15-02-2000 Om Shanti Avyakt Bapdada Madhuban
Keep your mind clean and your intellect clear and experience the doublelight angelic stage.
Today, BapDada is seeing children who are the masters of the self. Selfsovereignty is the birthright of Brahmin life. BapDada has seated every Brahmin on the throne of selfsovereignty. Every Brahmin soul received the right of selfsovereignty as soon as he took birth. The more you remain stable in your stage of selfsovereignty, the more light and might you will experience within yourself.
Today, BapDada is seeing the crown of light on each child’s forehead. To the extent that you have imbibed might within yourself, accordingly, your crown of light is sparkling, numberwise. BapDada has given all you children all powers as your right. Each one is a master almighty authority, but you become numberwise in imbibing that. BapDada has seen that all of you have the knowledge of all the powers, and you have imbibed them. However, there is a difference in one aspect. If any Brahmin soul were asked, you would speak about any power very well. You would also speak about the attainments very well, but the difference is that when you need a particular power at a particular time, you are not able to use that power at that time. When the time has passed, you realise what particular power you needed. BapDada is telling you children: Your inheritance of all powers is so powerful that no problem should be able to stay in front of you. You should become free from all problems. All the powers should be kept in your awareness so that whatever power is needed at a particular time, it will emerge for you to use. In order to do this, keep the line of your intellect clear. The more clean and clear the line of your intellect is, then, because of your sharp decisionmaking power, the more you will be able to use the particular power you need at that time. According to the time, BapDada wants to see every child free from obstacles, free from problems and free from having to make laborious (hard) effort. All of you have to become this, so it is essential for you to practise this over a long time. You saw what special sanskar Brahma Baba had: Instant donations and great charity. From the beginning of his life, the donations he gave were instant, he put everything into practice instantly. Father Brahma’s speciality, his decisionmaking power, was always very fast. BapDada sees that He has to take everyone back home with Him. All of you are going to accompany Baba, are you not? Or, are you going to follow Him? Since you have to go back with Him, then follow Father Brahma. In performing actions, follow Father Brahma, and in your stage, follow the incorporeal Father Shiva. You do know how to follow, do you not?
Do you doubleforeigners know how to follow? You are clever. It is easy to follow, is it not? Since you just have to follow, all your questions of, “Why?”, “What?” and “How?” end. You have all experienced that the basis of wasteful thoughts is “Why?”, “What?” and “How?” It is these that become instrumental (for wasteful thoughts). When you follow the Father, these words will end. Not "How?", but "Like this". Your intellect immediately judges, “Continue in this way.
Do it like this.” Therefore, BapDada was especially giving this signal to all you children, whether you have come here for the first time or whether you are the older ones: Keep your mind clean! Many of you still have small or big stains of wasteful and negative thoughts in your mind. Because of these stains there is a halt in the speed of your elevated effort, your intense effort. BapDada constantly gives you shrimat. What shrimat does He give you? To constantly have pure feelings and pure wishes in the mind for every soul. This is a clean mind. Have the attitude of uplifting those who defame you. This is a clean mind. Having wasteful thoughts of oneself or others is not having a clean mind. Therefore, keep your mind clean, and your intellect clean and clear. Judge yourself! Check yourself with attention, not superficially, “I am all right! I am all right!” No! Think about this and check yourself. Are your mind and intellect clear? Are they elevated? Only when this is so can you make your stage doublelight. This is the easy way to make your stage equal to the Father's. You cannot practise this at the end, you need to practise this over a long time. So, do you know how to check? Check yourself, not others! BapDada has told you something amusing previously too. The longdistance vision of many children is very powerful, but their shortsighted vision is weak. This is why they are very clever in judging others. Do not become weak in checking yourself.
BapDada has also told you previously that you have now become very firm in thinking of yourselves as Brahma Kumars or Brahma Kumaris. You are firm, are you not? What do you think as you walk and move around? “I am a Brahma Kumari." "I am a Brahma Kumar." "I am a Brahmin soul.” Make your awareness and nature natural in this way: When you wake up at amrit vela, think, “I am an angel.” Make this firm: I, an angel, have entered this corporeal body, according to God’s shrimat to give everyone the message and to perform elevated actions. As soon as your task is complete, stabilise in your stage of peace. Go into your elevated stage. See others in their angelic form. This attitude of yours will gradually make others into angels. Your vision will create an impact on others. Is it firm that you are an angel? Have you made it firm for yourself, “I am angel”? All of you have received the blessing of being an angel. Can you become an angel? That is, can you become doublelight within a second? Can you become this? Do you practise thinking and becoming this in one second, not in a minute? Not in ten seconds, but in one second? Achcha, those who can become this in one second, not two seconds, but just one second, clap with one hand (raise your hand), not two hands! Can you become this? Don’t raise your hand just like that! You doubleforeigners are not raising your hands. Does this take time? Achcha, those who feel that they would like some time, those who are not able to become this in one second, but would like some time, raise your hands! (Many raised their hands.) It is good! However, the examination paper at the last moment will come in one second. So what would you do then? It will come suddenly. It will be of one second. It doesn’t matter. You raised your hand and you realised this! This too, is very good. However, you mustn't feel compelled to practise it (because of external situations), but you have to practise it. It is very, very, very essential to practise this. OK! Even then, BapDada will still give you some more time. How much time do you need? Do you need time up to the end of 2000? All of you have issued a challenge for the twentyfirst century. You beat those drums. Do you remember this? You issued a challenge that either the goldenaged world will come or that you will create that atmosphere. You did issue this challenge, did you not? Therefore, up to that moment, there is still plenty of time. You should pay more attention to yourself. It is not whether you are able to, but you must pay attention to yourself. For instance, how long does it take you to come into body consciousness? How long does it take? Two seconds? When you come into body consciousness, even though you don't want to, how long does it take? Teachers from abroad, speak! (One second.) Pandavas, speak! How long does it take? One second? Or, is it even less than that? You aren’t even aware that you became body conscious. Therefore, also practise this. No matter what is happening, no matter what you are doing, you should remain unaware that you have naturally become soul conscious and are in a powerful stage. Your angelic stage should also be natural. When you make your nature angelic, this nature will make your stage natural. Therefore, when should BapDada ask you again? How much time do you need? Jayanti, speak! How long do you need? Speak on behalf of everyone abroad. How long do you foreigners need? Janak, speak! (Dadiji said: It will happen today. It will not be tomorrow.) If it happens today, then all of you have now become angels. Not that you will become this, but that you are this. However, if you are to become this, then when?
What sanskar of Brahma Baba did BapDada reveal today? Instant donations! Great charity! BapDada loves every child. Therefore, He thinks that no child of His should become anything less. Why should you become numberwise? It would be so good if all of you became number one! Achcha. Today, many groups have come.
To all selfsovereign souls everywhere in this land and abroad, who, whether in their physical form or their subtle form, are celebrating a meeting; to the special souls who reveal their elevated right in their behaviour and on their face; to those who follow BapDada at every step; to those who constantly keep their mind clean and their intellect clear; to the souls who make such natural intense efforts; to the doublelight children who constantly stay with the Father and will return home together with the Father, BapDada’s love, remembrance and namaste.
Administrators Wing: What programme have you created amongst yourselves? Have you created a plan for making intense effort through which you elevated souls will be able to take this task into your own hands? You want to transform the world. Therefore, the whole administration will have to be transformed, will it not? Have you thought about how this task can be done easily and how it can spread? At the least, have you made a plan to give a message to the instruments in the big cities personally? At least, they should understand that transformation can take place through spirituality and that it has to happen. Therefore, this wing has been created to awaken those of your own profession. Therefore, BapDada is pleased to see the service that this wing is doing. However, He also wants to see the results as to what extent each wing has served those and given them this message in their own wing? Or, have you only woken them up a little? Have you made them into your companions? Cooperative companions. You may not have made them into Brahma Kumars, but have you made them into cooperative companions? BapDada is saying this to those of all wings. Religious leaders came, the foremost souls didn't come, but, at least those that did come all came together on one stage, and everyone said that we now need to come together and spread the power of spirituality. In the same way, everyone of any wing who has come has to bring three kinds of results. First, to what extent has everyone in that profession received the message? Second, the result that spirituality is necessary and that they too can become cooperative. They won’t become regular students, but they can be cooperative. Whatever service each of the wings has done until now, like the religious leaders who came just now, similarly, invite one person from each country to India, and then you can do it internationally. Those of all different stages in every wing should come together and feel that they themselves should become cooperative. What will be the result of this type of service from each wing? What do you plan for the future? If one person from each wing keeps this aim and brings others closer, then all the closely cooperative souls from each wing can come together as a group, and then the group can be made larger. When they see one another, they also develop zeal and enthusiasm. They are now all scattered; there are this many in one city, and this many in another city. There are very good ones. However, first, organise a gathering of these souls, and then invite them all to come for a gathering in Madhuban. So, have you made any plans such as this? You must definitely have made some. Do you have any such plans? Those abroad were also sent a message that there are many who are scattered everywhere. Just look at Bharat alone! Many good souls have emerged at different places, but they still remain incognito. Organise special programmes for them all to come together and share their experiences. This will make a lot of difference and bring them closer. There may be five in one wing, eight in another wing, twentyfive to thirty in another wing. Bring them into a gathering like this, and they will be able to make progress. Their zeal and enthusiasm will increase. Therefore, all the wings should have the same result in service that has taken place up to now. Therefore, did you all hear this? Are those from all the wings listening to this? The special ones from each wing who are present today, raise your hand! There are many of you. Therefore, now hand in this result as to who and how many cooperate with you and to what extent. You will be told later of a programme you should hold for them. An entertaining programme will be made for them. Is this all right?
Madhuban: Those from Madhuban should not be idle. Do you wish to be idle? You want to remain busy, do you not? Or, do you become tired? You have fifteen days leave every now and then. You should have this. However, there should also be programme after programme so that you maintain your zeal and enthusiasm. Otherwise, Dadi says: When you have no service to do, you have a complaint. Should Baba tell you about your complaint? Dadi says that all of you want to go to your own towns and villages. You say that you want to go and visit them; that you want to visit them and do some service there. This is why it is good to keep you busy. If you remain busy, there won’t be any conflict. BapDada is giving multimillionfold congratulations to the residents of Madhuban because of your one speciality. Not even a hundredfold, but multimillionfold! On what speciality? Those of Madhuban have such deep love to serve whoever comes that whatever is within them remains hidden. They all seem very avyakt. They seem to be tireless. The remarks that those who visit here make when they leave is: Each one here seems like an angel. At that time, you develop special willpower, so this speciality of yours is very good. You have the sparkle of service. So, BapDada is giving you this certificate. You should be given congratulations, should you not? Therefore, at least applaud, those from Madhuban! Very good! At that time, even BapDada comes to visit all of you. Not all of you are aware of this, but BapDada does also come to visit you. Therefore, this speciality of Madhuban will increase even more. Achcha.
Media Wing: The media wing has also started abroad, has it not? BapDada sees that good effort is now being made on the Media. They have now started to emerge and you serve them with love. At least, you have served them! You are receiving the fruit of the effort you have made. Just as you give time to the T.V. people, so you should also especially give time to the newspaper people. It comes every day, does it not? (Sheiluben's lectures). Therefore, this is good progress. Everyone has a very good experience when they listen to that. Similarly, there should be an article especially in the papers also, once a week or every other day, saying that it is now time to increase spiritual power. Make such effort! In fact, you are successful and your connections are increasing. Now, perform some wonders through the newspapers. Are you able to do this? Can this group do this? Those who are going to do this, raise your hand! When there is zeal and enthusiasm, there is success. Why can this not be possible? Ultimately the time will come when all facilities will be given to you to use. Offers will be made to you. They will offer you these and will want something in return, saying, “Give us something, give us something!” Take our help! At present, you have to tell them, “Be cooperative!” Then, they will say, “Let us become cooperative with you!” Make this aspect firm: Angel! Angel! Angel! Then see how quickly everything happens. You won’t have to chase after them, but they will automatically come chasing you like a shadow. They are waiting simply because your stage is still waiting. Become everready and then it will just be a question of putting the switch on, that’s all! You are doing very well and will continue to do so.
Sparc Group (Spiritual Applications Research Centre): This group is very large. Those from Sparc are researching, are you not? Those from Sparc should pay special attention to something. Scientists give you a practical experience. For instance, in hot weather, facilities developed by science enable you to experience coolness. Similarly, those who are researching should make special plans so that the specialities of the Father and souls specialities, such as an embodiment of knowledge, an embodiment of peace, an embodiment of bliss, and an embodiment of power, are give to others to actually experience what every speciality is. Create such an easy invention so that if anyone wants to experience what peace is for a short time, or what power is, they are able to do so. Create an invention whereby they can experience this for one or two seconds. When someone has experienced this for even a second, then that experience will attract them. Create such an invention so that when they come in front of you, they can experience whatever speciality they want. What are the different stages? Sages make spiritual endeavour and give people a practical experience of the cycle. (Kundalini yoga). It begins at the navelcord, and then it goes up. Then, they are given an experience of what going up is. In the same way, according to your own method, give many others an experience through your mind and intellect. Don’t just sit and show them the light, but give them the experience of light. Research means to give them a practical experience through your methods and to experience it yourself. Therefore, make such plans and think of practical ways to experience this, just as you created the method of yoga camps, when all of those who come to a yoga camp for a short time are at least given an experience. They have an experience for that time at least! They even remember that experience. In this way, give them an experience of any particular virtue, power or eternal sanskar. Therefore, those who are researching this should first experience it themselves and then create a method to give others the same experience. Nowadays, similar to the path of devotion, people want miracles. They don’t want to make effort, but they do want miracles! In the same way, on this path of spirituality, they want the same. Those who have experienced something can never waver (from their own experience). The numbers will very quickly continue to increase on the basis of what they experience. Did you hear this? Now, create new inventions. Continue to tell them something and let them continue to experience it. In order to accomplish this, you must make this practice powerful.
Social Wing: The work of the social wing is to put right that which has gone wrong in a practical way. Those from the social wing change villages, they change families, they finish family problems. However, their putting right is only temporary. The Social Wing has some families in which all of those problems are included. There are many families who were very unhappy, but they have been transformed so much that they have become happy families. Therefore, show these practical examples to the Government. Take such families to the Government as examples to show them how these families have been transformed so much! You were just told that you must now bring some practical examples of transformation onto the stage. You are giving the message and doing everything. The Government should now see: What is it that the Social Wing cannot do with spiritual power? What are they not doing with spiritual power! You just spoke about the parks. So much service is taking place there! So many children are being given rest and comfort! This result should be shown to the Government. The result should come to the leaders of the social department. If you were to make a list, a very long list of main families could be made. It is practical here in any case! What social work are they doing? They distribute good clothes. They help with money. However, you help to make families content through which they become very economical and so their difficulty in buying clothes, food and drink ends, and they can live comfortably. They then spend very little to make their life very comfortable. Therefore, show them the contrast of what you are doing in an alokik way compared to what they are doing. Show them a gathering of the families who were ruined and were then transformed. Show them what you are doing. When the Government sees this, when any Government officer comes to see, you will easily be able to use this in your advertisements. When you invite people from the press to come, very few come. When they (government officers) invite the press, they will follow the officers. Therefore, show them practical cases like this and everyone will come to know what you are doing. You are doing a lot, but it is incognito. Achcha.
Politicians: Those of you from the field of politics are serving people in their own areas. You are doing service and service will continue to take place. Politicians should especially pay attention: You heard the news of how the Chief Minister in Hyderabad was very impressed, and how the Government there is easily able to be served. Similarly, there is one or another person everywhere in contact with you whom you can bring forward a little. In every city, in every local government, there is one or another good person like that. Therefore, BapDada feels that the person in Hyderabad is special, and through him, many good quality souls in different places can also move forward. If you make a little effort on them, quality souls will emerge. Now prepare such a group! They may come from different cities, but they should be of such quality that they can understand. They will then be able to come closer. Then invite the person in Hyderabad into a gathering with them. Let service be done through him. By listening to his practical experience, they will have courage so that they themselves will also want to do something. Therefore, first organise a gathering like this. You receive reports anyway. Therefore, organise a gathering like this. Then, once you have made your way a little into the Government in this way, you will be able to reach the top. The top people have less time, but those who are inbetween can come, just as it was the middle level souls that came to the religious leaders' conference. No top leader (in the first number) came. However, you can reach the top by going through the middle. You should create such a group and continue to make progress. Through politics, you are establishing the field of politics. At this time, you are establishing your kingdom and your religion. Therefore, those of the Government should not remain deprived of this. You are all companions. Therefore, try this and see. Achcha.
Religious wing: Those from the field of religion did their task, but that was just a rehearsal. It was good that you were successful in that rehearsal. Now, show the main important ones the importance of spiritual power. Show them what you are able to do with spiritual power. You don’t have to go into discussions, but first bring them closer and then discuss what you can do with them with spiritual power. Those with spiritual power have such a huge responsibility! Take up this topic and bring them closer. First bring them close and then bring them to Abu. Then the atmosphere of Abu will automatically create an impact and attract them. Don’t just think that because you went on those pilgrimages and you had a conference of religious leaders, that you have done a lot. No! You have to make more progress, and then even more progress! Continue to make progress!
Pilgrims of the Shivalingums: You pilgrims have already been welcomed a lot. Even now, you are being applauded so much by everyone. No other group has been applauded as much as you. Therefore, very good! This pilgrimage had been blessed. BapDada also told you earlier that these pilgrimages have been given a special blessing by BapDada. First; to be free from obstacles. There was no type of obstacle. Second, you all remained very healthy. No type of illness created any obstacle. Third, because you all had special zeal and enthusiasm, you all remained tireless. Therefore, you all saw and experienced this blessing in a practical way. Where there is zeal and enthusiasm, you automatically receive all these things. Therefore, you have arrived here successfully. Even now, on Shiv Ratri, pilgrims are not able to travel everywhere. However, very good service will definitely take place at every centre through the videos that have been recorded. Therefore, your pilgrimage has been recorded on the video and has thus become immortal. It will continue for all time. It is good! Jagdish was the instrument who created this invention. From the beginning, you were given the blessing of inventing something. Now continue to put this blessing to further use. It is good. From the invention created by one, there was zeal and enthusiasm everywhere. Therefore, congratulations for the invention. Achcha.
Foreign International Service Group: Double foreigners are clever in taking double benefit. You had the refreshment of Madhuban and you also created plans for service. There you take opportunities very well. BapDada too is pleased when all of you come together and make plans for service. The plans receive drishti from souls from everywhere and are given very good vibrations filled with their blessings. When the same plan for the same type of service is accomplished everywhere, the sound that spreads everywhere becomes very loud. You have just now created the plan for the Culture of Peace. It is a good topic. Look! You can serve on this topic in two ways. You can serve with the word “Culture” or with the word “Peace”. Or, you can serve in both ways together. However, everyone today wants to experience peace. They also want to make their culture very good. They feel that they need something extra to make their culture become the best of all and the highest of all. Therefore, the topic is good, and, because you are making plans for Bharat and abroad with a lot of zeal and enthusiasm, success is guaranteed. It is also good that this is their topic and that you are the practical form of it. When both the topic and the practical form come together, it becomes good. It is good. The United Nations is being served very well, and through that, others too are being served. Gradually, through the NonGovernment (NGOs), the Governments will also be reached. Everything is going well, is it not? Connections are also increasing very well. They continue to give their co operation. Therefore, make them cooperative. Bring them into contact. The more they come into contact, the more they will automatically become cooperative and any wrong type of atmosphere will be removed and the more this type of service will increase. Therefore, this is a good thing. BapDada is giving congratulations for the project in advance. Achcha.
BapDada is giving lovefilled congratulations to all those who have come from abroad, for the meetings and for the groups. You maintain your courage very well. BapDada has seen very good results in your zeal and enthusiasm for service and your staying courageous. However, now add this: Let there be a balance between service and selfprogress. Very good service, service that is already free from obstacles is now taking place. BapDada is constantly giving all the double foreigners congratulations and will always continue to give this. Achcha.
Maharashtra Zone (who have come for serving everyone this time): Achcha, half the hall is full of those from Maharashtra. Very good growth of service is taking place in Maharashtra. Therefore, Maharashtra will be able to create 900,000 very quickly. Is it like this? You will claim number one in creating 900,000, will you not? It is good. All of you are also happy, are you not? When your family grows, you are happy, are you not? Everyone now wants expansion to take place quickly. So, Maharashtra is bringing about expansion. If all the zones were also to bring about such expansion, and were quickly to become complete and perfect, then everyone would be able to return home with the Father. Don’t forget that you do have to return home with the Father! BapDada has already told you that if you don’t go with love, He takes you by force. Even if you don’t go with Him, He will still take you after Him. However, there won't be any pleasure in that. Achcha.
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