03-04-1996 Om Shanti Avyakt Bapdada Madhuban
Together with doing service, become free from your old and wasteful sanskars through having an attitude of unlimited disinterest.
Today, the unlimited Father is seeing his unlimited, constantly cooperative companions. Cooperative children from all directions are constantly seated on the Father's heart throne. The incorporeal Father does not even have an immortal throne of His own, whereas you children have so many. So BapDada is constantly happy to see the children seated on the heart throne. Wah! My children who are seated on the throne! Children are always happy to see the Father. All of you experience happiness on seeing BapDada. BapDada is so happy to see all the children because each child is a special soul. Even if a child is the last numbered child, even whilst being the last number, he is still in the list of a handful out of multimillions. So, does Baba have greater happiness on seeing each child, or do you have greater happiness? Who has greater happiness? You or the Father? (Both.) Baba has so many children to give Him happiness; the more the children, the greater the happiness He has, whereas you only have double happiness, that is all! You have the happiness of the family, but Baba's happiness is permanent. Is your happiness permanent or does it fluctuate?
BapDada believes that the breath of Brahmin life is happiness. If you don't have happiness, you don't have a Brahmin life; and it should be imperishable happiness, not happiness that you experience only sometimes to a percentage. Happiness is happiness. If today, you have 50% happiness and tomorrow you have 100% happiness, then the breath of life is fluctuating. BapDada has also told you earlier that, even if you shed your body, your happiness should not disappear. So, is this lesson firm or are you still a little weak in this? Is it constantly firm? Have you underlined the word "constantly"? What would those who only experience this sometimes be? Those who have constant happiness are those who pass with honour, and what are those who only sometimes experience happiness? Have they passed? Those who only experience this sometimes have to pass through Dharamrajpuri, whereas those who pass with honour will return with the Father in one second; they will not stop anywhere. So, who are all of you? Those who go with the Father or those who stop? Is your chart like this? All of you know what BapDada's special hope for every child is in the year of the Diamond Jubilee, do you not?
BapDada saw the chart of all the children. What did Baba see in it? According to the present time, one particular aspect needs further special attention. You are moving forward in service with a lot of zeal and enthusiasm. Everyone has special zeal and enthusiasm for service in the Diamond Jubilee. You have all passed in this. Each of you is doing service according to your capacity and will continue to do so. However, what is especially needed? Time is coming close, and so according to the closeness of time, what wave should there be? (Disinterest.) What kind of disinterest, limited or unlimited? Do you have this? To the extent that you have zeal and enthusiasm for service and according to the need of time, to what extent do you have a stage of having unlimited disinterest? The success of your service is that the subjects should be created as quickly as possible. This is why you do service, is it not? Until you instrument souls have an attitude of unlimited disinterest, other souls cannot have an attitude of disinterest. You wish everyone to receive the Father's introduction, but they cannot receive it unless you have an attitude of disinterest. Unlimited disinterest is permanent disinterest. If you have disinterest according to the time or the circumstances, then time claims number one and you claim number two, because you are inspired to have disinterest due to the circumstances or time. Once the circumstances finish and the time goes by, your disinterest also finishes. What would you call this? Unlimited disinterest or limited? So now, you need to have unlimited disinterest. The main basis for disinterest, or for incomplete disinterest, is the consciousness of the body.
Whilst there isn't disinterest in the consciousness of the body, the temporary disinterest cannot become permanent disinterest. There is then only temporary disinterest. It is not a big thing to have disinterest in relations. The hearts of many people of the world also have disinterest. However, here, there are various forms of the consciousness of the body. You must know of these forms, must you not? How many forms of the consciousness of the body are there? Do you know the expansion of these? Do you know these? However, after knowing all the different forms of consciousness of the body, you should be able to have unlimited disinterest, and body consciousness should change into soul consciousness. Just as body consciousness has become natural, in the same way, soul consciousness should become natural. In terms of relations, you speak of the relations of the body. What is the first word you use? Body. Even if they are relations, they are relations of the body; the objects and possessions belong to the body. So the main basis is body consciousness. Whilst you have body consciousness in any form, you will not have any disinterest in the old sanskars of the body. First of all, you need to have disinterest in the old sanskars of the body. Sanskars bring your stage down. Because of sanskars, there are obstacles in service and in connections and relations. So, in the result, Baba saw that whilst you do not have disinterest in the old sanskars of the body, you cannot constantly have unlimited disinterest.
Sanskars in various ways attract you towards themselves. Where there is the slightest attraction towards something, there cannot be disinterest. So check: Am I free from my old and wasteful sanskars? No matter how much you try and you do try to have an attitude of disinterest some or even the majority of you have such strong sanskars in some aspects that they pull towards themselves. So first, there has to be disinterest in the old sanskars. Why do the sanskars emerge even against your conscious wish? You don't wish them to, but they do emerge because you haven't burnt the subtle form of them away. A trace of them still remains; they are hidden, and against your conscious wish, they emerge at some time. And then you say: I didn't wish to but it just happened; so what can I do? It just happened. Who is speaking this; body consciousness or soul consciousness?
Therefore, BapDada saw that there is still a weakness in having an attitude of disinterest in the sanskars. You have finished them, but you haven't finished them to the extent that not even a trace of them remains. Where there is a trace of them, there will also be their progeny. A slight trace, according to the time, takes on the form of a progeny; it brings you under an external influence. What do all of you say? Just as Baba is knowledgefull, so too, we are also knowledgefull. But what are you when the sanskars attack you, knowledgefull or knowledgefull? So, instead of being knowledge full, you become pulled by knowledge; you are not knowledgefull. If any of you were to be asked you would say, "Yes, I do understand that it should not happen, that I should not do this, but it happens". So at that time, are you knowledgefull or are you pulled by knowledge? Those who are knowledgefull cannot be attacked by any sanskars, any relationships or any possessions.
So you are celebrating the Diamond Jubilee. Diamond Jubilee means to become a diamond, that is, to be one who has unlimited disinterest. There isn't as much attention to having an attitude of disinterest as there is enthusiasm for service. There is carelessness, in that you say: "Everything is moving along fine; it continues to happen; at the right time everything will work out fine". Is time your teacher, or is Baba your teacher? Who is your teacher? If you transform yourself according to the time, then time is your teacher. If your creation is your teacher, is that all right? When such circumstances arise, what do you say? "It will be all right at that time; it will work out fine." You even reassure Baba, "Don't worry, Baba, everything will be all right, and we will move forward at the right time." Does it suit you master creators to make time your teacher? Do you like it? No. Time is the creation and you are the master creators.
It doesn't suit master creators to have the creation become the teacher of the master creators. So BapDada has now given some time. When there is the pull of service, the attitude of disinterest finishes, because you receive happiness and power through service, and you also receive the instant fruit. However, whilst you are doing service, unlimited disinterest finishes. Therefore, in the time that you have now been given, let the attitude of disinterest emerge. Awaken this attitude within yourself. Was it you who became this a kalpa ago or was it someone else? You were this, were you not? Now, simply allow that which is merged to emerge. Just as you let the practical plans for service emerge, and this is why you receive success, in the same way, now let the attitude of unlimited disinterest emerge. No matter how many facilities you have attained and day by day you will receive more facilities do not let this spiritual endeavour for an attitude of unlimited disinterest be merged, let it emerge. Let there be a balance of the facilities and spiritual endeavour. As you progress further, the facilities will become your servants. You will receive regard and respect, but whilst having everything, do not let your attitude of disinterest decrease. Do you experience an atmosphere of an attitude of unlimited disinterest within yourself, or have you become busy in service? Just as people of the world are able to see the impact of service, so too, they should be able to see an attitude of unlimited disinterest. What was the stage of all of you in the beginning? When you were in Pakistan, there wasn't any service, you had the facilities, but through an atmosphere of an attitude of unlimited disinterest you increased service. So all those who are celebrating their Diamond Jubilee have these sanskars, but they have now become merged. Now, let this attitude emerge once again. The attitude of unlimited disinterest of the original jewels enabled the establishment to take place. therefore, now, in order to establish the new world, let that same attitude and same atmosphere emerge again. So, did you hear what is needed?
If you did not have any facilities who would believe you when you say that you have disinterest? It is whilst having the facilities that there should be disinterest. There is such a vast difference between the facilities of the early days and the facilities now. The spiritual endeavour has become hidden and the facilities have become visible. Achcha, it is good to use the facilities. Use them generously because they are for you, but do not let the spiritual endeavour become merged. There should be a complete balance. You tell people of the world to become like a lotus flower; you tell them to become like a lotus flower whilst having all the facilities. The facilities are not bad; in fact, they are the fruit of your karma yoga. However, it's a question of your attitude. It shouldn't be that you become trapped in the expansion of the facilities and come under the influence of the facilities, should it? Become as detached as a lotus flower and loving to the Father. Whilst using them, do not be influenced by them; be detached. The facilities should not make your attitude of disinterest become merged. At present, there is a great need for this. Everything in the world is going towards the extreme and so there has to be an attitude of true disinterest. You are the ones who will create that atmosphere; first within yourself, then within the world.
So, what will those who are celebrating the Diamond Jubilee do? You will spread the wave, will you not? All of you are experienced. You experienced it in the beginning; you had everything. Eat as much real ghee as you can, but even then, have an attitude of unlimited disinterest. People of the world eat real ghee, but you used to drink it! Have you seen rivers of ghee? The special task for those of the Diamond Jubilee is to have a hearttoheart conversation, since you are all together now. Just as you have meetings for service, so too, have a meeting for this for what BapDada says. When you wish to become bodiless in one second, the foundation for that is this attitude of unlimited disinterest. Otherwise, no matter how much you try, you will not be able to become this. You will be caught up in battling. Where there is disinterest, that is worthy land; whatever you sow there, the fruit will emerge instantly. So what do you have to do?
Everyone should feel that they should also now have an attitude of disinterest. Achcha. Do you understand what you have to do? Is it easy or difficult? Will there be a little attraction or not? Will the facilities not pull you towards themselves?
Now you need to practice this, whenever you want, however you want, you should be able to set yourself in that stage in one second. When you have to come into service, do that service; when you have to become detached from service, become detached. It should not be that service pulls you and that you cannot stay without doing service. You need the willpower to do what you want, when you want, as you want. Do you have willpower? You should be able to stop as soon as you are told, "stop". It shouldn't be that you apply a fullstop and it becomes a question mark. Fullstop! Not even a stop, but a fullstop. You should be able to do practically what you want. You want to become this, but it is difficult to become this; so what would you call this? Do you have willpower or just power? As soon as you have a thought to finish all wastage, it should finish in a second. BapDada told you earlier also, that many children say: We sit down for yoga, but instead of yoga we are battling. They are not yogis, they are warriors (yodhdhas). And, if you have the sanskars of battling over a long period of time, what will you become? Part of the sun dynasty or the moon dynasty? As soon as you think about it, it should happen. For you to think about it, and for it to happen, is a matter of one second. This is known as willpower. Do you have willpower? Or, is it that you create very good plans, but out of ten plans, only five happen practically? It is not like that, is it? You think very well, "We will do this, then this will happen", but there is a difference in it happening practically. So, now you should have such willpower that you have the experience of something already accomplished as soon as you think about it. Nevertheless, it has been seen that at amrit vela you have a very good hearttoheart conversation with Baba and you speak very good things, "We will do this, we will do this". However, what is the result when night comes? You make Baba very happy by speaking such sweet things, such good things. Baba becomes very happy wah My children! You say: Baba, whatever You have said to us, it has to happen; in fact it is already accomplished". You speak very good things. Some reassure the Father so much, saying, "If it weren't us, who else would it be? Baba, we are the same ones every kalpa" and they become happy. Are those sitting at the back listening carefully?
Will those sitting at the back do this before those who are sitting at the front? You are sitting at the back but you are close, in the heart. Why? You did the service of giving others a chance. So the servers are constantly in Baba's heart. Don't ever think that if you were also Dadis, then you would also...
You are not just in front, but you are in the heart. And the heart too is not an ordinary heart, it is a throne. So you are those seated on the heartthrone, are you not? No matter where you are sitting, whether in some corner, down below or in the cabin, you are in Baba's heart.Everyone of you has come running to celebrate the Diamond Jubilee, have you not? So, is it just the Dadis, or are you too diamonds? You too are diamonds, are you not? For namesake, it is of those of the beginning, but it is you first. Achcha. Those of the Diamond Jubilee, raise your hands! The Diamond Jubilee of theirs is being celebrated, but if weren't for all of you, who would celebrate? The beauty is in those who are there to celebrate. So all of you have the happiness of celebrating because you understand that to celebrate their Diamond Jubilee means that your number has also come. This is being an altruistic server. This is why you experience happiness on seeing them. You don't experience any jealousy thinking, "Why is theirs being celebrated and ours isn't?". Not jealousy, but happiness. Do you think, "Why is just theirs being celebrated?" Do you think this? You have a lot of happiness. It is the fortune of the renunciation of the original jewels that no one experiences any jealousy, but happiness.
When there are equals, there can be jealousy: "We are also the same". However, this is the fortune of their renunciation and therefore no one has any jealousy. Just see, it is their renunciation that has brought all of you. If they hadn't become instruments and they are also the original instrument jewels for the foreign lands you would not have been created. Celebrate with a lot of splendour. BapDada is also happy. Achcha.
Ceremonies for those who are ten years in gyan are constantly being celebrated. Recently, the ceremony for the double foreigners was celebrated. In this group also, there must be many who are ten years or more in gyan. So, whether you are ten years or more in gyan, BapDada is congratulating you from His heart and is celebrating your ceremony. Those who are ten years or more in gyan in this group, who were not in the other group, raise your hands! To celebrate a lot means to claims blessings from everyone. For everyone to applaud means you have received blessings.
Those who are here for the first time, raise your hands! There are many of you also. For all those who are here for the first time, you have the blessings to go fast. Whether you are here for the first time, whether you are ten years or twenty years in gyan, each soul is a special beauty of the Brahmin family. If even one jewel is missing, it doesn't look beautiful. BapDada sees all the children with the vision that each jewel is a special decoration of the Brahmin family. You are the decorations, are you not? You are very valuable decorations. This is why even nowadays people decorate your nonliving images so much. Even now, in your last birth, they still decorate you. Do you have such happiness? Is it a small thing to become a decoration of God?
Achcha, Baba is now asking the original jewels, whose Diamond Jubilee is being celebrated. What aspect is very easy for the original jewels? Others may take time in doing this, but it is very easy and natural for the original jewels. What is that aspect? Respond. (To make Baba belong to them.)
(Speaking to everyone:) Is it easy or difficult for all of you to make Baba belong to you? Achcha, have you made Baba belong to you or are you still making Him yours? Have you made Him yours? Are you sure? Or do you do this only sometimes? You do not cause any mischief, do you? Sometimes, you show many games. You have made Baba belong to you. To make Baba belong to you means to constantly experience Baba's hand and His company. It is very easy for the original jewels to experience the company of the Father, because they have experienced the company of the sakar form. All of you have to make this emerge, but they have practically experienced in a practical way: I stay with You, I eat with You, I walk with You. Whatever has been experienced in the sakar form is easily remembered. It is their luck that they can experience the company of the Father whenever they want. Is it like this? However, within the drama, there is a special lift for all of you. What is that lift? Whenever you want, you receive extra help from BapDada. You take one step of having one thought and BapDada takes many steps of cooperation towards you. This is why you have an extra lift. Do you understand? You are no less either. Achcha.
Congratulations, multimillionfold congratulations, to the original jewels from BapDada through all relationships. Achcha.
To the souls who have the most elevated fortune and are seated on the throne; to the special souls who constantly create an atmosphere of an attitude of unlimited disinterest; to the special souls who constantly use their elevated specialities; to the close souls who constantly experience the company of the one Father and the hand of shrimat, BapDada's love, remembrance and namaste.
Speaking to the Dadis: (Baba makes us dance all the time.) Even now, Baba is making you dance. It is good. All of you receive the most blessings from everyone. Why does everyone have so much love for these instrument souls? Because their every breath is filled with love for Baba. Baba is with you in this love, is He not? It is love, it is not labour. You do not have to labour. All of you have as much love for the Dadis as they have for Baba, because they are the instruments in the sakar form; they are equal to the Father. Even those who are given correction may feel it in their heart at the time of receiving this correction, they then realise that that correction was given for their own benefit. Because the feeling with which that correction is given is good, it touches their heart. Baba is the special backbone for those who become instruments. The words may be theirs (Dadis), but Baba is the Backbone. They will never use the word "I". It is constantly, "Baba, Baba". So this is the proof of their remembrance. The consciousness of "I" is merged in Baba. Achcha.
(Today, we are very happy that it is now sixty years since we have had Your sustenance.) Your happiness is very special because no one can snatch it away from you. Does happiness ever disappear? Does your happiness disappear? Whether someone is an original jewel from the time of the establishment or whether someone is an original jewel from the establishment of service, both have their own importance.
Achcha, those brothers and sisters who were instruments at the beginning of service, raise your hands! All of you are the original jewels of service. All of them are the original jewels of the establishment and you are the original jewels of service. However, you have been especially cooperative in service. All of them carried out the establishment and you brought about the expansion. Achcha.
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