31-12-2001 Om Shanti Avyakt Bapdada Madhuban
In this New Year, with the blessing of, “May you be successful”, bring the revelation of the Father and the self close.
Today, the Creator of the New Age has come to celebrate the New Year with His children who are the master creators of the New Age. Everyone in the world celebrates the New Year. However, all of you are creating the New Age. Every child has the happiness of the New Age. You know that the New Age is about to come. People of the world celebrate the New Year for just one day, and all of you celebrate the New Age for the whole of the confluence age. At the New Year, you celebrate with happiness and give gifts to one another. And what is the gift you give? That gift is a gift for only a short time. What gift does the Father, the Creator of the New Age, bring for you children? He brings you the golden gift, the golden age, with which all of you become gold. You become new through this. In a short time, the New Year will begin, but everything will not become new again. In your New Age, even nature will become new. Even the soul will adopt a new costume (body). Everything will be new, that is, it will be satopradhan and golden aged. So, whilst celebrating the New Year, you are only remembering the New Age in your mind and your intellect. You remember the New Age, do you not? Or are you only remembering the New Year for just today?
BapDada first of all congratulates you for the New Age and, together with that, also congratulates you for the New Year because all of you have come to celebrate the New Year, have you not? Celebrate! Celebrate a great deal! Celebrate the imperishable greetings of the imperishable gift that you have received from BapDada. Constantly give one another greetings of good wishes. These are true greetings. When you give greetings, you yourself are happy and others also become happy. They do become happy, do they not? So, greetings of an honest heart are the greetings of good wishes and pure feelings for one another. Good wishes are such an elevated way of greeting that, no matter what type of feelings any soul has, even if that soul doesn’t have good wishes, even if that soul doesn’t have good intentions, your good wishes can change the intention of that soul. It can also change their nature. In fact, the meaning of the word nature (swabhav) is good (swa/su) feelings (bhav). Constantly continue to give every soul at every moment these imperishable greetings. No matter what anyone else gives you, you just continue to give everyone good wishes. By your remaining stable in the imperishable soul conscious stage of the imperishable soul, that soul will definitely be transformed. So what speciality will you bring in this New Year? In yourself, in everyone else and in service? Since it is called the New Year, you will do something new, will you not? So what newness will you bring? Has each one of you made a plan for your newness? Or will you now just celebrate the New Year? You celebrated a meeting, you celebrated the New Year, but what plan have you made for newness?
For this year, BapDada is especially signalling every child. According to the time, every child – whether you are sitting here in the corporeal form personally in front of Baba, whether you are in this land or abroad, listening and seeing through the facilities of science – and BapDada is seeing everyone is sitting very comfortably and watching with great pleasure – so BapDada’s signal for all you extremely loving, sweet children of the whole world is: “Now, in this Brahmin life of yours, increase in your account of savings and your account of accumulation from amrit vela till night time.” Each one of you make a plan according to your task. Now increase your account of savings or accumulation of each and every treasure you have received in your Brahmin life, because today, BapDada saw the result till the end of the year of all the children everywhere. What did He see? You already know this. The teachers know it. The doubleforeigners know it. The maharathis know it. According to how much you should have in your account of accumulation…, what can Baba say? You yourselves can say it, because BapDada knows that the time to accumulate all the treasures is just now at the confluence age. However much you accumulate in this short age, you will continue to attain your reward according to that throughout the whole cycle. All of you have a slogan. What is your slogan? “If not now, …”. What comes after this? “If not now, then never.” You remember this slogan in your head very well. However, in your heart and in your remembrance, you remember and you forget. The greatest treasures of all, the basis of the greatness of this Brahmin life, are the treasures of thought, the treasures of time, the treasures of powers and the treasures of knowledge. The treasures of physical wealth are common. BapDada saw to what extent each of you Brahmins can make yourself and service elevated through the treasures of elevated thought. Now, all of you need to underline this more.
You Brahmins have so much power in one pure and elevated thought that you can give a lot of cooperation to souls. You can increase the importance of the power of your thought to whatever extent you want. Whilst sitting at a distance, people are able to make a rocket, an invention of science, reach a particular place wherever and whenever they want in just a second. What is this rocket beside your pure and elevated thought? Just use it in a refined way and see. The result of your method is very elevated. However, now sit in the furnace of introspection. In this New Year, make a plan of a savings scheme of all the treasures for yourself. Increase your account of accumulation. Fix times throughout the whole day for yourself to be in the furnace of introspection from time to time. You yourself can do this, others cannot do it for you.
Before the Year of Revelation, BapDada calls this year “The Year of Being Successful.” The basis of success (safalta) is to use every treasure in a worthwhile way (safal karna). Use them in a worthwhile way and achieve success. Success will automatically reveal the revelation. You have served through words very well, but now, with the blessing of success, bring the revelation of the Father and the self closer. Let souls experience the life of every Brahmin to be full of every treasure. Souls of today are wanting to have an experience through you images of experience. They want to hear less, and want have an experience more. The basis of experience is the account of accumulation of the treasures. Now, throughout the day, every now and again, check this chart of yours. To what extent have I accumulated all treasures? Look at your account of accumulation. Look at your chart. How many thoughts do you have in one minute? The speed of thoughts is fast, is it not? How many were worthwhile and how many were wasted? How many were powerful and how many were ordinary? You have the machine with which to check, do you not? Or do you not have it? Do all of you have a checking machine? Do you teachers have it? Just as you have computers and emails at your centres, in the same way, do you have this checking machine? Do the double foreigners have it? Is it working or has it packed up? Do the Pandavas have this checking machine? Do all of you have it? If any of you don’t have it, you may put in an application. When you set up an office, you first think about the equipment you need for the office in today’s world, such as a computer, an email, a typemachine, a photocopier. You need all of those things, do you not? So too, in Brahmin life, do you have all those machines in the office of your heart? Or do you not have them?
BapDada told you earlier too that even nature comes to tell BapDada: I am everready. Time is repeatedly looking at you Brahmins. Are the Brahmins ready? It is repeatedly visiting the Brahmins. So BapDada is asking you: You raise your hands very well and BapDada becomes pleased. Now become everready to such an extent that every thought, second, and breath that passes is wonderful (Wah, wah!). Not “why”, but “Wah, wah!” At the moment it is sometimes “wah, wah” (wonderful) and at other times, it becomes “Why?” Sometimes a fullstop is applied, sometimes a question mark and sometimes an exclamation mark. Let the minds of all of you also say, Wah! Whomsoever you come into relationship and connection with, whether Brahmins or those who serve, let the words “Wah, wah!” emerge from them. Achcha.
How many months remain till the last turn of this season? (3 months). Therefore, after 3 months, BapDada will check the savings account of every child. Is this OK? Those who think that they will be ready to have their account checked in 3 months, raise one hand! Will you be ready by then? By what percentage will you be ready? You have good enthusiasm. None of you are raising your hands. Are you still thinking? Your account will be checked in 3 months. Check your own account first and then BapDada will check it. It doesn’t take BapDada long. Here you have to beat your heads so much over accounts. You do have to beat your heads. You become tired. BapDada is aware of this. You will be massaged. Those from Madhuban are clever in keeping your accounts, are you not? Everything will be “Wah, wah!” (wonderful). It doesn’t matter.
BapDada is very pleased on seeing the teachers. (Everyone applauded.) You applauded very well. In fact, all of you are teachers, are you not? Or are just the teachers, teachers? What do you become when you give courses or a message? You become teachers, do you not? BapDada wishes to see newness in one thing this year. Should He tell you about it? Will you do it? Will the Pandavas do it? Are you sure? Are you sure you will do it? No matter what happens, you will have to do it. Are you ready? Are all the Pandavas ready? Are the youth ready? (Youth group is also sitting in front of BapDada.) If BapDada tells you, will you do it? Will the mothers do it? It is good. BapDada congratulates you children for your courage. Now listen to one thing. Don’t clap with two hands. Just clap with one hand (wave your hand). Otherwise there is a lot of noise. Today, Greatgreatgrandfather Brahma has one pure hope. Father Brahma says: I especially want to tell one thing to my greatgreatgrandsons. What is that? That, firstly, every child should always have a smile of spirituality on his face. Did you hear that? Listen to it very carefully with open ears. And, secondly, that you always have sweetness in your words. Let not even one word be without sweetness. Let there be spirituality on your face, sweetness in your words and in your mind and intellect, let there always be good wishes, merciful feelings and feelings of being a bestower. Follow the father at every step. Are you able to do this? Teachers, are you able to do this? Youth, are you able to do this? BapDada has received a very good result of the youth group. Multimillionfold congratulations. The result is good. You have had good experiences. BapDada was pleased. BapDada also heard your experiences. They weren’t related through others, but BapDada heard your experiences directly. However, now keep these experiences imperishable with the blessing of making them immortal. No matter what happens, always continue to make your spiritual experiences increase. Don’t decrease them. Whether you come or don’t come to Madhuban after 3 months – because you won’t come back from abroad – still keep your account and send it to BapDada and He will mark it, or He will give a percentage of whatever it is. Is this OK? Clap with one hand. Achcha.
Today, it is the day of greetings. So BapDada heard and saw some other good news. Little children wearing crowns are seated here. You are to receive a crown, but they have already received it. Stand up! Look at the group that is crowned. Little children (bachche) are those who are always true (sachche) in their heart. They probably don’t understand the language. You are those with an honest heart, are you not? It is good. BapDada saw that the result of the children was also good. Congratulations! Achcha.
Double foreigners, stand up! There are many of you. It is good. BapDada saw your letters and notes. They are notes of enthusiasm. However, BapDada saw one thing that was in some of the notes. Some wrote about their transformation with a lot of zeal and enthusiasm. They have written about their enthusiasm. However, some have also shown a little of their carelessness. Never become careless! Alert! One thing BapDada doesn’t like is carelessness. And the other thing He doesn’t like is for you to become disheartened. No matter what happens, have a big heart. A disheartened heart is a small heart. A happy heart is a big heart. Don’t be disheartened and don’t be careless. Constantly continue to fly with zeal and enthusiasm. BapDada has millions and billions of hopes in the double foreigners. The double foreigners will show such wonders that the souls of India will be amazed. It will come. That day will come. It has to come soon! It will come, will it not? That day is going to come, is it not? Will that day come? (It will come very soon.) At least say, “Ha ji!” BapDada is giving you in advance platefuls of congratulations. BapDada is seeing the double foreigners with this much courage. Is it like this? There are a lot of hopes in those from abroad. You are good. The Youth is also good. There are many householders. There are also many kumaris. There are wonders and nothing but wonders. Is this OK? Sindhi families, speak! What wonder will you perform? You are Sindhis in name but you are Brahmins. What will you do? Speak! (We will glorify Baba’s name.) All of you together, say when you will do this. (In this year.) May you have a gulab jamun in your mouth (May it come true!)! You are courageous. (Your blessing is with me.) The Bestower of Blessings Himself is with you, so one blessing is not a big thing. Achcha.
All those who have come here for the first time in this cycle, stand up! To those who have come here for the first time, you have come here late, but you have to go ahead. Go ahead so much that everyone who sees you becomes happy. And let the words that emerge from everyone’s lips be: It is a wonder! It is a wonder! It is a wonder! Do you have such courage? Those who have come here for the first time, you have courage, do you not? You have come here to celebrate the New Year, and so you will perform a wonder in the New Year, will you not? BapDada has deep love for all of you children. You have done something very sensible. You have come before it is “too late”. Now you have at least received a seat to sit in this hall. You have been given a bed or the floor to sleep on. However, when the board of “too late” is put up, they will be made to stand in a queue. Therefore, you have still recognised BapDada in good time and so you have done something sensible. Achcha.
Old Pandavas, stand up! Achcha, the praise of the Pandavas is no less. BapDada’s title is Pandavapati (the Lord of the Pandavas), and so there is praise of the Pandavas, is there not? Pandavapati and victorious Pandavas are remembered. Shaktis are remembered as those who are bestowers of blessings. However, the victorious Pandavas are remembered. So what tilak is applied on the forehead of every Pandava? That of victory. Do you see the tilak of victory on your forehead? Or do you forget it? Constantly see on your forehead the sparkling tilak of victory, of the victorious Pandavas. Victory is the birthright of every Pandava. You are ones with a right, are you not? So BapDada is congratulating the Pandavas as the victorious jewels. You are very good. There are many of you. The Pandavas are no less! Achcha.
Old mothers who have come here before, stand up! What is the speciality of mothers? All of those people with big titles will bow down at the feet of all of you. The Mother Guru has been remembered and you mothers will truly play this part, just as when you have an important day, they sing the song of the victory of Bharat Mata (Mother Bharat), do they not? As you progress further, they will sing praise of the victory of you mothers. BapDada has given you mothers such an elevated status. So mothers will hear the cry of victory. You will show in a practical form the praise of the form of the Mother Guru. You are such mothers, are you not? You will awaken the souls who are sleeping. You mothers have a very good part. Those who have defamed you will sing your praise because you now belong to the Father, do you not? You have become the companions of the highestonhigh God. You have this spiritual intoxication, do you not? So BapDada says namaste (salutes) to such mothers. Achcha.
Kumaris, stand up! Kumaris, wave your hands! There are many kumaris too. You are no longer ordinary kumaris. Now all of you have become sukumaris, that is, elevated kumaris. BapDada has one hope in His heart for the kumaris. Should He tell you? Will you kumaris listen? The praise of kumaris is that you are those who will take across 21 generations. Therefore, BapDada says that this year, let alone 21, but this year, every kumari should make an heirquality soul emerge. Is this possible? Do you have this courage? How many kumaris are there here? (About 1000.) So this year 1000 heirs will be created. Will there be doubleforeigners? In advance, congratulations! Now we shall create a rosary of heirs. Everything nowadays comes mixed. Now we shall create a rosary of heirs. Is this OK, kumaris? First of all, take training from the Dadis as to whom you would call an heir. What are the qualifications of an heirquality soul? Do you understand? Then this year, each one of you should make an heir emerge. Then BapDada will create a rosary of the heirs. Is this OK? You will do something new this year, will you not? Mohiniben, Munniben, you want heirs, do you not? Will you create heirs? It will happen. Those from Delhi will also do this. Then everyone will do this. You have to do this. What else will you do? This is all you have to do. Now we shall see. Whoever prepares heirs should send their news to Madhuban: Dadi, an heir has come! Is this OK, kumaris? At least say, “Ha ji!”
Those from Madhuban, stand up! Those from Madhuban are clever; they get a seat in the front. It is good. The miracle of the service of those from Madhuban pulls everyone here. Ask anyone and it is the same thing that emerges from everyone’s lips: Madhuban is Madhuban. You are number one in service. Is it like this? Are you number one or are you numberwise? You are number one. BapDada constantly sees the Madhuban residents as those who are number one. Not numberwise, but number one. You are number one, are you not? Dadi doesn’t receive any complaints. There aren’t any. All are becoming complete. This is why there are no complaints. You are good. At least you are tireless! Everyone asks for the servers of Madhuban. Even the Mahamandleshwars (great gurus) tell us before they go: Send us the servers from Madhuban! So you are number one, are you not? It is good! You are firm (pukka) and you are good (Achcha). You are like this, are you not? It isn’t that BapDada is just saying this for the sake of it. BapDada likes all of you. However, sometimes, there is a little extra work. BapDada sees that sometimes there is a little extra burden. However, you are still immortal. You have received the blessing: “May you be immortal!” Is this OK? Are you immortal? Achcha. Congratulations! Congratulations! Congratulations!
Teachers, stand up! BapDada constantly sees the teachers with the vision that the features of BapDada are visible in the teacher’s features. Let there be the features of Father Brahma on your face, and the features of the point of light on your forehead. Anyone who sees a teacher should say: He or she is equal to the Father. This one looks like Brahma Baba. This one looks like Father Shiva. You are this and you have to be this. So teachers are the images of support. Just as it is said about the father, that the slogan of Father Brahma, was always: “Whatever actions I perform, everyone who sees me will do the same”, in the same way, do all of you teachers constantly remember this slogan: “Whatever actions, words, attitude, and methods I use, everyone who sees me will also do the same”? BapDada has given you teachers the gaddi of Father Brahma to sit on. Teachers are instruments to read the murli. You have been given the Father’s gaddi. Drama has given you teachers a very, very elevated status. BapDada also sees all of you teachers with this special importance. You are great. You are important. You are like this, are you not? Should Baba ask for a certificate from the students? BapDada continues to see that you are caught in love and this is why you have become teachers. Now, Dadi will pull your ears. The Father would only pull them out of love. Even then, you have had courage and become instruments, have you not? (Dadiji said that the teachers are very good.) You are very good. Many congratulations. You are good. If there were no teachers, how would so many centres be opened? Congratulations to all of you. BapDada is seeing you with a very elevated vision. Many teachers have also come. You are good. Congratulations for your courage and efforts.
That just leaves those from the hospital. Those from the hospital have written for the New Year with a lot of zeal and enthusiasm. BapDada always has the faith and always remains carefree that the hospital will bring many souls into Brahmin life. It is serving Brahmins and it will also create Brahmins. Big VIPs will be impressed on hearing the name of the hospital. They will now come to you. You have written a good chart. You have also made good promises. BapDada is happy. This one was an instrument to give that thought. However, all of you have done this with great interest. Achcha. BapDada was pleased to read your letters of promise and therefore, congratulations.
Those who are now seeing with the facilities of science are also happy. BapDada did not mention them. BapDada says: All those who are seeing and listening wherever you are, you also stand up! You are happy. You are happy to hear this. You are smiling. BapDada finds the zeal, enthusiasm and the love in your heart very elevated. Look, you have love in your heart and so you reach on time. You continue to listen with great enthusiasm. You also continue to see it. Some are seeing and others are not seeing, but many of you are listening. So BapDada is congratulating every child by name and their speciality for the New Year and the New Age. They (everyone hearing/seeing on the internet) are also waving their hands. Achcha.
Many, many cards and letters from all the children with greetings for the New Year have come. BapDada says: Your heart reaches BapDada before your cards. BapDada is pleased to see everyone’s heart. OK, there is expense in this because, after tomorrow, all the cards will just be a memorial. However, BapDada is pleased about this: He doesn’t see how much expense you have incurred, but He does see the sound that emerges from the hearts of you children because the love in your heart enters the card through your hands. This is why all of you have made cards, each one better than the next one’s. All of you look at the cards that are placed here. Achcha.
Jurists who have come to the meeting, stand up. BapDada has one point still left for the jurists. Do you know what that point is? (Who is the God of the Gita?) When will you make that plan? It is good that you wrote this book, but now, prepare a group that says: Yes, what you are saying is right. At least prepare one small group. You will bring them here this year, will you not? You now have to practically do that which no one else has done. Up to now, no one has yet written a letter saying that what you say about the God of the Gita is absolutely right. Now a letter from someone with authority should be received. For the general public, anyone can be the God of the Gita – it can be Krishna or the Incorporeal One. But someone with some authority should say and prove, “Yes, what you are saying is absolutely essential.” Now prepare such a group. You can create this group. It is not a big thing. Create a group of those who are special instruments – from the field of religion, from religious organisations, from your religious wing, jurists and lawyers. Now many mahatmas (great souls) also came. They left saying that this is very good. Now make them write such things. Let both wings work together on this. It will happen. It is not a big thing. In fact, all of you from all the wings do cooperate with one another. You can receive cooperation from whomsoever you want. However, do something and demonstrate it practically. It is only through this that revelation will take place. People want something new. It is OK, is it not? You will definitely do this practically. It has to happen. Since it happened in the previous cycle, it also has to repeat now. It is good that you came. Congratulations! It is good. Service has increased since these separate wings have been created. Everyone has the enthusiasm to do something practically. You want to do something practically. However, you haven’t yet created heirs. Every wing should make heirs emerge. Now mixed groups continue to come. However now, at the end, create a rosary of heirs. Just as in the beginning only a few instruments became heirs, in the same way, at the end too, such heirquality souls will become instruments. Achcha.
Servers from Maharashtra: In fact, all of you have received congratulations but, nevertheless, all those who have accumulated the greatest good karma (punya – charitable action) of service, congratulations to you for the charitable act of service. This charitable action is no less. This too easily increases your account of accumulation in your life because the satisfaction and contentment of Brahmins increases your account of charitable action. Therefore, this opportunity that every zone takes is very good. It is good. You like it, do you not? You accumulate charitable actions and you also come close. Therefore, congratulations to those from Maharashtra! Achcha.
To all the children everywhere in the world who are images of total success; to the intense effortmaking children who use everything in a worthwhile way; to the checkers who constantly check their accounts and the futuremakers; to such elevated souls who constantly reveal the Father through their every action, to the grandsons, from the Greatgreatgrandfather, lots and lots of love, remembrance, congratulations and namaste from BapDada.
BapDada’s signals for the construction of the buildings in Manesar and Sonipat:
All of you continue to hear the news of the Brahmin family through letters. Nowadays, what do all of you remember in your thoughts and in your cooperation? That, in your kingdom… Which is the kingdom of all of you? Madhuban is your home. Where are you going to rule? You are going to rule in Delhi? You are going to rule in Delhi, not in Madhuban. Will Krishna’s palace be built in Madhuban or in Delhi? Will it not be built in Madhuban? So do you remember your kingdom? Do all of you remember the kingdom? So, with everyone’s cooperation, a special service place is being created. All of you have sown a seed. Have all of you sown it? Because only when you sow a seed will you eat its fruit. How can you eat the fruit without sowing a seed? So you have all sown a seed and will continue to sow because many types of fruit of revelation will emerge from this seed. This is why all of you in the Year of Success have to use everything in a worthwhile way. Use all your treasures in a worthwhile way and, together with that, also sow seeds. You continue to sow seeds and will continue to do so. Is this OK? You will continue to sow them, will you not? Raise your hands, those who think that everything has been done! Whilst there is service to be done, continue to sow seeds, and all of you are going to eat the fruit anyway. When the fruit of revelation emerges, all of you will eat it. It won’t be just those from Delhi who eat it. You love BapDada, do you not? You also love service. So the fruit of service is also very lovely. So who has come? The servers from the land of Manesar, whoever has come, stand up! It is good. Is everything going along well? It is going well and will continue to do so. The Father’s service places have already received the Father’s blessings. It has to happen. Service will be successful with everyone’s cooperation. Is this OK? It is good. Just as the place has been created with zeal, enthusiasm and an unlimited attitude, so too, with the same unlimited attitude, vision and service, you are to receive unlimited success. Everything has to be unlimited. So all of you are in the unlimited, are you not? Never think that this belongs to Delhi or that this is yours, because the seed of revelation is all of you. Delhi is the instrument, but all of you are to eat the fruit. You will eat it together. This is why BapDada is pleased that unlimited service is increasing and will continue to increase with unlimited zeal and enthusiasm. Achcha. Sonipat construction also has to get started. That too is Delhi. It doesn’t matter where it is, it is still in Delhi. (Diamond House is also being constructed in London.) Look, people abroad take a jump every time. It is not possible that people abroad don’t take a jump. This Diamond House was created (here) and so there definitely should be one there too (a minihouse is being constructed). From just a small building, you will also receive another one as big as the White House. (Rosyben from Madras gave a lot of love from the heart.) BapDada is also giving lots of love from His heart.
After celebrating a meeting with the children, BapDada gave greetings for the New Year:
To all the stars of success everywhere, the confluence period is farewell to the old year and greetings for the New Year because the confluence period is farewell as well as greetings. So you are constantly successful and will remain successful. There will never remain any name or trace of failure. You are BapDada’s extremely longlost and nowfound, beloved, extremely sweet, light of His eyes. All of you are definitely to become number one. With this determined thought, constantly take every step equal to that of the Father’s. Multimillion times, million and billion times, congratulations, congratulations, congratulations!
At midnight, on 31st December 2001 and 1st January 2002, Dadiji said good morning to everyone:
Today, at the confluence of the New Year and the old year, BapDada made all of us make a promise and we will all definitely fulfil our promise. Happy New Year, Happy New Year and good morning to all of you with a lot of love.
At the time of farewell, BapDada said good morning and diamond morning to all the children:
To BapDada’s very, very invaluable diamonds, a diamond morning, a diamond morning, a diamond morning.
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