done them very comfortably. You have had little space, that will also be fine in the future. BapDada is giving this blessing to the double foreigners, the few words of Jagadamba: The Father speaks and the children do it. Always remember this gift of Jagadamba.
BapDada knows that all of you have love for the murli. You also have love for the family. You have love for the Father anyway. Now, each of you has to have this speciality: to be an image of success in imbibing everything and in doing every form of service. Each one should have both these specialities so that BapDada can show you as an example in service and put enthusiasm into others. Make such effort and become an example. In doing this, you have a right to success with your determined thoughts. Therefore, become an example; become an example in being an intense effort-maker. Everyone is ordinary anyway, but you have to become a sample of intense effort. There are hopes in you. BapDada saw that the double foreigners have the original sanskar of whatever they think, they will definitely do that. So, now, become such a sample for making intense effort, that BapDada can give your example and also put zeal and enthusiasm into others. There are hopes in you. You can do whatever thought you have. This is why, on this day, BapDada is giving you multi, multi, multimillionfold congratulations.
BapDada hears about all the things you do. BapDada is pleased and gives congratulations for reaching the atmosphere of Madhuban. Congratulations. Congratulations.
(There was a national coordinators and centre coordinators meeting. A ceremony of 150 surrendered teachers who have been living at the centres for more than 25 years took place.) Whatever all the departments together have finalised with co-operation from the Dadis, Baba is pleased that you have made an accurate decision and that you will continue to move forward. Om Shanti. Your Dadi also makes you say "Om Shanti" a lot, does she not? Achcha.
Seeing every child, whether they are sitting at the back or in a corner, BapDada says that each and every child has constantly to be an intense effort-maker and make others in your company into intense effort-makers. If any soul wants co-operation, give that co-operation from your heart and continue to make them into intense effort-makers. Every child should be an intense effort-maker; not numberwise, but an intense effort-maker. At the very least, those who stay in connection with you and those who come, each place should be a place of intense effort-makers. Each one should maintain this thought and then BapDada will see the result. BapDada will give a gift to those of the centres who are intense effort-makers - not just some, but all companions at that centre. This is possible, is it not? Or is it difficult? No. At least you can make your own place like this. You can make your centre like this. BapDada now wishes to see such an example. There is the story of being victorious over attachment. Whomever they met, they became conquerors of attachment. You enjoy hearing it, do you not? In the same way, whomever you see, it should be a group of those who are intense effort-makers. Have this aim for, the qualifications will automatically develop with the aim. Every centre should be a centre of those who are jewels of contentment. Achcha.BapDada wants from within His heart that not a single child should be left behind. Everyone should return together. It does not feel good to follow behind; there should be the company and His hand. You do want to return to your home. It is now the return journey. For that, just as Father Brahma is an angel, so follow the father. Even whilst in the corporeal form become an angel. Whomever you look at, you should see angels and nothing but angels. Then the gates will open. Achcha. To all the children, love and remembrance for remaining constantly fortunate and embodiments of happiness.
Meeting the Dadis: (Dadi Janki said: I will stay with Baba, I will not go to the golden age.) Father Brahma will be with you. You have to experience the reward of your efforts. Father Shiva has kept this time for you.
(Today, Sister Wajeeha of Kuwait (having left her body this morning) went to the subtle region): She was loved by God and therefore also loved by everyone. It is the luck of her relatives that she forged their connection. She was number one in using everything in a worthwhile way and enabling others to do the same. Achcha.
Today, Baba is also giving love to child Neelu. Why? She is looking after Dadi very well. Of course it is the wonder of the chariot, but, together with that, it is this one's wonder too and this is why you will receive everyone's blessings.
For Dadi Gulzar: Whomever BapDada has made instruments, they are constantly carrying out their work as instruments. She is giving everyone the experience of happiness, peace and power. This soul has this part in the drama; she has a unique part. Dadiji always used to tell this chariot: You got trapped while walking along the path, minding your own business. Each one's part is invaluable. Congratulations, congratulations.
(Brijmohanbhai did not come for this meeting but has sent his remembrance.) Also give him the Father's love and remembrance. Give him multimillionfold congratulations. (Rameshbhai told Baba that the equipment for the studio has arrived and that recording will start from tomorrow.) It is good. Gradually, everything will be fine. You just remain carefree and continue to do everything.
(Today was the inauguration of the new bhandara in Shantivan). It will happen and everyone will receive happiness. (All the labourers and carpenters have worked very hard.) Give them love and remembrance.
BapDada sees everything as He tours around. Also give them toli. (Those who prepare Brahma bhojan are working very hard.) There is praise of Brahma bhojan anyway and so those who are instruments to prepare Brahma bhojan are special souls. No matter how much work there is, they are always ready. Many many congratulations for that. Congratulations. Congratulations. Congratulations.
(A birthday gift for all three brothers.) Congratulations are for all of you to constantly co-operate with one another at the time of need and run all the activities easily in such a way that there is no need to work hard for anything or have to discuss anything. Everything should continue to become easy. It is happening, but it needs a little more attention. Continue to work together. Giving regard to the ideas of one another, continue to finalise them. Although there will be a difference in your ideas, you have to unite those ideas and through this make everyone content and spread contentment.
To Hansaben: You have given your life in service, so haven't you received the fruit of service? You already have congratulations. To meet BapDada means to give congratulations. There is no need to say it.
You are receiving many congratulations in a subtle way because you are looking after that chariot. This one (Neeluben) is looking after this chariot, and you are also looking after that chariot. So, there is value, is there not? And, you receive congratulations every day. At amrit vela every day, BapDada gives you congratulations. You are doing very well.
BapDada hoisted the flag for the 76th Trimurti Shiv Jayanti and congratulated everyone.
BapDada's many, many, many, many multi, multimillion fold congratulations to the children who, with their heart, hoist the flag for world service. Father Shiva is sitting in your heart. He is the Comforter of Hearts.He is the Comforter of Hearts (Dilaram). So, continue to take congratulations from this Dilaram of the heart and so continue to give congratulations in all four directions. It is for service of the people that flags are hoisted everywhere, and so their hearts should become aware of who their Father is. They don't recognise Him, do they? So, you are hoisting the flag so that they can recognise Him, but, otherwise, the Father Himself is sitting in your hearts. The memorial of that is here, in the form of the Dilwala Temple. So, multi, multi, multi, multimillionfold congratulations.
* O M S H A N T I *