31-12-1997 Om Shanti Avyakt Bapdada Madhuban
Use everything in a worthwhile way and attain success.
Today, BapDada is giving greetings for the New Year to the elevated souls who are experiencing a new life, the souls who are the creators of the New Age. The New Year is beginning for the people of the world, whereas you children are remembering the New Age. Just as the New Year will begin tomorrow, in the same way, the New Age will also come tomorrow. Do you have the awareness that your New Age is about to come? Human souls have temporary happiness and enthusiasm in their heart for the New Year, whereas you souls have permanent happiness for the coming of the New Age. Do you feel that it is a matter of just today and tomorrow? That today, it is the old age and that the new age of tomorrow is just ahead of you? According to the drama, it is a question of just today and tomorrow. Do you have this awareness clearly? Do you have this awareness, or have you just come here to celebrate the New Year? The New Year reminds you of the New Age. Do you have the zeal and enthusiasm in your heart of what you will become tomorrow? Does the costume of your new body appear in front of you? Do you remember how beautiful your new body was in the New Age? What that age was like? What that kingdom was like? How the elements were your servants, how they were satopradhan? Do you clearly have the awareness of your sovereign stage? Can you see it? How beautiful that new world is! Are you able to experience the rights to your kingdom within a second? Or are you experiencing them now? In one second, just take yourself to the New Age. Do you know how to go there? How many times have you attained this sovereignty of the kingdom? Do you remember this? Experience how beautiful your kingdom is! It is lovely as well as unique. Within one second, just remember your kingdom and your sovereignty form of having all rights to the world that Baba gave to you as a New Year's gift. People give one another limited gifts for the New Year, whereas Baba gives you the gift of all rights to the sovereignty of the world. It is an imperishable gift. At this time, this imperishable gift is fixed in destiny by the Father, so that this destiny cannot be prevented by anyone. It is unshakeable and constant. You have received this gift, have you not? Have you received it? Look after your gift very carefully. No bandits should rob you of this gift. You have put a double lock on it, have you not? Do all of you have a double lock? Nowadays, a single lock is not enough; a double lock is needed. You don't need a Godrej lock, but God's lock. God has given you such a lock that it cannot be broken by anyone. However, if you become careless, bandits come. Bandits are very clever; they can tell when your lock has not been put on properly. Therefore, don’t become careless!
This year, have you made a new plan for the self and for service? Have you made a new plan? You are constantly having conferences and dialogues, but what new plans have you made? This year, BapDada wants to see a bouquet of a variety of special souls from all the different professions of this land and abroad. You have served all the professions a great deal. Now, prepare a jewel from each profession; no profession should be left out. Why? Now that the time is coming closer, no one from any profession should complain that their profession was left out. Someone from each profession should become a special quality mike, because as the time comes closer, there should just be the one sound, “The Father has come”, emerging from souls of all professions and religions. It is only now, at the confluence age, that the seed will be sown in the religiousfounder souls and the souls who establish all the professions. They will carry such power away within themselves that they will become the inventors of their own religion or their own profession at their own time. You have to prepare all the seeds so that they can become the instruments for their own departments at their own time. Baba is the Seed and you Brahmin souls are the trunk. All other souls emerge from the Seed and the trunk. Now, all of you from this land and abroad have to bring such a bouquet in front of the Father. Bring one sample from each profession. Many others are automatically created from one sample. However, each one should become a powerful mike. Now, a bouquet of the various flowers, seeds, religions and professions should be prepared. Only when not a single one is missed out will you be called the worldbenefactor souls who are the instruments to uplift all souls. Not even one branch should be missing; all the branches are needed. Some of these professions may not exist in your New Age, but those souls who are to become the instruments to invent things in the copper and iron ages will receive power from you. All the religious founders will cooperate in hoisting Baba's flag, the flag of revelation. Similarly, those from all the different professions will also cooperate fully in hoisting the flag of revelation. Only then can it be called the establishment of the world of happiness through everyone's cooperation. They are cooperative, but you now have to bring one special soul from each group of all those souls closer in cooperating with you. Make those souls into instruments. Sow the seed of making those souls instruments. Do you understand what you have to do? It has become very easy to make connections with IP and VIP souls in the foreign lands. It is not difficult now, is it? Is it difficult or easy? So next time, when you come for the New Year, BapDada will see whether you bring such a bouquet as a New Year’s gift. You have one year. That is not a short time. Those from this land and also those from abroad will do this. You will definitely do this. Say, “It is already accomplished.” You simply have to become instruments. Double foreigners, speak! Yes, you may now clap (until now, there had only been the clapping of one hand no sound). All foreigners, you may clap. Achcha, we shall see who prepares this first – those from this land or those from abroad. We shall also see how big the bouquet is that you prepare. Is this OK? They are listening to Baba everywhere. Those from this land and those from abroad are listening to Baba. Now they are becoming enthusiastic; they are creating plans in their minds of what they are going to do. That is good, but remember it is for world service.
What will you do for the self? You will create plans for that too, will you not? If you do not create elevated plans to benefit the self, there won't be a current of light and might in world service. This is why, whilst knowing the zeal and enthusiasm in the heart of everyone, BapDada says: Whether you were celebrating your diamond jubilee, golden jubilee, silver jubilee or any other jubilee, each of you, with zeal and enthusiasm, promised Baba from your heart that you will definitely become equal to the Father. You promised this, did you not? Have all of you promised this? Have the doubleforeigners promised this? (All waved their hands). Achcha. Congratulations! You have made a very sweet, a very good and lovely, powerful promise. Now simply continue to fulfil that promise. At the time of making a promise, you make it with a lot of zeal and enthusiasm. You are also very courageous at that time, but what happens afterwards? Maya comes sometimes in the form of a mouse and sometimes in the form of a cat. What does a cat do? “Meouw meouw”. So what do the children do? “Mai, mai, mai (I, I, I).” So don’t meouw like a cat in this way. What does a mouse do? A mouse gnaws whatever it finds. Because of not knowing what anything is, it gnaws everything. So Maya also gnaws away at the treasures of the children and eats them up. Sometimes a lion comes. What does a lion do? It creates fear in those who are fearless. It disheartens the almighty children. Do not allow this to happen! Do not allow anything to come! Constantly keep the double lock applied. This year, do not allow anyone to enter.
Celebrate this year as the year of being free from everything: The Year of Liberation. Only when you celebrate this year as The Year of Liberation will you be able to go to your land of liberation. What will you do for this? It is a very small thing, not a big thing. Will you do this small thing? BapDada is giving you a very short slogan: Use everything in a worthwhile way and attain success! Do you understand what it means to use everything in a worthwhile way and attain success? What do you have to use in a worthwhile way? Whatever you have, whatever property, time, thoughts and breath you have, body, mind and wealth you have, do not waste anything! Do not keep anything carefully locked away for a time of need! Use everything in a worthwhile way! Even your thoughts; each and every thought is your property. Money is your physical property. Similarly, time, breath and thoughts are your subtle property. Not a single thought should be wasted. They should all be used in a worthwhile way. Whether you are serving through your mind, words or actions, check how much you are using in a worthwhile way at all times. How much did you accumulate? This year, BapDada is giving this special blessing: Use everything in a worthwhile way and experience multimillionfold success! You can attain this instant fruit easily. You just have to have an honest heart. BapDada, Bholanath Baba, is easily pleased with an honest heart. Therefore, use everything in a worthwhile way. Use the wealth of knowledge, the wealth of powers and the wealth of virtues in a worthwhile way. Do you know how to use them in a worthwhile way? Or, do you know how to put all of them aside and guard them carefully? Do not put them aside! Use them! Since you say that everything is going to happen suddenly, you have to become everready. Use everything you have in a worthwhile way. BapDada does not want any of it, but wants you to accumulate it for yourself. BapDada is the Bestower. To use something in a worthwhile way means to accumulate that, because, according to the time, BapDada was looking at your account of accumulation. BapDada has the account of accumulation of all you children with Him. What did Baba see in your account of accumulation? Many children say and believe that they have accumulated many things. Externally, they say that they have accumulated a great deal, but in Baba’s account of accumulation of each of you, it is very much less than each of you says or believes it to be. Why? Do you understand why this is? It has to do with the first lesson of “I” and the consciousness of “mine”. “I did this.” “This is my service and my task.” At the time of accumulating you feel that you are accumulating, but it is automatically deducted from your account of accumulation and credited to the account of waste. This subtle machinery is automatic. “Baba made this happen.” “This is Baba’s service. It is not my service.” You should not say, “I did this.” Do not speak about it again and again: “I did this, I am doing this, I am doing this.” Do not constantly say, “I, I”. Say, “Baba, Baba”, and you will accumulate multimillionfold. If you say “I” or have the consciousness of “mine”, it will be transferred to the account of waste. This automatic machinery is so very fast that you don’t even become aware of it. Only those who are detached from the consciousness of “mine” are able to check this with an honest heart. When all of you original jewels emerged at the beginning for the service of establishment, what did you constantly feel? What words did you constantly say? Did you have any consciousness of “I”? You constantly said, “Baba, Baba”, and this was why Baba’s heirs were created, and why it was that these souls became the instruments at the beginning of service. This was the result of saying, “Baba, Baba”.
Now, very few heirquality souls come to Baba. Why? “Baba” is mixed with the consciousness of “I”. This is why, this year, BapDada is blessing you with an open heart: Accumulate as much as you want! Do as much as you want! Do as much as you want, but use everything in a worthwhile way and become an embodiment of success! Achcha.
What ceremony did you celebrate recently? The silver jubilee. Those of you celebrating your silver jubilee, raise your hands! Those who had a ceremony, raise your hands! You had a double ceremony! It is a ceremony of those from Bharat and also of those from abroad. It is good. To celebrate with a ceremony means to stamp yourself with your firm promise. You celebrated with this ceremony. BapDada also enjoyed this scene very much. As well as celebrating, you have to stamp whatever thought you have with the stamp of the almighty government so that it constantly remains imperishable and firm. To celebrate means to fulfil your promise. Have you applied such a strong stamp? Or is the stamp you applied feint? Have you applied a strong stamp? You kumars, who are celebrating your silver jubilee, you are waving your hands very well. Have you celebrated this ceremony firmly? It is good. Do not forget this scene. Whenever any weakness comes, then place your photo of this ceremony in front of you. Each one's photo is taken, is it not? Is it given to everyone? Do you all receive it? Photos are not taken, just like that, without reason. They are taken for a special purpose. The photos are taken so that, when a time of weakness comes, you can place your photo in front of you. Do not just keep your photos locked away in your cupboards so that you are not even able to remember where they are when you need them. This is your gift. This is the greatest gift of all; it is a way of reminding you.
The Sindhi group that has come, raise your hands! Achcha. Did you also celebrate? Were your photos taken? What will you now do? You will look after them carefully, will you not? Who is the head of this group? (Naribhai and Govindbhai). The heads are powerful. Now, make sure this group remains very, very, very strong. Be careful about this. You have celebrated this festival in order to maintain constant enthusiasm. The enthusiasm of knowledge and yoga should not decrease. It should constantly increase. Is this OK? Are all the sisters OK? Sisters Kavita and Gope, stand up! Who is responsible amongst the Shaktis? (There is a trimurti.) There is a lot of unity amongst all of you. May you remain immortal! May you be immortal! You are good. Why does BapDada place the Sindhi group ahead? In fact, all of you are at the front, are you not? Each of you is ahead of the others and is lovelier than the others, but why does Baba especially keep the Sindhi group ahead? For the Sindhi group it is said: “Charity begins at home!” The clan from which establishment took place has to be awakened. This is why, this year, BapDada is especially remembering all of you and is making you into instruments. So now become instruments to awaken the Sindhis of your lokik clan. They should not be left out. Brahma Baba's task of establishment took place in Sindh. The souls where establishment took place should not be left out. BapDada also feels mercy for those souls. For Brahma it is, “Charity begins at home”. This is why Brahma Baba has made all of you children instruments. Do you understand what your responsibility is? Do you have this responsibility or not? This one is clever. When establishment began to take place, the first families were Brahma Baba’s and yours (Naribhai). Your family became instrumental. Do you know about this? So, what will you do now? The answers you give are very good. BapDada says: May there be a gulab jamun in your mouth! Not just gulab (a rose)! What would you do with just a rose? At least you can eat a gulab jamun! It is not that Baba is telling just one. All of you have to become instruments. The other family is Dadi Savitri’s. (Govindbhai’s mother). Did you know that your family were the first instruments for service? They have specially moved forward in service, and so what will you now do? Follow the lokik mother and father. You will follow, will you not? BapDada shall see what wonders both families perform. It is good that you have become instruments just as your mother and father became instruments, just as the seniors became instruments. Now follow in the same way. Is this OK? BapDada is especially meeting all of you. You have this fortune. Achcha.
What will the kumars do? (5000 kumars have come.) It is very good. Kumars should perform a new wonder. Perform such wonders that you are able to make the impossible become possible. BapDada wants the kumars to come onto the world stage as examples. Will you kumars play the hero parts? Are you sure? Or is it just in terms of raising your hands? Anyone who plays the part of a hero has to be a flawless diamond, a doublehero: a flawless diamond and a hero actor. Are you like this?
What wonder will the doubleforeigners perform? Doubleforeigners should perform the wonder of giving souls the message in such a way that they are enabled to become the mikes for Bharat. The mikes of Bharat make an impact, but the mikes from abroad will make double the impact. So you doubleforeigners have to prepare such mikes. Will you do this? Those mikes should come here next year. They should not go away having given their lectures; no. They should remain in close connection. They may not become regular in knowledge and yoga, but they should accept that this truly is God’s task. Although they themselves should also create a life like this, they don’t have enough courage. That too doesn’t matter. By becoming instrument mikes for others, they themselves will definitely become this. They will not become students straight away but with the power of serving others, by becoming instruments, they will be influenced and become that. Did the doubleforeigners hear this? Now we shall see which country becomes instrumental for this. An award will be given to whichever country becomes instrumental.
Doubleforeigners are listening there also (internet). In their heart they are also feeling and searching, wondering whom to make an instrument. Achcha. The international youth retreat group, raise your hands! (170 youths from 20 countries participated in this retreat.) You did very well. Now, you youths from abroad should prepare a group to do such service that when the mahatmas come for their conference they bow down to you. You will also be invited for this conference. Therefore, now prepare a group like this.
(Speaking to Brother Lee, from Japan, coordinator of the retreat): You have prepared a very good group. Now prepare this group in such a way that, although to remain celibate is what mahatmas have until now considered impossible or difficult, the youths should tell them from their own experience that it is not that difficult, that it is easy and that they are easy yogis who have easily become those who are celibate from birth. Firm yogis who have been celibate from birth will influence them. This scene will also be instrumental for revelation. The youths will be shown to the Government; that they are instruments for world benefit also through their mind. Is this all right? Now, a strong group is needed. It should not be that you are placed in front of the government and sannyasis but that, after some time, you fail. You are the firm ones. Show BapDada a firm group who can guarantee that they are such unshakeable and immovable, imperishable Brahmin souls that, no matter what happens, they will not fluctuate. Bring such a group in front of BapDada. Is this OK? You all have courage. When you have courage, Baba definitely helps. Achcha. Congratulations!
The youths of Bharat should also become ready in the same way. Prepare such strong youths. They should not be strong today, and become weak tomorrow. BapDada has seen many things in writing. (All the 5000 kumars present were asked to fill in a form.) You can laugh now, but BapDada has accumulated many letters of all your promises. So, you youths of Bharat: tell Baba whether the promises you made today will remain on file or whether they will become final. What will it be? Will they be final or will they be kept on file? Those of you who are firm, raise your hands! Put them on video. This video will be sent to all of you. Those who make the final promise will become examples. BapDada has many, many files. Do you understand? Do not just keep it on file, but definitely become this final form. Achcha.
(Those from Delhi looked after this meeting with BapDada): All of you have won a very good lottery for service. Those from Delhi have won the lottery of this service and fixed their destiny for service for all time. Do you like service? Those from Delhi who have come for this service, stand up! Those from Agra, stand up! It is good. To cooperate means to come close. You receive a chance to come close to special souls and, together with this, the power of serving is useful at its own time. So, you accumulate and you also come close to the special souls. You come into contact with so many Brahmin souls. This is a means of coming close. It is good that everyone has been given a chance. This is very good. Those of you from Delhi enjoy doing this, do you not? So you may clap.
BapDada meeting Dr. Ray Bhatt, Ratanbhai and Manikaka: (London instruments for the Janki Foundation). All these systems are for Godly service. Any task simply becomes an instrument to fulfil the aim of bringing souls into close connection with the Father. This is a means of enabling souls to accumulate something in one way or another. So all of you are instruments for service with this aim, are you not? This is your aim, is it not? BapDada will see for how many souls you become the instruments to create their future. You will bring a group with you, will you not? Bring a good bouquet with you. Bring a bouquet of the foundation. Do you like this? Whatever task takes place, service is merged within it. You simply have to become instruments. So you did well. Now bring a bouquet to BapDada. Is this OK? Your enthusiasm is good. Those who maintain courage also receive Baba’s help. Congratulations for this task and congratulations in advance for bringing a bouquet! Achcha.
All of you become very happy on hearing everyone’s congratulations. How many congratulations did all of you receive? More than multibillion congratulations! Achcha.
To those who have a right to the world sovereignty of the New Age; to the worldtransformer souls who transform everything through their new life; to the souls who become embodiments of success by constantly using everything in a worthwhile way; to the unshakeable and constant souls who constantly put into practice all the promises they have made; to the souls who constantly maintain enthusiasm and give enthusiasm to others through their festivities; congratulations, congratulations, congratulations from BapDada for the New Year and the establishment of the New Age. As well as this, to all those children who move forward by maintaining courage, to all the children who receive help by maintaining courage, BapDada’s love, remembrance and namaste.
Greetings for the New Year from Avyakt BapDada on 1st January 1998 (midnight)
To all the children experiencing a special new life in all the corners of the entire world, greetings, greetings, greetings for the New Age as well as the New Year.
For Brahmin children, every day and every second is new. So now, farewell to the old year and greetings for the New Year. Whatever thought you create and whatever action you perform, let each thought and every action be filled with greetings. Whoever comes into contact with you should constantly sing the song: Greetings, greetings, greetings. Whoever you meet in the New Year and whoever you are staying with, constantly give them Dilkhush sweet of constant happiness. And constantly dance in your mind with happiness. In service, fill yourself with the treasures of happiness and distribute this happiness to them.
New Year greetings and congratulations, congratulations for the new life and new zeal and enthusiasm to the children in all directions. Good night and good morning. Achcha.
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