03-10-92 Om Shanti Avyakt Bapdada Madhuban
A Brahmin means one who always has a right to elevated fortune.
Today, BapDada, the Bestower of Fortune is pleased to see the elevated fortune of all His children. No one in the whole cycle apart from you Brahmin souls can receive such elevated fortune so easily. Only you Brahmin souls have a right to this fortune. You have received this Brahmin birth according to the fortune of the previous cycle. You have taken birth on the basis of your elevated fortune because Brahmin birth is given by God Himself. You have received this alokik birth from the eternal Father through the original Brahma. How fortunate would be the birth that you have received through the Bestower of Fortune! Do you remain happy always keeping this elevated fortune of yours in your awareness? This awareness should always be in a visible form; let it always be emerged in your mind. It should not be that you think it is merged in your mind anyway, but you yourself should experience and others should also see, in your every activity and on your face, the visible form of you being an embodiment of awareness: that the line of elevated fortune is clearly visible in your activity and on your face. The list of how many types of fortune you have should always be clearly visible on your forehead. Let the list not just be in your diary, but the line of fortune should be visibly sparkling in the centre of your forehead.
The first fortune: You have taken birth through the Bestower of Fortune. Secondly: It is not in the fortune of any soul, any righteous or great soul to have the fortune of having God Himself as the Father, Teacher and Satguru. Is there anyone like that in the whole cycle? From the One, in the relationship of the Father, you receive the inheritance, from the Teacher you receive the elevated study and the attainment of a status, and from the form of the Satguru you receive the great mantra and blessings. You received a right to all the treasures as your inheritance. You have all the treasures, do you not? Do you lack any treasure? Do the teachers lack anything? “We should have a big house.” “We should have good students.” Is this lacking? No. The more that service free from obstacles increases, the more the facilities also increase easily and automatically with the growth in service.
You are receiving the inheritance and elevated sustenance from the Father. Godly sustenance is such a great thing! On the path of devotion, people sing, “God is the Sustainer”. However, you fortunate souls experience being under God’s sustenance at every step. God’s shrimat is your sustenance. You cannot take even one step without shrimat, that is, without God’s sustenance. It is only at this time that you receive such sustenance; you will not receive such sustenance even in the golden age. That is sustenance through deity souls whereas you are now moving along being sustained by God. At present, you can say from your practical experience that the One sustaining you is God Himself. Whether you are in this land or abroad, each one of you can say with that sparkle of intoxication that your Sustainer is God. Do you have such intoxication? Or, does this sometimes become merged and sometimes remains emerged? From birth you are full of unlimited treasures and you have claimed a right to the imperishable inheritance.
Together with that, as soon as you took birth, the true Trikaldarshi Teacher has taught you the study of the 3 aspects of time in such an easy way. The study is so elevated and the One who is teaching you is also so elevated. However, look at those He is teaching! He has created hope in those in whom the world has no hope. Not only does He teach them, but the very aim of studying is to attain the highestonhigh status. The elevated status that you attain through this Godly study is so elevated that it is even more elevated than the highestonhigh status you would get in the whole world. Within the eternal world cycle, whatever perishable status there is to be attained from the copper age to now, the most elevated status that has been remembered is a royal status. However, what is that royal status compared to your royal status? Is it elevated? The most elevated status of today is to be a President or a Prime Minister. Through the highest study, some would become philosophers, some would become chairmen, directors etc. or they would become the most senior officers. However, what are all of those levels of status compared to the status that you receive? In this one birth, you receive God’s guarantee to attain the most elevated status for birth after birth whereas in that worldly study of one birth you don’t have any guarantee of attaining a status for even one birth. You are so fortunate that you receive the most elevated status, and in this study of just one birth you attain a status for many births. So that is fortune, is it not? Is it visible on your face? Is it visible in your activity? From their behaviour, you can tell their state. Is your behaviour such that the state of your elevated fortune is visible through that? Or, do you still seem to be ordinary? What is it? Greatness should be visible in ordinariness, since even your nonliving images even now give the experience of greatness. Even now, if you were to dress any soul as Lakshmi and Narayan, or Rama and Sita, or any other goddess, people would experience such greatness in those ordinary beings and bow down to them. They know that those people are not really Narayan or Rama, that they are not real but, nevertheless, they would bow down to them due to their greatness; people salute and worship them. However, you are the souls in living form of the gods and goddesses. There should be such greatness experienced through you souls in the living form. Is this experienced? They should salute your elevated fortune in their minds, not with their hands or their head. They themselves should also dance in happiness from experiencing your fortune in their mind.
The attainment of such an elevated study is elevated fortune. People have an education in order to earn an income for the livelihood of their body, which is also called a source of income. How much source of income do you have through this study? You are prosperous, are you not? What is the calculation of your income? Their calculation would be in terms of hundreds of thousands or millions, but what is your calculation? How much income do you have? Multimillions at every step. So, how many steps do you take in the whole day and how many multimillions do you accumulate? Does anyone else have such an income? You have such great fortune. So, experience the fortune of your study in an emerged way. If you asked anyone, they would say, “I am a Brahma Kumar or Brahma Kumari. I have become that…” However, to be a Brahma Kumar and Brahma Kumari means the line of elevated fortune should be seen sparkling on your forehead. It isn’t that you are a Brahma Kumar or Brahma Kumari anyway, that you will anyway receive the fortune, that you will become something, that you are moving along anyway, that you have become this anyway. Do you say that you have become a BK or are you flying seeing your fortune? Who would speak the words, “Well, I have become this…, I am becoming this…, I am moving along…”? Are these the words of someone who is greatly fortunate? A Brahma Kumar or Brahma Kumari means one who lives a pleasurable life of love. It should not be that sometimes there is compulsion and sometimes there is love. What do you say when a problem arises? “I didn’t want it, but I am under compulsion..” To be fortunate means all compulsion has finished; it means to move along with love. I want it but… This is not the language of fortunate Brahmin souls. Fortunate souls fly while rejoicing in the swings of love. They stay in the pleasure of the flying stage. They cannot have any compulsion. Do you understand? Do not keep your elevated fortune merged; let it emerge.
Third fortune: What fortune did you receive from the Satguru? Firstly, you received the great mantra. What was the great mantra you received from the Satguru? Be pure, be yogi. As soon as you took birth you received this great mantra from the Satguru. All the children received this great mantra which is the key to all attainments. “A yogi life and a pure life” is the basis of all attainments. This is why it is the key. If there isn’t purity, if there isn’t a yogi life, then, although having a right, you will not be able to experience that right. That is why this great mantra is the key to the experience of all treasures. You have all received the key of such a great mantra from the Satguru as your elevated fortune and, together with that, you have also received blessings from the Satguru. The list of blessings is very long, is it not? How many blessings have you received? You have received the fortune of so many blessings that you are living and can live your whole Brahmin life on the basis of those blessings. Do you know how many blessings you have? Do you know the list? So, you have the inheritance, you have the study, you have the key to the great mantra and also the mine of blessings. So, you are so fortunate! Or, have you kept it hidden thinking that you will open it at some time later? Those who have experienced fortune over a long period of time will be revealed as those who are multimillion times fortunate at the end too. If not now, then not at the end either. If you are this now, you will be this at the end too. Never think that you will become complete at the end. Only if the life of perfection begins now will it be revealed as such at the end. Now, you yourself should experience it, others should experience it, those who are in close connection with you should experience it and at the end it will revealed to the world. Do you understand?
Today, BapDada was seeing the elevated line of the fortune of all the children. The Father saw the fortune, but the children don’t experience it to that same extent all the time. All of you have received the mine of fortune. However, some of you know how to use it whereas others do not know how to use it. You do not use it as much as you could. Everyone has received it to the same extent, but you are numberwise in using the treasures and experiencing the treasures to be yours to the extent that they are the Father’s treasures. The Father has not given them numberwise. He has given everyone the number one treasure, but you have all given yourselves a number in using those treasures. Do you understand why the numbers were created? The more you use them, the more you apply them, the more they will increase. If you simply keep them merged, they will not multiply; neither will you be able to experience them nor will you be able to give others that experience. Therefore, put them in your activity and on your face. Do you understand what you have to do? Is it good to be happy with whatever number you receive? “OK, if not in the 108, then at least in the 16,000; at least I will become something!” However, the beads of the rosary of 16,000 are not always turned. They are only turned sometimes and only in some places. People turn the beads of the rosary of 108 all the time. “Now, who am I?” You have to know this yourself. If the Father or someone else were to tell you that you are in the 16,000 what would you say? Would you believe it? You would begin to have question marks. Therefore, know yourself: “Who am I?” Achcha.
To all the most elevated, fortunate souls everywhere, to all the souls who have taken a Godly birth and claimed a right from birth, to all those who have received their elevated inheritance from the Father and have taken Godly sustenance, to those who have received from the true Teacher the elevated status of an elevated study and who earn an elevated income, to those who have received from the Satguru the great mantra and all blessings, to such multimillion times fortunate, extremely elevated souls, to all the elevated souls who accumulate multimillions at every step, BapDada’s love, remembrance and namaste.
Avyakt BapDada meeting groups personally:
The sign of accurate remembrance and accurate service is to be free from obstacles and to make others free from obstacles.
Are the songs of your elevated fortune automatically being played in your mind? This is an eternal and imperishable song. You don’t have to play it, but it automatically plays continuously. For this song to be playing all the time means for you always to experience the treasures of your happiness. Do you always remain happy? It is the duty of Brahmins to remain happy and to distribute happiness. Do you always remain busy in this service? Or, do you sometimes forget? What do you do when Maya comes? For the duration of Maya’s stay, this song of happiness stops playing. If you constantly have the Father’s company, Maya cannot come. Before Maya comes, she separates you from the Father’s company and makes you isolated, and then she attacks you. If the Father is with you, Maya will salute you; she will not attack you. Now that you know Maya very well and that she is an enemy, why do you allow her to come? You let go of the Father’s company and the door opens for Maya to enter. Put a double lock on the door, not just one. Nowadays, one lock will not do. So, the double lock is remembrance and service. Service has to be altruistic service. This is the lock. If service isn’t altruistic the lock becomes loose and opens. Remembrance also has to be powerful. If it is ordinary remembrance, then that, too, is not a proper lock. So always check: You have remembrance, but is it ordinary remembrance or powerful remembrance? Similarly, you are doing service, but is it altruistic service or is there one selfish motive or another in it? If Maya comes while you are doing service and staying in remembrance, then something is definitely lacking in that service and remembrance.Continue to move forward with the awareness that you are the souls with elevated fortune who always sing the song of happiness. Accurate yoga and accurate service are the signs of remaining free from obstacles and making others free from obstacles. Are you free from obstacles or do obstacles sometimes come? In that case, sometimes you pass and sometimes you fail. In any situation, if there is ever the slightest feeling, “Why is this like this? Why is this like that?”, then that feeling means an obstacle. Always remember that if you stay beyond wasteful feelings and you become a soul who is feelingproof, you will become a conqueror of Maya. Nevertheless, you now belong to the Father. To belong to the Father is a matter of such happiness. You never even dreamt that you would have such a close relationship with God, and now you have become that in the corporeal form. So what will you remember? You are those who constantly sing songs of happiness. These songs of happiness can never end.
A teacher means one who gives everyone the experience of angelic features through your own features. Are you such teachers? Your ordinary form should not be visible. Only your angelic form should always be visible because you teachers are instruments. Those who are instruments give others the same experience as they themselves have. It is also a fortune that you have become instruments. Now, increase the experience of this fortune in yourself and also give this experience to others. The most important thing is to become an embodiment of experience.
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