03-04-94 Om Shanti Avyakt Bapdada Madhuban
The basis of contentment is relationships, wealth and good health.
Today, Dilaram Father, the Comforter of Hearts, is seeing His souls who remain constantly content and who are jewels of contentment. The sparkle of the spiritual jewels is making the entire court sparkle. Contented souls are loved by the self, they are loved by everyone, and, of course, they are loved by the Father anyway. So, you are those, are you not? Because, in this elevated Brahmin life, there is no mention of any lack of attainment; you are souls who are full of all attainments. So, where there are all attainments, contentment exists automatically and naturally. The natural nature is contentment. The form, nature and original sanskars of contentment are so elevated that, through that contented environment, the vibrations and atmosphere of contentment are able to transform a discontented soul into a contented one. Contentment is the special gift from BapDada at the confluence age. The one speciality of contentment easily brings other specialities close to you, but you must be content constantly. No matter how much the situations change, the stage of contentment cannot be changed by the situations. The external situations are those that are going to change anyway, but the stage of contentment of the self is one that is constantly progressing. For such souls, no matter how much a situation may try to shake them, it will be experienced as a puppet show. There is everything there, but only in puppet form. So, no matter what the situation is, it seems like a puppet show, or like the fashion nowadays, which is cartoon shows. You enjoy those, do you not? They are of a lion or a cat, but what is it? It is a cartoon character. It is a full story, but it is only a cartoon story; it is not real. Whenever any situation comes up, then just think that a cartoon show or a puppet show is taking place on the unlimited screen. Will you be distressed or will you be entertained on seeing that? It is good to watch the show, is it not? So this is also a show of Maya or nature which you should continually observe as a detached observer whilst being an embodiment of contentment. See everything whilst being stable in your own dignity: I am a jewel of contentment; I am a contented soul. This is the elevated dignity of the confluence age. So, you know how to stabilise yourself in your dignity, do you not? Or, do you enjoy being distressed? So, constantly keep the speciality of contentment emerged in your awareness.
To have all attainments, relationships and wealth is especially essential. So, in terms of relationships, even if one relationship is lacking you cannot have full contentment. With any relationships you need them all eternally. If any relationship is perishable there is automatically a lack of attainment and then discontentment. However, it is only at the present confluence age that you can experience all eternal relationships with the one Father. In the golden age too, you have very few relationships; you do not have all relationships. However, at the present time, whatever relationships attract you, whatever relationship you wish to experience, you can experience it through God at this time. Each one has a preference for different relationships in his or her life. Some would not like the relationship of the father, but would prefer the relationship of a friend much more. However, do you have all relationships with the One at the same time? Do you have all attainments or is something still missing? What do those sitting at the back think? Today, the new ones have been given a chance to sit at the front. Achcha, Those who have come here for the first time this cycle, raise your hands! Achcha, you are welcome. BapDada is also welcoming you with multimillion fold love. Even whilst being new, you do consider yourselves to be ones who have all the rights of every cycle, do you not? BapDada constantly says: The old ones are old anyway, but the younger ones are equal to the Father. This is why you must constantly maintain the faith and intoxication of having full rights which are unlimited and spiritual. Have unlimited intoxication, not limited intoxication. Look, you have such elevated rights that you have claimed rights to the Father, the Almighty Authority Himself! So, you have the rights to the Supreme; what could be a greater right than this? When you have made the Seed belong to you, the tree is merged in that anyway. So, you have claimed the imperishable rights to all relationships. And, in wealth, if it is only physical wealth, you would not be able to remain content all the time. If, together with physical wealth, you do not have the wealth of all virtues, the wealth of all powers and the wealth of elevated full knowledge, then contentment cannot remain for all time. However, all of you have these types of elevated wealth. You are wealthy, are you not? People of the world simply give a blessing, "May you be wealthy!" to those who have physical wealth. However, the Father, the Bestower of Blessings, is giving all of you the blessing of being wealthy with the most elevated wealth. So, do you have all types of wealth? Or, are some lacking? Is it full? Baba has greater attention on those sitting at the back. The attention of those sitting at the front is more on the Father, whereas the Father's attention is more on those sitting at the back. The further away they are sitting, so, they are accordingly merged in Baba's eyes.
In the corporeal world, there are physical things. Look, in Paramdham, all of you souls will be so close; all of you will be together, will you not? In the subtle region too, it is so unlimited that each one can come as close as he wants. However, the love of the children is such that they want to make the incorporeal and the subtle into corporeal. So what does the Father say? Yes, my lord (Ji hazoor), I am present (Ji hajir). The children are the lords of the Father; they are the masters. So, the master is called the lord, and the child is called the master. So, who are all of you? Jewels of contentment. So, content in relationships and also content in wealth. There are relationships, wealth and the third thing is good health. So, you are all healthy, are you not? Or, are you ill? The soul is healthy; there is no question of the body. The soul is constantly powerful. At the confluence age, good and elevated health is the state of health of the soul. The good health of the soul at the present time enables the body to be healthy for many births. However, at this time, matter shows its form a little. That is not a big thing. This is also a cartoon show. So, you have all attainments, do you not? You have all relationships and you have the blessing of being wealthy. You have the blessing of all relationships and you also have the blessing of being constantly healthy. You have received all three blessings from the Father, the Bestower of Blessings. So, use the blessings at the right time. Do not simply be happy on hearing the blessing, thinking: Yes, I have received a very good blessing. Or, do not just keep them noted, but, by your using the blessings at the right time, the blessings remain eternally. If you do not use your blessings at the right time, then those blessings will not bear fruit. The blessings have come from the imperishable Father but to make the blessing fruitful when the seed is there, that is, how much fruit you bring out, is in your own hands. Some simply see the seed of the blessing and become very happy and think it is very good. However, now make it fruitful! Continually give it the water of awareness. Give it the sunshine of being stable in the awareness of the blessing. The blessing will then be constantly fruitful and it will bring other blessings with it. You will become an embodiment of the fruit of blessings. So, make the triple blessing of today fruitful and definitely remember it at the time of need. At the time of need you forget it, but later you continue to read it and think: Yes, I had that blessing. The more you use the blessings at a time of need, accordingly the blessings will reveal an even more elevated form. So, did all of you receive the blessing? Achcha.
The groups that have come from five different places raise your hands numberwise!
Asia: The people from Bharat and also the residents of Madhuban should raise their hands in this. Madhuban residents are special. This is a big group. The people of Bharat are clever in taking a chance. So, today, all the people from Asia already have the three blessings. However, especially for Asia, “May you constantly be those who have good wishes and elevated feelings.” The blessing of good wishes and elevated feelings is the special blessing for those from Asia.
Europe: Those from Europe, raise your hands! England is also included in this. The special blessing for all those from Europe is: May you be constantly zero and hero. You know of the zero, do you not? Remember the three zeroes, not just one. You are a zero and a hero actor, equal to a diamond (hera in Hindi), a double hero. So three zeroes and double hero. So this blessing is for those from Europe.
America: All those from the whole of America, raise your hands! Do some exercise and raise them straight up! Some have the habit of raising their hand very low (of not raising their hand that high). BapDada feels this to be half caste. Raise your hand fully! So, the special blessing for all residents of America is: May you be constantly innocent of Maya, centpercent (100%) in victory and a saint in your stage. A scent has fragrance, and a saint is a great soul, so double saint! So, may you be constantly innocent and double saint.
Africa and Mauritius: Today, BapDada is making you perform the drill of you raising your hands high. Even doctors say: You should do drill. The special blessing for all the children from Africa is: May you constantly have all prosperity and easily and constantly have honesty in your thoughts, words and deeds. May you have prosperity and honesty easily in the three forms. Achcha.
Australia and New Zealand: The special blessing for all the most elevated, fortunate souls from Australia is: May you have the elevated blessing of being constantly victorious over Maya and, together with being conquerors of Maya, be conquerors of the kingdom of the world. Together with that, may you be constantly carefree and have guaranteed faith. The residents of Australia are specially loved by the Father. Of course all are loved, but why are those from Australia especially loved? The Father's vision of love especially falls on the residents of Australia. Why? Because the residents of the land of Australia are very good in performing wonders, but Baba gives the special land the water of love, and this is why He has special love. Do you understand? So, those from Australia can perform many wonders. At present, you have only performed a few wonders, but you can achieve a great deal and, as you have been mentioned at the end, those mentioned at the end should be given a little extra. So, everyone has received a blessing.
Madhuban: The Madhuban residents are special whether they are Gyan Sarovar residents at the present time, or whether they are those from the hospital who make the world constantly healthy, not just healthy, but healthy and happy, or the children who surround Madhuban in all directions. You are now surrounding Abu, are you not? So, the special blessing for all the special children who are the residents of Madhuban is: May you constantly progress cent per cent in all three: your thoughts, words and deeds.
Wherever the children have come from from the many different foreign lands or from the land of Bharat may all of you be constantly complete and perfect. Those from Ahmedabad also do very good service. There are tireless servers in Madhuban too. Ahmedabad, Delhi and Bombay: all three have received a very good chance for service. Each place is serving tirelessly with full love and will continue to do so. Congratulations for the service.
All those from everywhere who are sitting far away are close in the heart. To all the contented souls everywhere from this land and abroad, to the jewels of contentment, to the souls who are full of all attainment, to all those who have sent remembrance, letters, cards etc. on this day; may you accept multimillionfold love and remembrance for this special day. Whether you are sitting far away and celebrating in your heart and mind or whether you are personally celebrating in front of Baba, all the cards and letters reach the subtle region in advance. So, in return for all of your letters, cards and remembrance of pure thoughts and pure feelings, special love and remembrances from BapDada and namaste to the children who are the masters. Achcha.
BapDada meeting the Dadis:
You understand the language of subtle signals, just as avyakt Baba only understands the language of signals. In the subtle region, there is the language of the eyes and the language of signals. So you also understand this, do you not? Do you know the language of the eyes? You learnt this from the sakar form, did you not? You heard the language of the lips; now, it is the language of the eyes. The language of the eyes is very lovely. You have to go beyond sound anyway but, even then, the Father says: Yes, my lord (Ji Hazoor). Achcha. (At the end, BapDada waved His hand as a blessing to everyone and took leave.)* * * O M S H A N T I * * *