18-02-94 Om Shanti Avyakt Bapdada Madhuban
Today BapDada, the image of immortality, is seeing all of the children who are on the throne of immortality, wearing the crown of world benefit: the children who have a tilak sparkling at the centre of their forehead.
Each one is wearing a tilak, and also has the crown. The tilak of each of you is sparkling: the soul - the dot - is sparkling like a star, and is visible in the centre of the forehead of each one. All of you are also seeing your throne, crown, and tilak. BapDada is seeing the whole gathering as those who are wearing the crown, who have a tilak applied, and who are seated on the throne.
This alokik gathering is so lovely and unique, compared to the Golden-Aged royal gathering and the Iron-Aged royal gathering. So, the souls who have a right to such a gathering are so lovely and unique. All of you love your form of being seated on the throne, wearing the crown, and having the tilak applied, do you not?
When you stabilise yourself in the stage of being an elevated soul - an immortal image - seated on the throne of immortality, then this stage is so elevated. The sparkle of this most elevated stage makes this face into that of an angel: not an ordinary face, but an angelic face. The angelic face is also loved so much.
Everyone loves angels a great deal. Why do they love them? Because angels belong to everyone, and not just to one or two.
An angel is one who has unlimited vision, an unlimited attitude, and an unlimited stage. An angel is the carrier of the Godly message to all souls.
An angel means one who constantly has the flying stage.
An angel means one who forges everyone’s connection with the one Father.
An angel means unshakeable light: detached from the body and bodily relations, light.
An angel means one who, through their features and activities, makes everyone similar to the Father.
An angel means one who easily and naturally reveals their original and eternal sanskars, in an emerged form.
An angel means one who has the consciousness of of being an instrument, who has a humble nature, and elevated good wishes of benevolence for everyone.
You are such angels, are you not? Or do you have to become one? Say with that intoxication: “If I do not become this then who will?”. You have this intoxication, have you not?
BapDada is seeing the court of such angels. Simply by stabilising yourself in this stage of self-respect, body-consciousness will automatically finish. Baba sees that children are making a lot of effort to let go of body-consciousness. They let go of one form of body-consciousness, and another form emerges.
However, although it is always difficult to let go, it is easy to imbibe another form. So BapDada says: stabilise yourself in your stage of self-respect. Then, when there is self-respect, there cannot be any body-consciousness. Do not make effort to let go, but pay attention to stabilising yourself in your self-respect.
And, at the Confluence Age, you have attained so much self-respect from the Father, which is the best of all. You do not still have to attain it: you have already attained it. Make a list of your stages of self-respect: it is such a big list. Throughout the entire kalpa, no famous soul has so much respect, or so many titles, whether he is a ruler, an actor, a dharamatma, or a mahatma. If you were to count your titles, could they be more than your list of self-respect?
And BapDada reminds you of your self-respect every morning, and stabilises you in your self-respect. Daily, keep a new point of self-respect in your awareness. Then, in front of self- respect, body-consciousness will run away, in such a way as when darkness is dispelled by light. It takes neither time nor effort.
So, why do you make effort to finish body-consciousness again and again? Do you not know how to put on the switch of self-respect? No matter how much a dark cloud may hide the light of the sun, you have an automatic direct connection of light with the Supreme. You have this, do you not? You have direct light, do you not? It is clear, or is there a leakage? A direct line is so powerful.
Do you have a direct connection, or an indirect connection? It is direct, is it not? Does everyone have this line? Has everyone received a direct line? Then, let alone one cloud, but even if there were many clouds, could they create darkness?
As soon as you turn on the switch of consciousness with a direct line, then what happens? There is so much light that, not only are you in light, but you also become a lighthouse for others. It is like this, is it not? You have encountered this, have you not?
However, sometimes you put aside your experiences. You have received a support but instead of taking this support, you put yourself aside. Does it take effort? Perhaps not always, but sometimes? Or do you you not find it any effort at all? You are saying “yes”. Achcha, is it you that forgets to turn on the switch?
In fact, if you even remember the stage of the self-respect of being a master almighty authority, then there is no question of any effort at all. The path is not difficult, but instead of going on the highway, you go on the small roads. Or you even go past your destination, and then you have to make the effort to return.
BapDada constantly seats you in his lap of love and co-operation, and takes you towards the destination. So what is difficult in sitting in the lap and reaching the destination? Why is it difficult? You come out of the lap of love and co-operation, and you are pulled by the attractions of something, and so you go on a tour elsewhere. You even get tired, and then experience having to labour.
So, what will you do this year? Finish hard work, and merge yourself in love. Those who are absorbed in love are not able to see anything else. They are not attracted by anything else. So they remain absorbed in love. Would there be anyone who says that he hasn’t got love for Baba? All of you would say “yes”. You would say “Ha ji”. Is this right?
You have love for Baba, do you not? Sometimes you have love, and sometimes you become merged in love. Otherwise, you have the company of the Father in all relationships with your mind and intellect. Do you have this company? Or only sometimes?
So, you have Baba’s company, and Baba is also your Companion in service, at every moment. So he is with you in your stage, and is your Companion in service. So where there is the constant company, and he is your Companion, then what can be difficult? The praise of the Supreme Soul is of One who makes easy that which is difficult. Such a Father is with you, and he is your Companion, so can anything be difficult? Then why do you make it difficult?
God, the Supreme, offers himself to the children at all times in all relationships. So stay with him according to the time, and according to the relationship, and make him your Companion. Sometimes you have the relationship with him of a Companion, and sometimes you put aside the Companion. What do you then say? That you feel lonely: whilst moving along, you feel lonely. What happens when you feel lonely? You experience your elevated life to be an ordinary life. You then say that your life has become boring, and that you need some change.
On one side, you please BapDada, saying that you are combined. But can someone who is combined ever feel lonely? You speak very well of these things: “no really Baba, I am combined”. Then, ten years later, fifteen years later, twenty years later, you say: “No, I want a change.. I have become alone”.
Generally also, if people want some change, what do they do? Some will go to sleep along the ocean shore, some will turn to entertainment, some will turn to dance, some will enjoy themselves in the pleasure of songs, and some will seek the company of a companion. What else do you do? This is what you do, is it not? Is there anything else that you do?
What else do you do? You play games? You go into the world of games. You go into the gardens. There you forget the shores of the ocean of knowledge here. If you like the ocean, then sit by the shores of the Ocean. Baba is the Ocean of Knowledge. Is Baba not your Companion? Is he your Companion? Do you enjoy his company? Or do you think: “what pleasure can be experienced from a point?” Brahma Baba also became avyakt in order to entertain all of you.
Whenever you experience yourselves to be lonely, remember the entertaining stories of your Brahmin life. At that time, do not remember the point form: that will be difficult, and you will become bored through that. However, a all of you have the book the entertaining stories and experiences of your Brahmin life. Do all of you have the book of the entertaining stories? Or do some of you not have it? You are not saying “yes”.
What do you do when you become bored? You read novels, do you not? So, open the book of your stories, and make yourself busy in that. Bring the list of your stages of self-respect in front of you. Bring your list of attainments in front of you. Bring into your awareness the unique, practical stories of the Brahmin world. Just as you take the support of the newsletters to transform yourselves, in the same way, you have seen and heard so much news of the Brahmin world, from the beginning until now. You also have those newsletters with yourselves.
Many people experience restlessness unless they read the papers. You also have the papers, so read them. You know music, and even how to dance. Continue to dance tirelessly.
The greatest entertainment is to fix your mind on One (become Manmanabhav) . There isn’t just the experience of the special three forms of relationship with the Father, but you can also experience the love of all relationships.
You remember Baba with all relationships, but what difference is created? It is one thing to remember Baba just on the basis of knowledge, with your head. And it is another thing to become absorbed in the love of that relationship, from within your heart.
So you only do half of it, and half is left out. This is why you are alright for a short time. However, after a short time - because you remember the relationship with your head - when something else comes into your head, you then forget whatever is in your heart. Then you have to make effort. Then what do you say? “I remembered Baba.. Baba is my companion.. Baba is my companion, but the companion did not fulfil his responsibility”. You did not experience anything. This is because you only remembered with your head: this is not merging in love with your heart.
Anything that comes into your head, also goes out of your head very quickly. But once something is merged in your heart , then even if the whole world wishes to take that away from your heart, they are not able to do that.
So, according to the time, whatever relationship you wish to have, at whatever time, then have that connection. For instance, if you need the Friend, but you remember the Father, then you will not experience any pleasure. This is why, whenever and whatever experience you need, experience that relationship at that time with love from your heart, and then you will not find it laborious, and you will not get bored either. It will be constant entertainment.
So, what will you do this year? You have to move away from working hard. Is this possible? Or, is it difficult? Yes or no? So, every month, write to Baba. Simply write “OK”. Do not write anything else. From “OK”, Baba will understand that you have been liberated from working hard. Do not write very long letters, otherwise you then say that you wrote a letter, but did not get a response.
It is not that your letter did not arrive. As soon as you began to write a letter, it appears on the computer even before it is there in the post. In the same way, writing such a long letter, BapDada gives everyone a response in every day’s murli (in the daily revised murlis reissued by the Brahma Kumaris) . He writes a letter every day. Does anyone else write such a long letter? So, look at your self-respect, and check whether God has so much love for you. It is because God has love that he writes the letters: that is, he gives his response in the murlis, and also gives love and remembrances. You have this experience, have you not? If you have any questions, or if any problem comes in front of you, then you receive the response of it in the murli. Do you receive it or not? You do receive it, so then don’t ever complain that you are not getting a response.
However, what you do is good. Whatever enters the heart, to put it in front of the Father means to remove it form your heart. You may do this, but wrote short letters. At the time when you write the letters, your heart becomes light, does it not? Because you have then given away whatever was in your heart. The next day, listen to the murli with attention to finding the response to the letter you wrote. You do receive a response, do you not? The Father is unlimited, and so he would write an unlimited letter, would he not? He would not write a short letter.
BapDada saw that all of the double-foreign children in all four directions are engaged in service with deep love: that they have reached Madhuban. Looking at them, each one is more lovely than the others. If Baba were to mention names, then how many names would he mention? This is why each of you should accept personal congratulations, as a return of your service. If Baba were to mention names, he would have to create a rosary, but all of the beads of the rosary are in front of BapDada.
From time to time, the service is becoming unlimited, and has total success. At present, in the foreign lands, two types of service have shown good results.
Many types of service continue all the time, but it has especially become easy to bring special souls from all four directions into connection and relationship through the Global Book. This has been prepared with a lot of hard work. For the practical fruit of their service, BapDada is giving multi-million-fold congratulations to the children, who have given their time and co- operation, with a lot of deep love from within their hearts.
Together with that, the result of the Dialogue and the Retreat that tool place just now has been the best of all, compared to those that have taken place previously. Congratulations to all those, from the other countries, who gave their co-operation. All of you kept a good aim.
So, there is the very good pomp and splendour of these two types of service, in all four directions, and it will continue in the future also. BapDada remembers that, previously, let alone VIPs, it was difficult to bring even IPs (important persons) . What does it seem like now? It feels easy, does it not? Or is it difficult? It is easy. This is the instant fruit of service.
And you also received blessings from so many. In whose account do the blessings - from whoever receives a book - accumulate? In the accounts of those who become the instruments. Whether you did the service of giving it to someone, or of creating it, or of creating ideas, or of just writing it: all of you receive blessings. So you are receiving so many blessings. Do you receive those blessings? You receive many blessings. But, simply accept them: you become busy in your own selves, and so you are not able to accept the blessings. All the IPs and VIPs who come, relate a their experiences to so many, and so the Brahmin souls attain a lot of blessings from those souls. If you simply accept the blessings, then you can become complete.
The book has been made very well, and the programme is also very good. Now the special service of the Bharatwasis is of going on a car rally (a car rally of 11 cars of people in the business wing was organised from Rajkot to Bombay) The result of that is very good. In the future also, if even just one soul becomes an instrument, then he can awaken the fortune of so many others. So the result of this service is also good.
BapDada is giving congratulations to all those who are instruments for this service, and who are moving forward with zeal.. to all the Bharatwasi children in all four directions.. to the co- operative children.. to the instrument children.
Now create plans for service, whereby you have to labour just for namesake (symbolically) , and yet receive greater success. So in this service also, it appears that you have to make little effort, and yet to receive a great deal of success. It is the same for both types of service taking place in the foreign lands. All those from this land and abroad are moving forward with zeal.
To the souls who tirelessly give donations and blessings to others.. to the souls in all four directions, who are absorbed in the love of all relationships with the one Father.. to the easy yogi souls, who constantly experience everything to be easy, and who make others experience everything to be easy.. to the liberated-in-life (jeevanmukt) souls who easily liberate themselves form body-consciousness, with their stage of self respect.. to the souls who constantly experience the company of the Father, and who experience Baba to be their companion.. to such close souls: love, remembrances, and namaste, form BapDada.
(to the Dadis and special co-operative souls)
When everyone does service with love, its’ result is also such. Just as time is coming close, so, together with time, success is also coming close. Some time ago, success seemed very distant, but now you experience success to be so close.
What does it feel like now, whenever you carry out any task? You feel that success is already guaranteed, do you not? It feels like this, does it not? Everyone’s stage of being an easy yogi is also increasing, is it not? The more your stage of being an easy yogi increases, the more success will come in front of you.
You do not go chasing after success, but success comes to you itself. It is a good method. Now people offer themselves, whereas previously it was difficult to even make contact.
BapDada remembers what Jayanti used to say: when she was told to do service in the foreign lands, she used to say that it was very difficult: that that was a foreign land. Do you remember this? She used to tell everyone: “you people do not know he foreign lands”. What does it seem like now? Now you don’t have any room for them. You find the people, but you don’t have room for them.
In Madhuban also, you are given numbers according to the rooms available. They have also worked hard. You have worked hard, with love. You worked hard with love , and this is why the hard work was turned into love. Many people have co-operated in this. All these souls finalised it in the end. They became instruments.
Where is Kiran? (Kiran showed the book “Jewel of Light” to BapDada) This one’s effort is also good. Very good. Give special love and congratulations to Nikki also. (BapDada then called Gayatri, Chris, Mike, Neville, Nic, Charlie, and Ken, onto the stage) Become light. Come come. All of you think that everyone has made effort, and so why are just you being invited. Achcha. This is international. Very good. How many names would Baba mention? What if Baba were to mention the name of one, and another was left out? This is why all of you who have become instruments, should experience having heard your name.
When something is ready, there is so much happiness experienced. You experience it, do you not? First, something is prepared, and then - when it is ready - it comes in front of everyone. America has given special co-operation. London, America, and Australia. In fact, everyone gave co-operation. The success of the conference was very good. All of you have done very good service. You have maintained courage very well. And, as the instant fruit of courage, you received everyone’s help. Your name has especially been mentioned in the Brahmin newsletters. Whatever special service you do, the first practical fruit of that is happiness in your mind, and it is also accumulated in the book of Brahmins. Do not think that just those who are sitting on the stage have accomplished this. All of you are also on the stage.
(“The conference in Mexico was also very good”) You were just told that success is coming close in every task. Whoever is serving, in whatever place, with the vibrations of the gathering of everyone, you are receiving special success in every task.
When a building is being built, there is the co-operation of each and every particle. There is the co-operation of every brick. Only then is the building built. You would say that such-and- such a contractor built the building, but what would the contractor do if there were no bricks? So each of you is a brick in the building of the success of service. You are the foundations. However, whoever becomes instrumental for whatever service, his name is glorified. But, in fact, all of you are included in that. It went very well, did it not? It is good to remain busy.
It is the golden jubilee of the United Nations. So, you will bring about golden success, will you not? (“It is now the Family Year”) For you, every year is the Family Year. The family is increasing: it is becoming a happy family. You already have family planning anyway. You do not have family-control planning, but planning to increase the family. People of the world say that a small family is a happy family. And what do you say here? A large family is a happy family.
You are all working hard. Instead of using the words “working hard”, you are doing good service. This is right. The words “working hard” do not seem right. You are eating the instant fruit of service. You enjoyed it did you not? Was the Dialogue good? Is everyone happy? Is everyone happy in service? All of you are moving forward, and will continue to move forward.
You use your intellects very well. Now create such a plan that no soul moves away from the Brahmin family. You have to make the fort so strong that no one is able to leave it. Now we still hear that very good ones have gone away. Why have they gone away? Where have they gone? So now, make the fort so strong that, even if someone thinks of it, he is not able to leave it and go away. Just as people put up electric wires all around, so too you must also put up the wire of the current of vibrations, so that they are able to remember again. Achcha.
Now Baba has to meet the parties.
(Baba was given remembrances from Kavitaben’s family) Give remembrances to the whole family, and give special remembrances to Kavita.
The thoughts of the heart have to be fulfilled. What else is there to do? It has to happen. One has a thought, and it happens practically. It is a means of doing service. You have good love. Love makes you move forward.
(speaking to Robin) It is good to be co-operative with everyone. Love does not allow you to be uncooperative. It is like this, is it not? The heart, the mind, and the intellect, are filled with love. Achcha.
(group 1)
Do all of you experience yourselves to be the world benefactor souls, the children of the Father, the World Benefactor? What is the speciality of world-benefactor souls? A soul who brings benefit to the whole world will first of all be complete with all the treasures.
So, are you overflowing with all treasures? How many treasures do you have? You have many treasures, do you not? Only souls who are overflowing with all treasures can give them to others. If you have the treasure of knowledge, it should be total knowledge. Only when there is nothing lacking can you be said to be overflowing.
So, are you overflowing? Or do some treasures decrease sometimes? You do have them, but constantly check that you are able to use them at the time that you want to. Are you able to use them at the right time? Or does the moment pass by, and then you think about it? What do you have to say then? “If it had been like this”, or “if it had been like that”.. You have to use the past tense, and you think what it should have been like.
So, what do you have to check? Whether you were able to use the treasures you wanted at that time, or not. World-benefactor souls always remain busy in service at every moment, whether in their thoughts, their words, actions, or their contacts and relationships. Do you remain so busy? Who remains busy in service the most? Since you are called “the world benefactors”, this is your occupation. So, you cannot remain without carrying out your occupation. So, you are constantly busy, and you will remain busy. What remains in your intellect throughout the whole day? Just that, when you meet a soul, you can give him the message.
It is good. The people of Bharat are moving forward in service with their own method, those from Malaysia with their own method, and those from Russia with their own method: each one is moving forward with the love for remembrance and service.
BapDada is happy to see all the children - those souls from so many different places - who had been separated, have now come, and have reached their family. All of you also have this happiness, do you not? You dance with happiness on seeing your family, do you not? You are the world benefactors, and the part of each soul of the entire word is fixed. If even one corner is left out, then it would not be called “world”.
Achcha, service is moving ahead very fast in Russia. Malaysia is of course in front anyway. The result is good. And Bharat is the foundation anyway. It is because Bharat was awakened that the whole world was awakened. Very good fragrance from each each child and each place is reaching Baba. The people of Bharat have even greater happiness when they see souls from all other directions.
The people of Bharat are very generous-hearted. Your happiness increases, does it not? “Wah, my family!”: on seeing all of you, blessings emerge from everyone’s heart. “It is very good that we have now met our brothers and sisters who had been separated”. So much happiness is experienced when someone who had been separated comes, and becomes part of the family once again. You experience happiness, and everyone else also experiences happiness.
Those from Sri Lanka are also lucky, because your name is Sri Lanka: those who are elevated are called “Shri”. So, you have become the elevated souls, have you not? No matter how much upheaval takes place anywhere, you are safe. You are under the canopy of protection of remembrance. Achcha.
(group 2)
Do you constantly experience yourselves to be the elevated souls who remain in the company of the Father? Are you those who constantly remain with the Father, or is it only sometimes? What do you think? When you let go of the Father’s company does anyone else become your companion? Maya becomes your companion, does she not?For how many births have you been Maya’s companion? For many births. And for how long do you have the Father’s company in a practical way? Just for the Confluence Age. And the Confluence Age is the smallest age of all.
So, what should you do? You should constantly keep the Company, because, no matter how much effort you make throughout the whole kalpa, will you otherwise be able to experience the Company? (“No”) So what is the slogan for this? (“If not now, then never.”) Do you remember this? You should be able to remember the importance of time and of the self. You are aware of the importance of each, are you not?
The time and the life of the Confluence Age are each said to be as valuable as diamonds. Diamonds are so valuable! So, whilst knowing this importance, do not let go of the Company at the Confluence Age. If you lose a second, you have lost not a second, but a great deal. Do you have such an awareness?
Now is the time to accumulate the reward for the entire kalpa. If you do not give importance to the season, during the season, then you are deprived for all time. So, the importance of this time is this is the time to accumulate. When you claim a right to the kingdom, it is on the basis of what you accumulate at the present time. And when you become worthy of worship, that is also on the basis of what you accumulate at this time.
In one short birth you have to accumulate a reward for many births. Do you remember this? Or only sometimes? Is it sometimes? When will you finish the word “sometimes”? When will you celebrate the completion ceremony? After killing Ravan, they burn him, and finish him off completely. You too have killed Ravan, but you haven’t yet burnt him.
It is good - this is a variety group. BapDada knows the value of each jewel. He sees each one with the vision of them being a valuable jewel. You are invaluable jewels, are you not? It is no small fortune that you now belong to the Highest-on-High God!
So, remain happy, and continually distribute happiness. You are overflowing, are you not?
Or are you lacking a little? Those who are full never fail. And so you are victorious. Achcha.(group 3)
Do all of you have the aim of becoming similar to the Father? Have you become similar to the Father? Or do you still have to become this? Say with intoxication that you have become this, that you are this, and that you will be this. The slogan of all of you is to “follow the father”. So, are you this now, or will you become this later?
What are those who follow the father called? They are the same, are they not? Whatever are the father’s steps are also your steps: only then can you be said to be following the father.
BapDada constantly sees all the children as worthy children. Which children are called worthy children? Those who are obedient in every action, and who give the proof to the Father. To be worthy means to be one who gives the proof. You are eating the instant, visible fruit, are you not? Or is it only being accumulated for the future, and not for the present?
When you take one step of service - or stay in remembrance - you receive power and also happiness. Do you have this experience? To eat the instant, visible fruit means to remain healthy, wealthy, and happy. So, all of you are also wealthy. How many treasures do you have? You have many treasures: you are overflowing with them, are you not? Or are you a little empty?
Those who remain overflowing with the treasures, never come into fluctuation. And, because of being full, neither can anything else enter them. A worthy child is one who constantly experience the hand of Baba’s shrimat, and his company. Do you constantly have the hand of shrimat? Do you have the Company constantly?
Where there is the Father’s hand, success is guaranteed. Baba’s hand of shrimat means the hand of blessings. Whenever you carry out any task, always have the awareness that you have the hand of shrimat - the hand of blessings - over you. You experience this, do you not? And Baba also experiences happiness in giving blessings to the worthy children.
The hand of blessings can never be removed. Can anyone remove it? Does anyone have this strength? Does Maya sometimes have the courage to do this? She doesn’t, does she? Has Maya now gone? Have you bade farewell to her? Or do you sometimes call her? To be weak means to call Maya.
Do you become weak? Perhaps you do not wish to, but you do become weak? No, this is not possible. Can a master almighty authority be weak? You are not saying “no” to this. Would there be darkness where there is light? So, can both exist together? Can you be a master almighty authority, and be weak at the same time?
So, why do you call Maya? You do not call her, but she comes by force. Maya has love for you, but you do not love Maya. Let the tilak of victory be applied every day at amrit vela, and refresh yourselves with that. This is firm, isn’t it?
Since you have kept so much courage, and belonged to Baba, then, because of your courage, you of course receive multi-million-fold help. You have this experience of taking one step with courage, and or receiving multi-million steps of help, do you not? Does everyone have this experience? Those who experience multi-million-fold help are similar to the Father, and definitely victorious.
You have to become equal to the Father. You have the greatest love for the Father. Therefore, you have to become the same as the one whom you love. The response of love is to become the same. Achcha. All of you experience yourselves to be close to the Father, and to be the souls most loved by the Father: those who continue to fly.
(group 4)
All of you have come last and are going fast, are you not? Are you those who are going to come into the first division? To come into the first number means to create a right to the kingdom. So, have all of you claimed a right to the kingdom?According to the time, how many of you will become the rulers of the kingdom of the world in the Golden and Silver Ages? All of you? Will you be seated in the throne? Or will you be the companions of those who are seated on the throne? You tell everyone that there are 21 births (in the Golden and Silver ages) , and so how many will sit on the throne number-wise? Will they sit together, or in turn?
The greatest right to the kingdom is experienced now, at the Confluence Age, as self- sovereignty. You are experiencing the pleasures of being a self-sovereign now, are you not? You have the intoxication of self-sovereignty, do you not? Or will you experience that when you sit on the throne? Is the intoxication of the present time greater, or is the intoxication of the Golden Age better? (“of the present time”) So, do you constantly say, with intoxication, that to claim a right to self-sovereignty means to claim a right to the kingdom of the world?
Self-sovereignty is the birthright of Brahmin life. You remember this, do you not? Or do you sometimes become the subjects? To be a subject means to be subservient. And to be a king means to be one who has complete rights. And so, do you constantly remain one with complete rights? Or do you sometimes become subservient? Are all of you victorious at this time? Or will you be that when you go there? What will happen?
Because all of you are loved by the Father, you are seated on the heart-throne. So, the image of those who are seated on the heart-throne, and who are loved by the heart, is drawn on the heart. So, all of you stay in Baba’s heart, do you not? You cannot be separated from the heart. No-one can have the courage to separate you from the heart of the Comforter of Hearts. You even sing the song that you cannot be separated. Even if the entire world tries to separate you, you cannot be separated, because you are the only ones who are the few out of multi-millions. Those people are nothing compared to you. This is the sign of being a group that moves fast.
Even if the body is shed, you cannot leave the heart-throne. Is it this firm? So, who can receive this throne? Those who are multi-million-fold fortunate. So, how can you leave it? You even issue a challenge to try it out. You are that unshakeable, are you not?
Seeing the courage of the children, the Father even sacrifices himself. You tell the people of the world that you have become those who are loved by God. Those who maintain this intoxication remain beyond any type of worry. All of your worries have finished, have they not? Or is there a little worry left in some corner? It is not hidden away in any pocket, is it?
When the Father is with you, you are the carefree emperors. You have given all of your worries to the Father, have you not? You are clever in giving them, are you not? Or are you clever in looking after them? You are clever in giving, and also clever in receiving.
Sometimes you say by mistake that your mind is a little sad. Is it really yours? Or has it become “Yours”? Or does it belong to yourself at that time? “My mind does not feel like it.. my mind doesn’t think this..”: these words are wasteful words. To say that it belongs to yourself means to fall into difficulty. So, have you given your mind? Or have you kept it with yourself? Or do you sometimes take it back?
What is the language of Brahmins? “Mine” or “Yours”? So why do you then still have to think? This is not the language in the vocabulary. By saying it is yours, you make it dirty. You have given your mind, you have given your body, and you have given your wealth. You are a trustee, and so it does not belong to you.
Are you a trustee or a householder? To be a householder means to have the consciousness of “mine”. And to be a trustee means to have the consciousness of it belonging to “You”. So, do you have this trust in yourself? Achcha.
You have lit the sacrificial fires for world benefit in many countries. Seeing the server children, who give the message in many countries, BapDada is happy with them, and says: Wah! My children, wah! All of you are wonderful are you not? You are not those who are going to cry out in distress, are you? Achcha.
The Father is the World Benefactor, and so no area should remain deprived. From every corner, even if only one or two emerge, there is definitely someone or other emerging. Expansion has to take place. So, you have courage, and you also receive help. Achcha.
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