31-12-2000 Om Shanti Avyakt Bapdada Madhuban
Credit your savings account and become a constant great donor.
Today, the Creator of the New Age is seeing His children who have a right to the New Age. Today, you are ordinary in the old age, whereas tomorrow, in the New Age, you will be worthy of worship, those who have a right to the kingdom. It is a play about today and tomorrow. What are you today and what will you become tomorrow? For especially knowledgeable souls, children, the tomorrow that is to come, is as clear as today. All of you have come to celebrate the New Year, but BapDada is seeing the New Age. Each of you must already have created your own new plan for the New Year. Today, it is the end of the old year. At the end, the result of the whole year is seen. Therefore, today, BapDada also saw the result of the children for the whole year. It doesn’t take BapDada long to see that. So, today, BapDada especially saw the savings account of each one of you. All of you children made effort, you also stayed in remembrance, you did service, and also fulfilled your responsibilities to the lokik and alokik close contacts and relations. But, how much did you credit in your savings account in all these three aspects?
Today, BapDada emerged Mother Jagadamba (World Mother) in the subtle region. (Baba coughed.) Today, the harmonium is not so well, but it has to be played. So, BapDada and Mama together looked at each one’s savings account to see how much you credited and accumulated? What did they see? All of you are numberwise, however, there was less credited than there should have been in your savings account. So, Mother Jagadamba asked a question: Many children have a very good aim in the subject of remembrance and they also make good effort. So, why then is their savings account not as much as it should be? After conversing between themselves, the result that emerged was that you do practise yoga, but because the percentage of the stage of yoga is ordinary, the savings account is also ordinary. Your aim of yoga is very good, but the result of yoga is to be yogyukt and yuktiyukt in your words and behaviour. Due to this lack, at the time of having yoga, you are very good in yoga, but to be yogi means to have an impact of yoga in life. This is why you are only able to credit your savings account some of the time, but not all of the time. Whilst moving along, your percentage of remembrance becomes ordinary. Very little is then credited into your savings account.
Secondly, there was a hearttoheart conversation about service. You do a lot of service; you even remain busy day and night. You make very good plans and there is also very good expansion in service. Nevertheless, why is the savings account so small for the majority of you? What emerged from the hearttoheart conversation was that all of you are doing service, and you are making effort very well to keep yourselves busy. So, what is the reason? The reason that emerged was that you receive power from service and also the fruit of service. The power is the contentment within your own heart and the fruit is the contentment of everyone else. If you do service and make effort and use your time, let there be contentment in your heart and contentment from everyone else; whether your companions or those whom you serve, let there be the experience of contentment in their heart. It shouldn’t be that they go away just saying, “Very good, very good!”. They should experience a wave of contentment in their heart. It is a different matter to say, “We have found something!” or “We heard something very good!” They should say, “We have found something! We have attained something!” As BapDada has already told you earlier: One is for the arrow to hit the head and the other is for the arrow to pierce the heart. To have served and to be content oneself is not just about making oneself happy and saying that what happened was very good! No! The heart means, contentment for the self and for everyone. Secondly, when you have served and the result is that you claim that you made effort and you did it; if you accept that you have done it yourself, it means you have eaten the fruit of service; you haven’t accumulated it! It was BapDada who made you do it. Then you will have drawn their attention to BapDada, not towards your own soul. “This sister is very good! This brother is very good!” It should be, “Their BapDada is very good!” To make them experience this is to increase your savings account. This is why it has been seen that, as a total result, you do make a lot of effort, you do use a lot of time and energy, but you have a little more external show. This is why the savings account is so much less. The key to the savings account is very easy. It is the diamond key. You use the golden key. However, the diamond key for accumulating is, “The consciousness of being a humble instrument.” At the time of serving, not before or after, but at the time of serving, have the consciousness of being a humble instrument and let there be altruistic good wishes and pure love for every soul, whether they are your companions or the souls whom you serve.
BapDada showed Mother Jagadamba how the savings account of those who continue to serve with this method continues to increase. You should be able to accumulate within a second, as much as you now do for many hours. Every second continues to tick away tick, tick, tick telling you to do everything fast. It is as though a machine is moving. Therefore, Jagadamba was very pleased to see that it is very easy to accumulate and credit your savings account. So, the advice from both, BapDada and Jagadamba, is that now that the New Year is starting, check your savings account! Even though you did not make mistakes throughout the whole day, but how much you accumulated throughout the whole day through your time, thoughts, service, close contacts and relations, with love and contentment. Some children just check that they didn’t do anything bad that day, or that they didn’t cause anyone sorrow. However, now check how much you accumulated in your account through your elevated thoughts throughout the day. How much did you credit your account of service through elevated thoughts? How many souls did you make happy through any task? You had yoga, but what was the percentage of yoga? How much did you accumulate in your account of blessings today?
What do you have to do in this New Year? No matter what you do, whether through thoughts, words or deeds, according to the time, there should be this deep concern in your mind: “I definitely have to become a constant great donor.” A constant great donor, not just a great donor; constant! Donate powers through the mind; donate knowledge through words and donate virtues through your actions. In today’s world, whether in the world of the Brahmin family or in the outside world, they no longer want to hear about everything, they want to see everything. They want to do everything after seeing it. Why was it easy for you? You saw Father Brahma as the image who donated virtues through his actions. You donate knowledge anyway. However, this year, pay special attention to donating virtues to every soul, that is, you have to give cooperation through the virtues in your life. You wouldn’t donate to Brahmins, would you? You would cooperate with them. No matter what happens, no matter how many weaknesses others have, you donate virtues through your life, your actions and your contacts, that is, you have to cooperate. Don’t look at others in this! “This one is not doing it, so why should I do it? This one is also like this!” Father Brahma only looked at Father Shiva. If you have to look at someone, look at Father Brahma! Don’t look at others in this, but keep the aim that was Brahma Baba’s slogan: “The one who takes the initiative is Arjuna.” That is, those who become instruments of their own accord, will become number one Arjuna. Father Brahma became number one Arjuna. If you do everything by first looking at others, you do not become number one, but numberwise. When you are all asked to raise your hand, do you raise it for becoming numberwise or for becoming number one? So what aim will you keep? A very firm, constant donor of virtues. No matter how much someone tries to shake you, don’t shake! You all say to one another, “Everyone else is like this, so why are you beating yourself in this way? You should also join us!” You can find many companions to weaken you. However, BapDada wants companions who encourage others and give them enthusiasm. So, do you understand what you have to do? Do service, but do it whilst increasing your savings account. Do a lot of service! First, serve yourself and then serve others. BapDada noted one more thing. Should He relate it?
Today, it was the meeting of the moon and the Sun. Mother Jagadamba asked BapDada something very quietly, very tactfully. Jagadamba asked: How much longer will the advance party have to wait? Only when you reach your advanced stage can the work of the advance party be completed. So, what was the thing that Mother Jagadamba related? BapDada knows, but nevertheless, it was a hearttoheart conversation today. She said: “I too go on a tour of Madhuban and also of all the centres.” Those who saw Jagadamba know of her that she would jokingly signal through her words, she never said anything directly. She said that nowadays, she sees one speciality. What is that speciality? She said that nowadays, there are many types of carelessness. Some have one type of carelessness and others another type. “It will happen. I will do it at some time. Others are doing it, and I will also do it. This happens all the time. This will continue…” This language of carelessness is in their thoughts anyway, but they also put it into words. BapDada said: Give these children a method for this in the New Year. Do you all know the slogan Mother Jagadamba always imbibed herself? Do you remember this? Who remembers this? (Hukumi hukum chalai raha .. – The One giving orders is making me do everything.) Jagadamba said: If everyone were to imbibe this that BapDada is making each of one of you move, that your every step is according to His directions if you have the awareness that it is the Father who is directly making you move, then where would your vision go? The vision of the one following directions will only fall on the One giving the directions, not on anyone else. Karavanhar is making you an instrument and making you move. Karavanhar is responsible. Then your head that becomes heavy in service, would always remain light, like a spiritual rose. Do you understand what you have to do? Be a constant great donor. Achcha.
All of you have come running to celebrate the New Year. It is good and it is a fullhouse! Achcha, did you have enough water? Did you have water? Congratulations to those who make effort to bring water! Providing water for so many thousands is not a matter of bringing two or four buckets! From tomorrow, it will be the time for the gathering to return. Have you all had a comfortable stay? A small storm gave you a test! There were some strong winds. Were all of you OK? Were the Pandavas OK? It is good! It is better than the Kumbha mela, is it not? At least, you received three feet of land! You may not have had a bed, but at least you got three feet of land.
In the New Year, children everywhere in this land and abroad are seeing the ceremony for the New Year. They are seeing it through their intellect and hearing through their ears.Everyone in Madhuban is also watching this. Those from Madhuban are protectors of the yagya and are playing their part of service very well. Together with those from this land and abroad, BapDada is also congratulating those who are instruments for service in Madhuban. Achcha. Many cards have been received. All of you can see the cards that have come. The cards are not so important, but more the love from the heart that is hidden in them. Therefore, BapDada doesn’t look at the beauty of the card, but sees with how much invaluable love from the heart they are filled. So, all of you have sent love from your heart. So, to all such loving souls personally BapDada does not mention everyone’s name BapDada is responding to those cards with regard filled with love. Letters of remembrance, telephones, emails, by computer whatever facilities there are, before you use them, BapDada first receives all of those through your thoughts. They come on your computers and emails afterwards. The love of the children reaches BapDada all the time. However, today many have written their special plans for the New Year, have made promises and have also had the courage to let the past be the past and move forward. BapDada is telling all of you: Well done children! Well done!
All of you are happy, are you not? They are also happy. Now, BapDada’s heart’s desire is for each of you children of the Bestower to become a bestower. Don’t ask for anything: “I should receive this! This should happen! I should do this!” Become a bestower, be generous hearted in making one another move forward. The younger ones tell BapDada that they want the love of the seniors, and the Father replies to the younger ones, “Give regard to the seniors and you will receive love!” To give regard is to receive regard. You don’t receive regard just like that. To give is to receive. Even your nonliving images give it. Deities mean those who give. So, become living deities, bestowers! Give! When all of you become bestowers, those who give, then there won’t be anyone left to receive. Then the fragrance of the spiritual rose of contentment will spread everywhere. Did you hear this?
So, in the New Year, don’t speak the old language, the old language that some still use that no one likes. Don’t be compelled by your old words, old behaviour and old habits. Ask yourself whether every aspect is new. What did you do that was new? All you have to do is celebrate the 21st century. You have to claim your full inheritance of 21 births in the 21st century. You do want to attain this, do you not? Achcha.
This time, it is the turn of Gujarat for service. The service of Gujarat is very wellknown. The speciality of Gujarat is that as close as you are, so you are everready to give cooperation.
BapDada just has one complaint about those from Gujarat. Should Baba tell you? No mikes from Gujarat have come close to the same extent that you are close. The Ministry of Gujarat is very good. Gujarat should prepare a group from the Ministry; it is possible. Those from Hyderabad, Gujarat and Karnataka, who are in connection should be brought together. They are in contact and connection, but now they should engage themselves in service. They help when you need them for that short time, but they should now continue to become instruments for service with closeness and without any hesitation. Although the year is coming to an end, BapDada has not yet received the result of what he mentioned earlier. There are many good IPs in different places. Many have come to Madhuban and many continue to come to the centres, but no gathering of them has taken place. There should be such gatherings in every zone; they will then be encouraged to move forward. You continue to serve them individually, but their sound will spread when they come together as a group, just like the group that came from abroad. Whether it was small or big, it was still a group that came. By being in a group, they receive power and courage. Achcha. Congratulations to those from Gujarat.It is good. BapDada also heard the news of the Youth group. You make effort very well and adopt a good method. Youths from abroad, stand up! Achcha. Whatever you practised here will remain permanently, will it not? Or will this practice become a little less? Speak! When you return to your countries, will the 5 second practice continue? (They all waved their hands.) You have made a very good programme. You have also paid attention well. Now just continue to increase this, don’t reduce it! When you come next year, bring the result, that you have gone further ahead. Not that it is any less. It is good that you come with courage and love. It is because you have love, that you have come from so far away. BapDada has said: Gather a group of youths from all over the world and bring them in front of the Government. Tell them: These youth are bringing about world transformation through selftransformation. Such a gathering should also be prepared. In how many countries has service taken place?
(75) And, in India? There should be youths from every State of India and one from every country. There has to be youths from every country abroad, as well as from India. It is all right to have one from each place. All of these youths should bring with them the pledge they have taken and present it to the Government. So how good would this service be? There should be youths from the villages, from this land, as well as from places abroad. When youths from everywhere gather together, this will be such good service! In the same way, there should be IPs, it can be a wellknown IP, never mind a VIP, someone with courage and they should come together from all countries. They can tell the Government how so many souls have taken benefit in their country. Achcha.
Little children have also come. OK, stand up! Have you received good training? Was it good training? You will become good children, won’t you?
With the teachers: All the teachers have worked hard for the culture of peace. You have served well. Souls received the introduction, some came into connection and relationship and many souls received the message. They may or may not come now, but when the time comes, they will remember that they too received a leaflet. Then they will search for you, asking: Who were those sisters in white clothes who gave us leaflets, but who we didn’t listen to at that time? The time will come when the seed that was sown in souls will bear fruit. The prize is given to just a few in order to increase zeal and enthusiasm. However, whatever service each one has done, however much service they have done, that has reached souls and is also accumulated with the Father. Therefore, on behalf of all teachers, only one would receive a prize, but very many teachers and students have cooperated. This is why those who have served have already received the gift of love from BapDada. Don’t think that you didn’t receive a gift, think, “I received love from the heart!” Achcha.
Today, BapDada is remembering those who go to the railway station to receive people during the night, in the heat and cold. Are they sitting here? Are those who receive people at the railway stations here or are they at the station, even now? They remain busy in service. Their service is tireless. They bring all of you here very comfortably, do they not? You do arrive, don’t you? The majority of those live at Sangam Bhavan. BapDada remembers such tireless servers. Actually, all those of Madhuban departments work very hard. This is why BapDada congratulates all of you servers, all those of Madhuban departments, whether in Shantivan, Pandav Bhavan, those who live nearby, those from Gyan Sarovar and the Hospital. Achcha. (The different departments are sitting in front of Baba around the stage.) See how much service they do. It is very good. (Those who go to receive people at the airport and who give accommodation.) This is why Baba said, “Those of all the
departments”. Each one’s service is very good. Even those who do the cleaning, their work is no less. Every department has its own work. If there weren’t all the departments, how would all of you be able to stay here comfortably? This is why BapDada is not mentioning any names. However, each department should consider themselves to be number one. Achcha.To the elevated souls from all directions who have a right to the New Age; to all the children, the souls, who constantly accumulate multimillions at every step; to the souls who make themselves as simple as the sample of Brahma Baba; to those who make others virtuous by revealing virtues in their own life; to the constant great donors; to the greatly cooperative souls, BapDada’s love, remembrance and namaste.
To Jagdishbhai: Are you all right? (Life is moving along.) From the beginning you already placed your life in Baba’s hands. For as long as you are living you are serving and will continue to do so. You are accumulating. Now, BapDada is going to tell all of you maharathis sitting here what service you now have to do. All of you sitting here are maharathis. Everyone is serving and all of you have already done a great deal of the service that everyone else is doing now. Now, others have become cleverer through you. Now, you maharathis should do some new service. Is this OK? Now, you don’t need this (hearing aid) for the service that you are to do. (Jagdishbhai is not able to hear so well). The service you now have to do is to bring souls close through vibrations. It has to happen amongst yourselves. Love amongst yourselves will pull others through vibrations. Now, it is not necessary for all of you to do this ordinary service. There are many who give lectures, but give every soul such a feeling that they have received something. Your gathering also has to make the Brahmin family free from obstacles through your vibrations. Intensify the method of serving through the mind. There are many who serve through words. Souls should experience one or another power through the mind. They should feel that they have experienced a particular power through you souls, whether it is peace, happiness, joy or of belonging. Those who consider themselves to be maharathis have to do this service. Do all of you consider yourselves to be maharathis? Are you maharathis? It is good. (Jagdishbhai sang a song.) Now, others should have such an experience through you. It will continue to increase. Through this, everyone will begin to have such experiences that the part of visions will then begin.
To Dadi Janki: For instance, after you have met someone here in Bharat and then gone abroad, they will have a vision of your angelic form. They will wonder who that goddess was who gave them the experience of peace for a second, who gave them the experience of happiness. It is by doing this that visions will begin. Teach this lesson to others too. In every aspect, they should say, “Baba, Baba, Baba”, not “I”. Then the part of visions will begin. The consciousness of “I” creeps in; this is why people praise the Brahma Kumaris and they praise the Father less. (The name is Brahma Kumaris). However, Brahma’s name is first. Achcha. (To Jagdishbhai). You are making the body move, are you not? Keep making it work. It is good to remain light. All the Pandavas are your helpers. (Pandavas have love; the Dadis have a lot of love.) The time will come when the impossible becomes possible! Achcha. You all heard, did you not? (BapDada met Sadhnaben who looks after Jagdishbhai) To receive the fortune of service is something very great. Continue to serve with love. You are doing this; continue to do it. Achcha.
BapDada presented a gift to all those who have served for the Culture of Peace, and then gave greetings for the Year 2001 to all the children at midnight.
At this time, it is the confluence of the old year and the New Year. The time of the confluence means the old finishes and the new begins. Just as in the unlimited confluence, all you Brahmin souls are instruments for world transformation, in the same way, today at the confluence of the old year and the New Year, you have determination for selftransformation. You have to have this determination. As was said: Be a firm, constant, great donor at every second. The children of the Bestower have to become master bestowers. Together with bidding farewell to the old year, bid farewell to the attachment to the old world and old sanskars and invoke your new elevated sanskars. Multimillion fold greetings, greetings, greetings!
BapDada spoke for the Delhi Building.
Everyone loves the court of Delhi because you have ruled there many times. So, not today, but tomorrow, you will rule there. You have come so close! This is why, to all those who are instruments for service in Delhi and those who have to become instruments, give co operation in every way to those servers, and make things move forward and progress even more, because a kingdom has to be prepared. Therefore, congratulations in advance for the Delhi place of service. Congratulations! Engineers and all those who are instruments for service, are serving very well. Therefore, BapDada is putting a gulab jamun in the mouth of each one of you. When it is ready with everyone’s cooperation, all of you will also have a gulab jamun in your mouth. Achcha. Om Shanti.
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