03-03-2000 Om Shanti Avyakt Bapdada Madhuban
The special gift for the birthday is that you emerge pure feelings and feelings of love and become victorious over the great enemy of anger.
Today, BapDada is pleased to see His birthday companions as well as His service companions. Today, all of you are enjoying the happiness of BapDada’s alokik birthday together with the happiness of the birthday of His birth companions. Why? No one else can have such a unique and extremely lovely alokik birthday. You would never have heard that the birthday of the father is the same as the birthday of the children. Today, you are are all celebrating this unique and lovely alokik birthday that is as valuable as a diamond. As well as this all of you are aware of the uniqueness and loveliness of this alokik birthday, which is so unique that God Himself is celebrating the birthday of the children. The Supreme Soul is celebrating the birthday of the children, the elevated souls. Just for the sake of it, many people in the world say that the One who created them is God, the Supreme Soul. But, neither do they know nor do they live in that consciousness. All of you speak from experience that you belong to God’s clan and you belong to Brahma’s clan. The Supreme Soul celebrates your birthday and you celebrate God’s birthday.
You have arrived here from everywhere today for what? In order to give greetings and to receive greetings. Therefore, BapDada is especially congratulating His birthday companions. He is also congratulating His service companions. Together with congratulating you, BapDada is also showering you with pearls of Supreme love, diamonds and ornaments. You have seen pearls of love haven’t you? Do you know what pearls of love are? Do you know them? Everyone else showers flowers, showers gold, but BapDada is showering all of you with Supreme love, with pearls of alokik love. BapDada is not congratulating you just onefold, but He is congratulating you multi, multi, multimillionfold from the heart. You are also congratulating from your hearts. It is also reaching BapDada. Therefore, today is a day of celebration and also a day of giving greetings. What do you do when you celebrate something? A band plays. Therefore, BapDada is listening to the bands, the harmoniums, and the songs of happiness of your minds. Devotees continue to call out whereas you children merge yourselves in the Father’s love. You know how to merge, don’t you? This merging is what makes you become equal. BapDada cannot separate the children from Himself. The children too do not want to be separated, but sometimes they step away a little through the games of Maya. BapDada says: I am the Support of you children. However, children are mischievous, aren’t they? Maya makes them mischievous: You are not really like that, but Maya makes you become that. She makes you step away from this Support. In spite of that, BapDada becomes your Support and brings you closer. BapDada is asking all you children: What does each one of you want in your lives? Foreigners like two things very much. It is a favourite word of the foreigners. Tell Baba what those two words are! (Companion and company.) You like both these words. If you like them, raise one hand! Do the people from Bharat like them? The Companion is essential, and Company too is essential. You can neither stay without your Companion nor can you stay without Company. Is this right? Teachers, is this right? So, whom have all of you found? Have you found your Companion? Say, “Ha ji” or “Na ji”! (Ha ji.) Have you found company? (Ha ji) Did you ever find such company or such a Companion throughout the whole cycle? Did you find them in the previous cycle? He is such a Companion that He never steps away. No matter how mischievous you become, He still remains your Support. He also fulfils all the attainment that your heart desires. Is there any attainment lacking? Is everyone’s heart really saying “yes”or are you simply saying “yes” as a discipline? You sing, “We have attained everything we wanted.” Or, do you still have to attain it? Have you attained it? Double Foreigners are sitting in the front. Have you attained it? Is there anything more that you still have to attain? Or do you still have a few desires left? None? Have all your desires been fulfilled or do some still remain? Are there any left? Teachers respond, are there any desires left? You are speaking on behalf of the double foreigners. (They are fulfilled.) BapDada says that some desires still remain. (The desire to reveal the Father still remains.) This is the Father’s desire that all the children should know that the Father has come. The Father has come and some children are left out! This is why it is BapDada’s special desire that everyone should at least come to know that their constant (eternal) Father has come. But the children have desires out of love. The rest of the limited desires are fulfilled, but their desires out of love still remain. Each one of you wants to come onto the stage. Do you have this desire? (Now, Baba Himself comes to everyone.) Has this desire also been fulfilled? You are contented souls. Congratulations. Because all the children are sensible. You understand that according to the time you have to make your form the same. This is why BapDada too is bound by the bonds of the drama, isn’t He? Therefore all of you children are constantly content according to the time, and you constantly continue to sparkle as jewels of contentment. Why? You yourselves say: We have attained everything we wanted. These are the words of Brahma Baba’s first experience. Therefore, the words of Father Brahma are the words of all the Brahmins. Therefore, BapDada is making all of you children revise: Constantly stay in the Company of the Father. Baba has made you experience all relationships with Him. You even say that only the Father is all your relationships. Since all of your relationships are with Him, why do you not use each relationship according to the time in your tasks? And when you constantly continue to experience all relationships that you need from time to time, then you will have the Companion and also the company. Then, your mind and intellect cannot go towards other companions. BapDada is making you this offer. Since He is offering you all relationships, enjoy this happiness of all relationships. Use all these relationships in your tasks.
When BapDada sees that some children sometimes experience themselves to be alone or a little dry, He feels mercy for them that when there is such elevated Company, then why do you not use this Company in your tasks? What do you say then? “Why? Why?” BapDada has told you not to say “Why”. When this word comes, “Why”, it is a negative word, whereas “fly” is a positive word. Therefore, never ask “Why? Why?” Instead, remember the word, “fly”. Make Baba your Company and Companion and fly. You will enjoy yourself a great deal. Use Him in both forms – a Companion and Company in all your tasks throughout the whole day. Will you ever find such a Companion again? BapDada even says: If you become tired in either form physically or mentally – then your Companion is also ready to massage you in both ways. He is even everready to entertain you. Then there is no need for any limited entertainment. Do you know how to use Him in this way? Or, do you think, He is the greatest Father, He is a Teacher and He is a Satguru. But, He is all relationships to you. Did the double foreigners understand?
Achcha, all of you have come to celebrate the birthday, haven’t you? You want to celebrate it, do you not? Achcha, whenever you celebrate a birthday, do you give that one a gift? Or, do you not give a gift? Do you give gifts in the foreign lands? Do you give it in Bharat? So today, all of you have come to celebrate the Father’s birthday. It is called Shiv Ratri. Therefore, you have especially come to celebrate the Father’s birthday. You have come to celebrate it, have you not? What gift did you give for the birthday today? Or, are you just going to light the candles and cut the cake…. Is this how you will celebrate? What gift did you give today? Or, will you give it tomorrow! Whether you give a small gift or a large gift, you do give a gift, do you not? So what did you give? You are thinking about this. Achcha, do you want to give a gift? Are you ready to give the gift? Will you give whatever BapDada asks for, or, will you give whatever you want? What will you do? Will you give whatever BapDada asks for, or will you give what you want to give? (We will give whatever BapDada asks for.) Be careful! You will have to have a little courage. Do you have courage? Do those of you from Madhuban have courage? Do the double foreigners have courage? You are very good in raising your hands! Achcha. Do the Shaktis and Pandavas have courage? Do the people from Bharat have courage? Very good! BapDada receives these greetings. Achcha. Should Baba tell you? You are not going to say that you will have to think about this, are you? Don’t say, “ga, ga”. (When “ga” is added to the verb it puts it in the future tense, i.e. We will think about it, we will see to it some time in the future.) BapDada has seen one thing in the majority of you. Not the minority, but the majority! What has Baba seen? Whenever a circumstance comes in front of them, then the majority has the third number anger. There is one, two and three. The trace of the anger of the third number emerges even though they do not want it to. Some have it in the form of great anger, some have anger in the form of force, and some have the third type of anger in the form of irritation. Do you understand what irritation is? That too is a form of anger. It is slightly less. It is the third type, so it is slightly less. The first type is very powerful. The second type is a little less than that. Then nowadays, the language that you all use has become very royal! What do you say in the royal way? Because the situation is like that, of course there would be some force! So, today, BapDada wants to accept this from everyone. Let alone anger, but there shouldn’t be even the slightest trace of anger. Why? When you become angry you do disservice, because anger always manifests between two people. It doesn’t manifest when you are on your own. It manifests between two people then it is visible. Even if there is a slight trace of dislike for someone in the mind, there will definitely be a force towards that soul in the mind. BapDada doesn’t like this type of disservice. So the slightest trace of any type of anger shouldn’t emerge. Just as you pay attention to celibacy, in the same way it is remembered that lust is a great enemy and anger too, is a great enemy. It does not let your pure feelings, feelings of love emerge. Then it will turn your mood off. You will step away from that soul. You neither go in front of that soul, nor do you speak to that soul. You reject whatever that soul says. You do not allow that soul to progress. Even those outside are able to see all of this and so then you may say, “Today, that person isn’t feeling very well. It isn’t anything really.” So, can you give this birthday gift? Those of you who feel you will try, raise your hand! Those of you who are going to think about giving this gift, they are going to try, raise your hand! The Lord is also pleased with an honest heart. Is there anyone? Stand up! Yes, the Lord is truly pleased with an honest heart. They will try! They are slowly getting up. Congratulations for telling the truth!
Achcha, those of you who have said that you will try, how much time do you need to try? It is good that you will try, and you may do so. But, how long do you want? Do you want one month? Do you want six months? How much time do you want? Will you give this up or do you not even have any aim of giving it up? Those of you who have said that you will try, stand up again! Those who think that they will try for two to three months and then let go of it may sit down. Those of you who feel that you need six months, even if it does take you six months, you must reduce it. Do not stop paying attention to this because this is very essential. This disservice is visible. Even though you may not say anything, it is still visible on your face. Therefore, BapDada is showering all of you who have maintained your courage with pearls of knowledge, love, happiness and peace. Achcha.
In return as a gift, BapDada is specially giving all of you this blessing: Whenever, even by mistake against your conscious wish, if anger manifests simply say the words from your heart, “Sweet Baba”. So, those who remain courageous will definitely continue to receive extra help from the Father. Say “Sweet Baba”, not just “Baba” on its own, but “Sweet Baba”. So you will receive help. You will definitely receive it, because you have kept the aim. By keeping your aim, you will definitely develop the necessary qualifications. You will develop them, will you not? Those of you from Madhuban, raise your hand! Achcha. You have to do this, do you not? (Ha ji). Congratulations! Very good! Today, Baba will especially give toli to all of you from Madhuban. You work very hard. They won’t receive toli for becoming free from anger, but for the hard work they do. Everyone will think that because they have raised their hands, they will receive toli. They work very hard. Madhuban is an example of making everyone content through the service. Therefore, today, Baba will sweeten their mouth. All the rest of you can sweeten your mouth on seeing their mouths sweetened. You will be very happy, won’t you? All of you are making a programme, “The Culture of Peace”. This too is one of the cultures of the Brahmin family. The manners of the Brahmin clan is the foremost culture. BapDada has seen that when Dadis give gifts, they have a cloth bag on which it is written: Speak less, speak softly and speak sweetly! Therefore, today, BapDada is giving you this gift. He is not giving you the cloth bag, but He is giving it in the form of a blessing, as a gift. The Brahmin culture should be revealed on the face and in the behaviour of every Brahmin. You will hold those programmes and give lectures, but first it is necessary to have these manners in the self. Each Brahmin should come into contact with others whilst smiling. It should not be one type of behaviour with one person and another type with someone else. Do not let go of your culture when you see others. Forget the things of the past! Show your new sanskars of manners in your life. You have to show them now. Is this all right? Is this OK with you foreign teachers and you teachers from India? Is this OK with double foreigners? It is very good that the majority of double foreigners are very good in saying, “Ha ji”. This is good. Because for the Bharatwasis to say “Ha ji” is one of their codes of conduct. Just say, “Na ji” to Maya, that’s all! Say “Ha ji, Ha ji” to souls, and “Na ji, na ji” to Maya. Achcha.
Did all of you celebrate the birthday? Did you celebrate it and give a gift? Have you accepted the gift? Achcha. Together with all of you, there are many other gatherings at different places. At some places, there are small gatherings and at other places, there are large gatherings. Everyone is listening and watching. BapDada asks them also: Did all of you give the gift for today or not? They are all saying, “Ha ji Baba”. They are good! Even though they are sitting at a distance, it is as though they are sitting in front of Baba. The scientists make so much effort. They do make a lot of effort, don’t they? So it is the Brahmins who should receive the most benefit, should they not? This is why, since the confluence age began, the facilities of science also began to increase. In the golden age, science will serve you in your deity form. However, at the confluence age, you Brahmins receive all the facilities of science. And in service too, these inventions of science will become co operative in an unlimited way for glorification. This is why, BapDada is also giving congratulations to the children who are instruments for science.
BapDada saw many very very beautiful cards that have come to Madhuban from this land and abroad. There are also letters and messages of love and remembrance conveyed through others. BapDada is giving them special love and remembrance and is also giving them multimultimulti multimultimultimillionfold congratulations. All the children are appearing in front of BapDada’s eyes. All of you saw the cards. BapDada is also seeing them with the eyes. They send them all with a lot of love. BapDada accepts them all with that same love. Many have also written about their stage. Therefore, BapDada says: Fly and make others fly! By flying, everything will be left down below and you can remain high above with the highestonhigh Father. Stop in a second and emerge your stock of powers and virtues. Achcha.
To all the elevated Brahmin souls everywhere; to those who constantly stay in the Father’s company; to the loving souls who make Baba their Companion; to those who constantly remain merged in the ocean of the Father’s virtues; and who are equal, BapDada’s elevated souls, to the master ocean (sindhu) souls who constantly put a fullstop (bindu) within a second, love, remembrance and many, many congratulations, congratulations, congratulations from BapDada. BapDada says namaste to each child all the time, and today too, namaste.
Education Wing: Those from the education group, raise your hand! Those of you from the education wing are revealing your elevated education from time to time. You have to continue to do this because this education is such that it makes human beings so elevated that those souls lack nothing, not just for one birth, but for many births. Today’s education makes them educated, but it cannot make them attain all the attainments of life for even one birth. No student has the guarantee of a future after being educated. However, you can clearly tell them what guarantee there is of attainments you have through this education. This is not just for one birth, but for many births! This is why, explain to students things of hope and courage and clarify the importance of this education to them. You can clarify to them, what they will receive in the present, and what they will receive in the future. It is such an easy education! This is an education where there is less expense and greater glorification. Tell them such things of courage and happiness. Do you understand? Achcha.
Youth Wing: Those of you from the Youth group, raise your hand! All of you sing songs of the responsibilities of youth. A song has been composed, hasn’t it? Youth have a special part in world transformation because both the Almighty Government and the government of today have many hopes in youth. This is why the youth can become pillars of transformation. Generally, when the youth perform a task, they light a torch and commence it. Therefore, you Brahmins, the youth, should show such a flame in your face and behaviour that everyone’s vision is drawn only towards you even against their conscious wish. Now wherever the youth have served, bring together the co operative and contact groups. First do this in every city and then in every zone. Then bring such groups to Abu. Then the practical form of service is seen in the gathering. Do you understand? Achcha.
Punjab Sevadhari Group: It is good. This chance to serve teaches unlimited administration. In the golden age, you will look after the kingdom. Therefore, the practice of looking after it is established here, isn’t it? Therefore, each zone receives a very good chance to make Brahmins content through service and through that contentment, to accumulate blessings. So, did those from Punjab experience this? The experience of looking after everything in an unlimited way is being accumulated isn’t it? At your centres, everything is limited. You have to look after the unlimited kingdom. The sanskars for that continue to be created. Together with service, you also continue to receive the training to look after a kingdom. You also come close. Through service closeness comes automatically. So you did very well. And the best of all always happens! Those from Punjab are OK, aren’t they? Teachers, raise your hand! Did you like it? Sevadharis of Punjab, raise your hand! Sevadhari mothers, raise your hand! Very good! Achcha.
Double Foreigners: It is a very large group of double foreigners in today’s gathering and, you are also sitting in front of Baba. Double foreigners. The name itself is double foreigners! Therefore, you remember your original foreign land as soon as you hear the name “double foreigners”. When others call all of you “double foreigners” they too remember this, and all of you remember it anyway. BapDada constantly puts the majority of double foreigners ahead for their courage and their clean and honest heart. No matter what happens, you remain courageous and move forward and you will continue to move forward. For BapDada the closest jewels are only those who have a clean and honest heart. A clean heart and a true heart. No matter how far away those children are, but they stay the closest of all in BapDada’s heart. This is why, constantly keep this speciality in front of you and continue to increase your speciality. This is a very easy method to come close. It applies to everyone, it is also for the residents of Bharat. However, the majority of double foreigners have this speciality. Now, increase this speciality within yourself as well, and whilst continuing to increase it and coming closer, you will definitely become equal. Is this OK? Teachers, at amrit vela, BapDada always carries the apron of blessings and tours everywhere. Achcha. Congratulations to the double foreigners especially for moving forward with courage and also for your birthday.
BapDada hoisted the flag, lit candles and gave greetings to all the children for Shiv Jayanti.
All of you celebrated your own birthday and also hoisted the flag. Now, hoist this flag in each soul’s heart. The flag of the Father is constantly flying in the hearts of all of you children. Everyone in the world should now say, “My Baba”. In this way let the drums of “My Baba” beat loudly and with great force. This is the heart’s desire of all the children. This has to happen. This has happened many times before, and it will definitely repeat again. What song will all of you sing together on that day? Wah Baba, wah! And, Wah drama, wah! There will be “Baba, Baba and only Baba” in everyone’s heart. You can see that day, can’t you? Can you see it? That day is almost here. All of you have received the greetings. All of you have congratulations anyway. You also have to give everyone else greetings for this day. The day of the incarnation, the birthday, the day of transformation and the day of revelation will definitely come. Achcha. Golden night and diamond night to all of you on this day. Achcha.
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