31-12-1998 Om Shanti Avyakt Bapdada Madhuban
For this New Year, on the basis of your courage,
experience yourself to be free from having to labour and constantly victorious.Today, BapDada, the Creator of the New Age, has come to give greetings you extremely co operative and loving children for the New Age, your New Life and the New Year. The children everywhere who are keeping BapDada personally in their heart with a lot of love are being given these greetings by Him. BapDada is pleased to see the children’s zeal and enthusiasm for the New Year. The majority of you children, whether you are sitting far away or close, all have zeal and enthusiasm in their heart to definitely bring about some newness this year. Whether in terms of transformation of the self, or in terms of success in service, or in terms of transforming of others with your good wishes and pure feelings, the zeal and enthusiasm all of you have is very good. As well as this, you also have courage, according to your capacity. BapDada definitely gives multimillionfold help in return for one thought of such children. Therefore, constantly have the courage to continue to move forward. Don’t allow your courage to diminish, whether for yourself or for others, because this new age is for flying with your courage. This year has been blessed and this is age is the most auspicious confluence age. It is the age when you are given all powers as your inheritance directly by the Bestower. Therefore, constantly keep the importance of this age in your awareness. Before you begin any task, whether in terms of your own effort or in terms of world service, have the faith that with your courage and BapDada’s help, your success is guaranteed in both your own efforts and in service. There has to be success! The impossible has to become possible because this age is the age of success. It is the age for the impossible to become possible. Therefore, for your Brahmin souls, there is no question as to whether something will happen or not, or how it will happen. It is written in the horoscope of you Brahmins that success is your birthright. You souls, who have all rights, do not need to think about these things; you have already received them as your inheritance. Therefore, in the New Year, especially let this awareness emerge; don’t keep it merged, but allow it to emerge in your awareness that success is the right of you elevated Brahmin souls. With this faith, and with spiritual intoxication, not intoxication filled with arrogance, but spiritual intoxication, continue to fly. Those who have faith in their intellect are constantly victorious in every task they perform. The line of fortune of victory is constantly seen on the forehead of Brahmin souls who have faith in their intellect. The tilak of victory is constantly visible sparkling on their forehead. This is why you must constantly continue to experience this year as the Year of Victory. Do you have such faith and intoxication? Do you doubleforeigners have this? Doubleforeigners are very clever. (They all waved their hand.) Very good! Your tilak is visible. The people from Bharat too are also fortunate. Why? Because the land of Bharat is very fortunate. This is why, whether you are foreigners or those from Bharat, all are the children of the Bestower and so every Brahmin child is victorious. Simply allow your courage to emerge. You have courage in you because you are master almighty authorities. Are you this? Are you Pandavs this as well? You are all waving your hands very well. Now, continue to wave your hand of courage even in your mind. BapDada is pleased and proud that every child of His is victorious many times over. You souls are not just victorious once, but victorious souls many times over. Are you children at the back victorious? Are those of you sitting on chairs victorious? Never think, “I don’t know what will happen.”. Don’t use the words, “What will happen”, but always remember you are victorious. You are victorious and will always be victorious. Is this firm for all of you? Very good! Now, when you return home, don’t write any weak news to Dadi or Baba that Maya came. Don’t write such letters. You are conquerors of Maya. If you are not this, then who else would be? Let this spiritual intoxication emerge. When your mind and intellect become busy in other matters, your intoxication becomes merged. However, you should check every now and again to see whether you have this spiritual intoxication whilst you are doing things. If you have faith, you definitely have this intoxication. The sign of faith is intoxication, and, if you have intoxication, then you definitely do have faith. The two are interconnected. Therefore, now, in this year 1999, constantly let your intoxication emerge and you will become free from making mistakes. Neither will you make mistakes nor will you have to labour. BapDada has already told you that He doesn’t like to see you children labouring or battling. And so, how are you going to celebrate this New Year? You have celebrated the Year of Liberation; you have put an end to all negativity and waste. Therefore, this year will automatically become a Year that is free from labouring. All of you souls are those who experience pleasure; you are not those who have to labour. Do you enjoy having pleasure in your life or do you like to labour? You enjoy having a life of pleasure, do you not? So this year, become free from having to labour even in your thoughts. BapDada has received many letters and notes from children conveying the news of how very good their zeal and enthusiasm are. They have been saying that from now, they will definitely come into the rosary of 108. Plenty of letters came saying how very good their zeal and enthusiasm are. Even in their hearttoheart conversations, many have been giving BapDada news of how very good their faith and courage are. BapDada replies to to such children: Baba has put a fullstop to all the past of all of you children. You must now therefore, stop thinking of your past. You remained courageous courage up to now, and so continue to move forward with your courage and Baba’s help. Whether you live abroad or in this land, you have written of how very good your enthusiasm for the New Year is. BapDada gives such children the blessing: With this courage, faith and intoxication, may you remain immortal. You will remain immortal, will you not? Will you double foreigners remain immortal? Will you people from Bharat remain immortal? Those from Bharat should claim a number ahead.
How do people celebrate the New Year? Firstly, they give gifts, and secondly, they give greetings. All of you eat and share sweets and also sing and dance a great deal. You Brahmin children would not just celebrate the New Year for one day after midnight, because for you, every moment of this New Age is a new moment. Every breath is new and every thought is new. Therefore, constantly continue to distribute the Dilkhush toli to one another throughout the whole year; not just for one day, one week, one month, four months or eight months, but for the whole twelve months. You will distribute it, will you not? Do you know how to distribute the Dilkhush toli? All of you are very clever and so continue to distribute the Dilkhush toli. When some, because of their nature, sanskars or problems, won’t accept your Dilkhush toli, you mustn’t become disheartened. You distributed it and your chart of obedience was recorded with BapDada. Don’t be concerned about someone who became upset even though you gave that one Dilkhush toli. It doesn’t matter! That one doesn’t understand this secret and therefore became upset. However, you know all the secrets. Therefore, also understand the secret of how that person is under the influence of his karmic accounts or some other problem. You should just continue to be obedient. Is this OK? You wish to become obedient, do you not? You are saying “Yes” very well here. If you could see yourselves from here, you would see yourselves waving your hands very well. By waving your hands, you make Baba very happy, and you are also shrugging your shoulders and nodding in agreement. However, BapDada is always pleased with all His children. Once He has said to you, “My child”, then whoever you are and whatever you are, Baba is pleased to see you. Baba has promised that no matter how, He is definitely going to make you worthy and take back you with Him. He will definitely take you back home with Him. Do you wish to return home with Baba? Are you ready to return home with Baba? Are all of you ready? Are you everready? Achcha. You are everready. Very good! You are also everhappy. So, if Maya comes, then what? Will you cry a little in your mind then and say, “Baba, Maya came. She came!” Don’t cry, but make yourself fly and Maya will remain beneath you. When you fly up and above, Maya will continue to watch you from down below. Achcha. You must continue to dance in happiness and continue to distribute the Dilkhush toli. You should give whoever comes into contact with you one or another gift. No one should return from you empty handed. What gift will you give them? You have many gifts. Do you have a stock of gifts? Don’t be miserly about giving these gifts. Continue to give them! Become generoushearted. Cooperate by giving someone power. Give someone the vibrations of power. Give someone a gift of some virtue; not through your lips, but through your face and behaviour. OK, perhaps no virtue or power has emerged in you, but there is at least a small gift you can give them. What is that gift? That of good wishes and pure feelings. Have the good wishes that that one is your longlost and nowfound brother or sister. When you consider someone to be longlost and nowfound, then your bad wishes will become good wishes. Have the pure wish that that brother or sister will also have the role of the flying stage. For this, together with your good wishes, you also have to give them cooperation. Some children say that they do give good wishes, but that the other person won’t take them. OK, they may not take your good wishes, but they are giving you something, are they not? They may be giving you their impure words or impure vibrations, or perhaps behaving negatively towards you. However, you must remember who you are. What is your occupation? Are you world transformers? Are all of you world transformers? What is your business? It is that of a world transformer, is it not? Since you are able to transform the world, then, if someone has said something wrong to you or behaved wrongly with you, can you not transform that one? Are you not able to bring about some positive transformation? Are you going to you take something negative as negative, or will you transform the negative into positive and give everyone the gift of good wishes and pure feelings? Constantly keep a stock of all the good wishes you have accumulated. Simply give some of these to others and bring about transformation in them, and then your title of a “World Transformer” will be used in a practical way. Also understand very firmly that those who transform others, and put their task of world transformation into practise are guaranteed a right to a kingdom for twentyone births. Perhaps you just sit on the throne for one birth, but in every other birth, you will be in close relationship with souls of the royal family and those who have a right to the kingdom. So, only world transformers are able to claim a right to the kingdom of the world. Therefore, constantly remember this occupation of yours, that it is your duty to bring about transformation. You are the children of the Bestower, and so you must continue to bestow as bestowers. Only then will you not have to physically give anyone anything with your hands in the future, for everyone in your kingdom will be constantly overflowing. This is the reward of being a bestower at this time. Therefore, don’t stop to count what that one did or what someone else did, so many times. Become a master bestower and continue to give gifts. What greetings are you going to give? Whenever someone attains something from another, the words coming from his lips and mind are like greetings for you. When you distribute happiness to one another, you share those greetings. When you celebrate a festival, you share greetings. Whenever someone comes in front of you, you should speak such words and have such elevated thoughts in your mind that he would definitely give you greetings and blessings from his heart. So, constantly speak such words, and constantly interact with others in such a way, that they all give you greetings and blessings from their heart again and again. Don’t speak words that are not worthy of greetings (thanks). Each word you speak should be like a jewel. It should not be ordinary. The result BapDada has seen up to now has been like that. Tomorrow, it will change, but up to now, the love and discipline that should be in your words has been lacking. Therefore, speak words that are like jewels. Since you yourselves are as valuable as diamonds, every word you speak should be like a jewel. They should be very precious. They should neither be ordinary nor wasteful. BapDada has now given you your results. However, since Baba has to continue until after midnight, BapDada tells you that He has also seen that some children expand trivial matters a great deal. What happens is this: When someone speaks a great deal, it is just like when a tree grow, the seed disappears. When they talk too much in this way, they think that they are expanding on something in order to clarify it so that others can understand. However, the essence of whatever they are trying to make clear for others becomes hidden in that expansion. They waste a lot of energy in those words. When your words are wasteful, your energy is reduced. Even the energy of the brain is reduced of those who speak too much. Remember the two words, “Short and sweet.” When others are relating such things, you tell them that you don’t have enough time to listen to all of that. However, when you yourself are relating something, you forget about time! Therefore, accumulate a stock of your treasures. Accumulate your treasure of thoughts. Accumulate your treasure of words. Accumulate your treasure of all powers. Accumulate your treasure of time. Accumulate your treasure of virtues. Every night, check your savings account. How many thoughts did you accumulate in your account of best without wasting? How much time did you accumulate in your account of best? Did you perform elevated tasks through your virtues and powers? Did you use your virtues? Did you use your powers? This is what it means to accumulate. So, check your account of your thoughts, time, virtues, powers every night and then total up how much you saved in your account. These savings will help you and also help others. Do you understand what you have to do? All of you ask what you should do. So, this is what you now have to do. You have received greetings and also been given a gift. You have to accumulate and also let go of labouring. When you pay attention to your savings, you will not have to labour. Celebrate this year with a lot of splendour as the year of free from labour. You celebrated the year of being free from anything wasteful and negative. BapDada will not be asking you for the result of the year of liberation until the 18th, because Baba remembers. How many of you celebrated the whole year as the Year of Liberation and how many of you only celebrated it for a month? Did you celebrate it for six months? Did you celebrate half the year? Did you celebrate it fully? Baba will check the result on the 18th.
Doubleforeigners have celebrated it very well. Those from Bharat have also celebrated this year, but Baba will ask for the result on the 18th. What will Baba give those who celebrated the whole year? Dadis should say what they should be given. What will be given to those who have celebrated the whole year as the Year of Liberation? Of course, there are the greetings and blessings, but what memorial will be given? Keep a prize ready. We shall see how many claim a prize. So, in the New Year, there is new zeal, new enthusiasm and new courage; everything is new. At each moment, your stage should become more elevated than what it was. Is this OK? Today, Baba has to stay here till midnight. This is why He has come, is it not? All of you came here running from everywhere. You all arrived here to celebrate the New Year. It is good! BapDada gives greetings filled with blessings from His heart to all those, old and new, who have come. Welcome! Welcome to those who have come. All of you ornaments of Shantivan are all welcome. Look how beautifully this hall has become adorned. Who is adorning it? It is all of you. Achcha, today, whether you are double foreigners or those from the different zones of Bharat, BapDada will meet every group whilst you stand where you are presently seated. BapDada will personally meet each zone. But, please don’t come up on the stage! You should just stand where you are and celebrate this meeting with Baba. This is also something new, is it not? You have come to celebrate the New Year and so this too is something new.
BapDada meeting double foreigners youth group: You sang a very beautiful song of zeal and enthusiasm. The Youth have to achieve a great deal. Prepare such a Youth Group that everyone invites you onto their stage. You are all very good. Even those who have been giving you training are very good. How many gave this training? Will all of you of the Youth group claim number one in the task that BapDada has given this year? Will you claim number one? Those who have been teaching you have also worked hard.
Brothers and sisters who have come for the Values Course: Become so clever that BapDada and the whole world continues to thank you. Show everyone by practically making the values emerge in their practical lives. When someone has very a strong nature, someone from this group should be so well prepared that you are able to change their atmosphere. Just as in Punjab where there are many terrorists, those from Punjab served them with a lot of powerful yoga and vibrations of love and brought about a great change. So, someone from this Values group should also serve in this way and bring a practical result. Bring about transformation in someone through values where their values have become completely degraded. Congratulations to all of you!
Australia, Fiji and New Zealand: You are all very good. Those from Australia have maintained courage and bought a Retreat House, and so congratulations for that. Now, let a mike emerge so that, instead of you, that one can share his or her experience. Therefore, Australia, who have always been in front, should now prepare such a mike in the Retreat House and bring him or her in front of BapDada. Will you bring him? Very good!
Europe, UK, Dubai and Mauritius: Europe has been blessed to become the instrument to awaken many souls, and it has already done so. Because the U.K. is included with Europe, it is very good for you. All of you must remember that in the beginning, BapDada used to called Europe the place of where the Yadavas resided. Brahma Baba also remembered Europe many times. So even now, those who are in the U.K. and Europe still have to make a scientist mike emerge who will be able to become a mike on your behalf and show everyone the power of silence. It is not a big thing for someone in the field of silence to reveal the power of silence, but it would be a wonder for a scientist to reveal the power of silence. Did those from the U.K. and Europe hear this? So now enable someone like this to emerge. You are all very good! You have to perform this wonder! It has to happen! Achcha.
America: What will those from America do? Those from America have to prepare such a mike in the United Nations. You are members of the UN and so you must find such a mike who would truly be able to say that this Godly University is able to accomplish what they have been unable to accomplish. They should tell them what you are doing and that you definitely do achieve something. Make someone like this emerge. You are buying a Retreat House, so what are you going to do there? Prepare a member of the UN so that he would be is able to say from the platform that you are the people, you are the people who are able to accomplish everything. You do have this courage, do you not? In fact, it’s already accomplished; all you have to do is to become the instrument, that’s all! However, you will definitely perform wonders. You have had a connection with the U.N. for so many years, and so naturally, you perform wonders! Therefore, now perform this type of wonder. Achcha. Congratulations for your Retreat House.
Asia: Achcha, what will you do? There are many jewels of the Brahmin family who are hidden away in Asia. You are already in Asia, and many parts of Asia will become part of the new world. Therefore, your land is very fortunate. So now make a special jewel emerge there. BapDada now wants you Brahmin souls to become the might and those souls to become the mikes. You, as the might should give them light and they should become the mikes to give lectures, your introduction and share their experiences. There are such souls in Asia whom you should find and make into instruments. You will then become the might and they will become the mikes. It this OK? Do you want to do this? Those of you from Asia are going to do this, are you not? It is very good. Baba will give a prize to those who bring a very big mike first. Asia should claim number one in making such a person emerge. Each of you should think that you are going to claim number one. BapDada will see who is preparing the biggest mike of all. Many smaller ones are in connection with you, but they should now get onto the stage. A mike means someone who is able to speak loudly and very clearly from the stage. Therefore, now prepare a mike like this. Is this OK? So what number are you going to claim? Do you want to claim number one? Even the young ones are courageous. It is very good.
Africa and South Africa: There are very many good jewels here. You are clever in serving. So what will you now do? Africa has the greatest amount of gold. You do have gold there, do you not? So, bring jewels who have a golden stage to BapDada. Your physical gold is very famous, and the diamonds of Africa are just as famous as the gold. So bring those jewels in front of Baba. Will you perform this wonder? Very good! There are very good jewels here. Now, Baba will see what you do until March and then give you a prize, is this OK? Do you like this?
Russia: What will those from Russia do? What wonders will you perform? Russia has now been freed from communism; it is no longer under communist rule; it is free. In the same way, now fly the flag of freedom so well that everyone hears the sound that real freedom can be attained here. This sound, not in terms of religion, but in terms of real freedom, should spread everywhere. Will you spread this sound?
Everyone loves you Russians. Why does everyone love you? Because, Baba is the Innocent Lord, and you children from Russia are also very innocent. You are innocent, but also very clever. Although you appear to be very innocent, you are very clever inside. You Russians look very sweet and lovely and this is why everyone has special love for you. You are very good. Now, spread the sound of real freedom. Achcha.
Israel: Israel has newly opened and so is very dearly loved by everyone. Little ones are very much loved by everyone and those who are specially loved stay close to their parents. The parents’ are always watching over the young ones. Therefore, you now have to show wonders. You are making plans, are you not? You are making good plans and you are also successful. You are few, but all are very good. Your courage is very good. So, by next year, you must perform wonders and bring a group here. Achcha.
Teachers who were looking after the group of children: You have prepared them very well. You do everything with zeal and enthusiasm in your heart. Therefore, whatever tasks you perform, you will definitely achieve success in them. This is a good group.
Brothers and sisters who came for the Jurists meeting: What will you jurists do? (We will keep a balance of love and law. We will make Bharat into heaven.) Generally, jurists are very clever in speaking. You have spoken well. You have spoken courageous words and in fact, the duty of jurists is to strengthen a weak case of someone. The courage you have shown is very good. You must constantly continue to create an atmosphere of following and inspiring others to follow all the maryadas and laws. The quality here is good. Each one of you can accomplish very good tasks. Why? Those who come to you as clients regard you as their god at that time. They have faith in you. You can make those clients belong to the Father. Then, the number of judges and lawyers will increase. Now, prepare a Judge who is close to you. Also prepare a lawyer, who on the basis of his own experience, will say that if Bharat is to benefit, if truth can be proved, it has to be here; that this is the place that will do so. Now prepare such a group. Now prepare a judge in a high position who is also able to speak fearlessly on the stage all about you. He should speak and reveal why you have the truth. You do have this courage, do you not? Even your words should seem very courageous. So now, you have to do this. You have been told what you have to do this year. Each of you should prepare these mikes by the end of March and bring them to Baba. Do you like this? Those from abroad have been given some work, the Youth group has been given something to do, and the judges have also been given something to do. Now we shall see who actually does this and brings them to Baba. So, you will claim number one, will you not? However, you should prepare someone who speaks in public; when they say something at the conferences here, that is something different! That happens because of this land here. However, they should be ready to say this on a public stage. Will you do this? You are being given until March to do this. (Baba speaking to Sister Lata (lawyer) in Madhuban). This lawyer is also very clever. You are doing very good work. It is good if the Shaktis come to the front. Congratulations! Congratulations! Very good!
Teachers: This group is very big (500 – 600 teachers): What will you teachers do? Wherever you teachers have come from, you have to claim a prize this year. In what aspect? This year, you yourself, all the residents of the centre and also all the students have to remain completely free from all obstacles throughout the year. Neither you, your companions nor your students should have any obstacles; if you have such courage, raise you hand! Your names have already been noted if you have come here in a group. Keep the prizes ready! We shall see how many of you become worthy to claim a prize. You have to claim three certificates. The three certificates are: the first one from your own self; the second, from your companions and the third is a yes or no from your students. Don’t make excuses, but simply a yes or no from your students that you remained completely free from all obstacles; we will not hold a court and cross examine everything. Those who have claimed the three certificates will claim a prize. All of you have raised your hand. Those who have not raised their hand perhaps think that they are going to try or that they don’t know whether they will be able to do it or not. Is there anyone like this here? You are not embarassed, are you?
Even if you don’t have enough courage, now maintain the courage you have and you will definitely receive help. Understand! Understand! Understand! Did all of you teachers hear? It is good! BapDada is happy to see you teachers because you are His companions. Teachers are service companions and therefore, BapDada is pleased to see the teachers. BapDada also has regard for you because as well as His companions, you are also His children. Therefore, you also receive special help. Is this OK?
Madhuban and Abu residents: This is a good group. If you Madhuban residents were not ahead in service, how would so many souls have had the fortune to meet the Father? This is why those from Madhuban receive the greatest gift of all of everyone’s blessings. Do you receive these blessings? Can you feel these blessings? You teach others and you also become instruments. BapDada calls those from Madhuban the canopy of service of Brahmins. Many souls experience benefit under the canopy of service of the Madhuban niwasis. You continue to move forward in your effort too. Those from Madhuban receive a share of everyone’s charity. Madhuban niwasis are shareholders. You receive something without even making any effort for it. Blessings from everyone’s heart are very precious. Whatever blessings you receive from the hearts of others, those blessings accumulate and so effort becomes easy for you. You have received something in your account of charity from the service you do. Constantly continue to increase the charity of service. Don’t allow it to decrease but continue to increase it. Just as Baba says, “Yes, I am present in front of you”, in the same way, those from Madhuban are close to Baba, and so those from Madhuban constantly have to say, “Yes, I am present”, (Ji Hajir), and “Yes, my lord”, (Ji Hazoor). Remember them both and remember them always. You do remember both of these, do you not? You remember the Lord and you also remember “Ji Hajir”. When anyone calls you, just say, “Yes, I am present, I am present.” Are you like this? You are present and ready to serve, are you not? You never say, “no”, do you? You are those who always say, “yes”. By saying, “Ha ji! Ha ji!”, you have come close to the Lord, and become very much loved by everyone. With which elevated vision does everyone see you? That you are the very dearly loved ones. Wherever you go, they say, “You have come from Madhuban, you have come from Madhuban”. And so, this is the fruit of your service. So what will you remember? “Yes, My Lord!”, and, “Yes, I am present.” Is this firm? Don’t ever say, “No, no”. Just say, “Ha ji, Ha ji!” You are very good. BapDada constantly loves the Madhuban niwasis. You are always loved. Achcha.
BapDada gave all the children special greetings after midnight.
To the extremely loving Brahmin souls everywhere, please accept greetings and congratulations from the Creator of the New Age. Congratulations! This is the moment to share greetings and bid farewell. It is the confluence. Together with the old year, you are also bidding farewell to the old world; you are bidding farewell to the old things, old problems and old sanskars and receiving congratulations and greetings filled with new enthusiasm for the New Year. Constantly celebrate this year as the Year of Freedom from Labouring. Celebrate this year for the self and others as the year that is free from obstacles. Constantly celebrate this year as the year in which you gain victory as your birthright. Constantly celebrate this year as the year in which you have this faith and intoxication in every action that you perform. This year, each of you has to claim from BapDada and the Dadis a gift for becoming number one. Therefore, all the foreigners and all the people of Bharat have to maintain the faith that they are becoming number one; they have to progress and inspire others to progress. So, together with lots of love and remembrance, with His thoughts and words, BapDada is also giving multimillionfold greetings and congratulations. Now, in one second, with determination and a powerful thought, all of you should bid farewell for all time to all the old objects, old matters and the old year. With a determined thought in one second, you should all become stable in the thought that with determination, there is success.
(BapDada’s meeting with the different zones of India will come from Madhuban later.)
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