11-03-2002 Om Shanti Avyakt Bapdada Madhuban
Specialities are a gift from God. Offer them for world service.
Today, the great-great-grandfather, Father Brahma, and Father Shiva are giving the whole elevated, fortunate Brahmin clan all over the world lots and lots of multimillion-times congratulations for the divine alokik birthday. Together with this, they are giving birthday greetings with deep love and spiritual flowers of love from their heart. They are very happy to see the speciality of every Brahmin soul. In their heart, they are singing the song: Wah children! Wah! Today, from amrit vela, these were the waves of happiness visible in each one's heart: Wah the alokik birthday of our Father and us! The Father was also happy to see the garlands of greetings of all the children from amrit vela. Throughout the cycle, this birthday is only celebrated at the confluence age. Even in the golden age you will not celebrate such an alokik birthday. Even there you will not have such a unique birthday where the Father and the children take birth on the same day. Until now, have you ever heard of a birthday which is the same day for the Father and His children? However, today, the birthday you are celebrating is of you children and of BapDada on the same day. So you are singing songs of wonder, are you not?
Today, at amrit vela, BapDada was creating a rosary. Which rosary was He creating? He was not making the final rosary of 108, which would make you wonder whether your name was in it or not. However, today, He was making a rosary of the children who have remained immortal with the blessing of being immortal from the beginning of establishment till now, which is the time that is close to destruction. According to the drama, this too is an elevated part of those souls, to see and hear the divine activities with God, the Highest-on-High. However, there are so few of them. Do all of you also have this part? BapDada is making you into the Brahmin dynasty. This is why, in terms of the world, all you Brahmin souls are very, very, very fortunate. Why? You are in the line of a handful out of multimillions, and a selected few from that handful. On the one side, there are the billions of souls of the world and on the other side there are all of you Brahmin souls who are united. So, on this birthday, BapDada was seeing the horoscope of every child - not just of some of you, but of every child - and was garlanding you with the rosary of specialities. Whether you are new souls, or those souls from the beginning or from the middle, you are special and you will remain special. You will remain special throughout the whole cycle. Throughout the whole cycle, all souls of the world look at you elevated souls with a vision of greatness. So do you know your specialities? Do you know them? Does each one of you know your speciality? If yes, then raise one hand? Very good! What do you do with those specialities? You know that they are very good, you accept them as very good, but what do you do with those specialities? What do you do with them? (Use them for service.) You don't use them in any other way, do you? Specialities are a gift from God. A gift from God is always to be offered for world service. If the specialities are used in a negative way, they take on a form of arrogance. This is because after coming onto the path of knowledge, after coming into Brahmin life, you attain many specialities from the Father, for by belonging to the Father, you claim a right to the treasures of specialities. You don't have just one or two specialities, you have many specialities. In the memorial too, your specialities are mentioned as being 16 celestial degrees complete. So there aren't just 16, but 16 means full and complete. It means being complete with all. To be complete is the detail of being completely viceless. In words, it is "completely viceless", but in being complete, there is a lot of detail. So every Brahmin attains specialities as an inheritance from the Father. However, imbibe those specialities and then use them for service. Not that this is my speciality, but it is a gift from God. When you consider it to be a gift from God, that speciality will be filled with God's powers. By saying that it is yours, you have to face both arrogance and insult. The sign of having any type of arrogance of knowledge, yoga, service, your intellect or any virtue is that such a soul will feel insulted very quickly. So you are special souls, that is, you have a right to a gift from God.
So, today, all of you have come to celebrate BapDada's birthday, have you not? And BapDada has come to celebrate the birthday of all of you. You will just celebrate BapDada's birthday, but BapDada has come to celebrate the birthday of the whole Brahmin clan. No matter whether you are sitting far away in this land or far away in a corner abroad, any soul who has become a Brahmin and belongs to the Brahmin clan, BapDada is celebrating your birthday. You are celebrating that too. You are celebrating everyone's birthday, are you not? Or is it the birthday of just those who are sitting here? You remember everyone, do you not? Look, everyone is watching to see whether you are also celebrating their birthday, or not! So you are celebrating everyone's birthday. Congratulations, congratulations, congratulations to everyone. To celebrate means to have that zeal and enthusiasm. So you have that enthusiasm in your heart, do you not? Wah our alokik birthday! Wah!
So, today, from amrit vela, you have all had a lot of zeal and enthusiasm in your heart for your birthday. BapDada even saw the cards. You see them with those eyes, but BapDada sees them in the subtle form before any of you see them. BapDada saw how all of you have so much zeal and enthusiasm to show the enthusiasm in your heart. Nowadays, e-mails are very cheap. So everyone sends a lot of e-mails. Everything reaches BapDada. Whether it is an e-mail, a card, a letter or a thought in your heart. If you collected all the cards, letters, e-mails and thoughts from amrit vela, you would enjoy yourself a great deal just on seeing them. This is a unique exhibition. On a birthday, you make a wish for the future. On your birthday, the number of the age increases, and so you have now gone from 65 to 66. Just as you move forward one year, in the same way, in your efforts, in your invaluable life, in your mind, that is, in your thoughts, in the decision power of your intellect, in your words, in having the power to make others into embodiments of success in a second, in terms of relations and connections, let all those who are in connection with you experience one attainment or another at every moment. Have you taken a vow of such determined thought for the year ahead? On the day of Shiv Jayanti, all Brahmin souls have two aims: one is a promise to themselves and the other is to hoist the flag of the Father's revelation. All of you have these two particular aims in your heart. So BapDada saw the register of the past of all the promises you have made. Every year, each one of you made a promise in the right way in your thoughts and words. You have done very well. However, from today, that is, after celebrating this birthday, especially underline one phrase. It is a common phrase. It is not a new phrase. That phrase is "constant determination". Not determination sometimes and carelessness in determination sometimes. When you have constant determination, the sign of that is that there will be constant 100% success in your every thought, word and deed in terms of the self, service and in your relationships. For as long as Brahmins lack constant success in all these things, then, according to the drama, revelation is also delayed. Success is the basis of revelation. Let every word be filled with success. Let every thought be filled with success. This is why in the memorials today, those who call themselves gurus are referred to as gurus whose every word is a version of truth. Even if they are telling lies, their devotees would say: It is a version of truth! So this is a memorial of your promise. It is you who become emperors and great. This is why, when it is said: "The guru whose every word is a version of truth", they mean, the great souls. Never think: "That was not my intention, but I just said it", or "It just emerged like that." Words or feelings do not emerge just like that without any motive. That is just a case of deceiving yourself. Sometimes you say that the words just emerged. Why did they just emerge? Why? Do you not have controlling power that they just emerged? It just happened, so are you not the king? It means you are under the influence of some of your physical senses, are you not? This is why the words just emerged or something else just happened. So this year, together with congratulations, also underline: Constant determination in everything.
Today, it is your birthday and so BapDada is not telling you anything today, but BapDada has noted it in everyone's chart, and He will tell you that in the last meeting. Today, Baba is just going to celebrate and not tell you anything. He will tell you after 15 days. (If BapDada were to tell us, it would all be put right in 15 days.) OK, if you first say that you will make that correction within 15 days, then it is OK for Baba to tell you. If that transformation were to take place in 15 days, you can't tell what BapDada would do. Should Baba tell you? Pandavas, should Baba tell you? Will you be transformed in 15 days? Will you have this thought? It is good. Will the Pandavas do this? Should Baba tell you? It is easy to hear it, but will you do it? You will have to do it then. (BapDada asked all those sitting at the back, all the mothers, teachers, double- foreigners and everyone waved their hands.) All of you raise your hands very well.
There are three groups of double-foreigners, are there not? (introverted, intoxicated (mastana) and powerful (shakti).
The introverted group, raise your hands! There are very few in the group of introversion. The second group is intoxicated (mastana). OK, those who are in the mastana group, stand up! You are those who always remain intoxicated, are you not? What is the meaning of mastana. Those who are always intoxicated. The third group is Shakti. The Shakti group is powerful, is it not? You have chosen very good names. In the beginning, when there was the bhatthi, what were the names of your groups? (Divine Unity, Manohar Party, Supreme Party). The names are very beautiful, are they not? So these are also very good groups. If you remember the name, then together with the name you will also remember your task. Achcha, double-foreign kumars, stand up! Achcha, this is the group of kumars. You have done well. BapDada has received very good news of the refreshment of the double foreigners. BapDada is congratulating you from the heart and also reminding all the groups of what Baba has underlined today.
There are many double-foreign teachers. To become a teacher is a sign of very, very elevated fortune because BapDada sees the teachers as guru-bhais (disciple trained to take the seat of the guru). He sees you with such a vision of being equal because you sit on the Father's seat. Teachers receive this right, do they not? Just as a guru has his throne, so too, this throne of the murli is to enable others to imbibe the murli and to listen to the murli. You don't just read the murli but you also inspire them to imbibe it. BapDada has given you teachers the throne of a guru-bhai. It has been seen abroad that all of you become seated on the throne very quickly.
BapDada is pleased. To wear the crown of responsibility, to maintain courage is not a small thing. However, to be a guru-bhai is to be equal to the Father. In fact, everyone has to become equal to the Father, but the teachers especially have the crown of responsibility. BapDada also likes the gathering of teachers very much. However, the special term for today is "constant attention".
Achcha, teachers of Bharat, stand up! The teachers of Bharat are no less. So did you hear with which vision Baba sees the teachers? This seat of conducting class and reading the murli is very fortunate. You are very, very, very lucky because who are instruments in the corporeal form? Achcha. One of the Dadis is abroad and one is in Madhuban, but at every place, it is the teachers who are instruments in the corporeal form. Or even the Pandavas are instruments. It isn't that there are just teachers, even Pandavas, whom you call senior brothers, are there. Pandavas are very necessary. It is with the company of both the Shaktis and the Pandavas that the task has continued from the beginning. Even though there were few Pandavas, there was Vishwa-Kishor. Anand Kishor and Vishwa Kishor were there from the beginning. So you have the company of the Pandavas, do you not? However, the majority are the teachers who become instruments. You are the backbone. You are the backbone of even the teachers. Each one has his or her own part. However, abroad, there is the speciality of even Pandavas being teachers. Few Pandavas in Bharat become teachers, but BapDada always says that teachers are those who give a vision of the Father through their features. The ones who show the clear future through their features. So, you are such teachers, are you not? Let whoever sees you experience BapDada's sustenance. Let God's virtues and God's powers be visible on your face. Let Him be visible through your words. Let it not be: Such-and-such a teacher said this. No. BapDada gave this experience through the features of the teachers. To forge everyone's connection with the Father is the duty of the teachers. Let the word "Baba" emerge from each one's heart at every moment. Very good groups have been created because when they receive personal refreshment they have good experiences. The result of the groups has been good. It is good.
This time it was U.P. who served: Achcha, golden chancellors, stand up! There are Pandavas and also Shaktis. So, all of you have received this title of service: Golden chancellor. So now
U.P. will show wonders. Create a splendour in U.P. There are very good old ones in U.P. There are also many new ones. Now create a programme so that the vision of everyone in this land and abroad falls on U.P. In U.P. there is the sign. Even Brahma Baba has seen that. He had sown a seed in the corporeal form and tried to take some land and do something special there. However, up to now that hasn't happened. Perform wonders and it will happen. Those in Benares are building a museum. Those in Agra are also building one. We shall see how many heirs, co- operative souls and regular students emerge. We shall see the result. All the rest is fine. You have maintained courage well and you will continue to receive help. What wonders will those from U.P. perform? Are you going to perform a wonder or not? You are going to perform it, are you not? So we shall see what wonder you perform. Everyone will say: Let us go to U.P. Let us go to U.P. Let those who are involved in destruction carry on with their destruction and those who are carrying out establishment carry on with that. So, we shall see. You just make plans. Is this OK? Plans will be made, will they not?
The Media meeting took place: What are the media people doing? Media means those who reveal everything. So, what plans of revelation have those in the Media group made? Will revelation take place this year? Whether the Media group create channels or whatever else you do, people should definitely say: This is the one! This is the one! This is the one! Until now, they say: This is also one like the others. Not that, this is the only one. That is also good. This is the best of all. Let this be printed in the papers. Only when this comes on the TV channel will the Father say that you are the Media group. Nevertheless, you are moving forward. No matter how much you have done, there has been some growth, but that is your ultimate aim, is it not? You are making very good effort. Your name has been glorified, but the task has not yet been accomplished. It will happen, definitely! Achcha.
A large group of Sindhis has come: Very well done! You have come to your home, have you not? Do you believe that you have come to your home? Or have you come to the Brahma Kumaris? It is your home because establishment began in Sindh. Therefore, you are connected with the place that was instrumental for establishment. This is why it is very good that you have come. You have come and will continue to come. Continue to awaken those who are in connection and relationship with you. BapDada has seen that you do good service. You have already done so until now. You continue to give one another the introduction, but now increase service even more. So many of you have come this time. However, next time, let there be even more! Everyone becomes happy when they see the Sindhi people because you are from Sindh where establishment began. Everyone becomes happy when they see you. You have done well. There is growth, is there not? There has been a good increase. You did very well. Achcha.
Double-foreigners have already been congratulated. (1000 double-foreigners have come from 50 countries). BapDada is giving special congratulations to the double-foreign children for the courage they have had in bringing about world benefit. You are not going to leave out any corner. You maintain courage and continue to move forward in service. BapDada has seen that the result of service, whether it is Call of the Time, Living Values, Peace of Mind, whatever you are doing, is good. The result is good and you are moving forward. In Bharat, they have the blessing of hoisting a flag in every village. This is not difficult in Bharat, but the method of the double-foreigners of not looking at situations but just carrying on with establishment is very good. Bharat is the Father's, and it has therefore received a blessing anyway.
Those from Turkey, stand up! Look, the Father has lots and lots of love for you. This is why He has reached Turkey. You are very intoxicated. You are incognito and intoxicated. Remain incognito and also maintain your intoxication. You are playing a good part. Achcha. The double- foreign teachers have made very good effort. The RCO group, stand up! You should all know who the RCOs abroad are. You have given your time and made a lot of effort, and so, congratulations! You did very well. You have the backbone. (Dadi Janki). Look, you have everyone's love, do you not? Look, they all applauded you. It is good. (There are also the NCOs). It is good. Whoever there are, they are all good, whether they are NCOs or RCOs. You have all given your time. By giving time there is success. Achcha.
What is the condition of Gujarat? You have great courage, do you not? You don't have any fear, do you? What are the Shaktis afraid of? This has to happen. However, the real thing is still waiting to happen. That was just a rehearsal! You are not afraid, are you? Is anyone afraid? No.
Continue to watch every scene of the drama comfortably. Just don't watch it having come off the seat of a detached observer. Set yourself on the seat very well.
Are those from Madhuban OK? It is the season of a lot of service. Those from Madhuban, stand up! Those from Madhuban are loved the most because those who are at the hearth are in the heart. Look. It is good that even those from Shantivan have stood up. BapDada constantly makes the residents of Madhuban emerge and gives them love and remembrance because you give so many souls the happiness of meeting the Father. To do service means to be a bestower of happiness, the same as the Father, and to give happiness. Those in Madhuban have many, many, many Godly chances to do service. Those from Madhuban have God's grace on them. They have the blessings of the Guru. Therefore, always, whether you are listening up there in Madhuban or personally in front of Baba, BapDada is giving all you serviceable souls, who are residents of Madhuban and therefore seated in the Father's heart, the children seated on the throne, in return for your service, the blessing: May you be tireless! You are those who show your portrait of being constantly tireless. You are like this, are you not? You are bestowers of happiness, are you not? You receive so many blessings. Those who have an honest heart automatically receive blessings. The residents of Madhuban have a very good chance to accumulate blessings. You can do as much service as you want. You have a stock, do you not? Is your stock of blessings being accumulated? (To Dadiji). You can sit down. BapDada has special love. BapDada has special love for the residents of Madhuban. Baba doesn't meet you separately, but He always meets you with His heart. Very good. There are even sisters. Achcha. What has to be done now?
Trustees of Global Hospital have also come: BapDada has seen that the Brahmins have had the maximum benefit from Global Hospital. It has become an easy method for Brahmins. This is why BapDada is giving special remembrances to those from the hospital. Achcha, trustees, stand up! BapDada is going to tell you something amusing. It is a common thing, but it is amusing. BapDada has seen that the residents of Madhuban have the maximum benefit of Global Hospital. Why? Whenever someone leaves his or her body, the breakfast of the residents of Madhuban is not cancelled. And, in every season here, there are 2 to 4. So you residents of Madhuban benefit, do you not? At least your food is not stopped. Even the children benefit. However, in terms of social work, it is the hospital that was instrumental in changing the attitude of the residents of Abu. The servers in the hospital have also come, stand up! Many, many congratulations for your service. You are doing very good service and, day by day, you are becoming experienced. At least you have maintained courage! Achcha. Now, even in Bombay a hospital is being opened. It is good. Global Hospital has found a good heir. (A hospital has also opened in Bhuvneshwar.) Do all of you like it? At least wave your hands! It has become easy for the teachers to have themselves checked. It is good. In this land and abroad, this name does a lot of service. Abroad, they have the Janki Foundation. It is good. That too is a means of service and the connection you have maintained with one another is also good. There are very good trustees. Achcha.
To all the elevated Brahmin souls who are celebrating their birthday festival; to the elevated souls who constantly perform an alokik divine task in their alokik birth; to the children who always belong to the one Father and none other and who always remember the One (eknami) and are incarnations of economy of all treasures; to the children who reveal their every blessing and inheritance through their life and who maintain zeal and enthusiasm; to such children, BapDada's congratulations for the alokik birth, love, remembrance and namaste.
To the Dadis: (Dadiji gave BapDada many, many congratulations for His birthday.) Today, all of you were in the rosary. Baba remembered the rosary. You jewels of the beginning of establishment were beads in that rosary. It is good that you were instruments for establishment. You became instruments for sustenance and now you will become instruments to go with the Father. Will BapDada alone open the gates? (No.) They are waiting for you. Come, so that we can open the gates. However, you will have to complete the service because you people have been made instruments in the corporeal form. So you will have to complete the task in the corporeal form. Whom does everyone see nowadays? On whom does everyone's vision fall? It falls on all of you. Everyone's vision falls on all of you who have become instruments. Baba has seated everyone in His eyes. The Father's vision is not narrow; He has unlimited vision. So all of you are in His vision. All of you are jewels of the eyes. Very good. Each one of you is playing your part and you have to play it. You are bound in the drama. Do you like it? It is very good.
After hoisting the flag, BapDada gave greetings to all the children for Shiv Jayanti: The flag of the Father's revelation has been hoisted in the hearts of all the children, and the flag hoisted in the hearts of all of you will be hoisted in the world. The sound that will emerge through everyone's lips: Wah the Shiv Shakti Pandava Army! Wah! BapDada is very pleased to see everyone's face full of happiness. You have the fortune of happiness and you always have a cheerful face, and continue to feed others Dilkhush toli. At amrit vela, if all of you take this sweet through remembrance, you will feel the power of this sweet throughout the day and you will remain happy. Achcha. Congratulations to everyone. (Congratulations! Congratulations to Baba from everyone!)
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