31-12-93 Om Shanti Avyakt Bapdada Madhuban
Continue to fly with zeal and enthusiasm in the New Year and be a great donor and a bestower of blessings to all, and so finish all wastage.
Today, BapDada, the Creator of the new age, the new world, is seeing His children who are the support of the new age. All of you children are constantly cooperative with BapDada, and this is why you are the images of support. In the lokik world, today is the day of the confluence of the years. The old year is going and the new year is coming. So this is the confluence day of the years, whereas you are sitting at the unlimited confluence age. As well as greetings for the new year, you also give everyone greetings for the new age: not just greetings for one day, but you give greetings for many births in the new age. At this confluence age, you definitely have the experience, that: at this time, you Brahmin souls have a new life. You have come into the new life, have you not? Is it a new life or is it an old life? The whole world is new. The world of Brahmins is a new world. From amrit vela onwards, there is a new system, a new love. Look at the timetable of your old life and the timetable of your new life, of your Brahmin life. There is so much difference! Is there this difference? Everything has become new: a new awareness, a new attitude, a new vision; everything has changed. So the new life is so lovely. Everyone loves something new anyway. You wish to let go of old things and take new things. So this is the small new world of this time. The world is new and the sanskars are new and this is why people of the world celebrate the new year with a lot of splendour.
To celebrate means to have zeal and enthusiasm. There is enthusiasm and therefore, a day of celebration is called a festival. You give greetings to one another with great zeal and enthusiasm. You give greetings and congratulations. Is every day a festival for you Brahmin souls, or do you only celebrate a festival sometimes? Constantly to celebrate a festival means that you stay in zeal and enthusiasm. Brahmin life means to have zeal and enthusiasm. According to the systems of the world, you celebrate a special day. Today, you have gathered together to celebrate, have you not? However, you constantly have zeal and enthusiasm for the new age and your new life. It is not that when it become sthe 2nd (January), your zeal and enthusiasm will decrease, and that after one month, it will decrease even more. Your zeal and enthusiasm increases every day; it does not decrease. It is like that, is it not? Or, will your zeal and enthusiasm finish when you go back to your own places? No; every moment is a moment of zeal and enthusiasm. For you Brahmin souls, zeal and enthusiasm are the wings for the flying stage. You constantly continue to fly with the wings of zeal and enthusiasm. Even when you come into action for a task, you still come into action with the flying stage, as a karma yogi. So, you are those who have a flying stage, are you not? You cannot fly without wings, and so you constantly have these wings of zeal and enthusiasm for the flying stage. This zeal and enthusiasm is the greatest power for all of you Brahmin souls. It is not a dry, tasteless life. People of the world say: What can we do? There is no sweetness. It is completely dry. And what would you say? That you constantly have the sweetness of zeal and enthusiasm. You can never be disheartened. You are constantly happy in your heart because no matter how difficult something is, enthusiasm makes the difficult things easy. Enthusiasm makes even a storm (toofan) into a gift (tohfa). It makes a mountain, not into a mustard seed, but into cotton wool. Enthusiasm makes you experience any type of test or problem to be entertaining. Therefore, those who maintain their zeal and enthusiasm, those who are the images of support for the new world, those who have a new life, are the Brahmin souls. You know yourselves, do you not? Do you also accept yourselves? Or, do you just know yourselves? What would you say? You know and you accept, and you also move along according to that. You are those who move along according to this, are you not?
Do you constantly have the enthusiasm that you are the same ones of the previous kalpa? That you are same ones now and that you will become this many times? So, it is imperishable enthusiasm, is it not? You were, you are and you will always be. You have become this for all three aspects of time, have you not? The past, the present and the future; you are this for the three aspects of time, are you not? So it is imperishable, is it not? BapDada is seeing whether souls who maintain imperishable zeal and enthusiasm are numberwise or number one. Are you numberwise or number one? What are you? Teachers, speak: what are you? What are the double foreigners? Are you numberwise or number one? (Number one). Second number will not do. You are number one. You are victorious souls who have faith in the intellect, and so those who are victorious will be number one, will they not? They will not be numberwise, will they? So constantly continue to fly with this enthusiasm in your new life, because you are the images of support. You are not just the support of your own life, but you are the images of support for all the souls of the world. With your elevated attitude, the atmosphere of the world is transformed. With your pure vision, both the souls of the world and matter are becoming pure. The world is changing through your vision. The world is becoming righteous through your elevated actions. So you have such a huge responsibility. Are you wearing the crown of responsibility? Or do you sometimes take it off because you find it heavy? Do you take it off sometimes because you find it heavy? What do you do? Do you take it off? Or do you constantly wear it? What do you do? Do you take it off again and again, thinking that you will become fresh in a little while, and then wear it again? No. Those who remain double light constantly experience this crown of responsibility to be light. They don't find it heavy. Those who wear the crown now also wear the crown in the future. What will you do in the new year? You will bring about newness. You have celebrated the Avyakt Year. The Avyakt Year means you have become angels. Or, do you still have to become that? So what do angels do? The meaning of avyakt is to be an angel. When you completed this year, you became angels, didn't you? Or not? Should we now extend the Avyakt Year? Should we make one year of two years? You have to progress further now, do you not? So did you celebrate the Avyakt Year? What will you do now that you have become angels? At every moment and throughout every day, you must constantly be a great donor and a bestower of blessings. So, celebrate this year by being a great donor and a bestower of blessings. Be a great donor and give all those who come into contact and connection with you a donation of some power, knowledge and virtues. You have become so full in all three treasures. The treasure of knowledge is overflowing, is it not? Or, is it lacking a little bit? You are master knowledgeful, are you not? So you have the treasures of knowledge, the treasures of power and the treasures of virtues. You are full. Are all of you full? Are you full in all three? Or, are you full in one and not in the other two? At the present time, souls need all three a great deal. So throughout the day, you must definitely give one or another donation. Whether you give a donation of knowledge, of powers, or of virtues, you have to donate something. No day of a great donor soul should go by without something being donated. Do not say when the year finishes that you did not receive a chance. It is up to you to take a chance. Or, can you only take a chance when someone else gives it to you? Or, can you yourself take a chance? What happens? Do you know how to take it? Or, do you only know how to take it when someone gives it? What will you do? If no one gives you a chance, what will you do? Will you just continue to watch and think about it? Throughout the day, you come into contact with souls, whether Brahmin souls or souls who do not have any knowledge, do you not? Or, do you sit alone somewhere? You do come into contact, do you not? So give all those, with whom you come into connection, some donation, that is, give cooperation. The spiritual meaning of the word, "donate", is to give co operation. So having become the great donors and bestowers of blessings, how will you give blessings every day? What is the method of giving blessings? Do you know what it is? Even now, your nonliving images are giving blessings, are they not? The method to give blessings is to give co operation, that is, to give blessings to all those souls who come into contact and connection with you through the atmosphere created by your own stage and through the vibrations of your attitude. No matter what type of soul someone may be, even if he insults you or defames you, with your pure feelings and good wishes through your attitude and stage, you should give such souls a donation of virtues or the blessing of the power of tolerance. If someone who is burning in the fire of anger, comes in front of you, will you put oil on him or water? What will you do? You will put water, will you not? Or, will you also add a few drops of oil? If in your words you do not become angry in front of an angry person, but through your eyes and face, you express the feeling of anger, then you are sprinkling drops of oil. An angry soul is under an outside influence, give him blessings with the cool water of mercy. So have you become such bestowers of blessings? Or, does the arrow of tolerance not work when it is needed? If any invaluable thing is not useful at the right time, would it be called invaluable? Invaluable means that the aspect for which it is valued is used for a task at the right time. So what will you do this year? It is because you fill yourselves with the sanskars of being the great donors and bestowers of blessings in the living form, you become the bestowers of blessings in the nonliving form. Do you have to fill yourself with these sanskars now? Or, is it that those nonliving images will be filled with these sanskars when those images are created? By becoming the great donors and the bestowers of blessings, all wastage automatically finished. Great donors and bestowers of blessings are bestowers who give to others. So, to be a bestower means to be powerful. Only when you are powerful are you able to give. So where there is power, the wastage finishes automatically. The powerful stage is attained by turning on the switch. Just as to turn on a physical light means to finish darkness, in the same way, to attain a powerful stage means to turn on the switch so that the wastage is automatically finished. So is the switch all right, or does it become loose? Or, does the fuse blow? You know how to switch it on, do you not? Nowadays, even little children are clever in turning on a switch. They turn the T.V. on, do they not? In this way, you will be liberated from the effort of finishing each wasteful thought individually. This is the elevated task of avyakt angels. You know what your task is, do you not? Or do you sometimes forget it? You must not forget it. So what newness will you bring about? Did you maintain your chart in the Avyakt Year? Or, did you keep it sometimes and not at other times? Were you those who only maintained it sometimes or all the time? What did the majority do? The majority is of those who kept a chart only sometimes. So in this new year, you should keep a new chart. What will you keep a new chart about? You know the four subjects; you know them very well. So, this year keep a chart in all four subjects; gyan, yoga, dharna and service to bring about newness in every subject every day. To have knowledge means to be sensible; to share wisdom and to move along with that wisdom as a sensible person. So newness in knowledge means to fill yourself with whatever it is you are lacking. If you do this, then that is also newness, is it not? If you develop it from not having it at all, that is a newness, is it not? In the same way, have a new experience every day by experimenting with yoga. It should not be that you say that you were sitting in yoga very well and that you had good yoga. So, what was the newness in that? To increase your percentage is newness. If today, your percentage of yoga is 50% and tomorrow, it increases from 50%, then that is newness. It should not be that in one month, you say that it is still 50%. In all four subjects, there should be newness in selfprogress. There should be newness in the method, newness in your experimenting, and in making others into easy yogis. When the percentages in these increase, it means there is newness. To say you gave sorrow to someone or you became angry with someone is to keep a common chart. Even your royal subjects keep this chart. So, are you the royal subjects or the kings? With newness, you will continually experience that you are close to making fast effort. Do you understand what chart you have to maintain? Do not send your daily chart here every three months; the work will increase then. And anyway, this year you have to be economical. This year is the special year of economy: to belong to One and to be economical. You are constructing Gyan Sarovar, and so you have to be economical. You have to be economical in everything. Be economical in all treasures: in your time, in your thoughts, and in your wealth; economical in everything. So every three months, check your own chart as a detached observer and write your news in brief. Every three months, check whether there has been progress, or, if you are still moving along as you were previously. You are not going to come down at all. You must not go into the stage of descent. However, it should not be that you remain as you were either. Do you like midgets? Would anyone like it if he were a midget? So, do not become a midget even in your effort. Do not say: "I did not want this to happen, but what can I do?" Do not say: "What can I do? What can I do?" Is this the language of Brahmins? "What can I do? How can I do it?" Not only should you say: "Do it like this", you should also give cooperation to others and say: "This is how you should do it". So do you understand what chart you have to keep? Because of love, BapDada is not announcing any names as to who did what. You know all this anyway, do you not? Nowadays, it is the fashion to have a T.V. So BapDada also has a T.V. BapDada knows to what extent each one did the work He gave last year. However, should He announce these names of how many were halfcaste and how many were fullcaste? So this year, be a great donor and a bestower of blessings to the self and to others also. And, each day, bring about some newness, that is, you must definitely progress. So this is the effort for the self. And what will you do in service?
You also have to bring about newness in service. You have had many melas, you have had countless exhibitions and many seminars also. You have had many conferences, but now you have to prepare "mikes" who will make a loud sound. However, what is the method for that? In fact, you have also been told of this previously, but you have done this to a lesser extent. In looking at the results of service, it can be seen that before bringing the heads, the instrument souls, close, whether they are leaders, industrialists or an important officers, the means of bringing them close is to bring their deputies close. You people give time to those who are the heads. They say: This is good, this is good. But, then they go back to sleep. And you then do not have enough time to awaken them again. Neither do they give time nor are you able to go. The deputies do not change, even though the heads all change. You serve one minister and the next day, he is no longer a minister, but just a subject. However, the deputies can be very cooperative. So this year, in serving whichever profession, specially serve the deputies, managers or personal assistants, that is, whoever is most influential and close to the heads. Secondly, and you have also been given a signal about this previously; at the present time you have to let there be less expenditure and yet bring about greater glorification. The method for this is to keep contact and relationship with both small and large organisations and glorify Baba's name on their readymade stage. Let there be less expense and greater glorification. You do do this, but now do it with greater force in every country, in every town and in every district. Give the message on the readymade stage of all the different associations, and of the different professions, and of those who hold conferences and seminars etc. Then your time and effort will both be saved. Now do this with greater force. Check that no association or place is deprived in the country or place for which you are an instrument, because at the present time, the atmosphere has changed a great deal. People now have less fear and a lot more love. They believe this is good. They do not become good, but they believe this is good. This is why you should underline even more these two types of service. Then the "mikes" will be prepared easily. Did you hear what you have to do? You have started the new year, and so you need new methods and new systems.
In this new year, every day at amrit vela, make this slogan emerge: "I constantly have to fly with zeal and enthusiasm and make others fly also". And, from time to time, check this again and again. It should not be that you check yourself at amrit vela, then merge everything throughout the day, and then at night, think that today was just ordinary. So, check yourself from time to time. Check that you did not go onto another path instead of having zeal and enthusiasm. Check that you did not allow yourself to be pulled to any stage other than the flying stage. Achcha.
To all the Brahmin children who experience a new life; to the elevated souls who are the images of support; to those who are the great donors and bestower of blessings through their elevated thoughts, words and actions; to the powerful souls who make the circumstances easy for others through their own stage; to the close souls who experience progress, that is newness, in themselves every day; to the close souls who are similar to the Father, who constantly belong to One and are economical, love, remembrances and namaste.
BapDada meeting the Dadis:
Instrument souls are those who eat instant fruit all the time. The future is fixed for all of you. That is to happen anyway, but, how lovely is the instant, visible fruit! You do something now and you continue to experience the elevated attainment of having done it. The most elevated instant fruit is to experience closeness. And the sign of closeness is to become equal. You are those who eat the instant fruit, and this is why you are always healthy, wealthy and happy. When anyone asks you how you are, what will you say? You will say that yes, you are healthy, wealthy and happy. In the corporeal world, everyone says: "Eat fruit and you will remain healthy", and so the way to remain healthy is to eat fruit. And, you continue to eat the instant fruit at every second. You continue to receive it. So you are constantly healthy. BapDada has told you previously: If anyone were to ask Brahmin children how they are, what would they say? You are always in a happy state. And what is your activity? That of angels. You perform the activity of angels and you are in a happy state. Is there any other state? You are always in a happy state of mind. (Talking to everyone.) Are all of you like this? Or, is your activity or state of mind sometimes different? What do you ask one another when you meet? "How are you?" To be a Brahmin means always to be in a happy state and to be constantly flying as an angel. So, in the new year, at every second and in every thought you have to remain in a happy state of mind; not in a bad state, but a happy state. Sing and dance. You know how to dance, do you not? You also know how to sing, do you not? So sing and dance. What else do you have to do? Eat Brahma bhojan, dance and sing. Wherever you may be, if you cook in remembrance and eat in remembrance, then it is Brahma bhojan. So is this okay? Everything is the best of all. Baba told you about the year, did He not? Baba is obedient, is He not? Achcha, are the double foreigners doubly happy? It should not be that you are very happy sometimes and that you then also become very sad. Do not do this. This year, you must not feel any loneliness, sadness or have wasteful feelings. It is only then that you will bring the new world close, is it not? Achcha. You have new zeal and new enthusiasm in the new year. So now, continue to make everyone dance and sing. Achcha. It is greetings at every moment, is it not? Imperishable greetings. Achcha.* * * O M S H A N T I * * *