18-01-94 Om Shanti Avyakt Bapdada Madhuban
Today the love-filled remembrances of all the children in all four directions reached Almighty BapDada like an ocean of love. The Comforter of Hearts (Dilaram) is merged in the heart of each and every child, and all of the loving children are merged in the heart of the Comforter of Hearts.
Love is a very great power. The power of love makes labour easy. Where there is love, there is no labour, and labouring becomes a form of entertainment: it feels like a game.
The power of love makes you forget the body and the bodily world, in one second. You can forget whatever you want, and remember whatever you want, and merge in that in one second. The power of love easily makes you remember. It makes you similar to the Father. Love constantly gives you the experience of the company of the Supreme at every moment. Love makes you experience the canopy of the Hand of Blessings over yourself.
Love makes the impossible possible so easily that it is as though the task has already been accomplished. Love makes you free from worry at every moment. Love gives you the experience of a stage of guaranteed victory in every action.
Do you experience the power of love in this way? BapDada knows that you souls are tired due to having laboured in many ways for many births. Because you souls have been tied in so many bonds, you have continued to labour. This is why, as a blessing, BapDada is giving all you children the easy method of the power of love, which easily makes you free from labouring.
Remember the first period of your Brahmin life: as soon as you took birth it was the power of love that gave all of you a new life. Did you have to labour to experience the power of love? Did you have to labour? You experienced this easily, did you not? So the first experience of this birth is a blessing. You became lost in love.
Constantly keep this blessing of love in your awareness. At the time of having to labour, you can transform something laborious with the power of love. BapDada does not like it when the children have to labour. You experience something to be laborious when you forget the power of love.
No matter how big a situation may be, with love even a mountainous situation is transformed, and becomes as light as water. Love can change stone into water. No matter how much the fearsome or royal forms of Maya come to oppose you, merge in the Ocean of Love, and Maya’s power to oppose will finish in one second.
Your power of remaining merged will not just work as a magic mantra, but it will become the Shiv-mantra. All of you have the power of the Shiv-mantra, do you not? Or do you lose it? Merge yourself in the love of Shiva: do not just take a dip and come out again. To have remembrance for a little while, - saying “sweet Baba.. beloved Baba” means that you just take a dip and come out again, and so Maya casts her vision on you. Merge in love and you become distant from Maya’s vision.
Even if you do not know anything else, you know you have the power of love as a blessing from birth. Remain absorbed in that blessing. Do you know how to become absorbed in that? You know how to swim around in that, but not how to become absorbed in that. Love is easy, is it not? All of you have this experience, do you not? Is there anyone here who does not have the experience of the spiritual love of Brahmin life? Is there anyone? If there is, raise your hand.
Love is easy yoga. To become absorbed in love is complete knowledge. Love is the important thing for today.
Since amrit vela, with which special wave have you been moving along? You have been moving along with the waves of BapDada’s love. Did all of you souls remember anyone else except the one Father? You had easy remembrance, did you not? Or did you have to make effort? So, how did it become easy? It was because of love, was it not?
So, is just today the day of love? The Confluence Age is the age of experiencing the love of the Supreme, and all the other ages are the the ages for the love of human souls. This short age is the age of love of the Supreme. So, realise the importance of the age, and experience the different experiences of love. The Ocean of Love is giving you trays full of pearls and diamonds of love. So, constantly make yourself overflowing. Do not become happy with just a little experience of this love. Become full.
In the future you will be decorated with physical pearls and diamonds. The pearls and diamonds of supreme love are unattainable then. Therefore, constantly remain decorated with them now.
BapDada constantly continues to listen to the songs of love, and the remembrances, of the children in all four direction. But today, as a return of the love of the children who are the embodiment of love, Baba is once again giving you the blessing of easily being in the flying stage, through the blessing of being constantly loving.
When anything difficult comes in front of little children, they become merged in the lap of their mother and father. In the same way, become merged in the lap of love, and you will be saved form labouring. Within one second, reach BapDada with the flying stage, so that, no matter in which form Maya has come, she will not be able to touch you, even from a distance. Because, not only can she not come under the supreme canopy, but not even the shadow of Maya can touch you from a distance. So, to be a child means to protect yourself from Maya. It is good to become a child, is it not? To become a child means to merge in love. Achcha.
To the children in all four directions, who are merged in the heart of the Comforter of Hearts... to the powerful souls who constantly transform labour into love... to the elevated souls who experience the supreme love of the Confluence Age to be so great... to the special souls who constantly experience the Father’s company, and his Hand of Blessings, through the power of love, and who give others this experience... to the children who are similar to the Father, and merged in the Ocean of Love: BapDada’s love, remembrances, and namaste.
(to the Dadis)
What did you remember today? Did you remember the special hand of willpower? Willpower makes all tasks easy. Did you remember father Brahma more, or did you remember both Bap and Dada? Everyone especially remembered father Brahma’s divine activities: he became Brahma when Bap and Dada became combined. The task of Brahma began with the incarnation of the Supreme.The divine activities of this avyakt form are lovely and unique. Remember the history of 25 years of service: ever since the beginning (of the avyakt form) , service has taken place with a fast speed. To become avyakt means to carry our all tasks with a fast speed. The time is changing and moving fast, and the rate of progress of service is also fast. It has become fast, has it not? Therefore, by Baba’s becoming avyakt, the time has been given a fast speed, and service has also been given a fast speed.
(to the gathering)
The souls who have come during the avyakt part have easily received the fortune of moving with a fast speed in their effort. The souls who have come during the avyakt part have received the blessing of coming last and so going fast: and going fast and so coming first. Use this blessing: do not just keep it in your awareness. Put the blessing into use according to the time. By putting the blessing into use, you will automatically experience a fast speed.
Avyakt sustenance easily makes you powerful, and you can therefore move forwards as much as you want. BapDada and the instrument souls have given all of you the special blessing of moving forward. It is like this, is it not? You have the blessing of the Dadis. Simply take benefit from them. You receive a great deal, but you do not use as much as you receive. Do not simply put everything to one side of your intellect, but eat everything.. use everything.
Do you know how to use and how to spend? Or do you carefully put everything away? To say “it is very good.. it is very good” means to look after something with care, and to put it away. Use the goodness for the self and for others. Here, to spend means to increase.
Look at the fashion nowadays. Where do people place valuable things? They put them in a locker. They do not use them, but they remain happy even by just having these things in their locker. You do this so many times: the point may be very good, the method may be very good, but you become happy just by seeing it in the locker of your intellect. What do the teachers do? Do you put the points in a locker, or do you use them? Achcha.
What is the state of the Pandav Army? (“it is good”) You are not those who just say “it is good.. it is good”, are you? Prepare such an army that, whatever order they receive, they do it in one second. Are you ready to this extent? Are your equals ready? It is the Pandavs that are praised. The service of the Shaktis is their own, and the service of the Pandavs is their own. The Shaktis cannot continue without co-operation from the Pandavs. And the Pandavs cannot continue without co-operation from the Shaktis.
(Good news was received of the Mexican conference) It is good. The scientists are engaged in their work. The scientists are clever in experimenting. So, if even one becomes a good yogi and prayogi(One who experiments) , then he can do the work of the best “mike” of them all. At this time, everyone is remembering Baba.
(There was an earthquake in Los Angeles) It is a sign of the fast speed. The elements will show signs of the fast speed from time to time. Achcha.
(group 1 - double foreigners)
What special treasure have all of the children received from BapDada at the Confluence Age? There are so many treasures, but the special treasure is the treasure of happiness. How elevated the treasure of happiness is! So, does this constantly remain with you? Or is it sometimes put aside? Since you receive countless treasures, you should use all the treasures at all times, should you not? People put them aside so that they are useful at a time of need. But, you have plenty of treasures: let alone for just this birth, this treasure of happiness will remain with you for many births. Since you have countless treasures, at least use them!BapDada has told you previously also, that even if you leave your body, your happiness should not disappear. Therefore never put your happiness aside, but instead become great donors. Because, at the present time, you can find everything else, but you cannot find true happiness. People spend so much time and money to find temporary happiness, but even then they do not find true happiness. So, at such a time of need, you souls should become great donors.
No matter how anxious or unhappy souls may be, if you give them the experience of happiness, just imagine how many blessings form the heart they would give you! You are the children of the Bestower, and so distribute to them with a generous heart. You know how to distribute, do you not? So why do you not distribute? Are you still looking for time? You should feel mercy in your heart.
Those who are stumbling in anxiety and sorrow are still part of your family. Co-operation is given to those who are part of the family. Therefore, at the present time, in order to become great donors, especially let the virtue of being merciful emerge. Your non-living images are giving blessings, so you should also become merciful in the living form, and continue to distribute.
Just because souls are under external influences, do not ever think “this one is never going to listen.. this one is never going to follow the path”. No. You should become merciful and continue to give. It is remembered that the fruit of someone’s love and good wishes is definitely received. So, no matter whether souls have good wishes for knowledge and yoga, or not, your good wishes will enable them to receive fruit.
Do not think “I did this much service and yet did not receive any fruit”. Not all fruits are the same. Some are fruits of the season, whereas others are fruits of all seasons. The fruits of a particular season will only be borne during that season. So, you have sown the seed of good wishes. If the fruit is a seasonal fruit, then it is borne during its season. Generally farmers do not think - just because a seasonal crop cannot be harvested until six months later - that they will therefore not sow the seed at all. So you also should continue to sow the seeds. At the right time, all souls have to awaken.
Your good wishes and feelings of mercy will definitely bear fruit. If anyone opposes you, you must not let go of your feelings of mercy. Instead, think that this opposition, or these insults, will work like fertiliser. When fertiliser is used, the fruit borne is much better. The more they insult you now, the more they will sing your praises later. Therefore become a donor, and continue to give to every soul.
It should not be that you give to them only if they believe this to be good: to have this feeling means to be one who takes. Do not have any desire for receiving, in that you will only give to them if they say that this is good, or accept it as something good. No, that is not being a master bestower, the child of the Bestower. Whether with your attitude, your vibrations, or your words, continue to give. You are overflowing to such an extent, are you not? You have all of the treasures.
Seeing the double foreigners, BapDada is doubly pleased. Why? Because they make double effort. One is that they make effort to change their customs and systems. And BapDada sees that the majority have very good zeal. If, from time to time, the zeal fluctuates, then the method you were told today - of merging yourself in love, and hiding yourself in the lap of love - is easy, is it not? There is effort in becoming the seed form, but there isn’t any effort in this. You may not know anything else, but you know how to merge yourself in love, do you not? Or do you find even this difficult? (“no”) Then do this. Now do not even use the word “difficult”.
When you come down, then even a little thing seems very big, whereas if you go up above, then even big things seem very little. Are you angels, or ordinary human beings? (“angels”) Where do angels reside? Do they live up above, or down below? (“up above”) So then, why do you remain down below? Do you like it here? Do you sometimes have the desire to come down below? No. Then why do you come down? It is when you let go of the Father’s company that you have to come down.
The practical visible fruit of the double-effort of the double-foreigners is that they receive a double chance. So take the benefit of this. What will you do this year? Double service. Will you become the great donors and bestowers of blessings, or will you ask the Father to give you power? Give power to others also. It is good. You have claimed a number in maintaining courage. Now make fast effort, and continue to fly ahead.
(group 2)
Do all of you experience having one strength and one support? What would be the sign of those who have one strength and one support? Souls who have one strength and one support stay constantly in a stable stage. A “stable stage” means constantly unshakeable: never any fluctuation. Do you remain like this? Or is there sometimes stability and sometimes fluctuation? At the time of fluctuation, would you say that there is one strength and one support, or many strengths and many supports? When you have attained all the powers from the one Father, there should be one strength and one support. It is when you forget the One that there is fluctuation.
So, you are those who will remain unshakeable, are you not? What is your memorial here? Is it the home of stability, or the home of fluctuation? Or does the home of stability sometimes become the home of fluctuation? The memorial is of you, is it not? So then, why do you come into fluctuation? The memorial is created in the practical stage, is it not? So, constantly remember that you are those who maintain one strength and one support.
You have have many strengths and many supports in devotion (bhakti) , and experienced that for yourselves, yet what did you receive from that? Instead of receiving, you lost everything. Where did you lose all the wealth of the Golden Age? You lost it in devotion, did you not? You experienced it very well, did you not? So, whenever there are any circumstances of upheaval, remember your memorial: the home of stability. Since your memorial is the home of stability, how can you fluctuate? You will easily remember this, will you not?
To have a constant stage means to experience the sweetness of all attainments and all relationships, with One. Do you have this experience? Or do other relationships pull you every now and then? When you experience all relationships with One, there is no question of being attracted to relationships with others.
Do you experience all relationships, or only some relationships? Have you made Baba belong to you in all relationships, or have you placed some relationships aside? Do you have all relationships with One, or is your attention drawn to others? The attention of some is drawn to their brothers, some to their children, some to their grand-children. No: to fulfil the responsibility is different from being attracted to the responsibility.
So, are you the conquerors of attachment? Do the Pandavs not have any attachment to earning money? To earn it as a trustee is a different matter to earning it with attachment. Do you ever have any attachment to wealth? Perhaps a little? “what will happen?.. how will it happen?.. Let me do earn a little.. let me do something.. I don’t know how many more years it will be before destruction takes place... maybe ten years, maybe fifty years..” You do not have such thoughts, do you? There is such a vast difference between having attachment, and moving along as a conqueror of attachment, a trustee.
What would be the sign of someone who is a conqueror of attachment? He will never experience any waves of sorrow in earning or looking after his wealth. Do you experience any waves of sorrow when sometimes you earn less? Do you experience any waves of sorrow when your children or grand-children become ill? Are you conquerors of attachment? No matter what happens, do you remain carefree? To be a conqueror of attachment means that there is no name or trace of sorrow or anxiety. Are you like this, or do you still have to become this?
So, “one strength and one support” means that there should not be the slightest fluctuation due to any waves of sorrow. You should constantly be the embodiment of the awareness that you have one strength and one support, and that you will remain this. Let there be the happiness that “I was this, I am this, and I will become this”. Achcha.
(group 3)
Do all of you experience yourselves to be the most elevated Confluence-Aged souls? You are no longer ordinary: you are the most elevated out of all human beings. To be a Brahmin means to be elevated. Brahmins are always shown as elevated. They are shown as the mouth- born progeny. So, to have become a Brahmin means to have become elevated.
Ordinary souls worship you elevated souls, because to be Brahmin means to have become pure. It is your purity that is worshipped. When ordinary souls imbibe purity, they are called great souls. All of you are pure souls, are you not? Or are you souls mixed, with a little purity and a little impurity? No. You have become pure souls. Purity is the elevated stage.
Purity is worship-worthy. Do you have the intoxication that you have become worship- worthy from being worshippers?
The purity of Brahmins has been remembered. When any auspicious task is carried out, they have it carried out by brahmins. They will never ask brahmins to carry out any inauspicious task. If any brahmin performs an inauspicious task, they will say that he is only a brahmin for the namesake, and not in his actions. So, are you those who are Brahmins for the namesake, or also in your actions? There are many who are brahmins for the namesake. But you are those who carry out a task according to your name.
You are not ordinary souls: you are special souls. You have this happiness, do you not? Yesterday you were ordinary, and today you have become special. Consider yourself to be a special soul: as is your awareness, so will be your stage; and as is your stage, so will be your actions. Check this: what kind of actions do you perform when your stage is weak? There will be weakness in your actions also. When your stage is powerful, the actions you perform will also be powerful.
So, the basis of your stage is your awareness. When your awareness is of happiness, your stage will be that of happiness, and you will perform actions with great happiness. The awareness is the foundation. Baba has made you change your awareness. From ordinary souls you have become special souls, and so your awareness has changed.
Even if you are performing ordinary actions, there should be something special in those ordinary actions. For instance, if you are cooking: that is an ordinary action, is it not? Everyone does this, but there will be a difference between the way you cook, and the way others cook. There is a difference between the food you cook in remembrance, and ordinary food. One is holy food, and the other is just food. So, there is something special in it, is there not? Whatever food you prepare, or eat, in remembrance, is Brahma bhojan.
So, constantly remember that you have become the most elevated special souls, and you will not then perform any ordinary actions.
(group 4 - Bombay)
Who is worshipped the most in Bombay? Ganesh. Ganesh is said to be the destroyer of obstacles. Are all of you destroyers of obstacles? None of you come under the influence of obstacles, do you? Who can become a destroyer of obstacles? Those who have all the powers can destroy obstacles, and all the powers are your birthright.
Always have the intoxication of being a master almighty authority, and use all the powers in your task. It should not be that you are unable to use them when needed, and that after the time has passed, you think about what should have been done.
So. are all of you destroyers of obstacles? Say, with that sparkle of intoxication, that you are the master destroyers of obstacles. No matter how many forms Maya comes to you in, you have to become knowledge-full. There is also the knowledge of Maya. Do you understand her very clearly, or do you sometimes become afraid because you see her in a new form? Do you become afraid of Maya? It isn’t that you sometimes are defeated by Maya, and sometimes you are attacked by Maya, is it?
Do you know how Maya takes birth? You know how Maya takes birth, and yet you still give birth to her! Do you have love for Maya? A knowledge-full soul can never be defeated by Maya. You have the title of being “the conquerors of Maya”: you are not those who are defeated by Maya.
You constantly have BapDada’s hand and company, and so you are constantly the conquerors of Maya. So, do you have constant company, or do you sometimes become alone? You remain combined, do you not? Constantly experience the Father’s hand on your head. Those who have the Father’s hand on themselves will be the destroyers of obstacles, will they not? Those who have the hand of blessings on themselves will always have this guarantee, and will remain carefree, will they not?The tilak of victory is applied on everyone’s forehead. This is an imperishable tilak. To have the tilak of victory means to be a destroyer of obstacles. Every day at amrit vela, bring the tilak of victory into your awareness. Devotees would definitely apply a tilak as soon as they are ready, but you have an imperishable tilak.
Do you constantly remain happy, or does your happiness sometimes decrease and sometimes increase? Happiness is the nourishment of Brahmin life. Do you eat this nourishment constantly, or only sometimes? You have the fortune of happiness, you eat the nourishment of happiness, and you distribute happiness. Do you remember this? Does it emerge in your heart that no one is as fortunate as you? Is there anyone else in the whole world? Is the Queen in London, or the President of the USA happier than you? Is there anyone?
If the Queen in England were to give you the crown and throne, would you accept it? Would you not take it? Take it now, and you also have to take it in the future. If you sat on the throne, then you would issue orders, would you not? (“we have received Baba’s heart-throne, and so there us no need for any other throne”) That throne of today is not a throne: it is a bed of thorns. They have so many worries, whereas you are carefree emperors.
At no other age will you be able to experience the carefree life that you experience in the Confluence Age. In the Golden Age you will be carefree, but will you have the knowledge of what worry is, and what being carefree is? You will not have this knowledge there.
Those from Bombay are doubly carefree, because they know that if Bombay were to be destroyed, they would be alright. You have seen that, even though there are upheavals, Brahmins remain safe. An accurate yogi soul automatically remains safe. So, you people from Bombay are not afraid that it will sink into the ocean, are you? You have become the destroyers of attachment in advance. Achcha.
What new plan have those from Bombay created? (“we have created a new plan for a car rally”) Will mikes emerge through this? Bombay is number-one in business. So, what number have you claimed in the business of knowledge? You are number-one are you not? Number two means to belong to the Moon Dynasty. Number one means the Sun Dynasty. So are you the Sun Dynasty or the Moon Dynasty? If you are number-one in everything else, then how can you be anything less in this?
Those from Bombay have also taken sustenance from sakar Baba. This is also the fortune of Bombay. Even now you are receiving sustenance from the instrument souls who have become the same as the Father. So, you are number one in this also. Just be careful that you do not sometimes become number two. Constantly remain number one.
Those from Bombay have maintained good courage. You have courage on the field of service. You have good courage in every task. And those who maintain courage definitely receive automatic and incognito help from the Father. And the sign of that help is that every task is accomplished easily. So, do you find everything easy, or difficult? You are those who make the difficult things easy, and finish the difficulties of others. So, those who make the difficult things easy are the destroyers of obstacles. Achcha.
(group 5)
Are you those who constantly keep the balance between remembrance and service? Whatever powers and virtues you attain through remembrance, they have to be given to others through service. So, do you check both of these clearly? Or, is it that when you do more service, your yoga is reduced, and when you have more remembrance, then your service is reduced? By doing service, you automatically increase the treasures you have received. So you know the method to increase them, do you not?
So, are you clever in service, or are you clever in remembrance? The power of remembrance means to be able to stabilise your intellect whenever you wish. Do you have such power? Are you able to focus your intellect on something as and when you wish, or does it take time? In how much time are you able to stabilise it? No matter what the atmosphere is like, in how much time are you able to stabilise your mind and intellect? (“in one second”) Are you just saying this, or do you actually do it? It is easy to say this, but you actually find our whether or not you have the power of stability, at the right time.
If the situation is one of upheaval, and the atmosphere is impure (tamoguni) , and Maya is trying with courage to make you belong to her, then would you be able to stabilise yourself on one second, or does it take time? Continue to have this practice constantly, and you will be able to use the power at the time of need. You will then be able to stabilise yourself as and when you wish. No matter how many storms of wasteful thoughts there may be, they become a gift to move forwards in one second.
If you have such controlling power, then such powerful souls will never have even the thought of something happening against their wishes. Whatever you think: that is what should happen. It should not be that you think it won’t happen, and yet it happens. Because, if any power is not useful at the time of need, then instead of attainment there will be repentance.
So, become the embodiment of attainment. BapDada has give all souls all the powers as an inheritance. Whatever is received as an inheritance is always remembered. You would then say, with intoxication, that these powers are your birthright.
Do you constantly stay in the experience of belonging to the one Father, and none other? Do you simply belong to the One, or is there sometimes a second or third person? The one Father has become the whole world. There is no attraction, nor any karmic bondage.
Is there not even the bondage of any of your weak sanskars? Do you sometimes become a little bossy? Do you sometimes become bossy over the younger ones? Anger is even worse than bossiness. If you get angry with them, it means there is some bondage of karma there.
Pandavs become angry, and the mothers have attachment. Sometimes there is also the arrogance of being male. Sometimes there is the arrogance of being the senior in front of the children or the mothers. You feel you have the right to ask “why did you do this?”.
It is only because you have the consciousness of “mine” that you feel angry, or have arrogance or attachment. If you did not have the consciousness of “mine”, you would not feel angry. Do the mothers get angry with the children? When they become very mischievous, do you become angry with them?
Since Baba is the whole world you say “my Baba”, and then every other “mine” is merged in “my Baba”. So, what emerges in your heart now: “mine” or “Yours”? On the path of devotion (bhakti) they say “Yours”, but still have the consciousness of “mine”. You do not do the same, do you? The consciousness of “mine” is a burden. It is a good thing to let go of a burden, is it not?
So, constantly remember that you are the souls who keep a balance between remembrance and service, and thereby have the right to claim blessings from the Father.
(group 6)
Do all of you experience staying beyond sound to be easy? Or do you find it easy to come into sound? What is easy: to come into sound, or to go beyond sound? To go beyond sound means to experience the bodiless stage. Is it just as easy to remain bodiless, as it is to have the awareness of the body? Or do you have to labour for this?
You come into sound in one second. However, no matter how much noise there may be - either you yourself may be in sound, or it may be a noisy atmosphere - are you able to apply a full-stop in one second? Or would you only be able to apply a comma, and not a full-stop? To apply a full-stop is known as “staying in the experience of being an angel”.
This is the avyakt stage: to go beyond corporeal consciousness in one second. For this, you have the discipline of “halting the traffic” throughout the whole day. Why do you do this? Sometimes your practice becomes so firm that, no matter how noisy the atmosphere in all four directions may be, you are able to apply the brake completely.
The original and eternal qualities of the soul are of peace. If you were to receive an order to stabilise yourself in your original stage in one second, would you be able to do this? Or would it take time? You were asked earlier also: what would happen if you wished to apply a full-stop, but instead applied a question-mark? Of which stage would you call this the practice?
Do all of you practice the angelic stage? Do you need more practice? Or, are you able to stabilise yourself with the right method, in the time that you are given? Just look at the present time: if any natural calamities arise, or any calamities due to circumstances arise, then they arise suddenly. Day by day, the elements are increasing their upheavals suddenly. These upheavals will not decrease: they will increase.
Calamities arise suddenly. At such a time, you need the powers to merge and to pack up. Your intellect should not be drawn anywhere at that time: simply “Baba and I”. The intellect should be stabilised wherever you wish to stabilise it. Do not raise too many questions, such as “what happened?”, “how will it happen?”, “it should not have happened like this.. how did it happen?”. Would you call this “applying the brake”?
You need a very powerful brake to attain the flying stage. What are you always told to check, when you are ascending a hill? To check your brakes. You are going into an elevated stage, and so check your brakes again and again. You can change any thought or sanskar from negative to positive. But in how much time are you able to do this? If you are given a second to do it, and you take five seconds, then what will happen?
So, you need to pay attention to the power of transformation. First of all transform yourself, and then you will be able to transform the world. Have you become transformers of the self? First are the self-transformers, and then there are the world transformers.
You must have experienced that the speed of wasteful thoughts is very fast: in one second you can have so many waste thoughts! You have experienced this, have you not? So, at such a time of fast speed, to bring about transformation, you need the practice of applying a brake.
So, on this day, did you practice the angelic stage? Did you experience it to be easy, or did it take effort? Now all souls are remembering you angels who give them peace and happiness:
they are thinking that some angel should come and give them blessings. So who are these angels? Are you these angels? Do you have the intoxication that you are the elevated souls of every kalpa?How many times have you played this part? Do you remember it, or have you forgotten it? How lovely the angelic form is! Because, angels are bestowers: they are not those who take. You are the bestowers, who give to others. Or, are you those who first take from others and then give? To take from the Father is a different matter. But it is not that you will only give when other souls give you something.
To be an angel means to remain content, and to make others content. Do you remain content? Or do you become discontented in some matters? If there is any upheaval, then do you become discontented? Would you remain content even if someone were to insult you? Would you remain content when someone else tries to cause fluctuation? Are you sure?
If anything is lacking, would you still remain content? Think carefully before you reply. If a teacher doesn’t speak to you so much, or doesn’t ask about you, do you remain content, or do you become discontented? Shall we ask for your record?
No matter what happens, the children of the Bestower are bestowers, and so you cannot become discontented in any situation. Contentment is the special quality of Brahmins: to remain content with the self and with others. To remain content with the part you have received, is to move forward. Are you content to this extent?
The mothers are the goddesses of contentment, are they not? The goddesses of contentment are worshipped. Who are they? You are those, are you not? No matter what happens, constantly keep your specialities with you. If you have the determined thought, then where there is determination there is definitely success. Keep the determined thought that you must never let go of contentment, and then success will always stay with you.
There should be determination in your thoughts, words, and actions. It should not be that you had a determined thought, but that there was fluctuation in your actions: no. This year, to constantly remain content means to remain successful. Do not let go of your success. No matter how difficult the paper that comes may be, you have to remain content and make others content, because your title is that of “world benefactors”.
This day is called the day of remembrance, and so the day of power. And so, throughout the entire year, celebrate the day of power. All wastage should be finished. To have a determined thought means to have an intense thought. So do not just be an effort-maker, but an intense effort-maker. Achcha.
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