22-12-1995 Om Shanti Avyakt Bapdada Madhuban
The speciality of a life that is complete with all attainments is to be free from sadness and
to be cheerful.Today, BapDada, the Ocean of Love, is seeing the souls who are the embodiments of love for Him. Godly love is merged in each one's heart. This Godly love is attained in just this one birth. You received love from deity souls and ordinary souls for eightythree births. Just think about it and remember it. Go through the entire kalpa. You are the spinners of the discus of selfrealisation, are you not? So, did you go around the entire kalpa in one second? Did you? You didn't. It is only in this one birth at the confluence age that you receive Godly love. So, you now know the difference between love from souls and love from God. There is so much difference between the two. Where did love from ordinary souls take you? What did it make you attain? You have experienced this, have you not? And where does God's love take you? To your sweet home and your sweet kingdom. Through love for human souls, you lost the fortune of the kingdom, and through God's love you receive the fortune of the kingdom in this birth. It isn't that you are moving along on the basis of the future. No, it is at this time that you have direct Godly attainment. Compared to the present, the future is nothing. You sing the song of what there will be and what there won't be in heaven. You have attained what you had to attain. Or, do you still have to attain it. You have attained it. Have the Pandavs attained it? There is the memorial of the gopies. The memorial of the present time is that nothing is lacking in the treasure store of Brahmins. Not in the treasurestore of deities, but in the treasurestore of Brahmins. So, who are you at present? You are Brahmins, are you not? Do you have the experience that nothing is lacking? Where there are all attainments and these attainments are imperishable, not temporary, then what speciality would someone who has all attainments in his life have? If someone has all attainments, and not a single attainment is lacking, then what speciality would be visible in his activity and on his face? Constant cheerfulness. No matter what happens, someone who has all attainments cannot let go of his cheerfulness. Wherever there is sadness, check whether you experience a lack of attainment or whether you have all attainments. Today, BapDada saw many centres and subcentres; not in the foreign lands, but in this land. In the service centres, there are the special servers. So today, whilst touring around the centres, Baba saw both the servers and the service places. In each place, whether it was big or small, Baba checked each server to see to what extent they are cheerful whilst serving through their body, their mind, their wealth and the relations and contacts in service. What is special? It is these things; so what did Baba see? Everyone's body is old anyway, whether they are young or old. In fact, the younger ones are sometimes weaker than the old ones. Even if their illness is serious, the feeling of being ill or the thought "I am weak, I am ill", increases the illness. Because the body affects the mind, you therefore become doubly ill; the body and the mind. Because of being doubly ill, instead of being soul conscious, again and again you become illness conscious. So what did Baba see? He saw that with the body, whether you call them ill or call it their accounts the majority are settling their accounts 50% are doubly ill and 50% are ill in a single way. But what should happen? You must never bring any thoughts of illness into your mind, thinking, "I am ill, I am ill". What happens then? You make this lesson firm, "I am ill". Then, sometimes, although you are not ill, you have pain in your back. The majority has this: pain in their leg or pain in their back. Then, sometimes, there isn't any pain, but, because of not having happiness in their mind, they make excuses, "I have a backache". How can you check this? Do the doctors have any thermometer which can check whether there truly is backache or not? Has anything like this been invented? Get an X-ray, do this, etc. This incurs further expense. So what did Baba see? Baba told you about the body. Many servers like this were seen. All of you are servers. Do not think that this only applies to the teachers; no. All of you householders are also servers, are you not?
Or, are only those who are living at the centres servers? All of you living in the household; are you servers? Are the mothers servers? Sometimes, Baba tours around your homes and sees how you sleep, how you wake up; whether you have a double bed or a single bed. Achcha, Baba is now talking about today's tour. According to the time nowadays, do not think that it is a big thing to take medicine. Because, at the present time, the most powerful fruit of the iron age is medicine. Look, they are all so colourful. This is the last fruit of the iron age which you should eat with love. When you eat medicine, it doesn't have to remind you of the illness. If you eat your medicine under compulsion, then compulsive medicine will remind you of your illness, whereas if you eat it with the consciousness of taking it to put strength into your body, then the medicine will not remind you of your illness. If you think that it will give happiness, then through that medicine, you will be all right in two or three days. Nowadays, there are many new fashions. In the iron age, the maximum inventions are of medicine and different therapies. Today, there is this therapy and tomorrow, there will be that therapy, and so this is the most powerful fruit of the iron age. Therefore, don't be afraid. However, do not take medicine whilst being medicine conscious or illness conscious. So, of course, there will be illness of the body; that is nothing new. Therefore, do not ever be afraid of any illness. When it comes, give it some fruit and then bid it farewell. Achcha, this was the result in terms of the body. Then, what else did Baba see? What did Baba see about the mind? Baba saw the good news that in the majority, each server has a lot of love for Baba and a lot of enthusiasm for service. Leaving aside the 25% who may be moving along under compulsion, Baba saw both these aspects in the mind of the majority of children. Baba also saw that, because of having love for the Father, you pay a lot of attention to sit in remembrance, to progressing and doing service. However, what game takes place then? That although you desire to remain set on the seat of remembrance very well, you only remain set for a short time; then you start fidgeting. Just like little children would definitely start to fidget if you make them sit on a seat for a long time, so too, if your mind is not under control, if it is not in order, then you only remain seated well for a short time. You progress and also do service, but sometimes, you are set and sometimes you become upset. What is the reason for this? You wish to be set, but why do you become upset? What is the reason for this? You lack the power of concentration and the power of determination. You think very well that you will sit in this way and have this experience, and that you will then do this service; that then you will move along like this. You make very good plans. However, whilst performing actions or even whilst just sitting idle, your power of determination reduces. And your mind and intellect become engaged in other things around you. Sometimes, because you are not busy in any work, waste thoughts become the greatest work and that attracts you towards itself. You may not have any physical work, but because the power of determination is scattered, the mind and intellect, which you want to keep set, fluctuate. BapDada saw to what extent you carried out the work that He gave all of you. All the notes reached BapDada. However, many children are very tricky. What trickery did they do? They wrote a note, but didn't write their name on it. They wrote it in this way thinking that Baba knows everything. Of course Baba knows, but, since Baba has given you some work to do, at least complete your work. If your teacher tells you to write something and you tell your teacher, "Well, you know that I know to write this", would the teacher accept this? Many don't even write their name. However, whatever task you have been given in whichever group, Baba saw one thing in each of them. It is a matter of happiness for the majority who have the thought that they will definitely do this by the Diamond Jubilee. This applies to the majority. Do you also feel the same? You will then be liberated in life. If you become free from all these things, what would happen? You would be liberated in life, would you not? So, each of you has shown very good courage and enthusiasm. Whether you are foreigners or Bharatwasis, the majority of you have good zeal and enthusiasm. Very few have written that they would need more time. Let them take more time. All of you should at least be liberated in life.
So Baba saw in the result that everyone has the enthusiasm to definitely do something in the Diamond Jubilee. However, BapDada saw that to the extent that you have zeal and enthusiasm to make yourself into a diamond, to that extent, you also make very fast plans for service for the Diamond Jubilee. BapDada is happy that you have made fast plans. However, do not then say that the burden of service was too much and so there was some fluctuation. BapDada does not want this. Service that disturbs you or others is not service. That is selfishness, it is not service. And when there is fluctuation, it is because of one or another selfish motive. When either your own selfishness or that of others is not fulfilled, you become upset in service. All of you should become detached and loving: detached from selfishness and loving in your relationships with everyone. Until you fulfil this aim, the thought that you have had for the Diamond Jubilee, that you will become a diamond and celebrate the Diamond Jubilee, will not be fulfilled. Do not just remember half of it. Many respond to Baba, and say, that they have to celebrate the Diamond Jubilee, and so they become busy in this and that. But you have to remember both aspects of what BapDada has said; not just half of it. You have to celebrate the Diamond Jubilee having become a diamond. It is not that you just have to celebrate it, but you have to become a diamond and celebrate it. So, do not take just the aspect that suits you and celebrate it in that way, but become this and then celebrate it. To become a diamond and then celebrate it is the aim for the Diamond Jubilee. Do not fulfil only half the aim; you have a double aim. You have to become and celebrate; not just become or not just celebrate, but both should be together. And, all of you know that since you are making plans for the Diamond Jubilee, that you are making plans to become diamonds, then, Maya is also making her plans in advance. Therefore, do not say, "What can I do Baba? I lack courage. Maya is very sharp, and so keep Maya with You." You will rule the kingdom, and Baba will look after Maya?! You have to rule the kingdom. Those who are the conquerors of Maya become the conquerors of the world. So, how can you become the conquerors of the world without conquering Maya? Therefore, in all directions, attention please. Do you understand? Achcha.
Baba has spoken half of what He saw on His tour; He will relate the other half at some other time. You just read about it then. Many centres were very beautifully decorated, some were very simple, some were very royal. Some were of the middle level. There are many who feel that everything should be very royal so that if any VIP comes, he should feel that the centre is very good. However, for Brahmins, you have had the discipline from the beginning that everything should be of the middle level; not too simple and not too royal. You saw how Brahma lived in a very simple way. However, you have facilities and there are also those who supply you with those facilities. Even then, when you carry out any task, let it be of the middle level. No one should say: "What have put up as decoration?" No one should even say: "You already have your kingdom now". So what was the lesson for today? All of you have become free from everything. You have all made a promise to become free from everything, have you not? Is it a firm promise? Those sitting at the back; are you sure? Or, when you return home, will you say that it is difficult? Remain very strong. Let Maya taste the sweetness of the pleasure of the Diamond Jubilee. You are master almighty authorities, not anything less. Achcha, many double foreigners have come. Raise your hands, double foreigners. Many have come. The double beauty of the task of establishment are the double foreigners. BapDada knows that you come here with so much effort and so much yukti. If you didn't have so much love, it would be difficult to reach here. On the one hand, BapDada hears that the value of the money has gone down, and on the other, every year, He sees that many more foreigners come. So this is courage. A group from Russia has also come. Those from Russia, raise your hands! Where did you get the tickets from? Their stories are very good and worth hearing. Stories of how they accumulate their ticket money are very good. All of this will happen. It is only paper. It is just paper. Whether you call it a dollar or a pound, it is still just paper. So how long will the paper last? Gold has value, diamonds have value, but what about paper?
The value of money has to go down. And your money is the most valuable. In the beginning, you had it printed in the papers that Om Mandli was the richest in the world. You didn't have any means of earning. One or two had surrendered themselves with father Brahma and it was printed in the papers that you were the richest in the world. So, even now, when there is physical upheaval in all directions, you will not have to print it in the papers, but the journalists will themselves come to you and write it by themselves. They will show on T.V. that the Brahma Kumaris are the richest in the world because, no matter what happens, your faces will be sparkling. You may not have any chapatis to eat during the day, yet your faces would be sparkling. So there would be sorrow in all directions and you would be dancing in happiness. This is known as, "Death to the prey and happiness for the hunter." This is why BapDada said today: The speciality of those who are true Brahmins, those who have an elevated aim, is cheerfulness. Even if someone is insulting you, your face should not have any waves of sorrow, you should just remain cheerful. Those who are insulting you will then become tired. Is this possible? It should not be that he may speak for one hour and you spoke for just one second. If you speak or think for just one second, if you showed signs of sadness on your face, you have failed. "I tolerated so much, I tolerated it for one hour, and then the gas was released from the balloon." So, do not become gas balloons. What else do you need? You found the Father and you found everything. This is the song that you sing, is it not? Remember these things at those times and your face will not change. It should not be that you start laughing loudly in front of that person so that he becomes even more angry. Cheerfulness means a spiritual smile; not an external smile, but a spiritual smile. So what was today's lesson? To be constantly free from sadness and to remain cheerful. Double! Do you understand? Achcha.
Punjab: Those from Punjab, raise your hands! There are many from Punjab. Achcha, has Punjab brought a lion to Madhuban? Have you brought a cheetah or a lion? What have you brought? A lion? You decorate a lion very beautifully. Many little ones have come, but even then, there is some difference in the service of Punjab, and so this will also be possible.
Indore: What is Indore preparing? What new plans have you created so that the most important people reach Madhuban? In the Diamond Jubilee, at the end, have such a programme that VIPs from all directions come together. Not IPs, but VIPs. Whether from this land or abroad, VIP groups from both directions should reach here. Even if it is a small group, it should be a whole group of VIPs. It isn't that BapDada is asking you to bring thousands. That is not possible. Bring a few, but of quality. Each one of you should do service. You are preparing them. Are you preparing anyone? Achcha, those from Indore, raise your hands! Service is increasing and will continue to increase. It has to increase. Simply become a diamond and your sparkle in all directions will pull them here.
Assam and Gauhati: Those from Gauhati, raise your hands! What is Gauhati doing? Where is its teacher? What speciality are you performing? What new plans have you created? Has any minister from Gauhati come here? (No). So bring him here. If the minister from Gauhati doesn't arrive here, you will receive complaints.Bombay: Those from Bombay, raise your hands! What are those from Bombay doing? What new plans have you created? Look, you gave lectures and the ministers and presidents came. They came and went. However, bring them as close as those from Mauritius. They made a programme and brought him here and the Indian Government gave them full cooperation. This was the first example of courage. Otherwise, the foreigners say that they wish to come, but that you should do something. It will not happen like this. Just as they had courage and made a programme by themselves, in the same way, foreigners should make their own programme to open the eyes of the ministers here; so that they see that whereas many from far away come, yet they are living here and still don't come.
So, even though Mauritius is small, it is the small one that has performed wonders. Many from Mauritius have also come. Those from Mauritius, raise your hands! Congratulations for this service. It is good. You can now give this example to anyone. You can give the example that just as they came, in the same way, larger countries can receive even more help. So Mauritius has opened the door for the VIPs to come. What you have done is very good.
Achcha, what will those from Bombay do? (They will make a Peace Park). You will make a Peace Park; that is also good. Now perform a wonder! You have maintained courage well to make a Peace Park. However, in the Diamond Jubilee, bring about some newness. Achcha, Bombay will also do service and bring a lion here. But the chief ministers or the ministers in Bombay are not the lions. The lions in Bombay are the many well-known industrialists. Bring such ones who alone would be able to awaken many others and become instruments for service. So, Bombay has to bring a well known person here. Bring someone who can be in connection with you in the future and who can bring many others also. You saw the small example of KVK Raju in Hyderabad. He was only a small industrialist, but he came and brought many others also. He at least glorified Baba's name. Achcha, these people are taking training. (The SML training is taking place in Gyan Sarovar at the moment.) We shall see what fruit of the training you bring to BapDada after having the training. Those who are having this training: bring the fruit of this training to BapDada for the Diamond Jubilee. Service is very good, but all those who come to you as a result of this, bring them into close connection and relationship. Bring them into knowledge and yoga. Do not bring the fruit just to the extent that they say that this is good. This is just like a small grape, but now bring large fruit. Wherever you go, if you give some fruit to someone, would you take just one grape? If you give fruit as a gift to someone, you would give large fruit. It is good that you are doing this, but do it with the aim that you will become a diamond and show some newness in the Diamond Jubilee. This is known as success of the training. You have received a good chance. Now, we shall see how many platefuls of fruit come; whether only one fruit comes or whether one grape comes. Achcha
Kerala and Karnataka. What will Kerala do? What is their speciality? What is the speciality of Kerala? Who is their teacher? Teachers, raise your hands! Achcha, stand up! What is the speciality of Kerala? There are many educated people there. But not in this study. There will be many centres. (Krishna Iyer is from Kerala). Kerala did not bring him here: Delhi brought him. So now bring someone like him here. Prepare a group of four or five such people. Achcha. There are many coconut palms in Kerala. So bring a whole group of IPs. Krishner Iyer is a small mike and has been cooperative in service from the beginning until now and will remain serviceable. Just as there are Krishna Iyer and the Governor of Madras, so bring someone like that here. Create a gathering of such souls and then just see, you will remain seated in comfort and they will continue to spread your sound. Nowadays, the new teachers see that the old Dadis live with great comfort and feel that they themselves have to run around. So they (the Dadis) prepared all of you and they are therefore now sitting comfortably. So you should also prepare such souls that you remain seated comfortably.
Andhra Pradesh: Those from Andhra Pradesh, raise your hands! Raju emerged from Andhra Pradesh, but he went away very quickly. Now, Andhra Pradesh should prepare another group. Because there are many IPs in Andhra Pradesh. No matter where they become the ministers of, they give value to their own state, their own country. Those from Andhra Pradesh who meet anyone are met with regard, because they have the intoxication of their own state. So Andhra should also prepare a group. Centres are increasing and the Gita Pathshalas will increase. This has to happen. This is not a big thing. Bring about some newness and increase the centres. But together with that, prepare mikes who can bring about revelation. Achcha.
Belgam: What is Belgam doing? How many IPs have you brought here? Who is your main teacher? How many IPs have you prepared? You still have to prepare them. Achcha. At least, prepare a bracelet, let alone a garland.Double foreigners: (BapDada made those from each country raise their hands and met them in this way.) Frankfurt fulfilled its promise. BapDada is happy to see the courage of those from Frankfurt, and daughter Sudesh is doing service with her heart. Therefore congratulations. To do ordinary service is not a big thing. But to put right something that has become spoilt, to bring about unity where there is disharmony is a big thing. So, all of you should clap and give congratulations to Germany. Holland is also moving along very well. Achcha, are those from Australia happy and content? Say yes or no! (Yes) Achcha, who else is here? (South America.) Look, wherever you have come from, double foreigners should always see the tilak of victory on your forehead. All of you are loved by Baba and the entire Brahmin family. You are victorious, you were victorious and you will remain victorious. This is the lesson, so constantly see the tilak of victory on your forehead. You are very, very, very lucky that BapDada found you in all the different corners. He has searched for you with a lot of love and made you belong to Him. Look, you were in so many corners, yet you recognised Him. This is why you are constantly victorious. Experience this intoxication in a practical way. Do not just say it in words. It should not be that you say that you are victorious and yet are experiencing defeat. You cannot be defeated. You are victorious. So the double foreigners should easily and constantly have the intoxication of being victorious. Do you understand? (Baba met some more countries from the foreign lands. In total, there were 29 countries represented.)
(Speaking to Bharatwasis) Did all of you see how large your family is? Did those from Punjab see this? Did those from Bombay see this? All Bharatwasis have the happiness that their Baba has a place in every corner. Wherever you go, you can say with intoxication that it is your home. It is here and also there. Wherever you go, it is your home. So, seeing the double foreigners, Bharatwasis experience happiness. Achcha.
To all the souls in all directions who are the embodiments of love for BapDada; to those who free themselves from sadness and who are intense effort makers; to the fortunate souls who, with the balance of remembrance and service, constantly attain success in service; to all the children from this land and abroad who stay in the enthusiasm of revealing the Father; to those who write their good news to the Father and who maintain enthusiasm for their own service; to such loving souls who are close to the Father, BapDada's remembrance and namaste.
(A film crew of four souls from the foreign lands have come to make a documentary.) Has everyone seen you? Stand here in a line. Are you happy in service? You do have courage, do you not? Do not think: What will happen? How will it happen? It is good and it will be good. It has to be good. Do you understand? Whatever task you carry out with an elevated awareness is always good. So, do not ever think: I don't know what will happen. You know that whatever happens will be good. Do you understand? It is good. You have maintained courage well. Where there is courage, there is help received also. Achcha. (Speaking to Dadi Janki) You belong half to Bharat and half to foreign lands as their teacher. Belonging half to Bharat and half to foreign lands means you are a double teacher. It is good, everyone is doing service with their heart and will continue to do so. Expansion has to take place.
Speaking to the Dadis: Achcha, when you meet (Dadiji and Dadi Janki), what do you feel? (What do you feel?) Baba likes it very much. What do you feel? Baba has prepared a very good couple so that even though this land and the foreign lands are separate, they are together. This is also a part in the drama. You are, after all, the foundation of the Brahmin family.
So all of you also like this, do you not? BapDada places the instrument souls of the foundation ahead of Himself, because the Father is incorporeal and Brahma Baba has also become subtle. If anyone has to listen to something in the corporeal form, to say something or to give something, you are the instruments for this. And everything is moving along easily. Seeing this, all of you are happy are you not? Just see, foreign service was destined to take place through you. No one can change this drama. You had to go and you had to become the instrument. You are essential for foreign lands. You are essential are you not? (It is Baba's subtle power/current.) BapDada cannot be separated from you. It is as if He is glued. Just see, through the whole day you people keep saying: Baba, Baba; Baba does this, Baba does that. And, in order to inspire others, you also remember Shiv Baba and tell others the same. If they come to you crying, you tell them "Baba, Baba", and make them laugh. Is this right? Just see, it is such a tiny group but a very valuable one. Just see how few of you there are. You can be counted. This is the Diamond Jubilee. This time, BapDada will give a number to all those who become real diamonds. We shall see whether this land or the foreign lands win in this. And in this also, we shall see whether the youth or the householders claim more marks. Or, whether it is the teenage kumaris. BapDada is happy, whoever takes the number. Individually, you would say that you are all right. But no, you need a certificate. You need a certificate from your companions. We shall see how many emerge. Expansion has to take place. Achcha.
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