18-01-2002 Om Shanti Avyakt Bapdada Madhuban
Become powerful through the power of love. Give all souls a drop of love to all souls.
Today, the Powerful Father has come to meet His children who are embodiments of remembrance and embodiments of power. Today, there are waves of love in all the children everywhere. All are especially merged in memories of Father Brahma's love. For every child, this love is a blessing in life. God's love has given all of you a new life. It is the power of love that has made every child belong to the Father. This power of love makes everything easy. When you become merged in love, you experience any difficult situation to be very easy. BapDada also always tells you to remain merged in the Ocean of Love. Love is the canopy of protection under which no shadow of Maya can exist. You easily become conquerors of Maya. Those who remain constantly loving don't have to labour over anything. Love easily makes you equal to the Father. It is easy to surrender anything out of love.
So, today, from amrit vela, every child put a garland of love around the Father's neck, and the Father too garlanded the loving children with a garland of love. Just as on this special day of remembrance, that is, on the day of love, you remained merged in love, similarly constantly remain merged in love all the time. Then, you won't have to make labourious effort. One is to merge in the Ocean of Love and the other is to take a dip in the Ocean of Love for a short time. Some children don't remain merged, but quickly come out. This is why something easy becomes difficult. Do you know how to merge yourself? Do you know how to merge? There is pleasure in merging oneself. Father Brahma constantly merged the Father's love in his heart and the memorial of this is shown in Calcutta.
Now, BapDada wants every child to give the proof of love for the Father by becoming equal. Constantly remain powerful in your thoughts. Now, celebrate the completion ceremony of waste, because anything wasteful doesn't allow you to become powerful. And, for as long as you instruments haven't become constantly powerful, how would you enable souls of the world to receive power? All souls are totally empty of powers. They have become beggars of the powers. O powerful souls, liberate those beggar souls from begging! Souls are calling out to you powerful souls: O children of the Bestower of Liberation, master bestowers of liberation, liberate us! Can you not hear this sound? Do you not know how to hear it? Are you still busy in liberating yourself? By becoming a master bestower of liberation with your unlimited form, you will easily be liberated from your trivial matters. Now listen to the call of time! Listen to the call of souls! Can you hear their call or not? Give distressed souls a drop of peace and happiness. This is following Father Brahma.
Today, you especially remembered Father Brahma a lot more, did you not? Father Brahma remembered all the children in their form of remembrance and power. Many children, whilst having a conversation with Father Brahma, made sweet complaints to him, asking him why he went away so quickly. The other complaint was why Baba didn't take leave from all of you children before going away. Father Brahma replied: I too asked Father Shiva why He called me suddenly. The Father replied: If I had told you to come after taking leave from the children, would you have been able to leave the children? Or, would the children have been able to let you go? The memorial of you as Arjuna is that, at the end, you were the conqueror of attachment and the embodiment of remembrance. So Father Brahma smiled and said: It was a wonder that the children didn't understand that I was going, and even Brahma didn't understand that he was going. Whilst being face to face, both sides remained silent because, according to the time, the part of the son showing the Father was fixed in the drama. This is called, "Wah, drama, wah!" Drama is wonderful! The change in service was fixed. Father Brahma was to become the backbone of the children. He had to play the part of fast service through the avyakt form.
Today, the double foreigners have especially made very sweet complaints. Have you double foreigners complained? The double foreigners told Father Brahma: If you had waited another two to three years, we too would have seen you. So Brahma Baba smiled and jokingly said: So, speak to the drama and ask the drama why it did that! However, this example of those coming last and going fast had to be created, in Bharat and also abroad. Therefore, now show the practical proof of coming last and going fast. Just as today, you celebrated the day of power, in the same way, let every day be a day of power. Let there be no type of upheaval. On this day, Father Brahma gave the teachings in three words. (incorporeal, viceless and egoless). Become an embodiment of the teachings of these three words. Be incorporeal in your thoughts, egoless in your words and viceless in your actions. In a second, come into the corporeal form, and in a second, remain stable in the incorporeal stage. Repeatedly practise this throughout the day. Let it not be that you remain stable in the incorporeal stage only when you sit down for remembrance, but every now and then, make time to practise becoming detached from the consciousness of the body and remain stable in the form of the incorporeal soul. Whatever task you are performing, whilst doing that, practise: I, the incorporeal soul, am making these physical senses work. The incorporeal stage is the stage of being karavanhar (one who makes the senses work). The physical senses are karanhar (the one who does) and the soul is karavanhar (one who makes others do). With the stage of the incorporeal soul, you automatically remember the incorporeal Father. Just as the Father is the One who works through others, in the same way, I, the soul, also work through the senses. Therefore, you won't be tied in any bondage of karma, you will remain detached, because it is when you become trapped in the bondage of karma that there are problems. Throughout the day, check: Do I, the soul, perform actions as karavanhar? Achcha. Now make the machinery to give liberation work fast.
Achcha. All those who have come here for the first time in this cycle, raise your hands! BapDada is giving special love and remembrance to all the new children who have come because you have recognised the Father in time and have claimed a right to your inheritance. Constantly remember your fortune of having recognised the Father. Achcha, double foreigners, raise your hands! Very good. BapDada says that the double foreigners are the creation of Brahma's thoughts. One is the direct progeny through the mouth and the other is the progeny through thoughts. So, the power of thought is very great. Therefore, just as your creation, the power of thought, is fast, in the same way, double foreigners are those who make fast effort and experience a reward fast. This is why double foreigners are the doubly long-lost and now-found beloved children in the whole family. The brothers and sisters of Bharat become happy when they see you. Wah, double foreigners, wah! Do you double foreigners have this happiness? Do you have a lot of happiness? How much happiness do you have? Is it a lot? In fact, nothing exists with which you could compare it. They are listening and watching this abroad. It is good. These facilities of science will help you a great deal in doing unlimited service and they will enable you to serve easily. The fast progress of science also has a connection with your task of establishment. Achcha.
Are all the Pandavas powerful? You are not weak. Are all of you powerful? And, are the Shaktis equal to the Father? You are the Shakti Army. The power of the Shaktis makes you the conquerors of Maya. Achcha.
Today, those who put up the special decoration have also come. (Those from Calcutta who brought a truck full of fresh flowers to decorate The Tower of Peace and all other various places. They decorated it beautifully.) This is also a sign of love. It is good that you gave proof of your love. Achcha, teachers, raise your hands! Many teachers come in every group. The teachers receive a very good chance. You receive instant, visible fruit of service. It is good. Now, give everyone a vision of the future through your features. Did you hear what you have to do? Achcha.
Those from Madhuban, raise your hands! Very good. Those from Madhuban also receive many chances. This is why BapDada says that those from Madhuban are spiritual chancellors. You are this, are you not? Are you chancellors? You will have to do service. Nevertheless, you residents of Madhuban are able to make everyone happy, are you not? This is why BapDada never forgets those from Madhuban. He especially remembers those from Madhuban. Why does He remember those from Madhuban? Because the majority of you residents of Madhuban have passed in the subject of loving the Father. The majority. You have unbroken love for the Father. Those from Madhuban are no less. You are very good.
Servers from Indore zone: Those from the Indore zone, raise your hands! There are many of you. It is good. To do service means to eat the fruit of coming close. To take the chance of service means to accumulate in your account of charitable actions and to accumulate blessings. So, all of you servers have accumulated in your account of charitable actions. These blessings and charitable acts work like an extra lift. Achcha.
Those from this land and abroad, who are close even though they are sitting far away, in return for the day of love, BapDada is giving all of you children multimillion-fold love and remembrance. BapDada sees what time it is in every place - what time it is in one place and what time it is in another place, but you ignited souls stay up all night, remain tireless and are very happy listening to Baba. BapDada is seeing the happiness of the children. Tell Me, all of you are dancing in happiness, are you not? All of you are nodding, "Yes Baba!" Daughter Janak is also smiling very sweetly. In fact, the Father remembers everyone, but how many children's names can He mention? There are many children and this is why BapDada says: Every child is accepting personal love and remembrance by name and will continue to do so. Achcha. Now, become stable in the incorporeal stage in a second. Achcha. (Baba conducted drill.)
(The training for Living Values is going on.) It is a good method for service. Whilst conducting the Living Values programmes, continue to increase the practice of your lovely living. Achcha.
Today, BapDada was saying something to daughter Gulzar. He was giving special congratulations because this chariot has also completed 33 years of service just like the service done through the body of Brahma. This is also a part in the drama. The Father's help and the child's courage are together playing their part. Achcha.
To all the children who are constantly merged in the Ocean of Love; to those who remain constantly absorbed in love; to those who remain constantly stable in the stage of being the soul who makes the senses work; to those who put the Shiva mantra of the three words into their life; to those who become master bestowers of liberation equal to the Father and enable souls of the world to receive liberation; to all such elevated souls, BapDada's love, remembrance and namaste.
BapDada speaking to Dadiji:
Today, the Father especially revealed the children in front of the world. The Father became Karavanhar (One works through others) and made the children karanhar (one who does the work). It is good, this wave of love makes everyone become merged. Achcha. You have now learnt the way to make your body work, have you not? Whilst making it work, you will become avyakt, equal to the Father. The easy effort is blessings. Throughout the day, let no one become upset. To receive blessings is the first-class effort. It is easy and it is also first.. Is this all right? No matter what the body is like, the soul is powerful, is it not? All of you children did tapasya for 14 years and it is the power of that tapasya that is enabling service to take place. Now you have many companions. You have very good service companions. They are very happy just on seeing you. This in itself is a lot. Is this OK?
Speaking to the senior brothers:
According to the drama, the plans for service that are being made are good. And, in order to receive constant love and blessings from the gathering, each one is making the lesson of being a child and master firm and making one another move forward, and by giving regard to each others' ideas, is moving forward. Therefore, so there is nothing but success and only success. There has to be success. However, now bring the souls who are instruments into a loving relationship. Let everyone's effort become intense. Let there be love, selfless love. Where there is selfless love, they will give regard and also receive regard. At the present time, for everyone to become threaded in the rosary of love is the work of special souls, for it is this love that enables sanskars to be transformed. Everyone has knowledge, but love enables someone to come close, no matter what type of sanskars he has. Just a few words of love can become a support of life for him. Selfless love will create a garland very quickly. What did Father Brahma do? He made you belong to him with love. So, today, there is a need for this. It is like this, is it not?
(Meetings are taking place for Sonipat (Delhi) and discussions are taking place on how to use the facilities to give an experience.) You are making those plans. Do that according to the thoughts and ideas that are accepted by the majority. Only when you become an embodiment of experience can you give an experience. Achcha.
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