11-11-2000 Om Shanti Avyakt Bapdada Madhuban
Through closeness to your perfection, bring the elevated time of revelation close.
Today, BapDada is seeing His holiest, highest, luckiest and sweetest children. From time to time, holiest souls have been coming into the world. You are also the holiest, but you elevated souls become the conquerors of the elements (nature) and also make the elements satopradhan. The power of your purity also makes the elements satopradhan and pure. This is why you souls receive a pure body of the pure elements. The power of your purity makes everything that is nonliving and living pure, and this is why you also receive a pure body. The soul is pure, the body is pure and even all the facilities of the elements are satopradhan and pure. This is why you souls are the holiest in the world. Are you the holiest? Do you consider yourselves to be the souls who are the holiest in the world? You are also the highest; why are you the highest? Because you have recognised the HighestonHigh God. You have become the highestonhigh souls through the HighestonHigh Father. The ordinary awareness, attitude, vision and actions have all changed and you have become an embodiment of elevated awareness, elevated attitude and elevated vision. Whenever you meet someone, with what attitude do you meet him? You meet him with the attitude of brotherhood, with a soul conscious vision, with benevolent feelings and with the feelings of being part of the Godly family. So, you are the highest, are you not? You have changed, have you not! And how lucky are you? It isn’t any fortuneteller who has drawn the line of your fortune, but the Bestower of Fortune Himself who has drawn the line of your fortune. And how long a guarantee has He given? You have been given the imperishable guarantee of the line of fortune for 21 births. It isn’t for just one birth, but for 21 births that there will never be the experience of sorrow or peacelessness. There will be constant happiness. Three things are needed in life; health, wealth and happiness. You have received all of these three from the Father as an inheritance. Do you have the guarantee for 21 births? Have all of you received the guarantee? Have those sitting at the back received the guarantee? All of you are raising your hands; very good! To become a child means to receive the inheritance from the Father. It isn’t that you are becoming a child. Are you still becoming this? Are you becoming a child or have you become this? It isn’t that you have to become a child. As soon as you are born, you become this. As soon as you are born, you claim a right to the Father’s inheritance. So, you have now attained such an elevated fortune through the Father. And then, you are also the richest. You are Brahmin souls; not warriors, but Brahmins. Brahmin souls experience with faith that, “I am an elevated soul.” It isn’t that, “I am soandso”. I am the richest in the world. Since you are Brahmins, you are the richest in the world because Brahmin souls have multimillions at every step through God’s remembrance. So how many steps do you take through the whole day? Think about this! You have multimillions at every step, and so how many multimillions do you have in the whole day? You have become such souls through the Father. To remember, “What I, the Brahmin soul, am”, is fortune.
So, today, BapDada was seeing the sparkling star of fortune on the forehead of each one. Are all of you seeing your star of fortune? Is BapDada happy to see the children or are the children happy to see the Father? Who is happy? The Father or the children? Who? (Children) Is the Father not happy? The Father is happy to see the children and the children are happy to see the Father. Both are happy because you children know that it is only at this time that you experience a meeting with God, God’s love, this Godly inheritance and Godly attainments. “If not now, then never!”: is it like this?BapDada is simply making you children revise one thing – what is that one thing? You have already understood it. BapDada is making you revise this one thing: Now, bring the elevated time close. This is the sound of the souls of the world. Who is going to do this? It is the sound of the world, but who is going to do this? Is it you or is it someone else? Is it all of you? Are all of you those who are going to bring the beautiful, elevated time close? If you are, then raise your hands! Achcha, then secondly, you also understand this; is this why you are laughing? Achcha, what is the date for that? At least fix a date. You have just fixed a date for the turn of the foreigners, have you not? You fixed that date. So now, oh souls who are going to bring the time close! Tell Baba what date you have fixed? Can you see that? Only when it is in your vision will it then reach the world. When BapDada goes on a tour of the world at amrit vela, then seeing and hearing everything, He feels mercy. They are in pleasure, but together with pleasure, they are also confused. So BapDada is asking you: Oh master bestowers, the children of the Bestower, when will you reveal your part of being master bestowers in front of the world with intense speed? Or, are you still becoming ready behind the curtains? Are you still making preparations? Souls who are instruments for world transformation, now have mercy on the souls of the world!
It is to happen, this is fixed. And it is to happen through you instrument souls. So what is the delay? BapDada now wishes to see the one ceremony of the flag of completion and perfection being hoisted in the heart of every Brahmin child. Only when the flag of perfection is hoisted in each Brahmin heart will the flag of the Fathers revelation be hoisted in the world. So BapDada wishes to see this flag ceremony. Just as on Shiv Ratri, the flag is hoisted for the incarnation of Shiva, so too, there should now be the chant of the incarnation of the Shiv Shakti Pandavas. You sing this song: The Shiv Shaktis have come! You play this song, do you not? Now the world should sing the song that together with Shiva, the Shaktis and Pandavas have also been revealed. For how much longer will you remain behind the curtains? Do you like staying behind the curtains? You like it a little! Do those at the back like the curtains? You don’t like it. So who is going to remove them? Will Baba remove them? Who will remove them? Is it you who will remove them or will drama remove them? Will drama remove them or will you remove them? Since you are going to remove them, what is the delay? So then, should we understand that you enjoy being behind the curtains? Now BapDada has just this one elevated desire and that is: Everyone should sing this song: “Wah! He has come; He has come; He has come. Is this possible? Look Dadis, everyone is saying that it is possible, so then, why is it not happening? What is the reason? Since all of you are saying this, what is the reason for it not to happen? (Not everyone has become complete.) Why haven’t you become this? Give Baba a date! (Baba, You will give the date.) Do you remember the great mantra of BapDada? What does BapDada say? Not at some time, but now! (Dadiji was saying: Baba, You have to give the final date.) If BapDada gives you a date, will you mould yourselves according to that and fulfil that responsibility? Will you fulfil that responsibility? Will the Pandavas fulfil that responsibility? Are you sure? If you then fluctuate from that, what will you then have to do? (If You (Baba) give the date, then no one will fluctuate). Congratulations! Achcha now, I will give the date, just see! Look, BapDada is still merciful and so BapDada is going to give you a date. Listen with attention. BapDada has these elevated feelings for everyone and He has this desire that within six months – when will six months end? (In May) – so in May (I in Hindi is mai) you will have finished all consciousness of “I, I”. BapDada is giving you a margin of at least six months. Whatever Baba had told you earlier and the work that Baba gave you in the last season, you have probably forgotten that! In at least six months time, you have to experience the stage of being liberatedinlife. Not liberationinlife of the goldenaged world, but the stage of liberationinlife of the confluence age. Remain free from the influence of any obstacles, adverse situations, facilities or the consciousness of “I” and “mine”. The “I” of body consciousness and the “mine” of body consciousness arising out of doing service. These things will come, but remain free from their influence. Don’t say: “I wish to remain free from these, but this obstacle came, and this is why this became such a big thing. I am able to make do with little things, but this was a big thing, this was a very big paper, it was a very big obstacle, it was a big situation.” No matter how great the opposition from adverse situations, obstacles or the attraction to facilities are – and they will oppose you, you are being told this in advance – at least remain 75% free in six months. BapDada is not asking for a 100%, but only 75%. It’s only when you first reach the threequarter mark that you can then reach the 100% mark. So you have six months, not just one month, but you are being given six months, half a year. So, are you able to fix this date? Look the Dadis have asked Me to fix a date, and so I have to obey their order! Seeing the result, BapDada will automatically be attracted to come here; there won’t be any need for you to tell Him. So, you have six months to reach 75%, Baba is not asking for a 100%. For that, you will be given further time in the future. So are you everready for this? Not even everready, ready in six months. Do you like this? Or, do you lack a little courage that you don’t know what will happen? Lions will come, cats will come, everything will come. Obstacles will come, adverse situations will come and the facilities will increase, but remain free from their influence. If you like this, then raise your hands! Spin the TV around everywhere. Raise your hands very well, don’t bring them down yet! This scene is very good. Achcha, Congratulations in advance!
Then, don’t say: We have to die a great deal; whether you live or die, you have to become this. This dying is sweet; there is no sorrow in this dying. This dying is for the benefit of many. This is why there is pleasure in this dying. There isn’t any sorrow in this; there is happiness. Don’t make any excuses: This happened, that happened and this is why this happened. Excuses won’t do any more. Will you still give excuses? You won’t, will you? Just play the game of the flying stage, and not of anything else. Now finish all the games of the stage of descent, of giving excuses and of weaknesses. Now, just play the game of the flying stage. Is this OK? Everyone’s faces have blossomed. What will your faces be like when you come to meet Baba again after six months? We will take a photo then also.
Double foreigners have come and so the day for making a double promise has arrived. Don’t look at anyone else, but simply see the Father and see Mother Brahma. Whether others do this or not, you must have merciful feelings for everyone. Give the weak ones the power of your good wishes. Don’t look at their weaknesses. Uplift such souls with the hand of your courage. Elevate them. Constantly extend your hand of courage for yourself and for others. The hand of courage is very powerful. And BapDada’s blessing is: When the children take one step of courage, the Father gives a thousand steps of help. Let it be, “I first” in selfless effort. Let there be selfless effort; not selfish effort. Those who take the initiative in becoming selfless are equal to Father Brahma.You have love for Father Brahma, do you not? This is why you are called Brahma Kumars and Brahma Kumaris. You issue a challenge to claim liberationinlife in a second. So now, pay attention to liberate yourself within a second. Now bring the time close. The closeness to your perfection will bring the elevated time close. You are masters, are you not? You are kings, are you not? Are you self sovereigns? So issue an order! A king issues orders, does he not? Don’t say, “Yes! No! Don’t do this, do this!” Simply issue an order. Look at your mind now, because the mind is the main advisor. So, hey kings, are you able to issue an order to your mind, the main advisor, to stabilise the self in the stage of being bodiless within a second? Order it to do this in a second. Achcha.
To the lucky souls who are absorbed in love; to the souls who have experienced all attainments received through the Father; to the powerful souls who rule the self by having all rights to self sovereignty; to the highest souls who have the constant experience of this stage of liberationinlife; to the luckiest souls whose elevated line of fortune is drawn by the Bestower of Fortune Himself; to the holiest souls who bring about world transformation through self transformation through their constant purity of vision and attitude, BapDada’s love remembrance and namaste.
BapDada meeting the guests who had come from The Call of Time Dialogues:
You have all reached your sweet home and sweet family, have you not? You feel this small, sweet family to be lovely, do you not? You also have become so lovely, have you not? First of all, you have become those who are loved by the Supreme. You have become this, have you not? Have you become or are you still becoming? See, how happy everyone is at seeing all of you. Why are they happy? Look at everyone’s faces; they are all very happy. Why are they happy? Because they know that you are all instrument souls who will become Godly messengers and give the message to all souls. You are instruments, are you not? (Guests had arrived from all five continents.) So, the message will reach all five continents. This is easy, isn’t it? BapDada likes the plan of this child. A very good plan has been made. Fill this plan with power from the Supreme and take cooperation from the family and continue to move forward. The plan is good. Everyone’s thoughts are reaching BapDada. You are all having very good thoughts, are you not? Plans are being created. So, it is your courage and help from the Father and the Brahmin family that is needed to put the plans into practical. You simply have be an instrument; there is no other effort required. “I am an instrument for this Godly task.” Whatever work you do, have the consciousness, “Baba, I, the instrument, am ready for service. I am an instrument. The One who makes everyone move will automatically make me move.” This feeling of being an instrument soul will reveal the feelings of humility and creativity on your face. Karavanhar, the One who inspires, will make you an instrument and work through you. You are the mikes and it is the might of the Father. So it is easy, is it not? So become an instrument and be present in remembrance. Then your face and features will automatically become instruments for service. You won’t serve just through your words, but your features will reveal your internal happiness through your face. This is said to be uniqueness (alokikta). You have now become alokik (spiritual), have you not? Worldliness has finished, has it not? I am a soul, this is being spiritual. To say, “I am soandso” is being worldly. So, what are you? Spiritual or worldly? You are spiritual, are you not? It is good. You have come in front of BapDada and the family; you have had great courage to do this. See, you are the handful that has emerged out of multimillions. How big was the group? How many of you have come from that group? So, you are a handful that has emerged out of multimillions, are you not? It is good, BapDada likes this group. Look how happy this one is! More than all of you, this is the happiest of all. He is happy because he is seeing the return of service in front of him. You are happy, are you not? You have received the fruit of your efforts. Achcha. Now you are the master and child! You are the master, are you not? Are you the master? Or, are you a child? A child is the master. A child is always called the master. It is good.
Jenny: First Shaktis. BapDada loves the Shaktis very much. Look, you are ahead of everyone, are you not?
Peter: Simply remember, “Baba, Baba, Sweet Baba!” That’s all! Alfredo: Keep smiling!
David: This one has very good enthusiasm.
Nizar: Achcha, this one has also become a companion, very good!
Joe: This one will also move forward in making intense effort. Continue to move forward!
Ragnar: You are a merciful soul. You feel a lot of mercy. Everything will work out fine!
Rita: You have become a good instrument!
Judy: This one feels very enthusiastic: I want to do this! I want to do this! It will happen!
Gayatri: It is good that whatever you have done so far has been worthwhile and it will continue to be worthwhile.
Chris: You have an elevated thought and elevated thoughts definitely take practical form.
Sr. Jayanti: Nowadays, many people see flying saucers. You are not a flying saucer, are you? You are carrying out a very good task.
Sr. Mohini, NY: You have maintained very good courage. BapDada is pleased with your courage. Continue to fly with your courage. You are doing very well. Achcha.
Are you all staying comfortably? Is your mind at rest and your body at rest too? You have both comforts, do you not? You should smile! Don’t remain serious. You have now found everything, so what else do you want? Dance and sing! Smile! You like smiling, do you not? You don’t like it otherwise, do you? You like smiling, do you not? When there is happiness in the heart, that happiness is visible on the face as a smile. Continue to smile and teach others how to smile. Is that OK? Achcha.
BapDada meeting souls personally:
Wendy: Are you a carefree emperor or do you have any worries? Can anything be achieved by worrying? What is the result of worrying? No good! Therefore, leave your worries here. Go back having become carefree. Remain happy! Whatever happened has happened? Continue to make your future elevated. Will you receive anything from anything of the past? However, the present and the future are in your hands. Now, simply lead the life of an easy yogi. An easy yogi and a karma yogi! There is pleasure in this! The work will be done well and you will enjoy yourself. There has to be both. Achcha.Chris (Baba was asked how to serve China): Have a friendly form, not an official form. Continue to give the message in a friendly way and also continue to bring them closer. With each lamp being ignited, a rosary of lamps will be formed. You have to do everything in accordance with the Government. This is why you will have to continue with yukti. It will happen. You are making very good effort; it will happen.
Dr. Nirmala: BapDada remembers your childhood a great deal because in the past, you took a step of really flying ahead; you didn’t think about anything else. The moth simply surrendered to the Flame, that’s all! This is why you have received and will continue to receive BapDada’s help and help of the seniors.
Mohiniben: You are moving forward well with courage. This courage will continue to make you move (Madhuban) forward. You always have the Father’s help. Very good.
Nirwairbhai: Everything is working fine and will continue to do so.
Rameshbhai: BapDada’s blessings are constantly with you and the blessings are constantly helping you.
Karunabhai: You have received the fruit. Elevated thoughts and hard work enable you to receive the fruit.
Meeting the Minister of Forestry of Maharashtra and his wife:
Whatever you have attained here, continue to distribute those attainments to souls. You had a good experience. You enjoy this, do you not? You have reached your family. You feel this is your family,
do you not? So with this feeling of belonging, continue to make others belong also. It is good: you have both had very good experiences and will continue to do so. You are going back as a Shakti. You are not a mother of one family; you are a world mother. A form of Shakti. This one is also a very close soul and will continue to move closely. Achcha.BapDada speaking about Delhi at the time of taking leave.
Whatever scene passes in the drama is the best of all. Whatever service children did at any place is also the best of all. Service has to take place in all directions. However, you need to give special co operation according to the need of every moment. So, at the present, according to BapDada’s inspirations, everyone’s attention is towards your kingdom, Delhi. So, now, are all of you going to build your future palaces in Delhi or around? Where are you going to build them? You will build them close to the palaces of Lakshmi and Narayan, will you not? So, it is the duty of Brahmins to do service at every place. And you can’t stay without doing service. In spite of that, everyone should definitely extend their hand of cooperation. Do you all wish to spread the sound in Delhi? Do you wish to do this? So, whilst doing everything for everywhere else, it is necessary to pay special attention to this place. At the time of laying the foundation, everyone was welcomed. Those from many countries placed their foot here. At the moment, you have just set foot here, but now you have to extend your hand. There is a need everywhere, but it is numberwise – first, second, third and fourth. So, at this time, everyone’s attention is on claiming the kingdom. You wish to create your kingdom, do you not? It has to happen and all of you have to become instruments. Whatever you have done so far, and those from Delhi also, you have worked very hard. You have also received congratulations. And for the future also, congratulations in advance for moving forward. Is this OK? Do you like this? Do those sitting at the back like this? Achcha.
BapDada is very pleased to see the courage of all of you. Whenever you receive a signal for something, that should be number one. Then, the second number will automatically be revealed; it cannot remain hidden. By giving full attention to the first number you will continue to receive help in the second, third and fourth numbers. All tasks of Brahmins are going to be successful. You just have to consider the numbers: first, second, third and fourth. You are clever in this, are you not? Double foreigners are clever in saying, “Ha ji”. Say, “Ha ji” with great force. Achcha.
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