15-10-2004 Om Shanti Avyakt Bapdada Madhuban
In order to reveal the One, make your stage constant and stable. Stay in your self-respect and give respect to everyone.
Today, BapDada is seeing three stars of fortune sparkling on the forehead of each child. First is the fortune of God's sustenance, the second is the fortune of the God's study and the third is the fortune of God's blessings. In this way, He is seeing the three stars in the centre of each one's forehead. Do you also see the sparkling stars of your fortune? Can you see them? You would not be able to see the stars of such elevated fortune sparkling on the forehead of anyone else in the world. These stars of fortune are sparkling on the forehead of all of you. However, in some cases, there is a difference in their sparkle. The sparkle of some is very powerful, and the sparkle of others is of a mediocre level. The Bestower of Fortune has given all the children equal fortune. He hasn't given anything special to anyone. The sustenance is the same, all of you are studying together and everyone has received the same blessing. In all the corners of the world, there is the same study everywhere. It is a wonder that it is the same murli of the same date, and that the time of amrit vela, according to each one's country, is also the same. The blessing you receive is also the same. The slogan is also the same. Is there a difference? Is there a difference in this between America and London? There isn't. So, why is there a difference?
BapDada gives the same sustenance to everyone at amrit vela. Everyone receives the same method of having constant remembrance. So, why is it numberwise? If the method is the same, why is there a difference in the attainment of success? BapDada has equal love for all the children everywhere. Even if someone is the last number according to his efforts, BapDada still has the same love for even the last one. In fact, together with love, He also has mercy for the last number, that this one who is last should go fast and come first. How have all of you, who have come from so far away, reached here? God's love has pulled you here, has it not? You came here having been pulled by the string of love. So, BapDada has love for everyone. Do you believe this, or do you have a question as to whether Baba has love for you or whether He has less love? BapDada's love for every child is more than that for the next. And this love from God is the basis of the special sustenance of you children. What does each one of you think? That your love for the Father is greater or that the love of someone else is greater and that yours is less? Do you think in this way? You believe that your love for Baba is greater, do you not? It is like this, is it not? Pandavas? Each one of you would say, "My Baba!" You wouldn't say that He is the Baba of the centre-in-charge, that He is the Baba of Dadi or the Baba of Dadi Janki. Would you say this? No! You would say, "My Baba!" Since you said "Mine" and the Father also said "Mine", then through just this one word, "mine", the children belong to the Father and the Father belongs to the children. Did this take any effort? Did it take any effort? A little bit, perhaps? No? Do you sometimes find it an effort? You don't find it an effort? You do. So what do you do when you find it takes effort? Do you become tired? Say from your heart with love, "My Baba", and effort will change into love. As soon as you say, "My Baba", that sound reaches Baba, and the Father gives extra help. However, it is a deal of the heart. It is not a deal of words. It is a deal made with the heart. So, you are clever in making a deal with your heart, are you not? Do you know how to make a deal? Do those sitting at the back know how to make a deal? This is why you have reached here. However, who resides the furthest away? (Those from) America? Are those from America the furthest away or is the Father the furthest away? America is in this world. The Father comes from another world. So who is the resident living the furthest away? It is not America. BapDada is the furthest away. One comes from the subtle region and one comes from the supreme abode, and so what is America compared to that? Nothing at all!
So, today, the Father, who is the Resident of the faraway land, has come to meet the children who reside far away in this corporeal world. Do you have the intoxication that today BapDada has come for you? The people of Bharat belong to the Father anyway, but BapDada is especially pleased to see the double foreigners. Why is He pleased? BapDada recognises that the Father has come in Bharat and that this is why the people of Bharat have this extra intoxication. However, Baba has love for the double foreigners because even though they are from different cultures, they have become transformed into the Brahmin culture. You have been transformed, have you not? You don't have the thought any more, do you, that this is the culture of Bharat, and that your culture is different? No. The result that BapDada saw is that all have become those of the one culture. No matter where you come from, the countries are different for the physical bodies, but the soul belongs to the Brahmin culture. Do you know the one other thing that BapDada likes very much of the double foreigners? (They become engaged in service quickly.) Say something else. (They have jobs and also do service.) They do this in India too. In India too, they have jobs and do service. (If something happens, they speak honestly about their weakness, they are very honest.) Achcha. Are those from India not as honest?
BapDada has seen that even though they live far away, because of love for the Father, the majority have passed in the subject of love. Bharat has that fortune anyway, but whilst living far away, all have passed in this. If BapDada were to ask you whether there is a percentage in your love...? Is there a percentage in the subject of love for the Father? Those who believe that they have 100% love, raise your hands. 100%? The residents of Bharat are not raising their hands! Look Bharat has received this fortune. The greatest fortune it has received is that the Father has come in Bharat. The Father didn't like America for this; He liked Bharat. This one (Gayatriben from New York) is sitting in front. However, even whilst being far away, you have deep love. Problems do come, but by saying, "Baba, Baba", you finish those problems.
Still, BapDada has given you pass marks in the subject of love, so what else do you have to pass in now? You have to pass! You have passed and you have to pass. According to the present time, BapDada wants the percentage of the power of self-transformation of each child to be just as much as when you all raised your hands for the power of love. All of you raised your hands for that, did you not? Is there just as fast a speed in self-transformation? Will you raise your hands fully or only half-way in this? How much will you raise them? You do bring about transformation, but it takes time. According to the closeness of time, the power of self- transformation should be so fast - how long does it take to put a full-stop on a piece of paper? How much time does that take? How much time does it take to put a full-stop? Not even a second. Is that right? So, do you have such a fast speed? Should you be asked to raise your hands? You would only raise your hands half-way. The speed of time is fast; the power of self- transformation has to be just as fast. And, when you speak of transformation, always remember the word "self" before the word "transformation". Not transformation, but self-transformation. BapDada remembers that the children had promised Him that within a year they would bring about transformation of the world through transformation of their sanskars. Do you remember? You celebrated that year, did you not? - World transformation through transformation of sanskars. The speed of the world is going into the extreme, but is the speed of the transformation of sanskars just as fast? The speciality of the lands abroad, as a rule, is that everything there is fast; they do everything fast. So, the Father is asking: Are you fast in transforming sanskars? BapDada now wants to see the speed of self-transformation become fast. All of you ask, do you not, "What does BapDada want?" You have discussions amongst yourselves and you ask one another: What does BapDada want? This is what BapDada wants: that you are able to put a full- stop in a second. Just as when you put a full-stop on a piece of paper, so this should be even faster than that. In bringing about transformation, put a full-stop to anything that is not accurate. Do you know how to put a full-stop? You know, do you not? However, it sometimes becomes a question mark. You put a full-stop and it becomes a question mark. Why is it like this? What is this? These questions "Why? and What?" make the full-stop into a question mark. BapDada also told you earlier: Do not say, "Why? Why?" What should you say instead? Fly or Wah! Either say "Wah!" or "Fly". Do not say, "Why? Why?" You know how to quickly say, "Why? Why?" Does that just come? Whenever this "Why" comes up, say instead, "Wah, wah!" If anyone does anything or says anything - "Wah drama, wah!" Not, "Why is this one doing this? Why is this one saying this? I will do this if the other one does it." No!
Nowadays, BapDada has seen...; should I tell you? You do want to bring about transformation, do you not? So, nowadays, the result, whether in India or abroad, is that there is the wave of one thing in both places, and what is that? "There should be this; I should receive this; this one should do this... Only what I think and say should happen." These things of expectations that arise even in your thoughts are waste thoughts and they do not allow you to become the best. BapDada noted everyone's chart of waste for a short time. He checked it. BapDada has powerful machinery. He doesn't have a computer like you all have. Your computer can even get corrupted. However, BapDada has very fast checking machinery. BapDada saw that the majority have waste thoughts throughout the day every now and then. What happens is that the weight of waste thoughts is heavy, and the weight of best thoughts is less. So these waste thoughts that you have every now and then make your head heavy. They make your efforts heavy. There is a burden and so that pulls you towards itself. This is why, when there are fewer, pure thoughts which would be a lift for self-progress - not even a ladder, but a lift - then you have to climb the ladder of effort. Simply remember two terms. In order to finish the waste, simply use two terms in your thoughts, words, actions and behaviour from amrit vela till night. Put this into practical form. These two terms are: Self-respect and respect for others. You have to stay in your self-respect and give respect to others. No matter what someone else is like, I have to give that one respect. I have to give respect and stay in my stage of self-respect. There has to be a balance of the two. Sometimes, you stay in your self-respect a great deal, but you lack giving respect to others. It should not be that you give respect if that person gives you respect. No. I have to be a bestower. The Shiv Shakti Pandava Army are bestowers, children of the Bestower. To say, "I will give if the other one gives", becomes a business. That is not being a bestower. So, are you businessmen or bestowers? A bestower is never a taker. In your attitude and vision, just have this aim: "I have to...., not others." I constantly have to have good wishes and pure feelings for each one, that is, for everyone, whether they are gyani or non-gyani. In fact, you do have good wishes for those who are non-gyani, but let there be good wishes and pure feelings for all gyani souls too. Your vision should become like that, your attitude should become like that. You have a pupil in your eye. Does that pupil ever disappear? What would you become if the pupil disappeared from your eye? Would you be able to see? So, just as there is the pupil in the eye, in the same way, the soul and the Father, the Point, is merged in your eyes. Just like the point (soul) that sees never disappears, in the same way, the point of awareness of the soul and the Father should never disappear from your attitude or vision. You have to follow the Father, do you not? So, just as the Father has respect for every child in His vision and attitude, He has regard, in the same way, let there be self-respect and respect for others in your vision and attitude. The thoughts that you have in your mind - that this one should change, that he should not do that, this one is like this - that will not happen through teachings. It is by giving respect to others that they will begin to fulfil the thoughts that you have in your mind - that that one should change or do this or that. They will change through your attitude, not through your words. So, what will you do? Self- respect and respect for others - you will remember both, will you not? Or, will you just remember self-respect? To give respect means to receive respect. To give respect means to become worthy of respect. The sign of soul-conscious love is to transform the weaknesses of others with your good wishes and pure feelings. In the last message too, BapDada said: At present, let your form be merciful. Even in the last birth, your non-living images are merciful and have mercy on the devotees. Since the non-living images are so merciful, what would there be in the living form? The living form would be a mine of mercy. Become a mine of mercy. Anyone who comes, give them mercy - this is a sign of love. You want to do that, do you not? Or, do you simply want to listen? You have to do, you have to become! So Baba is giving you the response of, "What does BapDada want?" You ask this question and so BapDada is giving you an answer.
BapDada is pleased that children have come from so many countries. From many different countries, you have all reached the one Madhuban. Do you remember that BapDada gave you some work to do last year? Do you remember? Who remembers? Pandavas? Shaktis? BapDada said that this year, and the year is now over, is it not? You have to bring heirs and mikes in front of BapDada. How many heirs have you made emerge? Australia, speak! How many heirs have emerged? America, how many heirs have emerged? Are the mikes being prepared? But they have not come in front of Baba. You have come but the mikes and heirs have not come. Have they come? Has a new heir from any country come? There are the old ones of course. Anyone from any country, raise your hand. How many countries have come? (One sister has come.) She has come as an heir. Congratulations. Very good. Which country is it? Columbia. Where else have they come from? (One has come from Brazil). Congratulations. Has anyone come from anywhere else? (Canada, Argentina, Hong Kong, America, New Zealand, Germany). Very good. Congratulations. Four have emerged from Hong Kong. Achcha. Are they firm heirs? They have come as Brahmins. You have brought about very good expansion in service, and that is very good. At present, very good growth is taking place in service, be it in Bharat or abroad. BapDada wants you to make someone an instrument to carry out a special task. Make someone co- operative, someone who until now has wanted to do something, but will now actually demonstrate that practically. You have had many programmes. Wherever you held programmes, BapDada is giving congratulations to all those who carried out those programmes. Now show some more newness, so that they reveal the Father on your behalf, just as you do. It should also emerge from their lips: This is the Godly study. "Baba, Baba" should emerge from their heart. They do become co-operative, but the one thing that still remains is, "This One is the only One. This is the One. This is the One..." This sound should spread. "The Brahma Kumaris are doing very good work. They can do this." They have come that far, but now, they should say, "This is the only One, this is God's knowledge." Those who are to reveal the Father should say this fearlessly. You say that God is making this task happen, that it is God's task. However, they should now say that they know God, the Father, whom everyone has been calling out to. Now give them that experience. What do you have in your heart at every moment? Baba, Baba, Baba! Such a group should emerge. It is good. You can do this. What has happened up to this point has been fine. Transformation has taken place. However, the last transformation is, "This is the One. This is the One. This is the One." That will happen when the Brahmin family have a constant stage. At the moment, the stage continues to change. A constant stage will reveal the One. Is this OK? So, double foreigners, become an example. Become an example in giving respect and in staying in your own self-respect. Claim a number in this. They show the example of the family that conquered attachment, where the messengers and servants and everyone else became conquerors of attachment. Similarly, wherever you go - America, Australia, every country - claim a number in being constant, united in following one direction, staying in your own self- respect and giving respect to others. You can claim it, can you not? Claim it. Do you want to claim a number? This one sitting here (Dr. Nirmala) claim a number. Claim a number and show that practically and then BapDada will come twice. However, that will be when He first sees the result. You may clap, but Baba will first see the result. Achcha.
All of you are flying, are you not? You are those with the flying stage, are you not? Do not go up and down; you will get tired. Continue to fly and make others fly. Achcha.
BapDada has seen that those who haven't been able to come have all sent their love and remembrance, and many have also sent letters. They are seeing whilst sitting at a distance. However, the Father says: They are not far away. They are in His heart. The heart is the closest of all. This is why no matter where you are sitting, even though you are not seeing through the physical facilities (video transmission did not take place), you are seeing with your heart. Those who are seeing with their heart, those who are sitting far away are all seated on the Father's heart-throne. You have sent love and remembrance from your heart. You have also sent your news. Together with love and remembrance, BapDada is giving everyone this blessing: Let the past be the past, put a full-stop, become a point and remember the Father, the Point. This is the response that BapDada is giving to everyone's remembrance and news. The double foreigners have claimed the first chance. So, you will have to come in the first division. BapDada is pleased. Follow the Father. Always remain happy. Achcha.
To all the children everywhere who are merged in the Father's eyes, to the children who are the light of the eyes, to the children who always remain stable in a constant stage, to the fortunate children whose star of fortune is always sparkling, to those who always have self-respect and equally respect others, to the children who make the speed of their efforts fast, BapDada's love, remembrance, blessings and namaste.
BapDada speaking to Dadis: Very few original jewels now remain. You did very well. (Manohar Dadi has sent lots of remembrance. She is sitting in Kanpur.) She has renounced this, but has claimed blessings from many souls. Achcha, all of you are very happy to see the Dadis, are you not. You are playing a very good part.
To the gathering: BapDada is seeing and you are all also seeing. You can see, can you not? It is good. Look, those from India have renounced this turn. They have given you double foreigners this chance. It is good that everyone's face has become so cheerful. Now, always keep them cheerful. You are now seeing your photos, are you not? You can see your photo of the present time, and so it will always remain like that. Will it always remain like that or will it change? Always see yourself personally in front of BapDada. See Him with You. Then your face will always remain like that. It is good that all of you are making very good effort. And, you all have a lot of love. Now, whilst walking and moving along, you should not be seen to be ordinary. You should be seen as angels. Achcha. All the Dadis are those who have deep love for service and also deep love for remembrance. All of you are very good.
To the sisters from abroad: The meetings are going very well and those plans now have to be put into a practical form. It is good that you do everything with one another's advice, because you then also receive blessings. One is your aim and the other is the blessings, and so both of these work. Each one of you is looking after your own zone; it is moving along well and will continue to do so. Congratulations for that. Everything is moving along fine, is it not? You have also become experienced. Through your experience, you are also making others experienced. Congratulations that everything is moving along without obstacles. And, there is also very good enthusiasm for service. BapDada heard that news. Congratulations for the zeal and enthusiasm in Africa. You are the first ones to start and so congratulations for that. Everyone has to do this numberwise, but you have taken the initiative and that is good. The plan is also good. To create hands there and then to get them to serve there is a very good plan, because very few hands can be found elsewhere, and the local hands are experienced there too.
(Brother Nizar from Africa gave BapDada a letter and said: We all have the thought that by Mama's day (24th June) 2006, we will give Baba's message to everyone in Africa so that no complaints remain.) It is good. Very good. Similarly, give the message to all those who still haven't received it. Baba liked this plan the best, and it is an easy method. Hands will be found and service will also increase. Now, everyone has to do this. (When the local people do service, a good response is received.) Congratulations.
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