20-12-92 Om Shanti Avyakt Bapdada Madhuban
Only one who is obedient has the right to all the powers.
Today BapDada, the Bestower of All the Powers, is seeing His Shakti Army. Baba, the Almighty Authority with all the powers has given all Brahmin souls an inheritance of powers equally. He has not differentiated and given less powers to some and more powers to others. Everyone has received equal powers from the One, all together, at the same time. So Baba was seeing in the result how although they have received equally, why there is the difference. Some become complete with all the powers, whereas others become complete with some powers, not all powers. Some are constantly the embodiment of power, whereas others become the embodiment of power only sometimes. When some Brahmin souls, with the authority of being those with all powers, order a particular power at a particular time, that power comes in front of the master creators as their creation. They order and it comes. Some order the powers, but the powers do not become present at that time. They do not say, "Yes, my lord." What is the reason for it not being present? Those who take every step according to Baba's shrimat, those who say, "Yes my Lord" to the Father, the Almighty Authority, the One who is known as the Lord and the One who is now present in front of you, that is, those who follow orders in a practical way are the ones who experience every power to be present in front of them. That is, the power says "Yes my lord" to them. If someone is able to follow shrimat or an order easily and does it, but does not do that which he finds difficult; if he follows some orders but does not follow others; sometime she says "Yes, my Lord", and sometimes, "No, my Lord"; the practical proof, the practical example is that not all the powers become present for such a soul at a time of need. For example, if according to a situation, you need the power to merge, and there is the thought: "I will definitely overcome this situation with the power to merge, I will definitely be victorious", what happens? Those who are in the second number, that is, those who sometimes have the powers will experiment with the power to merge. They will merge something ten times, but whilst merging, once or twice they will not be able to merge everything even though they wish to. What do they think then? I did not tell anyone, but I merged it. "These people were with me, they were cooperative with me and were my companions, and so I simply gave them a signal". I did not tell them, but just gave them a signal. I did not wish to say anything, but one word emerged. So what would you call this? To merge? You merged it ten times, but if you are not able to merge it once or twice, what would you call this? Did the power to merge accept your order? Why did it not accept it, since it is your power? Baba has given the inheritance, and so whatever is the inheritance from the Father is the children's inheritance. So if your orders are not useful to you, what would you call this? Would you call the powers those who accept your orders or those who do not accept your orders?
BapDada was seeing in all Brahmin souls to what extent each one has claimed a right to all the powers. If there isn't a right, then at that time, you become subservient to the situation. BapDada has the greatest mercy when children are not able to use any particular power for a task at a time of need. What do they do at that time? When they are confronted with a situation, in what form do they come in front of Baba? Do you know in which form they come? They come in the form of gyani (enlightened) bhagats. What do bhagats do? Bhagats simply continue to call out, "Give this, do this". They ask of the Father. They take the right of Him being their Father, but what form do they adopt? That of a royal bhagat. And when instead of being one who has the right, they come in the form of an enlightened bhagat, a royal bhagat, as long as the trace of bhakti remains; for the fruit of bhakti is success, salvation means success, salvation means victory, salvation means being the embodiment of all attainment; whilst the trace of bhakti remains, they cannot receive the fruit of bhakti, that is, knowledge, that is, all attainments. They cannot receive success. Bhakti means labour and knowledge means love.
If there is a trace of bhakti, you definitely have to labour, and the custom and system of bhakti is that God is remembered at times of difficulty, otherwise they remain careless. What do gyani bhagats do? When there is an obstacle, what do they do? They have special remembrance. One is to sit in remembrance for service, and the other is to sit to fill the self with whatever is lacking. There is a difference between the two. Just as at the moment, there is an atmosphere of peacelessness over the world, and you make special programmes of remembrance as a gathering in order to serve, so that is a different matter. You do that in order to give as the bestowers; you do not do that in order to ask, but you do it in order to give to others. That is for remembrance. But then, in order to fill yourself with what is lacking, you have special remembrance sometimes, but otherwise, there is remembrance with carelessness. You do not forget but it is remembrance with carelessness. "We belong to Baba anyway. Who else is there?" However, the practical proof of accurate powerful remembrance is that the power will be present according to the time. No matter how much someone says, "I stay in remembrance", there has to be success as a result of remembrance. It shouldn't be that you experience happiness when you are sitting in remembrance, and you also experience power, but at the time when you come to perform actions, or when you come into contact and relationship with others, there isn't always success. That is not called being a karma yogi. The powers are the weapons. At which time should the weapons be used? What are the weapons for? Just to keep? Weapons are always used at the time of need. So accurate remembrance means to be complete with all the powers. The weapons should always be powerful. If an enemy comes in the form of a situation, and the weapon is not used according to the situation, what would you say to this? Would you call this being powerful or those with all weapons? So remembrance in every action means success. That is known as being a karma yogi, not a yogi only at the time of sitting for yoga. Is the name of your yoga, sittingyoga or karma yoga? Which is it? You are karma yogis, are you not? Is there constant karma or constant karmayoga? Just as you cannot remain without performing actions even for one second; even when you are sleeping, you are performing the act of sleeping; just as you cannot remain without action, in the same way, you cannot perform a single action without yoga. This is known as a karma yogi. For this, don't think that the situation was like this, the circumstances were like that, the difficulty was like that, the atmosphere was such. This is the enemy and if when the enemy comes, you say that the enemy came and this is why you were not able to use the sword, or you do not remember the sword, or the sword is not able to work, what would you say? Would you say that you have the weapons? When there are weapons, when there is the army of shaktis, then what is the power of the army? The weapons. And all the powers are your weapons. What result did Baba see?
The majority were not always able to give orders to all the powers according to the time; there was a lack of this. They think and they also understand, but in being the embodiment of success, they either lack power, or they do not have the experience of much success, and they move forward towards success. So Baba saw three varieties. There are those who understand with their intellect at the time that something is not right, that they should not have done this, but even though they understand, they are not able to change their understanding into a form of power. Second are those who understand, but even with understanding, they consider it after the situation and time have passed. The first number consider after a little while whereas the others consider after the situation has completely changed. And, the third don't even realise it is wrong. They always prove what is wrong to be right, that is, they do not have the power to realise the truth. So check yourself: What am I? BapDada has seen which children experience constant and easy success according to the present time. Within this also, there are two varieties. There are those who easily experience success, and the second who easily attain success after making effort. What did Baba see as the main basis for those who experience easy and constant success?
Those souls who constantly conduct themselves with the speciality of humility have been experiencing success easily. Humility is just one word, but the depth and the varieties of the stage of humility according to the time are many. Baba will tell you about this at some time later. But remember, that to be humble is to maintain selfrespect, and that it is the easy method to receive respect from everyone. To be humble does not mean to bow down, but to make everyone bow down to your speciality and love. Do you understand? Baba will tell you more in depth later.
Everyone heard the result. Time is waiting for you in anticipation. And what are you doing? You are waiting in anticipation for time. You are the children of the Master, and so time is waiting in anticipation for you, thinking, "When will these masters transform me". Time is waiting for you; you have to make effort, not wait for time. Make effort to give the message to all and to make yourself complete. When both the tasks are complete, time will stop waiting. So are you making such effort? With what speed? All of you have said "yes", but with what speed are you doing it? Looking at time, do you also say that time is passing by very fast? You think, "So many years have gone by. How did they go by? They have gone by so quickly. You think this, do you not? It will now be nearly 25 years of sustenance from Avyakt Baba. Time has gone by so quickly! It has gone quickly, has it not? So what is your speed? Is it fast, or do you become tired whilst moving fast, and then take a rest? You are doing it, and you are bound to do it according to the drama. What else will you do anyway? Do you have any other work? You are doing it, you are bound to this in the drama, but what is the speed? Check this. Service is taking place, effort is being made, you are moving forward. This is fine. So what else do you need to do now? Check the speed. Do not just check the fact that you are moving forward, and that service is happening. Check the speed. Do you understand what you have to do? You are all doing your work, are you not? Achcha.
To those in all four directions who constantly say, "Yes, my Lord" to the Father; to those who constantly become a master almighty authority and make all the powers work under their orders, and to whom all the powers say, "Yes my Lord"; to such souls who are constantly the images of success; to those who constantly experience the form of remembrance in every action and who give others the experience; to such experienced souls, to those who are constantly humble in every action, relationship and connection; to such victorious jewels, to the elevated children who easily experience being the images of success, BapDada's love, remembrances and namaste.
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