18-01-12 Om Shanti Avyakt Bapdada Madhuban
Together with doing all types of service, be co-operative with one another and spread a wave of intense effort into the atmosphere. Become a conqueror of the mind and serve souls with your mind
Today is the special day of love. All the children everywhere are celebrating a meeting with their loving form. All of you are also absorbed in the form of love. Today, even before amrit vela, all the children from everywhere reached here in their loving forms carrying their garlands of pearls of love in their hearts. They were describing to the Father the many various types of feelings in their minds. You know how lovely the love of the children is. The children were speaking to BapDada of the things in their hearts in their different languages and different feelings and also expressing their feelings very clearly through their eyes and mouths (words). Seeing the feelings of love of all the children everywhere, BapDada became merged in everyone's love and the words that emerged from His heart were: Wah children! wah! And the song from the children's mouths was: "Wah Baba! wah!" Seeing every child, BapDada was lost in the children's love and the children were lost in the Father's love.
Today, the Father was seeing the children with the vision of making the children into masters. Today is the day of the children receiving the tilak of sovereignty. Today is the day that BapDada Himself stayed in the angelic form and made children into instruments for world service. He Himself became the backbone and revealed the children on the world stage. Now, seeing the children's service, seeing the result of the responsibility that BapDada gave to the children, He is very, very pleased with the children and is congratulating them from His heart. Congratulations! Congratulations!
BapDada saw that even now, every child has received the blessing that the Father gave of being a world server with a lot of love from their heart and is doing that too. BapDada also saw the result. Every child has this deep love in his heart for "My Baba" and the Father has love in His heart, "Wah My children!" At present, the majority of the children at big and small centres have the enthusiasm to reveal the Father everywhere quickly. Touring around, BapDada saw this zeal and enthusiasm. The children at small and large centres have lots and lots of enthusiasm for service and will continue to have it in the future too.
Today, on this day of love, BapDada is giving all the children from this land and abroad as the return of love and service, multimillion-fold love and remembrance with His dristhi and love from the heart.
According to the time the enthusiasm now to reveal the Father is gradually entering the hearts of souls as well. They understand that the Brahma Kumaris have attained something and that transformation is taking place. Previously, they used to think: "We don't know what they are doing", whereas now, they are thinking: "You are doing good work. What we are not able to do, you have done successfully in your gathering". This is why BapDada is giving special love from His heart to all the children who are sitting in front of Him and all the children everywhere who are listening and watching Him. What do we have to do now? BapDada has already congratulated you for service. BapDada now wants every child to have this zeal and enthusiasm and determined faith for making intense effort: I definitely have to become an angel, equal to the Father, because everyone has now to make the return journey with the Father. You definitely have to become an angel, equal to Him because all of you have promised: We will return home together and come to rule together. Father Brahma has already become an angel. So, how will you return with Him? Father Brahma showed his angelic form in his life. He had so many responsibilities. Everyone has to be made into a yogi. However, all of you saw that, even through he had so many responsibilities, he remained loving and detached. He always remained a carefree emperor; no worries, but a carefree emperor. In the same way, you children also have to become equal to the Father, carefree emperors, angels. You must have this determined thought: I definitely have to become this. Or, do you think that you will become that at some point!
BapDada saw that, according to the time, to the extent that you have zeal and enthusiasm for service in a practical way, you also now have to have zeal and enthusiasm for yourself to become an intense effort-maker and to make others the same. Become complete and make others complete and also have enthusiasm in yourself and spread that zeal and enthusiasm into the atmosphere. Be co-operative with one another and now spread a wave of intense effort into the atmosphere. Just as you spread enthusiasm for service among yourselves and into the atmosphere, in the same way, BapDada now has the pure hope that children will spread this wave into the atmosphere. BapDada is pleased, but, even now, you are just making effort whereas you now have to make intense effort.
BapDada has this hope in every child and so each child is a star of the Father's hopes, are you not? Are you? Those of you who feel that you will become the stars of the Father's hopes and spread this zeal and enthusiasm into the atmosphere, raise your hands! Achcha. You raise your hands very well! Seeing the hands, BapDada is pleased. The majority of you raised your hands. Baba cannot see the hands of those at the back, but He can see them for those at the front. Those at the back are now raising their hands.
Congratulations! Congratulations! Achcha. BapDada has seen that when someone's mind has zeal and enthusiasm for something in particular, then that thing is put into a practical form very well and this is why, this time on the day of love, BapDada is giving you this homework. Every child understands that time and thoughts are wasted because of the mind. If you have ever had any waste thoughts then you would have experienced how so much of your time and energy is wasted. So, BapDada wants to give you this homework: For two months, each child should create a method for the self to stop the wastage of thoughts and time that take place through the mind. Each one of you should keep your chart for the next two months: How much control did I have over wastage of time and waste thoughts? Because, now, according to the time, it will be time for all of you to serve souls with the power of your mind. For this, it is necessary to pay constant attention to your mind. It is said: Those who conquer the mind conquer the world. So, in the atmosphere of Manmanabhav, you have to finish all wastage. Are you able to do this? Will you do this?
Those who can do this, raise your hands! BapDada will give you a prize. You have to look at your own result. If your mind is happy, you will share the happiness of your mind. All of you should pay attention to claim a number ahead of all in this effort. Then all wastage will finish! Both the wastage of thoughts and time will finish! Then, in the time to come, powerful thoughts and powerful time will spread into the atmosphere.
Seeing the children, BapDada is pleased about one thing. What is that? That every child has done service, but, together with that, BapDada's signal is: Become a double king. You know that, do you not? One is to be a self-sovereign, a master of the self and the second is to have a right to the future kingdom. Be a master of the self"¦ The Father has the intoxication that there is no other father whose every child is a master of the self. All of you are masters of the self, are you not? The soul is ruling the self. You are not influenced by the physical organs and senses, but you have a right to the kingdom. The Father wants every child to be a constant master of the self, not just sometimes. Can you become this? In the two months that you have been given, note down whether you remained a master of the self, or whether you were influenced by your physical senses. Now, you have to become karmateet. Time is coming close. So, what are you going to do?
While walking and moving around, you definitely have to become a master of the self. This sanskar is definitely of you Brahmin children. A double kingdom is self-sovereignty now and then the world sovereignty in the future. While touring around, BapDada notes down the results of the children. Now, there is a need to pay more attention to being a constant master of the self. BapDada has given you two tasks: 1) To what extent you remain a master of the self for the next two months. You have to look at your own result. 2) With the controlling power and ruling power of the mind you have to finish all wastage.
BapDada will give a prize to those who claim a number in this. Do you like this? You are going to do it, are you not? Will you do it? Nod. Achcha.
Today, BapDada accepted everyone's love. At amrit vela, there was a beautiful splendour of the children in the subtle region. Today, even the advance party came to the subtle region to give the love of their heart and to receive love. They are now asking the Father: Ultimately, until when are we going to have this part?
What response should Baba give? Those sitting in the first row, what reply should Baba give? What would you say? (Dadi Janki replied: I am ready.) Will you return alone? (Everyone will return together.) You have love, do you not? How can you just leave them and go to rule the kingdom? (Why did those of the advance party leave me alone and go away?) It was their parts. They had to go. Now, you have to try and quickly prepare a gathering. The work that you have been given for two months, if you make everyone do this work and give the result, it will happen quickly. (Out of love for Baba, they will do it.) There is love.
All of you have passed in the subject of love. BapDada sees that everyone has love, but, together with that, you also need power. For this, make amrit vela powerful. You sit for remembrance and BapDada is congratulating you for that, but a powerful atmosphere is needed to sit in. Some sit like this, some sit like that. If you were to take a photograph, you yourself would feel: Something else is needed now. BapDada has spoken of volcanic yoga and you now have to pay deeper attention to that. Everyone does make effort, but now, add the word 'intense' in front of the word 'effort'. BapDada has now given every child two months. The more attention you pay, through your attention, the more help BapDada will give you.
Masters of the mind, make your minds function just as you make your hands and feet function. You can do whatever you want, can you not? If you want to put something in a particular place and not anywhere else, you can do that, can you not? Have such mind control. Your mind should only have the thoughts you want it to have. Every night, check your results: To what extent did I have ruling power and controlling power of the mind. You should now put an end to waste very quickly. Now become powerful and spread the power of being powerful into the atmosphere. Seeing and hearing the children's sorrow and suffering, BapDada now wishes completion to take place soon. You were told that everyone is making effort, but now add the word "intense". "I have to do it", not that I will do it or that I will see about it. This language of postponing something for the future will not work any more.
Today, you all saw the scene of love. Each of you has so much love in your heart, but, to the extent that there is love, so there also has to be power with that. Now, fill yourself with power. None of you sisters should consider yourself to be just a Shakti, but consider yourself to be a Shiv Shakti. You are a Shiv Shakti: the Father is with you. The Father of the Pandavas is with the Pandavas. So, what will you do now?
BapDada has told you to add the word "intense" in front of the word "effort". Create such an atmosphere.
Be co-operative with one another and, while staying at your own places, make your place powerful. Make your companions powerful. So, what will you do now? You will do something new, will you not? Since you say "My Baba", you have to become like the one who is "Mine" (Baba), do you not? Each one should have this determined thought in your heart. You have very good thoughts. At amrit vela, BapDada sees that you create very good thoughts, that you will do this and that, but when you become a karma yogi, when you come into connection and relationship, then it becomes different. You now need to pay greater attention to the stage of being a karma yogi. Achcha.
All of you are happy, are you not? Are you happy? So many new ones also come. Those who are new and have come for the first time, raise your hands! Look, there are so many. Half the class is of new ones.
BapDada is pleased to see the new ones who have come because you have at least come here before the final completion. However, to the extent that you have come late, to that extent you will have to make intense effort because in this short time you have to accumulate enough for your full 21 births in the future. You will have to pay this much attention. Save your time! Do not waste even a second. Remain an intense effort-maker. With ordinary effort, it will be difficult to reach your destination. Nevertheless, BapDada is congratulating from His heart the children who have come. Congratulations! Achcha.
It is the turn of Indore Zone to serve: (7000 people have come.) Achcha. Teachers of Indore Zone, raise your hands! BapDada is congratulating the teachers. Why is BapDada congratulating all the teachers?
BapDada saw that those who have become instruments for service in Indore are showing a good result of service. You have a good connection with those special instruments who are living outside (the centre).
You have given the message very well. What more do you have to do now? You are fine in this, and BapDada is congratulating you for this. However, you now have to make those who are in connection and relationship with you into heirs. There are some in contact, but now bring the heir- quality souls in front of the Father. You can bring them - you have a good connection.
(BapDada was coughing.) Today, the health of the chariot is not so well. Even so, BapDada still came to meet all of you. BapDada is pleased to see the children: Wah children! Wah! This emerges from the heart.
To the extent that you say "Wah Baba! Wah!", BapDada says "Wah children! Wah" even more than that.
So, those from Indore, bring closer those who are in connection with you. You can do that. There is hope in them. Bring those in whom there is hope in front of Baba. Achcha. You have come here for the sake of service. BapDada is also pleased that each zone gets a very good chance. You take the chance to bring the maximum number of souls. So, you have made this programme very good because each zone gets a chance.
However, after taking the chance, also bring the result of bringing souls in front of BapDada. Achcha.
Speaking to double foreigners (400 have come.) Very good. The double foreigners are the decoration of the yagya. Whenever you come, you are the decoration of the yagya. Everyone becomes so happy because you have one very good speciality. Whatever you have to do, you do that instantly. You don't wait too long to do it. BapDada sees that your zeal and enthusiasm is increasing a lot more. There isn't a single turn in which double foreigners are not present. So, BapDada gives the double foreigners the title of being double effort-makers. Now, demonstrate this! Show the result by becoming double effort-makers. BapDada knows that service continues to increase and He continues to receive the news. Your service is good. Now, according to what Baba said today, always add the word "intense' in front of the word "effort'. Intense effort-making children always keep BapDada in their hearts and BapDada also keeps every child in His heart. You all have BapDada in your hearts, do you not? Raise your hands! Who stays in your hearts?
BapDada. And you children are in BapDada's heart. BapDada is giving special love and remembrance to all the children who have sent special love and remembrance. Daughter Jayanti has sent love and remembrance from her heart. Daughter Gayatri has also sent love and remembrance. There were others too.
Those who have sent special love and remembrance, BapDada is also giving them special love and remembrance. If someone has a particular desire, you should fulfill that desire and continue to make that one move forward. Their desires are not bad, they are good. They have good enthusiasm for service. Those who sent special remembrance, BapDada is specially giving them multimillion-fold love and remembrance.
They are good all-round servers. Do not say that Baba does not remember anyone else. Baba remembers everyone. However, these ones have sent special love and remembrance so Baba is giving specially to them.
It is a wonder that, in the turn of the different zones, the double foreigners are never missing. (Dadi Janki said: Wajeeha has written a letter with a lot of love.) The daughter stays in remembrance very well.
BapDada has seen that the illness of the daughter has brought benefit to so many people. Doctors are also pleased when they see her because she doesn't appear to be ill as ill as she is. She remains happy. This is known as being victorious over the illness. The illness is doing its own work and the daughter is busy in her own work of remembrance. She is also an example of the double foreigners. BapDada is giving the double foreigners love and remembrance from His heart and also giving them special congratulations for coming to Madhuban as its decoration. You all like this, do you not? All the children are also happy when they see you come. "Wah! Wah!" emerges from everyone's heart. You have already performed the wonder that you have given your message to many different places. However, now prepare heir- quality souls. Having prepared heirs abroad, bring them here. You can do this because you are those who go fast in everything.
So, you can also do this. Achcha.
Teachers: (Many have come.) Seeing the teachers, BapDada is very pleased because the instrument teachers have become instruments to reveal BapDada. Seeing any teacher, everyone is happy because a teacher means the one through whose features the future is visible. What is your future? Your future is to remain always happy in the heart, always to have a right, not to be dependent. So, the features of the teachers give a vision of this. Each teacher should always think: Whether you speak something somewhere or not, your features and face reveal the attainment of the present and the future. Always pay this attention: Is my face always such that it grants a vision? Any who come in front of a teacher, seeing the teacher, they would firstly become happy and happiness would then become visible in their lives. You are so happy and you also have the fortune of happiness. BapDada saw that the aim of each and every teacher is good: "I have to do this. I have to become this." It is like this, is it not? What is your aim? This is your aim, is it not? So, this aim is visible in your qualifications but it should be even more visible. Whoever comes should definitely take that happiness away with them because every human being needs happiness. They want it, but they are not able to become that. So, "teachers' means those who serve through their features. They should experience: What has this one become? Now, as you progress further, your faces and activity will do this service a lot more because as the times become more delicate, you will have less time, but their desire to receive something or other will increase. This is why teachers should always remain ever-ready so that anyone who comes should definitely take away something. They should take away something or other from your faces and activity. You are the children of the Bestower, are you not? BapDada is very pleased on seeing the teachers. He sings their praise in His heart: Wah teachers! Wah! Each teacher definitely does do service and you must be checking your result at night as to what service you do each day. You look at your own chart: Did I fulfil the aim of service that I had? If not, due to one reason or another, then do double service the next day. Do not just leave it, because a teacher means an instrument bestower, a child of the Bestower. So BapDada is pleased no matter whether you are from a small centre or a big centre, because to come to a service place, having renounced everything, is also courage, is it not? BapDada is pleased with your courage. Now make more companions. Make more teachers emerge because service is going to increase. Now, wait for a little upheaval and everyone will come to you with a longing! Service is going to increase; it is not going to decrease. It is good. The majority of the teachers are of this zone and there must be a few others too. (2000 teachers have come.) Congratulations to the teachers.
Those from Calcutta have done beautiful decorations. Those from Calcutta have taken on this service very well from the hearts. BapDada sees that it does not matter what the decorations are, they do it with their hearts. BapDada sees their heart in this, not the decoration: that is visible while walking and moving around. Congratulations because you do everything from your hearts. Congratulations. It is good. In any case, Calcutta is the place of Father Brahma's divine birth. It is good. Your "in-charge" Dadi is also playing a wonderful part. BapDada is saying to all zones: Now, bring heir- quality souls here through your service. Claim a number in this. You have already received congratulations for increasing service places and increasing the Father's children. However, every zone should now keep the aim to increase heir- quality souls. BapDada always says: Increase the quality of those who are mikes and also heirs, so that when one of them says something, many can become influenced. This is known as quality. Achcha.
To all the extremely lovely, co-operative and serviceable children, BapDada is giving love and remembrance filled with love on this day of love. Together with that, BapDada is telling every loving child: Now, each child definitely has to become number one by keeping that aim and making intense effort, and the drama will definitely make you that. It doesn't matter where you are sitting, BapDada is seeing all the children everywhere and how you are sitting with zeal and enthusiasm. You are listening and also watching.
Love-filled love and remembrance and congratulations to each and every child. Congratulations.
To the Dadis: Look, all the instrument Dadis are very lovely. (Dadi Janki said: Dadi Gulzar is also very good.) What would they do without you? All the Dadis are lovely and detached. (We have many blessings from Baba.)
To Mohiniben: You are courageous, you will be fine. BapDada is making you move. You are also moving along. BapDada is making you move. You are at least moving along having settled some of your accounts and you have been able to come here. Very good.
(To everyone.) BapDada loves every child so much. Even though the Dadis come in front and you don't, Baba loves every child. Do not think that you are those who simply observe from a distance. You are those who stay in the heart. Achcha.
To Par Dadi: Your zone has come. Did you see how so many good people have come? Achcha.
(Each of the three senior brothers presented a bouquet to BapDada.) Your trimurti (trinity) is also good.
(Rameshbhai presented a photograph of "Godlywood Studios" to BapDada and informed Baba of the inauguration that is to take place on 26th January.) Very good. Now, use that place a lot. Everyone should use it with great force. Do new things! It will happen. Service means to eat the fruit. You are not just doing service, you are eating the fruit. (Dadi said: Ushaben had a lot of enthusiasm to serve.) Her feelings (bhavna) will do the work. Whatever bhavna she had in her heart to serve, that will do the work. She had a lot of enthusiasm for service and that is why she was loved by the family and the Father.
To Rameshbhai: Is your health OK? Make yourself move along with it.
To Bhopalbhai: Is the officer OK now? He continues to do something or other even now. Put him right with yoga. Go and serve him a little through which he feels that you have pure and positive thoughts for him. He should experience this. Then everything will be fine. Achcha.
To Golakbhai: (He works very hard.) He is receiving internally the fruit of his hard work. Hard work never goes to waste. The fruit of your hard work is that you receive everyone's love: this is the fruit. If something happens, that is a different matter. However, you have love in your heart. Achcha.
Speaking to Narayan Dada and Manoj: Both have come. Very good. It is good that you have come. You should come in every turn. Previously, you used to come, but now you only come sometimes. Baba does not like "only sometimes". You should come in every turn because Baba wants every soul to move forward the most. You will come, you will go, you will meet everyone and experience happiness. Your face will become happy and all thoughts will finish. You do have many thoughts, do you not? You will become happy, because you have received the knowledge. You will also be happy. Both of you have to remain very happy so that anyone who sees you asks: From where did you receive this happiness? It should be like that.
It is good. If you remain happy, all problems will finish; that is a guarantee. You do think a lot, do you not? Remain happy! To the extent that you remain happy, your health will remain good and everyone who sees you will also become happy. Even so, you have a relationship with the family. How many relatives do you have? Wherever you may be living, serve through your face. Whoever sees you should ask: "Who are they? Where have they come from?" You have taken that sustenance, have you not?
* O M S H A N T I *