30-01-2010 Om Shanti Avyakt Bapdada Madhuban
Be an embodiment of the experience of self-respect in all four subjects and use the authority of experience.
Today, BapDada, the Creator of the Brahmin world is seeing His Brahmin world everywhere. Each Brahmin is a special soul in the whole Brahmin world. You are one out of multimillions because you have recognised the Father who has come in an ordinary body. BapDada is giving love from His heart to the children who have merged Him in their heart. Each child is experiencing himself to be loved by such a Father and is experiencing the Father to be merged in his or her heart. For the Father, every child is extremely lovely and loved by all. All of you children have issued a challenge to all souls that you are those who have a yogi life: that you are not those who just have yoga, but you are those who have a yogi life. A life is not just for two to four hours; a life is for all time. So, while walking and moving around and performing actions, you are constant yogis who have a yogi life. Whether you are sitting in yoga or doing any other work, you are karma yogis. The aim of your life is to be constant yogis. Do you experience your yogi life to be a natural life? BapDada is seeing the sparkling fortune on the forehead of each child. What is He seeing? Each child of Mine is one who has self-respect and is a self-sovereign, a master of the self. Why? Where there is self-respect, there cannot be body consciousness. From the beginning to the end, until now, BapDada has given every child different types of self-respect. If you were to remember your self-respect now and continue to turn the beads of each point of self-respect, you would become an embodiment of many types of self-respect and become absorbed in that self-respect. However, even now, BapDada doesn't like one thing about the children. Do you know what that is? When some children say that they sometimes have to labour to stabilise themselves in their self-respect, that they want to do this, but that it sometimes takes them effort, then the Father cannot bear to see the effort of the almighty authority children because where there is love, there is no labour. Where there is labour, there is a lack of love.
Today, at amrit vela, BapDada toured around all the Brahmins everywhere in this land and abroad, and what did He see? Some children were sitting in their self-respect, they were thinking that they were seated on BapDada's heart-throne, they were thinking this, they were making effort to stabilise themselves in this self-respect, but what was the weakness that Baba saw? They remembered the self-respect, they were thinking about it, but the weakness visible was in being an embodiment of self-respect, in being an image of experience and in being an embodiment of the authority of experience. There are many authorities, but the greatest authority is the authority of experience and the Almighty Authority has given you the experience of self-respect. So they were making effort but they did not become embodiments of experience. BapDada saw that while children sit, they even think about this, but only some are embodiments of experience. In that experience, not even the slightest body consciousness of any type can pull you towards itself. So, to become an embodiment of experience, to become lost in the experience of being a karma yogi while performing action is now a lot more essential. Become an embodiment. In every situation, in every subject, become an embodiment of experience - whether it is knowledge, yoga, dharna or service, become an embodiment of experience in all four subjects. Even Maya cannot shake someone who is experienced and this is why, today, BapDada wants to see all the children as embodiments of experience. There is a difference between hearing and thinking about it, and in being an embodiment of the experience: whatever you think, whatever self-respect you want to stabilise yourself in, become stable in being the embodiment of that experience. No one can shake that experience because it is self-respect (swa-maan). When you are an embodiment of self-respect and are stable in the experience of self-respect, there cannot be any body consciousness there. For instance, when there is darkness, if you switch on the light, the darkness automatically disappears; you don't have to make any effort to remove the darkness or to chase it away. Similarly, when seated on the seat of self-respect, the switch of experience is on, so no type of body consciousness can exist there. There are different types of body consciousness and the Father has also given different types of self-respect. You know about self-respect, you make effort for it, but there is a difference between trying to make effort for that experience and in being an embodiment of that experience. That is why you have to labour. So, now, according to the time, and at the time of your accomplishing the aim of becoming equal to the Father, BapDada doesn't like seeing you labour. Each one of you should check yourself: Do I have a karma yogi life? A life is natural and for all time; it is not just sometimes. Become an embodiment of experience. Have you accomplished the aim that you have of a yogi life and of being an image of experience? You yourself should constantly experience the sparkling light on the forehead. You yourself should be stable in that experience; you should be an embodiment of remembrance, not one who has to have remembrance, but one who is an embodiment of remembrance. The proof of whether you are an embodiment of remembrance or not is that when you are an embodiment of the experience of that remembrance, you will experience yourself to have that power while carrying out any task. The tasks may vary, but your stage of being an embodiment of experience should not vary.
So, today, BapDada saw why you have to labour. Baba saw that you are numberwise according to your effort in becoming an embodiment of experience. BapDada has deep love in His heart for every child, and He therefore cannot bear to see one He loves having to labour. No matter in what subject you may have to labour or use the word "sometimes" in, the reason for this is that you lack being an embodiment of experience. You are an effort-maker but you have not become an embodiment. You should experience being an embodiment of experience of self-respect in all four subjects in a second, so that body consciousness cannot come close to you; just as darkness cannot remain in the face of light, you don't have to chase it away. It is natural that where there is darkness, there is little or no light. So, the greatest authority that is remembered is that of experience. Even if thousands of people try to change an experience, they cannot do that. All of you must have experienced sugar and know that it is sweet. Even if thousands of people tried to change your opinion, would they be able to do that? In any subject, whether knowledge, yoga, dharna or service, if out of any of the four, if you have to labour in any of them to finish something, to achieve success in service, to transform your nature in the subject of dharna, to remain unshakeable in yoga, to experience a yogi life, if you have to labour or use the word "sometimes", it means that you have not become an image of experience in that subject. An experience is not "sometimes", it is a natural nature. So, did you hear what the reason is for having to labour? When you experience being seated on the seat of experience, when you experience being an embodiment of a blessing, do you have to labour at that time? It is a natural experience. This is why, according to the time now, everything is going to happen suddenly. It is not going to tell you in advance before it happens. There are games of the elements of nature taking place suddenly. It has begun now. New things happen - suddenly there was an earthquake, and in a short time hundreds of thousands of souls died. Did they know whether they would be alive or not the next day? Many such accidents have begun to take place suddenly in different places. Collectively, at the same time, a ticket is being clipped for many; so, at such a time, are you ever-ready? You will not say that you are still making effort, will you? Ever-ready means that whatever thought you have of a blessing or self-respect, you become an embodiment of that, and this is why BapDada is drawing your attention to this: Are you able to make any blessing fruitful and become experienced in the form of that blessing or self-respect? You will definitely have to become that. You may say: "I am trying." If you are going to try, do that from now because practice over a long period of time will help at that time. Do not be an effort-maker, but be experienced because the Almighty Authority has given all of you the authority of experience. Just as you are experienced in body consciousness, do you have to remember your body consciousness thinking that "I am so-and-so"? You have been given a name for the body, and so that is body consciousness, is it not? "I am so-and-so." If even thousands of people tell you that you are not that and that you are this, and they use a different name for you, would you believe them? Would you forget your name? The awareness of the body with the name that has been given to you at birth has become so firm and natural. If someone is calling someone else with the same name as yours, they are not calling you but calling someone with the same name as yours, as soon as you hear your name, your attention would go there and you would think that that person is calling you. This body consciousness has become so firm. Similarly, be just as firm in being soul conscious, in maintaining your self-respect and in being a master of the self. You say that your life has changed, so what have you changed? From body consciousness, you have changed to self-respect and then you have become a master of the self. So check: Have I become an embodiment of knowledge? Or have I become one who listens to knowledge and relates it to others? Gyan means knowledge. The practical form of knowledge is said to be: Knowledge is light, knowledge is might. To be an embodiment of knowledge means that whatever actions you perform will be filled with light and might. They will be accurate. This is known as being an embodiment of knowledge. Do not become one who just speaks knowledge, but be an embodiment of knowledge. To be an embodiment of yoga means to be a conqueror of the physical organs. Be a master of the self over all the physical organs. This is known as yoga, that is, a life that is yukti yukt. If you are an embodiment of knowledge and yoga, then you will automatically be able to imbibe every virtue. Where there is knowledge and yoga and you are yogyukt, the imbibing of virtues takes place automatically; service will take place at every moment automatically. According to the time you may serve through your mind, through words, through actions, through love in your relationships: service will continue to take place continuously. Service also takes place in relationships and connections. For instance, in the Brahmin family, if your brother or sister is a little sad, a little dull in his or her effort and is under the influence of a sanskar, if you give zeal and enthusiasm, co-operation or love to that contact soul - that is the charity of service you will accumulate in your account. It is an act of charity to uplift someone who has fallen. To do service of your relations and contacts is the duty of a true server. It should not be that service is only service that you receive or is given to you. Let service itself continue to take place automatically through your thoughts, words, deeds, relationships and connections. Many times BapDada has seen that in connection with others some children see that someone's nature or sanskar are not what they should be. However, to have thoughts such as, "This one is like that anyway; he is never going to change, and it is a waste of time to serve this one." Is it right to have such thoughts? Since you believe that you are those who will make the elements satopradhan, that you will change the elements - but that one is a human soul, one who calls himself a Brahmin but is influenced by a sanskar - since you have issued a challenge to change the sanskars of the elements, that one is a being, a soul, someone who has a relationship with you. A true server would definitely have good wishes to earn the charity of serving him. "This one is like that anyway. He can never change." These are not good wishes; these are subtle feelings of dislike. Nevertheless, that one is your brother or sister and at least says, "My Baba". A true server would earn charity in having good wishes for even those who have not served him. Do not push those who have fallen further down. Uplift them! Give them your co-operation. This is known as being a true server, a charitable soul. So, check yourself: Do I have this much zeal and enthusiasm for service? This is known as being an authority of experience. So, BapDada now wants you to become an image of experience and to use your authority of experience.
Those who will become embodiments of experience in all four subjects and will use the authority of experience, those who will remove any weakness, those who will pay this much attention to themselves, raise your hands! You are raising the hand of your mind, are you not? Not the physical hand, but the hand of the mind. Raise it! Raise the hand of your mind because BapDada will ask for the results on Shiv Ratri. The sanskar of anyone's weakness should not reduce the good wishes in your mind. That one's sanskar is slack, but it is powerful enough to reduce your good wishes. What did Father Brahma not see, what did he not do? While being responsible, he departed in the end giving everyone the teaching of three words of good wishes and pure feelings. You remember those, do you not? You remember the three words, do you not? He himself became avyakt through the stage of being incorporeal, egoless and viceless. He did not give anyone the feeling that he was going through the suffering of karma. Did anyone understand that his suffering of karma was now finishing? What happened? He became avyakt. Father Brahma demonstrated the blessing of being angelic. Follow Father Brahma! You had love for Father Brahma. Even though you may not have seen him in the corporeal form, even now, you all have love for him in the form of the avyakt Father. In the subject of love for both Bap and Dada, the majority of you have passed. It is the love that is making you move. Even if there is no imbibing, if you are lacking in any subject, the majority of you have passed in the subject of love. Love is making you move. Why have all of you come? In which plane have you come? You arrived here in the plane of love. And BapDada has love for even the last child. No matter what the child is like, he has passed in love because the Father also has love in His heart for every child. No matter what he is like, he is Mine. Since you say "My Baba!" what does the Father say? "They are My children." It is necessary to have such good wishes among yourselves in the family. Do not look at anyone's nature. The Father knows that there is a conflict of natures, but the conflict of natures should not finish the love, it should not finish the relationship. It is not right that it would not let the task be as successful. This is a family. Which family is it? It is God's family. Prabhu parivaar. There shouldn't be a lack of love here due to any reason. Is it like that? Is love lacking? There should definitely be love, that is, good wishes. No matter what someone is like, this is God's family. You are those who believe that they belong to God's family, so family means love. If there is no love in the family, it is not a family. So, what lesson did you learn today? Did you make it firm? Have good wishes and pure feelings for every soul. This Godly family only exists at this one time. No one except God can have such a huge family. So, check, because even this causes an obstacle in your effort. Only when you become free from obstacles will you become experienced and make others experienced with your authority of experience. Achcha.
Those who have come for the first time, stand up! Wave your hands! BapDada is giving special congratulations to those who have come for the first time because you have come here when it is late, but not too late. BapDada is sharing the good news with all those who have come that if those who have come late make fast effort, that is, if they make effort of the flying stage and wish to move forward, then they can go ahead with that fast effort. However, it has to be fast effort, not ordinary effort. Every time BapDada is pleased to see those who have come for the first time, and the whole family is also pleased to see those who come. At least you have come, and so you will claim a right to receive an inheritance. This is why BapDada says to those who have come: Welcome! Children who were separated from the Father, welcome! Achcha. You may sit down. Achcha.
It was the turn of Rajasthan and Indore to serve: First, those from Indore, raise your hands! Now, those from Rajasthan, raise your hands! Achcha. Both of you have played your parts of service very well. BapDada has seen that all of you have taken this chance for service with a lot of zeal and enthusiasm and you inspire others in the same way too. This part of service over 10 to 15 days is a means of earning an income in various ways. One benefit is that each one of you accumulates your charity as the fruit of service. The second benefit is the atmosphere of knowledge in Madhuban, the atmosphere of the large family and you receive the power of love in your effort. Here, you have the atmosphere, the vibrations, and the bathing in knowledge. When people go to bathe at a pilgrimage place even once, they consider that to be a great charity, whereas here, however many days you stay here, you bathe in knowledge for that many days and versions of knowledge continue to drop into your ears. And, you automatically continue to receive the vibrations of yogi souls and souls who have love for God. You receive the benefit of the atmosphere of solitude. When people keep themselves busy in their work, their study or something that benefits them, then they receive a chance to make their future elevated in a few days. This is why the work of the yagya continues and charity is accumulated for those who come. Both zones have come, but BapDada has seen that, in today's environment, all zones have zeal and enthusiasm for service. Indore is expanding their centre and making souls belong to the Father by giving them the message. Rajasthan is also moving forward in the same way. The wave nowadays is that everyone has enthusiasm for service; so BapDada is giving a signal: whatever zone you come from, Shiv Ratri is the Father's birthday, it is the beginning of service, and it is also the birthday of special souls. Nowadays, when it is the birthday of an eminent person in the Government, it is celebrated with a lot of pomp and splendour, just as they celebrate the birthday of Bapu Gandhiji; they try to make each person hoist the flag of Bharat as a memorial. Similarly, this is the special birthday of the maharathis and also of the Father, and of BapDada. So, on such a day, what is each one going to celebrate? It is BapDada's thought that on this Shiv Ratri you definitely have to give the message to those who are in contact with you, those living in your neighbourhood or your colleagues at work - either one week before or one week after Shiv Ratri tell them: if you want to claim the Father's inheritance, then take it now. Definitely give them this message. No one in your neighbourhood should remain who would say: Why did you give us this message in this last period? At least you should have told us earlier; we could have then made some fortune. Otherwise, at the end, they would simply continue to say: Oh God! You came and we didn't recognise You! They would continue to complain in this way. On this Shiv Ratri, in whatever way possible, have such a programme amongst yourselves so that those who are in contact with you receive the message. Then it depends on their fortune. However, at least you have done your work. So, each one should definitely receive the message in whatever way possible. Definitely give them the message in your own way, according to their nature. It is an auspicious day and we are sharing this good news with you. Then this complaint will finish. Even now, what do they say when you have programmes? Even now, they say: We only found out about this now. Why did you not tell us earlier? This is the birthday of the children and of BapDada. What day do the older ones celebrate as their birthday? They celebrate it on Shiv Ratri, do they not? So, distribute this sweet of sharing the message on the birthday of so many people. Is this OK? Will you distribute it? Raise your hands! No one should remain deprived. Do this in any way - have a function or send the message by post - but no one should be left out. Using any means definitely let them receive this message. You can discuss this among yourselves and create three to four methods of giving the message. Those of the Wings should definitely give the message of the importance of Shiv Ratri to all those who are in connection with them. Do you like this? Achcha.
In every village, some have become Brahmins, and so those who have become Brahmins should definitely go to their own villages and give them the message, either by sending them leaflets, going to visit them personally or in any other way. In every home, they should become aware of what Shiv Ratri is. In this, we shall see which zone claims which number. Keep an account. BapDada will see the result of how many you gave the leaflets to. How many you met practically. Keep this result. Each one has to remain busy. No one should remain free. Achcha. Indore and Rajasthan. The speciality of both is that you are both specially loved by Father Brahma. The foundation of Indore was laid by Father Brahma, and the first museum in Rajasthan was made by Father Brahma and BapDada. So, both are Brahma Baba's - both are loved by the Father, but are specially loved by Father Brahma. So, the canopy of protection of Father Brahma is constantly over both. It is over all the zones, but this is their speciality. When a trance messenger goes to Father Brahma and the advance party is made to emerge there, Father Brahma has a heart-to-heart conversation a lot about those early days with them. Out of all the maharathis who have become instruments for establishment, many of those companions have become instruments in the advance party, and BapDada has many heart-to-heart conversations of the early days. BapDada and the advance party have the one thought: When will you come to open the gates? Because the advance party alone cannot open them and BapDada alone cannot open them: the gates will be opened by you all together. Those of the advance party are asking and BapDada is also saying: When will all of you eventually become - ever-ready in your incorporeal and angelic forms? Nowadays, even nature is calling out a lot. The burden is increasing a lot: of the mind and of the body. This is why all of them are invoking you. Now, show even a slight glimpse of your being ever-ready. That glimpse is to reveal in a practical way your angelic and incorporeal forms. You make incognito effort, but this should now be visible in a practical way. The rays of light should be experienced from your forehead. The power of spirituality should be experienced through your eyes. Sweetness and cheerfulness should be experienced through your lips and your face. If you are asked about a date, then each one would think about it, because all of you mahavirs and fast effort-makers have to return collectively as a group. You are not going to return earlier or later than others. First, your ever-ready form has to be revealed through which the revelation of BapDada and His task will take place. So now make fast effort! Give co-operation to one another! Make them move forward! Give weak ones your support! Create such a gathering! Achcha.
Rural Development, Scientists & Engineers and Sparc wings: You are giving your own introduction very well. BapDada heard the news of all three wings. All three wings that have come have had very good meetings for progress among yourselves and have made your own plans for the future. BapDada is pleased that, in service, each wing nowadays wants to claim number one. Seeing this zeal and enthusiasm for fast effort, BapDada is giving multimillionfold congratulations to all the wings and, in particular, to these three wings. You have made good plans. You have made good plans that are filled with enthusiasm. This is why BapDada is telling all three wings: whatever plans you have made, put them into a practical form as quickly as possible. BapDada likes them. Every now and then, using the phone system of having conference calls, those who are special instruments of each wing should have conference calls among themselves and increase zeal and enthusiasm. When you have zeal and enthusiasm in your own cities, it will be like giving zeal and enthusiasm to the meetings. Every now and then, ask for the result and give them encouragement in this way. It is good. Turn the banner around towards the public. Nowadays, everyone is worried about nature too. So, you should give a special message: how we can change the nature of the elements with the nature of the mind. You have made the plans, but now everyone together should announce through programmes, even when you have small programmes, and spread the sound. BapDada has seen that in all the programmes that are taking place now you have created a very good method of spreading the sound, and whatever else you are doing, take suggestions from the serviceable instruments and glorify the programmes even more. Wherever you go, whether it is in big places or small places, there should be the sound: the Brahma Kumaris are doing a programme. Do not just sit down peacefully. Now spread the sound with zeal and enthusiasm. It is now time for them to come closer. The atmosphere is of an attitude of disinterest, and people want to see and hear something new. Discuss this among yourselves and spread the sound of zeal and enthusiasm everywhere. The same news should reach all the main places and the main countries everywhere. It should be printed in the newspapers in the main places: this happened, that happened, we are doing this and that. Spread the sound through the radio and TV. You can spread the sound in your own areas through the Radio and TV. Achcha. Many, many congratulations! All the wings are nowadays doing everything with a lot of enthusiasm and will continue to do so. Achcha.
Sindhi Group: The Sindhi group, raise your hands! You have created a very good method of serving with enthusiasm. BapDada is giving congratulations specially to those who have become instruments, for it is because of them that everyone received the message. No matter how many came, so many more received the introduction. Others too will like this method of yours. It was service and also a celebration. It was double work, and you will also receive blessings from all those who have come with you. It is good. Which place did the Father, Shiv Baba, choose as His birthplace? He liked Sindh, did He not? So, it is fortune, is it not? The place of incarnation has so much importance! The place of birth of any father of religion has so much importance. So, the birthplace of Sindh also has a lot of importance. This one is now making a plan. Janak is making a programme to visit there. If you are in contact with people sitting there, give them the news that we have now got our own place there. It will become large from small. However, BapDada is drawing your attention to something: before you go, know the atmosphere before taking the step because you can't tell what can happen at any time. Otherwise, it is good. Revelation definitely has to take place where the birthplace is. It does not matter which religion someone belongs to. After all, all are the children of the one Father. Everyone has a right to hear the Father's message. BapDada is pleased to see this plan of yours. BapDada is giving special congratulations to all those who have come. Congratulations! Congratulations!
Double foreigners: BapDada has seen that the double foreigners are clever in taking a chance. You come from anywhere and with your very good service plans, you make your gathering strong. You have chosen a very good place. To meet the Father, to meet the family and also to make your own progress. BapDada likes this. Foreigners, become such samples that whatever country and whatever centre you are an instrument for, make it an example of it being free from obstacles. Claim this number. The zones in India are also making effort. It hasn't been announced as yet, but you can claim this number. Anyone can take it. You have good courage and you have also received good co-operation. BapDada has seen that whoever makes the programme, you have to have its backing. In the Indian language, you call it "peeth" (follow-up). You have to make a connection and then continue to increase that connection. It is good. You continue to spread the wave of zeal and enthusiasm, and, every year, you add one speciality or another. This is why BapDada is giving multimillionfold congratulations.
What will Indore do now? You will show a number one example. Whether Indore does this or Rajasthan does it, take this number. You have this courage, do you not? You have made BapDada your Companion anyway. So BapDada is with you. You just have to become an instrument. Achcha.
BapDada is seeing the speciality of each child. Each child has the speciality of one subject or another merged in the self and this is why BapDada is seeing each child individually in his future victorious form because everyone has to return home together as a companion. You are together and you will return together. You will rule with Father Brahma. Achcha.
Seeing all the children everywhere, BapDada is pleased and is singing the song: wah children! wah! In the heart of every child is the Father and in the heart of the Father is every child. Seeing this huge family, the residents of Madhuban, there is the happiness, wah Madhuban! wah! Madhuban is anyway the asylum for everyone and this is why all of you come running to Madhuban. Now, you quickly have to fulfil the Father's hopes. You definitely have to become embodiments of experience in all four subjects. Seeing the children from this land and everywhere abroad sitting here, BapDada is pleased. Everyone is also pleased on seeing all of this. These facilities and science are progressing at this time. There are many new inventions of the world, but they are facilities for your benefit. They are inventing many good inventions. While being far away, you are together. So, congratulations to the scientists that they have invented the facilities. Please accept lots and lots of love from the heart and remembrance to all the children from this land and abroad, and in particular, namaste to such special children.
To the Dadis: You have good enthusiasm and you are also receiving all facilities. These facilities have been invented around your time and you are receiving happiness from them. They are only talking about destruction and you are taking benefit. It is good.
Mohiniben is in a Mumbai hospital and has sent special remembrance: She has now become engaged in getting herself well, and so she should only come back when she is completely well. Of course she remembers Baba, but she also has to look after her health. She is remembering BapDada; it is reaching BapDada. Baba is also giving her special love and remembrance.
Didi Nirmalshanta: Your courage is making your body move. The Father is your Helper and it is your courage.
Dadi Ratanmohini: You are making others fly and also flying yourself.
Shantamani Dadi: You are OK. You are happy. You are taking drishti very well.
To the three senior brothers: All of you three together should make a plan for Shiv Ratri. All the main places should have their own programme at the same time. However, advertise it at the main places. It should be held in all places. All the main places can make arrangements to do this anywhere. You have had big programmes in many places at the same time. Similarly, there should be programmes for Shiv Ratri in different places, and then put them all together and show it to everyone, like you did earlier.
The programme in Madras was very good: If you want to make an addition to service among yourselves or if you want to bring about some newness, then have a meeting among yourselves and make that move forward. You are an instrument and you are doing good work as an instrument, but nevertheless, if you want to make an addition, you can do so.
To Brijmohan Bhai: Achcha. Congratulations. Programmes are taking place very well. Nevertheless, discuss them among yourselves and if you want to make some additions, you can do that, and continue to make them move forward. Listen to advice. If you like it, take it further. Otherwise, it is good. Give your suggestions to the meeting, but everyone together should then finalise it and see it in practice.
Big new screens have been put up in Diamond Hall to which BapDada gave drishti: All of you are flying in happiness. BapDada is seeing that each one of you is flying.
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