30-11-2006 Om Shanti Avyakt Bapdada Madhuban
Today, BapDada, the Master of the unending, imperishable treasures, is seeing the account of accumulation in all his perfect children everywhere. He is seeing three types of account:
1. the account of accumulation of your elevated reward through your own efforts
2. the account of blessings through contentment: of always remaining content, and making others content3. the account of charity of unlimited selfless service through your thoughts, words, deeds, and relationships.
All of you must also be checking these three accounts of yours. How much have you accumulated in these three accounts? The key to accumulating all these treasures is to be an instrument: to be humble and selfless. Continue to check.
And, do you know the number of the key? The number of the key is three dots, three dots:
1. The dot of the soul
2. The dot of the Father
3. The dot of the full-stop of the dramaAll of you have the key, do you not? You open your treasures and continue to look at them, do you not? The method to increase all of these treasures is determination. When you have determination, then, in any task, you will not have a thought as to whether it will happen or not. The stage of determination is “it has already happened... it has already become...”, and not “^will it become?... will it be accumulated or not?” No. Not: “I am doing this, but.... it should happen...”. Not even “it has to be”, or “it should be”. Someone with determination will experience himself to have faith, to be carefree, and to have a guarantee.
BapDada has told you earlier too: if you want to accumulate the maximum account of all treasures, then make the mantra ormanmanabhav into your tool (yantra) through which you will always automatically experience the Father’s company, and being close to him. You have to pass. The word pass has three meanings. One is to say paas (close, near). The second is: whatever has happened is the past. The third is to pass with honours. If you have all three types of pass, then you all have the full pass to claim a right to the kingdom. So, have you claimed the full pass, or are you going to claim it? Those who have claimed the full pass, raise your hands! Not that you have to claim it , but have you already claimed it? Those sitting in the front row are not raising their hands. Do you still have to claim it? Is it because you are thinking that you are not yet complete? However, are you the victorious ones who have faith? Or do you have to become that? Now, can you hear the Call of Time, the call of the devotees? What sound of your mind is coming to you? “I definitely have to become complete and equal right now”, or are you thinking that you will become that, that you will think about it, that you will do it? Now, according to the times, you have to make the lesson of being ever-ready firm at every moment. Since you have said “my Baba”. and you have accepted “lovely Baba, sweet Baba”, then it is not difficult to become equal to the one you love.
BapDada has seen that, from time to time, the thing that becomes an obstacle in your becoming equal - and it is a well known word, known to all of you - is “I”: the consciousness of “I”. This is why BapDada has told you earlier too: whenever you say the word “I”, do not just say “I”, but say “I, the soul”. Say the words together. “I” sometimes brings ego: the “I” of body consciousness, not the “I” of the soul. It sometimes brings ego, sometimes the feeling of being insulted, and it sometimes makes you disheartened. Therefore do not let the “I” of body- consciousness even enter your dreams.
BapDada has seen that the majority of you have passed in the subject of love. Who has brought all of you here? Whether you have all come here by plane, by train, or by bus, you have in fact arrived here in the plane of BapDada’s love. So, just as you have passed in the subject of love, now demonstrate by performing the wonder of passing with honours in the subject of becoming equal. Do you like this? Would you like to become equal? You do like it, but it is a little difficult to become equal? Become equal, and completion will come in front of you. However, the promise that you made in your heart - to definitely become something - becomes a little weak, when the test becomes strong. Everyone desires this, but it is one thing to have the desire, and it is something else that happens practically. This is because you make a promise, but it lacks determination. Equality becomes distant, and the problem becomes strong. So, what will you do now?
BapDada is very amused about one thing. About what? That you are mahavirs, but it is just as in the scriptures: Hanuman is shown to be a mahavir, and yet they have portrayed his tail. This tail is the consciousness of “I”. Until mahavirs burn this tail, then Lanka - the old world - will not end. So now burn this tail of “I, I”, for only then will completion come close. In order to burn it, intense volcanic tapasya is required, not ordinary remembrance. Volcanic remembrance is required. This is why there is the memorial of the Goddess of the Volcano. Powerful remembrance. So, did you hear what you have to do ? Now let there be this deep concern in your mind that “I have to become equal... I have to bring completion close”. You would say that the confluence age is very good and so why should we bring about its completion? However, you are merciful, kind, compassionate souls like the Father. Therefore, oh merciful souls, have mercy on those unhappy souls, and devotee souls, of today! Become merciful. Sorrow is increasing. Have mercy for those who are suffering in sorrow, and at least send them to the land of liberation! Do not just serve through words, for there is now a need go service simultaneously through both the mind and words. Both types of service should happen at the same time. Do not think that you should be given a chance to do service. While walking and moving along, continue to give the Father’s introduction through your face and your activity. Your face should give the Father’s introduction. Your activity should continue to reveal the Father. So, may you be such constant servers. Achcha.
All of you are physically sitting in front of BapDada, but all the children everywhere are in the Father’s heart in subtle form. They are seeing and also listening. Many children from this land and abroad have sent their love and remembrance through emails, letters, and messages. BapDada has received everyone’s love personally by name, and, seeing all the children in front of him, BapDada is singing the song in his heart: “Wah, children! Wah!”. At tis time, each one has remembrance in an emerged form. Everyone says to the messenger (Dadi Gulzar) individually that “so and so has sent their remembrance... so and so has sent their remembrance”. The Father says: when you have the thought, then although the message is received through the instrument later, the thought of love arrives before the message through the instrument. Is that right? Some of you have received your remembrance, have you not? Achcha.
Achcha, those who have come for the first time, raise your hands! All of you have come here for the first time in service too. Achcha. BapDada says welcome: it is the season for you to come. Okay, now speak! (This time Indore Zone has served everyone - everyone had a paper heart with “mera Baba” written on it). You are waving your hands very well, and you can also wave your hearts. Simply always remember: never forget “mera”. You have taken a good chance. BapDada always says that he gives multi-million-fold help to those who maintain courage. You have maintained courage, have you not? You have done well! It is Indore zone. Indore zone is the last place which Baba remembered when he was in the sakar form (it was the last place for which Sakar Baba gave inspiration for a centre to be opened in 1968). It is good. All of you are happy, are you not? You have won a golden lottery. When a zone gets the turn to do service, all the servers have permission to come. Otherwise you are given a quota for the number to bring. However, now see how many there are! It is also a good chance for each zone: bring as many as you want.
So, all of you accumulated so much in your account of charity in a short time. To do service if the yagya with your heart means to increase your account of charity, at a fast speed, because you use all three - your thoughts, time, and body - in a worthwhile way. If you have thoughts, they will be of service for the yagya. You spent your time in serving the yagya, and you have offered your body for service of the yagya. So, is it service, or the fruit of it? The practical fruit is “ while doing service of the yagya, did anyone have any waste thoughts? Did anyone have such thoughts? You remained happy, and you all distributed happiness. So, continue to make the golden experience that you had here emerge, and increase it there, wherever you are.
Whenever any waste thoughts of Maya come, then come to Shantivan in the plane of your mind. You have the plane of your mind, do you not? All of you have the plane of your mind. BapDada has given every Brahmin the birthday gift of the plane of the elevated mind. In this plane you won’t have to make a lot of effort. To start (take off), simply say “my Baba”. That is all. You know how to fly the plane, do you not?
So, whenever anything happens, just come to Madhuban. On the path of devotion, those who go on the pilgrimage of the four places consider themselves to be very fortunate, whereas you have the four pilgrimage places in Madhuban. So, have you been on the pilgrimage of these four places? Have you seen the four pilgrimage places in Pandav Bhavan? Whoever comes here goes to Pandav Bhavan:
1. The Tower of Peace is the greatest pilgrimage
2. BapDada’s room: this is the pilgrimage of love
3. Baba’s hut: the pilgrimage of a sneh-milan (a small gathering of love)
4. History HallSo, have you all been on the pilgrimage of the four places? If you sometimes become a little sad, then come to the hut to have a heart-to-heart conversation. If you need to become powerful, then come to the Tower of Peace. And if you have waste thoughts at a fast speed, then come to History Hall. If the determined thought to become equal arises, then come to BapDada’s room. It is good. Everyone has taken the golden chance, but, even while living there, always continue to take the golden chance. Achcha. You are very courageous.
(Coronary Artery Disease conference) You did well. You all had a meeting amongst yourselves. The President’s desire is that this work should happen. As is his desire, continue to work with him, and continue to move forward, and also relate the news of your programme in the Brahmins’ meeting, and take their advice: through the advice of all Brahmins, it will be filled with power. The task is good: continue to to do it, continue to spread it. And continue to reveal the speciality of Bharat. You are working hard. You did a good programme. Those of the CAD group showed your big heart. Congratulations for that. Achcha.
(double foreigners) The presence of double-foreign children at every turn puts a star on the gathering. Seeing all the double foreigners, everyone has enthusiasm. All double foreigners are moving forward with zeal. You are not walking: you are flying. It is like that, is it not? Are you flying or walking? Those who are always flying - not walking, but flying - raise your hands! Achcha. In any case, you have come here flying by plane! So you have the practice of flying anyway. That is flying with the body, and this is flying with the mind. You have maintained good courage. Look, BapDada has found his children from all the different corners. It is very good. You are called double foreigners, but in fact you are originally from Bharat. And where are you going to rule? You are going to rule in Bharat, are you not? However, you have reached five continents for service. In all five continents - in all the different places - you are doing service very well, with a lot of zeal. You are destroyers of obstacles, are you not? When any obstacle come, you are not going to be afraid, are you? “What is happening... why is this happening?” No. “Whatever happens is a means for us to increase our courage... it is not for us to become afraid, but a means to increase our zeal.” You are strong in this are you not. Are you strong? Or are you a little weak? No. You don’t like the word “weak”. You are strong. You will remain strong. And, remaining strong, you will return home together with the Father. Achcha.
(Dadi Janki has just returned from Australia, and they have sent lost of remembrance) BapDada received their message by e-mail too. BapDada sees that, nowadays, the big programmes have become such that they are already accomplished. All of you have learnt how to do them. You now have very good practice of using the facilities for service. BapDada is seeing Australia as number one, but only now. You took the number one in the beginning, and now the UK is moving ahead a little. However Australia has to claim number one. The UK will not become number two, but will also remain number one. BapDada remembers the older children of Australia, and BapDada’s beloved child, Nirmal Ashram. You call her Nirmala Didi: you call here Didi do you not? From the beginning, BapDada gave her the title Nirmal Ashram: the ashram in which many souls have taken support and have belonged to the Father. They now belong to the Father, and they will continue to belong to him. So, special remembrance to every child of Australia. They are sitting in the front: you are from Australia, are you not? Those from Australia, stand up! Very good. They have got such good enthusiasm. They are making lots of preparations for serving the world. You have BapDada’s help, and you also have success. Achcha.
What determined thought do you now have? Now, sit with the thought that success is your birthright, and that victory is the garland around your neck. With this faith and spiritual intoxication, sit as an embodiment of the experience of this. Achcha. (Baba conducted drill).
To all the carefree emperors everywhere, who are free from worry... to the children who constantly remain stable in the form of an emperor of the land which is free from sorrow... to all the children who are always in the flying stage with wings of zeal... to the children who are equal to BapDada, and who are bringing completion close... BapDada’s love, remembrance, good wishes from the heart, blessings from the Bestower of Fortune, and namaste.(to the Dadis) Everyone has so much love: they are seeing you with so much love. She will become okay: she is alright and will become alright. Achcha. Everyone is so happy. To remain happy is the sign of having attained the greatest fortune of all. Those who remain happy give the experience of happiness to many others through their faces.
(to Dadi Janki) Now the whole of Bharat is going to come into your hands. They themselves will offer to you: “come”. At present, you have to make a little effort. You have to print leaflets etcetera. You have to make a little effort. However, now they themselves will all come to offer to you. The scene now remains where the sound emerges form everyone’s lips that “our Baba has come”. That too is coming close, You simply continue to fly. Become an angel, and continue to fly, and they will have visions of angels.
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