03-02-2002 Om Shanti Avyakt Bapdada Madhuban
Make your aim and qualifications equal and become full of all treasures.
Today, the Master of all treasures is seeing His children who are full of all treasures. Every child is full of all treasures. The sign of those who are full is that they are visible as constant embodiments of attainment and are satisfied souls. They are seen as constantly happy because they are overflowing. Let each one of you ask yourself: How many treasures have I accumulated? You have attained these imperishable treasures now and they will also remain with you for many births in the future. These treasures are not going to end. The first treasure is the treasure of knowledge, and with this treasure of knowledge all of you are even at this time experiencing liberation and liberation-in-life. Whilst living this life in the old world, in the tamoguni atmosphere, on the basis of the treasures of knowledge you are detached and free from the atmosphere and vibrations of all these things. You souls are as detached as a lotus flower and liberated from sorrow, worries and peacelessness. Whilst living your life you are free from the bondage of bad things. You are free from the storms of waste thoughts. Are you free? All of you are waving your hands. So liberation and liberation-in-life is the fruit and attainment of the treasure of knowledge. Even if waste thoughts try to come, and negative thoughts also come, you have knowledge, that is, you have the understanding that it is the duty of waste and negative thoughts to come, and the duty of you enlightened souls to remain detached and free from them and to be loving to the Father. Therefore, check: Have I attained the treasure of knowledge? Is it overflowing? Is it full or is there anything lacking? If it is lacking, then accumulate it. Don't remain empty.
In the same way, the treasure of yoga brings you the attainment of all powers. So look at yourself and check whether you have accumulated all powers with the treasure of yoga. All powers? If even one power is missing, you will be deceived at some time. The title of all of you is master almighty authorities, the ones with all powers, not just those with some powers. So, have you accumulated the treasure of all powers with the power of yoga? Are they full? Are you an embodiment of attainment or is something lacking? Why? You can now fill yourself with whatever you are lacking. You still have a chance. Later, the time to make yourself full will come to an end, and the weakness will remain. Check yourself. Bring every power in front of you and check it against the timetable of the whole day. If there is even a percentage less, you would not be said to have passed fully, because when any of you children are asked whether your aim is to pass fully or only half-pass, then all of you say that you will become part of the sun dynasty, not the moon dynasty. Will you become part of the moon dynasty? BapDada will give you a very good throne! Will you become part of the moon dynasty? Foreigners? The people from India will become the sun dynasty and the foreigners will become the moon dynasty, right? You won't become this. Do you want to become the sun dynasty? You definitely have to become that. BapDada is just having chit-chat. Since you have the firm determined faith that you have to become the sun dynasty, and you have promised the Father and yourself, then from now onwards, there should not be a percentage less of any power. If you say that there was a percentage less because of the circumstances and problems, you will become fourteen degrees. This is why, nowadays, BapDada is checking every child's register and chart. BapDada also has everyone's register because, according to the time, BapDada is telling you children in advance: Now, according to the time, don't say, "At some time!" Say "now!" "It will happen at some point. I will do it later. It has to happen." Don't think in this way. It is not that it has to happen, but you have to do it right now! The speed of time is becoming increasingly fast and, therefore, the aim you have kept of becoming equal to the Father, passing fully, of becoming sixteen celestial degrees full, BapDada wants that aim and its qualifications to be equal in a practical way. Only when your aim and its qualifications are both equal will you easily become equal to the Father. So check yourself. To say that it will happen or that you will become that at some time is carelessness. Whatever you want to do, whatever you want to become, whatever aim you have, you have to do that now, you have to become that now! Don't use the words "at some time", but let it be right now!
So, there is the treasure of knowledge, the treasure of yoga and there is also the treasure of imbibing, and through this imbibing, you accumulate the treasures of virtues. In virtues too, just as there are all powers, there are also all virtues. There are not just some virtues, but all virtues. So do you have all virtues? Or do you think that it doesn't matter if one or two virtues are missing and that everything will be fine? No, it will not do. So have you accumulated the treasure of all virtues? Check which virtue is missing and fill yourself.
The fourth subject is service. All of you experience that whenever you serve through your mind, through your words or through your actions, the attainment of that is spiritual happiness. Therefore, check to what extent you have experienced happiness through service. If you serve and don't experience happiness, that service was not accurate service. There is something or another missing in the service, which is why you don't experience happiness. The meaning of service is that you the soul experience yourself to be a cheerful, spiritual rose in bloom swinging in the swing of happiness. Check yourself: You served throughout the day, but in comparison to the service done in the whole day, did you experience happiness or did you just continue to have other thoughts? Not this, but this, not this but this... The influence of your happiness influences the place of service and your service companions, and the atmosphere of the souls you serve becomes one of happiness. This is the treasure of service - happiness.
Another thing. The four subjects have been mentioned. And then there is also relationship and connection, which are also very essential. Why? Some children think that they have a relationship with BapDada anyway, and so it doesn't matter whether they have a relationship with the family or not, because they have a connection with the Seed anyway. However, you want to rule the world, do you not? In a kingdom, you have to come into relationships with others. This is why you have to come into relationship and connection, but the real treasure that you receive through your relationship and connection is that of blessings. Without coming into relationship and connection with others, you won't accumulate in your account of blessings. You have the blessings of the Mother and Father, but you also have to receive the blessings of those with whom you have relationships and connection. If you don't receive their blessings, and you don't have the feeling of receiving them, then you should understand that something is missing in your relationships and connections. If your relationship and connection are accurate, then you should experience blessings. What would be the experience of blessings? You are experienced in this, are you not? If you receive blessings through service, then you yourself will remain light and whoever you come into contact with... (BapDada was coughing.) The instrument is not well, but it has to be used.
The experience of receiving blessings is that whenever you come into relationship with others and when performing any task, you will be double light. Light. You won't experience any burden and those whom you serve, those with whom you come into relationship and connection, will also feel double light. They will experience that you are always light in relationships, that is, easy, never heavy. You may come into relationship with others but because of receiving blessings, both sides would be easy according to the discipline. However not to be so easy that, as the saying goes, "Ants come where there are too many sweet things." So not that easy, but will remain double-light. So BapDada says: Check your treasures. Baba is giving you time. The board of completion has not yet been put up. So check yourself and continue to move forward.
BapDada has love for you children and this is why BapDada doesn't want any child to be left behind. Every child should go the furthest ahead possible. Whilst moving along, there is body consciousness. Self- respect and body consciousness. The reason for body consciousness is a lack of self-respect. A very easy method to end body consciousness is just one word. You also know that word. What is the one word that brings body consciousness? (I). How many times do you use the word "I"? Throughout the day, have you ever noted down how many times you use the word "I"? OK, for one day note this down. The word "I" is used repeatedly, but who am I? The first lesson is "Who am I?" When you say "I" out of body consciousness, in fact, who am "I"? Am "I" the soul or the body? Has the soul adopted the body or has the body adopted the soul? What happens? The soul adopted the body. Isn't this right? So, the soul adopted the body then who am "I"? "I" am a soul, am I not? So the easy method is that whenever you use the word "I" remember what soul you are. The soul is incorporeal and the body is corporeal. The incorporeal soul has adopted a corporeal body. Therefore, however many times you use the word "I", remember: I, the incorporeal soul, have entered the corporeal body. When you remember the incorporeal stage you will automatically become egoless and body consciousness will end. By keeping the first lesson of "Who am I?" in your awareness, which soul you are, by remembering yourself to be a soul, the incorporeal stage will become firm. When you have an incorporeal stage, you will automatically become egoless and viceless. From tomorrow, note down what you remember when you use the word "I". However many times you use the word "I", you will automatically become incorporeal, egoless and viceless. Achcha.
The Youth Group has come today. There are many youths. BapDada is giving a blessing to the Youth Group. May you live long! Don't ruin even one treasure. May you live long and may you remain prosperous! Worldly gurus give blessings for a long life and BapDada says: The life- span of the body will remain whatever it is. Therefore, He is not giving you a blessing for a long life in terms of the body but may you constantly have a long life in this Brahmin life. Why? Brahmins will then become deities. So you will have a long life, will you not? Youth have one speciality. Do you youth know your speciality? Do you youths know your speciality? What speciality do you have? (We can do what we want.) Achcha. Are you able to do this? That is good. In terms of the world, it is said of youth that they are very stubborn. They will definitely do whatever they think. Those people say the opposite. Here however, the Brahmin youth are not stubborn, but they are those who remain very firm in their promise. They are not those who move away from their promise. Are you youth like this? It is very easy to raise your hands. BapDada is happy because you at least have the courage to raise your hands. However, every day at amrit vela, remember the promise you have made to BapDada, that in this Brahmin life, you will not move away from attainment and service even in your thoughts. Daily revise this courage and promise that you have made. Check again and again: are the courage you have had and the thought you have kept, taking place in a practical way?
The Government says that even if two to four hundred thousand youths become strong, then that is fine. BapDada says: Every Brahmin youth is equal to one hundred thousand. Are you this strong? Are you like this? Look, it should not be that when you get back home, you write to Baba saying that Maya has come, sanskars have come or problems have come. Become an embodiment of solutions to the problems. The problems will come, but ask yourself: Who am I? Am I an embodiment of solutions or one who is to be defeated by the problems? What is the title of all of you? The victorious jewels or the jewels who are to be defeated? You are victorious jewels. As soon as you took Brahmin birth, BapDada applied the eternal tilak of victory to your forehead. So you are those who have received the blessing of immortality. Now make this promise to yourself. If you are made to make a promise here, everyone will make it, but make a promise to yourself in your mind: I will never be under the influence of my sanskars. The Father's sanskars are the sanskars of me, the Brahmin soul. The sanskars of the copper and iron ages are not my sanskars because they are not the Father's sanskars. Are the tamoguni sanskars, sanskars of the Brahmins? They are not, are they? So, who are you? You are Brahmins, are you not?
BapDada is proud of the youth group. Look, even the Dadis are proud of the youth. Dadiji has love for the youths. She has extra love for you. Kumars are su-kumars (pure kumars). You are not just kumars, but pure kumars. Each one of you kumars is one who will bring about transformation of the world and demonstrate that to everyone. Achcha, should the kumars be given some work to do? Do you have the courage? You will have to do it. Will the kumaris do it?
Baba is giving you something to do, so listen with attention. In the next season, we shall have a similar special programme for the kumars. But....there is also a but. Baba is not giving you a lot of work to do. Each of you kumars prepare and bring a small bracelet of the wrist, of 10 kumars each. Bracelets are worn on the wrist, are they not? You always put a bracelet of flowers on Father Brahma's wrist. So each of you kumars must bring others: don't bring weak ones, bring strong ones. Not those who come to Madhuban and then change when they get back home. Bring such strong ones here, that, on seeing them, BapDada also says: Wah, kumars! Wah! Are you ready to do this? Will you do this? Think about it a little. Don't raise your hands just like that. You will have to do it. You will have to make others the same. The double foreigners will also do this. Will the double foreigners do this? Double-foreign kumars, raise your hands! You will also bring 10 each, will you not? The foreigners will bring them and those from India will also bring them. Then a prize will be given to those who bring souls of first-class quality. A very good prize will be given, not something of low quality. Baba has love for the kumars. If the Government were to find the maximum number of kumars who perform positive actions, then they would be so happy. If each of you bring 10 others, the entire hall will become full of kumars and then we can call the Government. Look, these are the kumars. However, you will have to bring them. You will have to create them. If you make your stage, your aim and its qualifications equal, then you won't have the thought whether or not there will be success in service. It is already accomplished. You just have to become an instrument. Constantly continue to revise this promise. You have to perform wonders. Achcha.
Double foreigners have also come. BapDada says that the double foreigners have put one of Baba's titles into practical form. Which title is that? (World Benefactor). When establishment first took place, Bharat was a Benefactor. However, since the double foreigners have become Brahmin souls, the Father's title of being the World Benefactor was revealed in a practical way. This is why BapDada is especially proud of the double foreigners. BapDada has seen that the double foreigners have a special concern for service so that not a single corner should be left unserved.
(During the murli, two kumars suddenly came onto the stage in front of BapDada and had to be taken off the stage.) Achcha. You just saw a play within a play. Now BapDada says: You watched the play as a detached observer, you enjoyed it. Now, are you able to be detached from the body and become stable in a powerful stage of soul consciousness in one second? Full-stop! (BapDada conducted a very powerful drill.) Achcha, continue to practise this every now and again. One moment you come into action, and the next moment you become detached from it, and become stable from the corporeal to the incorporeal stage. You just saw this experience. Whenever any problem comes, become a detached observer in just one second, consider the problem to be a side-scene, consider the storm (toofan) to be a gift (topha) and overcome it. You have this practice, do you not? As you progress further, this practice will be very much needed. Full-stop! Not a question mark! Why did this happen? How did it happen? It happened! Full- stop and become stable in your fully powerful stage. The problem will remain down below and you will continue to watch the problem as a side-scene from your elevated stage. Achcha.
Those who are sitting the furthest away and watching and listening to this, either in Bharat or abroad, to all those children who are sitting far away and are close to the heart, BapDada is giving them love and remembrance first because BapDada knows that the timings are different in all the places. They all have different timings, and yet they all change night into day and day into night and sit to listen to Baba. This is the love of the Father and the children, and BapDada also gives congratulations to the scientist children for inventing these facilities of science for you children. This is why BapDada is congratulating those children too. All these facilities of science have been invented for you children in the last 100 years. It is a wonder of the scientists and thanks to them. Achcha.
To all the children everywhere who are full of all treasures; to all the souls who constantly smile and remain happy and are overflowing with attainments at every moment; to the enlightened and yogi children who reveal in their practical life the promise they have made to the Father; to the souls who are equal to the Father and whose aim and its qualifications are equal; to the elevated souls who have a stock of all treasures at every moment and who apply a full-stop, BapDada's love and remembrance, and love and remembrance from the heart of the Comforter of Hearts (Dilaram), and namaste.
Servers from Eastern Zone and Tamil Nadu: Achcha, the sevadharis who have come, raise your hands! Bengal, Bihar, Nepal, Assam, Orissa, and Tamil Nadu. The sister of Tamil Nadu
(Rosyben) has come. Look, you have received new life. Congratulations for your new life. Clap with one hand.
All the Pandavas and Shaktis who have come and who have become instruments for service, have received the visible fruit of service in the form of happiness. BapDada says: It is the cleverness of the children to claim blessings by making easy effort. You claim a very good chance to accumulate in your account of charity, and the more tirelessly one serves, the more that tireless server accumulates in his account through his thoughts, words and actions. Therefore, congratulations to all the sevadharis for your accumulation. Achcha, everyone arrives here on time.
BapDada speaking to Dadiji and Dadi Janki: (I missed one turn.) You did service and so you didn't miss it. BapDada constantly continues to adorn your crowns of responsibility with invaluable jewels. The more the responsibilities in the corporeal form increase, the more double light you become as you play your part. BapDada is especially happy that the Shaktis have hoisted the flag of victory with a great sound. The Father remained incognito, but you children hoisted the flag in a visible way. (Dadi Janki told Baba that she had one desire, that everyone should get together in Bharat before going to the land of peace.) Where will everyone go. It will happen. It has to happen. Achcha.
BapDada meeting Dr. Abdull Kallam, Dr. Pillai and Dr. Selvamurthi (Scientists of Bharat): BapDada is pleased to see the fortune of all of you. Special service has to take place through you souls. What service will you do? (30% of the people are poor, and I have the thought to remove that poverty.) It will happen. The time is now to come for the thought that you have. This poverty is not going to remain. Just as Bharat was the wealthiest of all, it now has to become the same. So this thought of yours is going to be fulfilled. It is a good thought. All of you simply become messengers and give this message: Any soul who comes into connection with you, then the balance of both silence and science, will itself give blessings from God. Now, you just have to give this message. BapDada is happy that your desire is for the children to progress, that the children become worthy, and plans are being made for that here. The Education Department here is gradually moving forward and you will also be co-operative in that. All these children will be co-operative in that and the day will come when you will say, "Wah, Bharat, wah!" The spiritual knowledge of Bharat will give everyone the blessing of happiness and peace. (The balance of science and silence will make Bharat beautiful.) Follow Brahma Baba. You have one speciality and you can continue to use that speciality. Your natural speciality is that you definitely complete whatever task you start. You don't leave it incomplete. Therefore, with this speciality, your thought will definitely be fulfilled. Both these companions are also very good. You are a trimurti now. Where there is a trimurti, Shiv Baba is also there. (They are also kumars.) You are brahmcharis (celibate from birth) and also Brahma-acharis (those who follow the footsteps of Father Brahma). (Addressing Dr. Selvamurthi): It is good. This one is doing something for health. In the field of health, everyone's sorrow is being removed. To remove everyone's sorrow is also such a good task. This is why those who are in the health field are said to be next to God. This is why it is good. Together with health, souls will also receive the wealth of knowledge. You are good instrument souls. (Dr. Pillai has received the title of Padam Shri and Dr. Abdull Kallam has received the Bharat Ratna award - the highest award in India).
BapDada gives you the title of being multi-multi-multi-million times shri. You (Dr. Abdull) have received the Bharat Ratna award, therefore you have love for Bharat. Achcha, will you now become mikes? You will become spiritual mikes and do service.
Speaking to Ashaben: Everything is going well, is it not? You have everyone's blessings. Blessings are such that it makes every task happen easily. It is good.
Speaking to Rosyben: You have such a good part in the drama. This account too has now ended. You have now settled the accounts that remained. You settled them with happiness. These accounts are for service. Those who are servers cannot remain without doing service wherever they go, and they receive blessings as the fruit of service. It is good. (A doctor has also come with Rosyben:) You did very well. You receive blessings by serving Brahmin souls. You served with happiness and this is why it has accumulated in the account of service.
Speaking to the teachers of Madras: They are all looking after the service there. It is good. To receive a chance to serve is also a sign of fortune and so all of you are fortunate.
Speaking to the senior sisters from abroad (RCO's): BapDada is especially happy that each one of you is playing your part very well. It is like this, is it not? Each one of you whilst playing your part is making yourself move forward and also making service move ahead. You became instruments according to the drama. You will also make plans for the future, of what you are going to do, will you not? You will do something new, will you not? Achcha, BapDada is pleased.
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