25-02-2006 Om Shanti Avyakt Bapdada Madhuban
Today the sweet sweet love and remembrances and greetings of the extremely loving children everywhere is reaching BapDada - greetings filled with zeal for BapDada’s birthday is merged in each one’s mind. BapDada is also giving multi, multi, multi-million-fold greetings for the children’s birthday to all the long-lost and now-found beloved children. The birthday of the Father and the children is at the same time - a speciality of today that does not exist in the rest of the cycle. This is called the unique birthday (jayanti). The Father cannot do anything without the children and the children cannot do anything without the Father. The birthday is on the same day, and you and the Father have to stay together at the confluence age, because the Father and the children are combined. The task of world transformation is together - the Father alone cannot do it, and the children alone cannot do it either. You are together, and the Father’s promise is: we will live together and return home together. You have promised this, have you not? Have you ever seen such love between the Father and the children? Are you experiencing it? This is why this confluence age is important, and the memorial of this festival is created in many melas.
The devotees are calling out “when will he come” - and you are celebrating. BapDada has love for the devotees and also feels mercy for them. They make so much effort and they continue to search for him so much. Did you search for him? Or did the Father find you? Once the Father found you, did you make any effort? You made deal in a second, with just one word: “mine” - “my Baba” - and the Father said “my children” - and the deal was made. It is easy is it not? You sometimes find it difficult - it is easy, but your weaknesses give you the experience of it being difficult.
BapDada sees that the true devotees - not the selfish devotees - keep a fast on this day with a lot of love. All of you have also taken a vow. They hold a fast for a few days, and you make fast a promise - to have pure attitude, vision, and actions - to have a pure life - not just the purity of celibacy, but your life, your food, interactions, world and sanskars - all are pure. Have you taken such a vow? Have you made it firmly? You have become celibate but have you taken a vow about anger? Just as you consider lust to be such a great evil spirit, and so have made a firm vow about it in your minds, words, and actions, have you also made a firm vow to give up anger? Or is it the second number and so it doesn’t matter? It is not like that, is it? The progeny of greed, attachment, and ego come afterwards, but today BapDada is asking about anger. Is there anyone who has taken the complete vow about anger so that there is no anger in your thoughts or any feeling of anger in your mind, even in your dreams? Take a photograph of those who have raised their hands - BapDada will not just accept your raising of the hands, but will ask for a certificate from your companions. Then he will give a prize. It is good. BapDada has seen that the trace of anger is jealousy - jealousy is a child of anger.
BapDada is also seeing the result of the homework he has given - it has been two months and one month remains. What is done on a birthday? A cake is cut. You cut that cake very easily do you not? And you will also cut it today. But, in those two months did you cut a cake of your waste thoughts? You will have to cut it will you not? Because you have made a firm promise to return home with the Father, so you will have to become equal. Holi will come in one month - on Holi you burn something. Whatever seed of waste thoughts remain, these will make the trunk emerge, or even the branches emerge sometimes. So on the Father’s birthday, can you give the Father the gift of whatever little remains in your thoughts, words, or relationships? Can you give it with zeal of your mind, not just of the mouth (in words only)? You will have to renounce something, so think carefully. Do you have this courage?
BapDada wishes to see this gathering, this Brahmin family, to have a face that is equal to the Father. Simply have the courage to have determined thoughts. It isn’t a big deal - but those who have the power to tolerate and the power to accommodate can easily become free from anger. Simply remember one slogan: do not give sorrow and do not take sorrow. Many check that they didn’t cause anyone sorrow, but they very easily take sorrow - one who gives sorrow makes a mistake, so the Father and the drama know about that karmic account, but why did you take it? You mustn’t take it no matter how much someone gives, otherwise the illness of feeling increases - if your feelings increase in little matters, then waste matters cannot leave you.
If you want to return home together, and not follow, you will definitely have to give a gift. BapDada has seen the report and for the majority it was not a report of contentment. Can you not sacrifice the vice of anger out of love? The sign of sacrifice is to be one who follows the order. Waste thoughts can cause a lot of deception in the final moments because in all directions there will be the atmosphere of sorrow, the atmosphere of nature, and the atmosphere of souls that would attract. The children from everywhere should have courage and determination, and become the embodiments of success, and announce to the world that there is no lust or anger. We are the children of God. You make others renounce drinking and smoking, but today BapDada is encouraging you to become free from the vices of anger and lust, and wants you to do this on the stage of the world. Do you like it? Do the Dadis like it? Do those in the front row like it? Do those from Madhuban like it? Even those from Madhuban like it. Do those from abroad like it? So what is the big deal about doing that which you like? BapDada too will give extra rays.
BapDada also has the call of the heart of the advance party. Even Maya has now become tired - even she wants to be liberated. You do liberate her, but every now and again you have a little friendship with her because you have been friends for 63 births. At this time, time is you companion. All souls have to go into liberation. It is the time for that. It is now the time, and this is why BapDada says: first of all grant liberation to the self, and then give a drop of liberation to all the souls of the world. They are calling out - can you not hear the sound of the unhappy ones? If you remain busy with yourself, you won’t be able to hear the sound. If you don’t fill yourselves with the sanskars of being merciful and compassionate over a long period of time, then how will you fill your non-living images with the vibrations of mercy and compassion? Even in the copper age you will have mercy for everyone, through your non-living images. The devotees are your dynasty are they not? So do you not feel mercy? You do have it, but you become a little bust elsewhere. Now you must not give a lot of time to making effort for yourself. Give time to giving to others, and the giving will become a form of receiving. Do not get caught up in little matters. Celebrate the day of liberation. Celebrate today as the day of liberation. Is this OK?
1500 double foreigners have come from 100 countries. How many centres are there in the foreign lands? (approximately 500).BapDada is pleased that the branches of the different countries have now become the branches of the one sandalwood tree. Are there 500 types of culture now? There is just the one! It is now just the one Brahmin culture.
The kumaris look very beautiful in the midst of the gathering, turn around so that everyone can see you. Yes, everyone, look - look how beautiful they look. The kumaris wearing the crown look very beautiful. Now perform such wonders that the group of kumaris from abroad bring about a revelation in India, because the kumars and kumaris from abroad are the youth. So make a file of all the kumars and kumaris from abroad who have become ready, and show this file to the VIPs here (in India) - they have prepared well here for the youth, so have a look at that, and make it even more beautiful than that. Put the experiences of those who have had practical transformation - only those who are firm - who have firm faith and are victorious. The file will do a lot of service. BapDada, as well as Brahma Baba, has had this thought from the beginning that those from abroad will awaken those in this land. So this will perform wonders.
Today, whether you are sitting here personally, or whether you are sitting far away in this land or abroad, BapDada will make all the children perform the drill. Are all of you ready? Merge all thoughts.... now, in one second, reach your sweet home with your mind and intellect.... now, from the supreme abode, reach the subtle region.... now, from the subtle region, come to your kingdom of heaven in the corporeal world.... now come to your most auspicious confluence age.... now come to Madhuban.... in this way continue to be swadarshan chakradhari and continue to go around the cycle.
To all the lovely and lucky children from everywhere; to all the kingly children who constantly bring about self transformation through self sovereignty; to the stars of success who constantly attain success with determination; to all the children who always remain happy; many, many congratulations, blessings and love and remembrance for today’s birthday of BapDada and the children. Namaste to such elevated children.
(flag hoisting)
The flag we just hoisted is to serve all people, but the flag of the Father’s revelation is hoisted in the hearts of all of you, and it will constantly be flying high. The flag of love for God that is hoisted in your heart is spreading the feelings of your heart in the whole world. And that day is definitely going to come when the atmosphere of love in your heart will work like a magnet and everyone will themselves say: “He has come, our Baba has come”. At the moment you are hoisting this flag, and now the flag of revelation will be hoisted very soon, because all the children have a right to the Father, and the Father has to give them one type of attainment or another. You will receive liberation in life, and they will receive liberation. They are happy with just liberation, and you are happy with liberation in life. You have double - both life and liberation. So congratulations, congratulations, congratulations to the children from everywhere who hoist the flag of love for the Father in their heart.* * * O M S H A N T I * * *