18-01-1998 Om Shanti Avyakt Bapdada Madhuban
In order to serve others by giving them the current of light and might, free yourself from attachment and have unlimited disinterest.
Today's day is a special day of love. Since amrit vela, children from all directions have been offering love from their heart to BapDada. All the garlands of the children's pearls of love were being put around BapDada's neck. On this day, on one side there were garlands of the pearls of love, and on the other side there were garlands of sweet complaints. However, Baba saw this year that the complaints were different. Previously, the complaints were: “You should have taken us with you!”; “We didn't receive sustenance from the sakar form.” This year, the majority of complaints came from those who wanted to become equal to the father and go to Baba. The majority had very good enthusiasm to become equal. Your desire to become equal is very deep. You say: I have to become equal to You and come to You. Many children were expressing this thought in their hearttoheart conversation. BapDada also says to the children: May you become equal! May you become complete! May you be perfect! The method to become this for all time is very easy. The easiest method is to remain constantly merged in the Ocean of Love, just as you were merged in love today. Did you remember anyone else? Did you remember anyone other than BapDada? Whilst sitting and walking, you were merged in love. What did you remember whilst you were walking and moving around? Brahma Baba's divine activities and image. His image was in front of you and his divine activities were in your awareness. Did all of you experience this special love today? Did you find it difficult? It was easy, was it not? Love has so much power that it makes you forget everything else; you neither remember your body nor the bodily world. Love frees you from labouring. Where there is love, there is no labour. Love easily enables you to experience BapDada's hand over you. Love becomes a canopy of protection and enables you to conquer Maya. No matter how big a mountain of problems may be, love makes that mountain as light as water. So, you know how to remain merged in love, do you not? You experienced this by remaining merged in love today, did you not? Did you remember anyone else? You didn't, did you? There was nothing but “Baba! Baba!” and “Baba”. You were lost in the love of One. So BapDada says: Make no effort other than the effort of remaining merged in the Ocean of Love. Do you know how to remain merged? Sometimes, children merge in the Ocean of Love, but only remain merged for a short while before coming out again. One moment, they say, "Baba! Sweet Baba! Lovely Baba", and the next moment, they come out of the Ocean and become engrossed in other matters. It is like someone just taking a dip in the ocean: they merge in love, take a dip and then come out. Remain merged! The power of love will easily free you from everything else.
The experience of love at the beginning of your Brahmin life made you into Brahmins.
Love brought about transformation. Do you remember experiencing this at the start of your present birth? You received knowledge and were taught yoga, but it was love that attracted you and made you belong to Baba. If you constantly maintain the power of love, you become free from labouring for all time. In any case, you are celebrating this year as the year of freedom. Therefore, become free from labouring; the method for this is to remain merged in love. Have all of you experienced this love or not? If any of you were asked: "Who has the most love for BapDada?", each of you would raise your hand and say, "I do". You have this love, do you not? Raise your silent hand, not your noisy one. BapDada is telling all of you today: Constantly use the power of love for every task! It is easy, is it not? You have yoga to forget your body, to forget the bodily world and to become a conqueror of Maya. When you remain under the canopy of protection, Maya cannot come to you. When you come out from under the canopy of protection, out of the Ocean of Love, Maya sees you and makes you belong to her. So, do not come out of the Ocean, but remain constantly merged. Someone who has love for another would not forget that one he loves even when carrying out some task. That one would perform every task whilst remaining lost in love. So, just as you remained lost in love today, are you not also able to remain constantly absorbed in love? Love easily makes you equal, because to become like the one you love is not difficult.
Your heart loves Brahma Baba. Brahma Baba also has deep love for the children. He constantly makes each and every child emerge and gives them a special current of light and might to make them equal. In his past life, by knowing the value of each jewel, he could use a certain jewel for a special piece of jewellery. In the same way, even now, he constantly considers using certain jewels with their speciality for a special task. He constantly sings, “Wah! Wah!” for the speciality of each one. Wah, my invaluable jewel! Many children wonder what Brahma Baba is doing in the subtle region. They ask: "We are constantly doing service here, but what is Brahma Baba doing in the subtle region?" However, Baba says: Just as he was always with the children in the sakar form, similarly, he now stays in the subtle region. He is with the children there also; he is not alone. If Baba is without the children he doesn't enjoy himself. Just as the children are not able to think of anything without the father, so too, Baba cannot think of anything without the children. Baba does not stay there alone; he has you with him. Very few children were able to experience his company in the corporeal form. Now, in the subtle form, he can constantly fulfil the responsibility of companionship with every child at any time. Krishna has been shown with each and every gopi; that is a memorial of this time. Now, through the avyakt form, he fulfils the responsibility of companionship with every child no matter what time of the day or night it may be, even if it is 2.00 am or 2.30 am. In the sakar form, he would only visit the centres sometimes. Now, however, he goes in the avyakt form to visit the pure households. What else does Baba have to do? He has to make the children equal in order to take them back home with Him. This is what he has to do. What else does he have to do? So, he remains busy in this.
So, today, BapDada is giving the children the special blessing of becoming free from labour. Whenever you carry out any task, do that whilst remaining doublelight and you will then experience the hard work to be a form of entertainment. BapDada does not like the children to work hard or battle, or to play games of winning and losing. You are now celebrating the year of freedom, are you not? Are you celebrating it or are you engaged in working hard? Especially remember today's blessing: May you be free from labouring! This confluence age is the age of becoming free from labouring. It is the age for experiencing pleasure and enjoyment. If you are having to labour, you are unable to enjoy yourself. This is the only age where souls enjoy a celebration with the Supreme Soul. It is the age of experiencing the love of the soul and the Supreme Soul; it is the age of celebrating a meeting. So, have the determined thought that from today, you will become free from labouring. You will become free, will you not? However, it shouldn't be that you raise your hand here, but that when you return home, you ask: "What can I do? How can I do this?" BapDada has a file of the children's repeated determined thoughts. Sometimes BapDada looks at the children's files. From the moment you took birth to now, how many times have you thought, “I will do this”, or “I will do that”? However, you have not yet fulfilled that thought. You have a very good hearttoheart conversation and you also please BapDada. Just as you impress the students, you also impress BapDada. However, the impact of that determined thought only lasts for a short time; it does not last eternally. BapDada's file is constantly increasing. Whenever there is a function, a letter of promise is added to BapDada's file. This is why BapDada is not making you write anything.
Even today, all of you have made a thought, but for how long will it last? Baba sees how long the letter remains in the file. When the children become equal to the father, the file will come to an end and everything will be finalized. At present, there are many files. So, simply remain merged in love; do not come out of the Ocean of Love. You have deep love for Brahma Baba in your heart, and so it is not difficult to follow the one you love. For love, you say: Where there is love, one even sacrifices one's life. BapDada is not asking you to sacrifice your life. Instead of that, sacrifice the old world! Fix a final date for this. You fix dates for other functions: “The 20th, the 24th”, so when will you fix a date for this? BapDada never says: “When?”. He says: “Now!”. Does BapDada ever put anything over to another time? He always says: Now! Do whatever you want to, but do it now. However, BapDada is the Almighty, and because He is the Almighty, He would say, "Now!". However, the children have the habit of only sometimes doing things. This is why BapDada asks the children: When will you fix a date? You say that you will do it at a specific time, and so Baba is asking you when you are going to do it.
Now, according to the time, everyone has to have an attitude of unlimited disinterest. However, BapDada feels that time should not become the children's teacher. Since Baba is your Teacher, to become something according to the time means to make time your teacher; because of this your marks are reduced. Even now, some children say: Time will teach us; time will change us. All the souls of the world will change according to the time, but you children must not wait for time. Do not make time your teacher. You are master world teachers of the Teacher of the World; you are creators. Time is the creation. Therefore, oh creator souls, do not make your creation your teacher! Brahma Baba did not make time his teacher. He had unlimited disinterest from the beginning till the end. You saw how he used his body, mind and wealth from the beginning and did not have the slightest attachment. For the body, the words that emerged naturally were: This is Baba's chariot. This is not my body; it is Baba's chariot. I am feeding Baba's chariot; it is not that I am eating. He had unlimited disinterest in his body. His mind was Manmanabhav anyway. He used his money, but never thought or even said, "My money is being used". Did he ever mention that his money was being used? Did he ever say "I have used my money"? He said, "This is Baba's bhandara. It is the bhandara of Bholanath Baba." He never considered his money to be his own or used anything worth even a rupee on himself. He became responsible for the kumaris and the mothers. He willed everything to the kumaris and mothers and didn't have the slightest consciousness of "mine". He never used any time or breath on himself, but maintained an attitude of unlimited disinterest even in that. Although he had everything even nature was his servant he never used any extra facilities on himself. He always maintained a simple life. Did he ever use anything special on himself? Until the end, even his clothes were of the same type. Did he change the way he dressed? He had the buildings built for the children, but did he use them for himself? Even when someone told Baba something, he would hear it and remain beyond. Whilst constantly seeing the children's love, the words that emerged all the time were: Everything is for the children. So, this is known as having an attitude of unlimited disinterest in one's practical life. At the end, even though the children were in front of him, did he have any attachment? He had an attitude of unlimited disinterest. Even though the children, the loving children and the most special beloved children were in front of him, he had unlimited disinterest. You saw the proof of the attitude of going beyond and having unlimited disinterest within one second. He had just the one concern: to do service, service and service. He remained detached and beyond all other things. This is known as having unlimited disinterest. Now, according to the time, let your attitude of unlimited disinterest emerge. Unless you have the attitude of unlimited disinterest, you remain unable to do the service of giving the powerful current of light and might. Therefore, follow the father! Put aside the aspect of the Incorporeal One. In the physical form, you had Brahma Baba. Although he had all the facilities for all physical attainments, although he was responsible for all the children, although he had to face all the adverse situations and problems, he was able to pass. He claimed the certificate of passing with honour. The main reason was that he maintained an attitude of unlimited disinterest. At this time you have many golden chains of deep and subtle attachments. Many children are not even able to understand when they have attachment. They do not realise that something is an attachment. They always say, "This will continue all the time". They do not feel that they have to become free from it. There are many types of attachment that don't allow you to have unlimited disinterest. You want to become this and you also think: "I want to become this!" However, the desire to become is not balanced with actually becoming. The desire is greater than putting it into practice. The attitude of disinterest whilst actually doing something is not emerged. It emerges every now and again, and then merges again. Time will do this anyway, but you will not be able to pass with honour. You will pass, but not with honour. The speed of time is very fast and the speed of effort is slow. You are making physical effort, but you become bound by subtle attachments.
When BapDada hears the children's song: "We want to fly to You", He feels that He also wants to make you fly, but wonders whether your attachment will allow you to fly, or whether you will neither belong here nor there. Now, according to the time, become free from attachments; become those with unlimited disinterest. There should be disinterest in the mind. The disinterest that comes as a result of a programme is only for a temporary period. Check your subtle attachments. The gross aspects are now finished. Some children are free from gross attachments, but subtle attachments are very subtle; so much so that they are not able to check themselves. Check; check very deeply. In the mirror of completion, check your attachments. Give this gift to Brahma Baba on his day of remembrance. You have love for him, and so what does one do out of love? Give a gift. So, give this gift! Let go of anything holding you to the shores and become free. BapDada is happy that children have zeal and enthusiasm. You also have very good thoughts of selfprogress. Now, fulfil those thoughts. Achcha.
Today, there is a gathering of the special teachers. This celebration is taking place as a return of your service. BapDada is happy that the children are receiving the fruit of service; they are celebrating and eating the fruit of service. You have been successful in service, numberwise, and will continue to be successful. BapDada is happy to see the children with forty years of service. Those who have come for the function, raise your hands! It is a very large group. Congratulations for having been eternal and immortal over forty years of service. Seeing your gathering, everyone will be very happy and consider it a great wonder that you remained immortal even after forty years of service. You have had the diamond jubilee, you have had the silver jubilee. What jubilee is this? This group has worked hard the most. This group is like the military that goes to the border whilst the commander stays behind. It is the maharathis that go to the border. So, this group has been at the border of service. BapDada is happy to see the group of serviceable souls who are equal to Him. Those who go to the front are very firm and strong. They are very experienced. Their power to face is very strong. The speciality of each group is its own. Those who celebrated the diamond jubilee were instruments for establishment. Those who celebrated the golden jubilee were the original instrumental jewels for service. Those who celebrated the silver jubilee became the right hands, moved forward and enabled others to move forward. And this special group is of those who have experienced many types of service. This group has the greatest number of experiences. You have worked hard, but you have worked hard with love. Therefore, BapDada calls this group the special serviceable souls who are embodiments of success. This group is of those who are images of support and who sustain the new ones that come needing sustenance. Should Baba tell one thing to this group? Should Baba say anything? Are you ready to hear it? You are to be given an order. You are the everready group, so should you be ordered?
Seeing the souls who are embodiments of success in service, BapDada has the thought: You have established very good centres. You have established centres, have you not? Or will the centres fluctuate? Now, some jewels should emerge to do unlimited service. Are you everready? Or is it difficult to let go of your centres? Is it difficult or easy? Now raise your hands! Will the centres fluctuate if you go somewhere else? Are you sure? You should not say, "We are ready. What does it matter to me whether the centre fluctuates or not?" BapDada is still giving you some time. You are being given six months. Prepare such right hands at your centres that you are able to tour around. BapDada sees that whilst you remain at one place, you are not able to do service. Whilst becoming a numberone ruler of the globe, your number would be somewhere near the end. This group is such that you are able to claim a number ahead. So, will you become this? Then, Dadi will order you to do this, and so you will have to be ever ready. You will order them, will you not? You need hands, do you not? Sometimes, in Dadi's hearttoheart conversation, she says that she needs helpers. So who is going to fulfil this request? All of you can do this? BapDada considers you to be the souls in whom there is this hope. Therefore, make your service places so strong and firm that they are able to move along in the same way without you. There should be no difference. Did Brahma Baba ever stop to see what would happen afterwards? Everything that happened is good and everything that is to happen will be good. So, within a second, the soul that was free from attachment was able to fly. No attachments pulled the soul. Prepare such a group! There should be no attachment. You should not think: "This is my duty. No one is able to do this without me." Have disinterest in this also. So, did you hear what BapDada wants? Did you listen with attention? Achcha. Now, you have six months to make your centres strong enough so that you can be given an order. Do you like this? Do you wish to become world emperors or kings of a state? What type of king do you want to become? To look after just one centre means to become a king of one state. If you tour around now, you will become a world king. Just as you have become experienced, so too, make others experienced. Is this a difficult task? If it is difficult, you can say, "no". If you feel it is difficult, BapDada will tell you to stay where you are. You are given permission for this also. Whatever each of you wants, you can do that. However, BapDada considers this group to be of those in whom there is hope to move forward. Is this OK? Do you like it?
You are not worrying about this before your celebration, are you? You are carefree emperors. Since Brahma Baba did not think about anything, you have to follow the father. The children thought about what would happen, how everything would happen, whether the centres would continue to function or not, where the murlis would come from. They had so many questions. However, did Brahma Baba think about anything? He became avyakt from vyakt within one second. He had the firm faith that whatever was to happen would be the best of all. And that is happening now, is it not? BapDada loves the speciality of each group. Achcha.
To all the loving children merged in love everywhere, in this land, and abroad, to the extremely close souls who are constantly merged in love for Baba, the Ocean of Love; to the elevated souls who constantly imbibe the specialities of Brahma Baba in their practical lives; to those who are free from effort, and experience pleasure and fly with God's love; to those who put into practice the thought of becoming equal to the Father; to the children who are merged in the heart of Baba, the Comforter of Hearts; on this special day today, please accept multimultimillionfold love and remembrance from Brahma Baba. BapDada constantly stays in the hearts of the children. Although he lives in the subtle region, he is also in the hearts of the children. So, to the children who have merged such a father in their hearts, BapDada gives trays full of the pearls of BapDada's love, remembrance and namaste.
(This time Gujarat was looking after the meeting.) It is good. Those from Gujarat are embodiments of experience. Because of being close, you are everready for every task. Each zone has received a good chance for doing this service. To do service means to claim blessings from everyone. So, how many blessings have you received? You have received many blessings, have you not? So, Gujarat is filling its apron with blessings. Achcha. All the sevadharis from Gujarat, raise your hands! You are not just doing service, but also accumulating blessings. Achcha.
BapDada is speaking to the brothers and sisters sitting in the cabins and doing service: All of you also work very hard. This department also works hard (Sound Department). All of those sitting in the cabins are working very hard. You give happiness to everyone. So, you receive many blessings for giving this happiness. These blessings are added to your effort. Service that is free from obstacles gives many blessings. The more service becomes free from obstacles, the more your marks automatically increase. Give happiness to everyone through any method, whether it is through words, thoughts or deeds. Whoever gives happiness to others automatically increases their own marks. The marks are not increased so much through efforts as they are automatically through this method. So, become an embodiment of happiness and give happiness to everyone. Give happiness and receive happiness. It is like this, is it not? Achcha. It is very good.
Madhuban niwasis receive lots of blessings. Whether you are those who clean everything or those who sweep the floor, everyone sees how very clean everything is, and gives you blessings. The easiest method for effort is to give blessings and receive blessings. There is no effort required in this. You will become the conquerors of Maya very quickly. According to the code of conduct, do not cause sorrow for anyone. It should not be that you break the code of conduct whilst giving happiness to others. That would not be accumulated in the account of happiness. The automatic machinery accumulates that in the account of sorrow. Therefore, give happiness from your heart. Give it according to the code of conduct and from your heart. Not just for the sake of it, but from your heart. The children of the Bestower of Happiness can give happiness to others through their thoughts, words, deeds, relationships and connections within one second.
(This is the biggest group of the season so far.) Are all of you living comfortably? Teachers are always comfortable anyway. Teachers are special. There are also 150 double foreigners. Baba is the World Benefactor and so there should be souls from this land and abroad in every group. Do the foreigners like this season? Do you like such a huge gathering? All doubleforeigners have written very good letters of their experiences; these have reached BapDada. Many have written about having very good zeal and enthusiasm and some have even written about the effort they are making, but the result of the majority is good. Now, you are not like those who fluctuated a lot in the beginning. You have become unshakeable. Therefore, congratulations to the double foreigners for moving forward! (160 centres were listening to BapDada directly through the internet.) It is good. Brahma Baba had already said in advance that a time would come when Baba's message would go to the whole world. At present, you are only listening, but then, you will also see it. They will have a vision of all of you. You will not have to go to different places. They will have a vision of all of you children together with BapDada in this one place. Achcha.
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