02-03-2011 Om Shanti Avyakt Bapdada Madhuban
On this birthday, giving one another zeal and enthusiasm, being co-operative with one another surrender the uck flower of waste thoughts. Remain seated on the seat of the self-respect of a master almighty authority and claim the number one prize.
Today, all of you and also all the children everywhere have been giving your greetings of love and happiness with a lot of love from amrit vela. The Father has also come to give you long-lost and now-found children greetings for this birthday. Each child is very much loved by the Father and is dear to the heart.
BapDada is giving all of you greetings with the garland of His arms.
BapDada is seeing that all of you who are in front of Baba are giving greetings and also receiving greetings.
All the children in the many places everywhere are giving greetings and the Father is also giving all the children from this land and abroad greetings filled with a lot of love. BapDada is seeing that all the children with their happy faces are moving along in the waves of the ocean of love. The Father is happy that He does not come alone; He comes with the children because He comes to create the yagya (sacrificial fire). So, who is in the yagya? Brahmins. This is why the Father does not come alone but has come with the children because this birthday is the most wonderful of all the birthdays. Throughout the whole cycle, this is the only birthday in which the Father's and the children's birthdays are at the same time and this is why this birthday is said to be as valuable as a diamond. The Father is also giving special greetings to all the children who are the original jewels. So, have all of you come here today to give greetings and also to receive greetings? The Father says: We will remain together, fly back together, come together and rule (with Father Brahma). Baba has promised to remain with you. What do you also say? We will also be with him where the Father stays.
This is the promise of the children to the Father and Father to the children. Physically, you may be living elsewhere, but in your heart, the Father is always with you and this is why the Father is called Dilaram (The Comforter of Hearts). Even the memorial here is the Dilwala Temple. So, the Comforter of Hearts is with all of you in your hearts, is He not? The Father always tells you children never to remain alone. You always have to be together. You have to remain together. If you remain alone, Maya will take her chance, whereas if you are with the Father, then the Lighthouse Himself is with you. When in front of Him, Maya will run away from a distance. She cannot even come close to you and this is why the children have promised the Father and the Father has promised the children to remain constantly together. This is the promise of all of you too, is it not? We are together and we will remain together. You like being together, do you not? Yes, you may raise your hands.
BapDada saw that at amrit vela, all the children tell Baba about the matters of their hearts a lot. Otherwise, you don't have time but at amrit vela all of you tell many sweet matters of your hearts and the Father too hears about the matters of the hearts of all the children and gives a response to all of them. All of you are very happy about one thing: You say from your heart: Mera Baba (My Baba) and the Father becomes present; the Lord becomes present. This is a matter of just the heart. There is no need to do anything else.
You said with your heart "Mera Baba" and the Lord became present.
Today, a sweet song was playing in BapDada's ears from everywhere. Which song? "My Baba, lovely Baba, sweet Baba!" BapDada, too, was and is, merged in the love of the children. Seeing the divine activity of your love, the intellect of your devotees is no less. They have copied your memorial very well. They come in the copper age, and their first birth is satopradhan in any case because those souls come from the supreme abode. So, today, Baba's vision also fell on the devotees. They have copied you accurately because whatever your practical actions are, your special devotees of the beginning period have copied your memorials very well. However, yours is practical whereas theirs is a memorial. You have made a vow.
What vow have you made? Of purity. They also make a vow. They have copied making a vow, but when you make a vow for one birth, it continues for many births. They remain pure for one day and also have pure food and drink. Your vow is for 21 births whereas theirs is for a temporary period. It is the same for jagran (staying awake through the night): you came into the light and dispelled the darkness throughout the whole world. Darkness cannot come for half the cycle. You dispelled the darkness of the mind and, externally, you dispelled the darkness and sorrow of matter. They have also copied that by staying awake through the night. And, another thing: you surrendered yourselves to the Father; you sacrificed yourselves.
You surrendered yourselves completely and so they have also copied you, but they don't sacrifice themselves. They don't sacrifice themselves, but whom do they sacrifice? Do you know that? They offer a goat. Why did they only find a goat and not anything else? All of you are laughing because you know why.
The Father has repeatedly been signaling to you: Renounce the consciousness of "I" and adopt the consciousness of being an instrument, and so they found a goat because it always says "meh, meh". So, the intellects of the devotees are wonderful. They are, after all, your devotees. They are the devotees of the Father and you. This is why the Father gives one fruit or another to your devotees who worship you with a true heart. The fruit of devotion is that they too always remain true and saattavik. They remain happy. They do not experience sorrow at times of sorrow because they perform their devotion with a true heart. So, nowadays, the Father too is also signaling to you children to renounce the consciousness of "I". "Only what I am saying should happen. I am the only one who is right, and so only that should happen." One is the ordinary consciousness of "I" - I am a bodily being; I am a physical being. However, one is the ordinary "I" and the other is the subtle "I". In that, you even consider the Father's gift to be yours: "I did this; I said this; I am doing this." You have the consciousness of "I" for the specialities given to you by the Father.
There is the subtle "I" even for the understanding of knowledge and the understanding of your specialities.
BapDada is signalling to you that for "I" and "mine", always think "My Baba". Your heart should be attached to just that One. Finish the limited "mine" of "My name, my honour etc." and just let it be, "I belong to Baba and Baba belongs to me." Then there will be so much happiness: "God is now mine. What more could I want?" One is the ordinary "mine" and the other is the subtle "mine". This subtle "mine" makes you dirty (meela) whereas "My Baba" makes you full of all treasures (maallamal).
Today, you have come to celebrate the birthday. You have come to celebrate your own birthday too. The Father does not do anything without the children. This is why the Father has come today to give birthday greetings: Wah My children! wah! Now, shall I say something? Are you ready for it? Should Baba tell you? You will then have to do it. Raise your hands if you are going to do it! Double foreigners, will you do it? Teachers, will you do it? Until now, in the memorial of today, they offer an uck flower to Shiva, the Supreme Soul. They do not offer a rose or something else, but only an uck flower. Today, what does BapDada want you to surrender? This is your homework. You are ready for it, are you not? Achcha.
BapDada likes it very much when all of you children say: Ha ji (yes indeed). So, today, on the birthday, the Father's thought is: while giving zeal and enthusiasm to one another and being co-operative with one another, offer the uck flower of waste thoughts. You mustn't have waste thoughts. You mustn't hear anything wasteful, nor must you colour yourself with the company of waste thoughts by going into someone's company. This is because, wherever there are waste thoughts, you will not be able to keep in your awareness pure thoughts of remembrance, sweet words of knowledge, which you call the murli. You may be listening to a murli, you may be reading it and that is essential. It is the discipline of Brahmins, but it will only remain with you up to that point (just until hearing it). There won't be any churning in your mind. You will think and also say: Today, the murli was very good. I am thinking about it. The blessing was also very good, and yes, I will remember it shortly... Waste thoughts will attract your mind and intellect towards themselves.
Do you know what you say to the Father?
Baba, we should listen to interesting news, should we not? We have to be knowledge-full. However, wasteful matters cause a loss in the attainment of a status. So, are all of you children promising the Father not to have waste thoughts? You would say: We don't want them to come, but they come. We don't want them but they still come. So, you have to give them to the Father with determination. First of all, do you know how to give? You have given them to the Father. If something you have given away comes back to you, would you keep it or return it?
What would your title be if you were to keep something you had already given away? Just give it to the Father once and for all with your own interest and with determination. Then, check again and again: Something that I have given away is not coming back to me, is it? It is not considered good for you to consider something that belongs to others to belong to you. So, every night, before going to sleep, go to sleep afterwards, but first check yourself: Today, throughout the day, did I have any waste thoughts? Did I do anything wasteful? I haven't taken back something that I gave away, have I?
Today, do you have the courage to give the birthday gift? Do you have this courage? Raise your hands if you have the courage! Where there is courage, BapDada will give you a gift. Say from your heart: My Baba, merciful and compassionate Baba, take this! If you say it from your heart, then the Father will give an extra gift. With your courage, the Father will give you extra help. Where you have courage, you will definitely receive help from the Father. You have experienced this, have you not? Because BapDada has been warning you for some time that the way to make intense effort now is to apply the three dots: I am a dot, remember the Father, the Dot, and put a dot, full stop, to the past. For this, BapDada says: Churn this, become a dot, see a dot and put a dot. That is why the dot has a lot of importance. The bindu (zero) has a lot of importance in today's world too, when people count money. What is it that people love the most nowadays? Money. How does money increase? Continue to add a zero. Add a zero to 10 and it becomes 100. Add another zero and it becomes 1000. They give importance to a zero, but they have forgotten what the real zero is. So, today, did you give the Father the birthday gift? Did you? Did you give it from your heart? You will not ask "Why?" or "What?", will you? "How can I do it? Why should I do it?" This language of questioning is bad. "Why should I do it? How should I do it?" Do not ask these questions.
Have you raised your hand happily or out of compulsion to give this gift because of the gathering? Those who do it out of compulsion are not able to do it permanently; it will only be sometimes. Those who do it from their hearts will say: I have to do this. I have to become this. Have you given the gift or do you still have to give it? If you have this thought happily, then it is not a big deal for you master almighty authority children of the Almighty Authority Father. Remain on your seat. Always remain set on the seat of a master almighty authority. Do not forget it. This is self-respect, is it not? You cannot leave your self-respect.
Because of self-respect, people fight one another. This is why BapDada has love for you: Do not lose your self-respect over trivial matters. This self-respect is given to you by God. People have so much intoxication because of the respect they are given by people, whereas you here have received self-respect from God: You are master almighty authorities. You can do whatever you want. You have this courage, do you not? Nod in agreement! Do not wave your hands, but nod in agreement! Do you have this courage? Teachers? You will have to make them do it. You will have to pay attention. You will do it and also pay attention and make others do it. You are instruments. We will then see which class and whose class claims a number, and will then give them a good prize. Baba is not going to tell you what prize He is going to give. Baba will give a beautiful gift. The whole class should try to do this. It should not be just one who does it. The majority should do it.
Today, BapDada was feeling a lot of love for each of you children, that you should claim number one, not even two. You will not sit on the first throne as only two will sit on the throne, but you will come in the first kingdom, in the first royal family. Two numbers have been fixed, but you have to rule and claim a right to the kingdom and so you come in the first kingdom. BapDada has love for you children. He feels that each child should claim number one in one speciality or another: not numberwise, but number one. Do you have this enthusiasm? Do you want to claim number one or are you satisfied with whatever you receive? Do not say, "It is fine, it is fine." The Father's hope is that each child should claim number one in showing one wonder or another. There are four subjects, and you definitely have to be number one in any of the four subjects. Underline: I definitely have to become this. Baba is not giving you a lot of hard work. Claim number one in one subject or another. This is easy, is it not? Today, all the children who were celebrating a meeting at amrit vela, appeared to be very happy. They were smiling with happiness. The Father gave each child the blessing of being constantly in the flying stage: not the walking stage, but the flying stage. So, remember this blessing of today from BapDada. What blessing did BapDada give you on your and His birthday? May you be in the flying stage! Today, throughout the day you celebrated the festival of Shiv Ratri in your hearts, did you not? All of you are good. You will remain good. You will claim the best of all royal status. All of you are fine, are you not? The Father always sees everything as good. Achcha.
All the children everywhere, whether they are sitting personally in front of Baba or sitting and celebrating at their own places, BapDada is pleased on seeing all of you and the children are also happy to see the meeting with the Father. However, from today you must have the thought: Constantly happy, not those who are happy only sometimes, but constantly happy. Anyone who looks at you and sees your face should think that you appear to be a very fortunate soul. Your fortune should be visible from your activity and face. Do not think that you have a lot of it in your mind, no!
Your happy and fortunate face will give others an introduction. Your face will tell them that you have something. Your face should do service and bring them to the Father. Remain happy! This too is a means of service. To all the children from everywhere, multimillion-fold congratulations, congratulations, congratulations on your birthday. Achcha.
It is the turn of Indore Zone to do service: Achcha. All of you are from Indore. Those from Indore are waving their flags. (They were waving flags with all five forms.) What you have made is good. By seeing each group separately when it is your turn we can tell how much love you have for the yagya, because the Father first created the yagya as soon as He came. It is also the duty of the lovely children to make the yagya constantly move forward and to keep it full. Just as you pay attention to your centre in every way, in the same way, to look after the yagya is the duty of every child. BapDada has seen that everyone has passed up to now in taking these turns. There hasn't been anything lacking from anyone. Similarly, you pay attention to the yagya when it is your zone's turn and also experience everything. Even while living at your centres, each one of you is a protector of the yagya. It is not just those who are living in the yagya who are this, but every Brahmin child has love for the yagya and is a protector of the yagya. Constantly move along while considering yourself to be responsible in this way. This turn has finished, but, while living there (at the centres), pay attention to here too and always ask about it. For this turn, you have come having brought everything with you. In the same way, always consider the yagya. A Brahmin means a protector of the yagya. Each Brahmin has to pay this much attention. First comes the yagya and then the centre. You do pay attention. BapDada knows who is paying attention and in what way they are paying attention and making it move forward. BapDada is simply giving a signal, but you are doing it and will continue to do it.
This place of your yagya will give all souls the prasad (holy offering) from the yagya. So, who are all of you? Protectors of the yagya or protectors of the centre? Protectors of the yagya. You are BapDada's companions. BapDada is the Protector of the Yagya, is He not? What is your title? You are protectors of the yagya, are you not? You are doing well and will continue to do even better. There are four things: body, mind, wealth and service. A protector of the yagya means that just as there are the four subjects of gyan, yoga, dharna and service, so here too, there are the four subjects. Baba continues to receive the results.
BapDada sees all the results. He looks at them with interest. What is each child doing? It is good.
BapDada does not have a report, but He is giving a signal for the future. Achcha.
What wonders are you showing? You must be performing one wonder or another. BapDada has heard that you have many different programmes and different methods of service and are also putting them into a practical form. Baba heard this result. You have passed in this, have you not? Raise your hands if you have passed. You make new plans and put them into a practical form. It is good. Practise this on yourself and then invent a way to give that type of experience. Achcha.
BapDada is congratulating you: Congratulations! Congratulations! Congratulations!
1100 double foreign children have come from 60 countries: The people of Bharat are very happy to see the children from abroad because the Father's title is the World Benefactor. Baba is not just the Benefactor of Bharat. Baba sees that those from abroad have also become those with Indian sanskars because you are going to rule in the golden age. You are those who are going to claim a right. The Father's Godly culture has become your culture. They are pleased: Our brothers have gone so far away from Bharat for service.
However, the seed is that of being residents of Bharat. Your seed is not that of being someone from abroad.
The first original seed is Bharat. Therefore, though you have come from so many different places, you all belong to the one culture of Bharat. It is not Indian culture, it is God's culture, and you all do it happily.
BapDada has seen that, having come to India, you have also learnt how to prepare Indian food. You take back things from here. The seed is the same, but who would learn so many languages for service? In one turn, you come from so many countries. Who is going to learn so many languages? This is why you were sent for service. You are originally from Bharat and have now become those who have the culture of Bharat because here, in Bharat, it is God's culture that is followed. It is not Indian culture, but God's culture. You learn it with a lot of happiness and also follow it. You have made yourselves very good instruments to bring about transformation. Congratulations for that. You belonged to us and now you belong to us. You remember this, do you not? Do you feel it? We are not Indians but we belonged to God's culture and, now, at the end, we have become this. You have perhaps taken four or five births there for service. Those who come here belonged to Baba and have now become Baba's. They belonged to the yagya and have now come to the yagya. Some children ask: Were we in the yagya or not? The Father says: All of you were there. Many good serviceable children have emerged. BapDada very much likes the system of having a meeting in Madhuban. Look how large the family is! A large family is a happy family. Generally, if a family is large, there is unhappiness, but it feels good to have a large family that is a happy family. You like the family, do you not? Do you feel happy on seeing the family? You belonged here, did you not? Achcha.
Today, there will also be celebrations because it is the day of the incarnation.
Speaking to the Dadis: (Dadi Janki is going on a four-day tour of Gujarat.) You have courage. You have already had the thought. (Baba is making me dance on His fingers.) This is why you are going. Achcha.
Mohiniben: This one has to continue. You have to fulfil the responsibility of love. Carefree! Do not think.
It is good. Everything has to be good. Everything will be fine. That is all.
Ishu Dadi: This one is also a companion.
(BapDada put a tilak with His finger on the forehead of each one.) Everyone received the tilak of congratulations. (looking at the TV). They are so happy!
(Uncle and Aunty have sent many greetings.) Give them the tilak on behalf of BapDada. They will experience the Father giving them the tilak.
(Kuldeepben and family have come to offer bhog for Pritamben.) She also played a good part and she served everyone from her heart. The family is a lucky family. Her father who was an instrument was a well-wisher from childhood. On one bicycle, he would seat four people and come to listen to the murli. No one else has that much love for the lokik family. Their family has a very good blessing because of him.
Kunj Dadi has sent her remembrance. She is in Ahmedabad Hospital. She is not getting any better. It is happening again and again. What is the reason for that? Many people are old. Is she being treated? She is one who can do service. Find something for her to do and make her a little active. She has been in the bed for a long time. Achcha.
All BapDada's long-lost and now-found serviceable stars sparkling in the world, birthday greetings to you too. You are with the Father, you will remain with Him, return with him and rule with him. Father Brahma has a lot of love. He will not do anything alone. Personal greetings to each one of you. Achcha.
BapDada personally hoisted the flag and gave everyone greetings for the 75th Shiv Jayanti: BapDada is merged in the hearts of all of you. However, this flag is being hoisted to let others know and give them the news: Your Father has come. Whatever inheritance of liberation or liberation-in-life you want to claim, come and take that. To hoist this flag is world service. Let there be this attraction. Everyone should sing. You should not be singing alone. Everyone should sing the song: Our Baba has come. Now do service quickly. There is very little time and there is service still left to be done. Even your neighbours don't know yet. You haven't created their fortune and so give all your neighbours this message: Your Father has come. Wherever you are staying, just see how many there are around you who do not know about the Father. No matter how, even if they are not coming or accepting a leaflet in their hands, then put it through their post box. Give them the message. They should not complain: Why did you not tell us? No matter how, through anyone, definitely make them receive this message. Everyone still has to do service.
Has everyone in your area received the message? If they haven't, then do so. Everything will happen suddenly and you will then remember: I didn't do this, I didn't do this. Do it! Do you understand? You definitely have to do it. Achcha.
* O M S H A N T I *