18-01-91 Om Shanti Avyakt Bapdada Madhuban
In order to be a world benefactor, become complete with all awareness and give cooperation to everyone.
Today, the Almighty Father is pleased to see His children who are embodiments of remembrance. The children of the whole world, from this land and abroad, are celebrating the day of remembrance. Today, the day of remembrance is reminding you children of your Brahmin life, that is, your powerful life, because, together with the lifestory of Father Brahma there is also the lifestory of you Brahmin children. The incorporeal Father created Brahmins through corporeal Brahma and it was only then that there was the creation of the imperishable yagya through Brahmins. Father Brahma, together with Brahmins, became the instruments for establishment. Therefore, together with the lifestory of Father Brahma there is also the lifestory of the Aadi Brahmins (first Brahmins). There is importance of both Adi Dev Brahma and the adi Brahmins in the establishment of the yagya. The eternal Father created the creation of the adi Brahmins through Brahma, and the adi Brahmins then brought about the expansion of many other Brahmins. It is this story of establishment of Father Brahma that is related on this Day of Remembrance. You call it the Day of Remembrance; so, did you remember just Father Brahma, or did you also become aware of all the things that the Father has reminded you of through Father Brahma? Which things and how many things have you been reminded of from the beginning until now? Do you remember that? If, from amrit vela until the night, you recall all the things that you have been reminded of, could they be completed in one day? There is a long list, is there not? Even if you celebrated a Week of Remembrance, there would still be a lot of detail, because you do not only have to revise it, but you also have to realise it. This is why you say, "the embodiment of remembrance". To be an embodiment means to experience every type of awareness; you become an embodiment of awareness whereas devotees simply speak about it. So what awareness have you experienced? There is a lot of expansion in all that. Just as the introduction of the Father is so vast, and yet you give the essence of it in five aspects, in the same way, put the expansion of all the things that you have been reminded about into the essence of five aspects: From the beginning until now, BapDada has reminded you of so many titles. How many titles would there be? There is a great expansion, is there not? Remember each title, become an embodiment of it and experience it. You must not simply repeat it. The bliss of becoming an embodiment of remembrance is unique and lovely. Baba reminds you children of the title, ‘The light of the eyes’. You are the light of Baba's eyes. What is the specialty of the eyes? What is the task of the eyes? What is the power of the eyes? Experience all of these, that is, become an embodiment of this awareness. In this way, continue to experience the awareness of each title. This was told to you just as an example. In the same way, think of ‘the elevated form’. How many facets of this can you remember? How many forms do you Brahmins have? Whatever is the form of the Father is also the form of you Brahmins. Experience the awareness of all those forms. Become an embodiment of the awareness of everything – title, form, virtues, eternal, original and of the present. Become an embodiment of the awareness of all virtues of Brahmin life.
In the same way, think about your tasks: you have become instruments for such an elevated task. Let the awareness of all those tasks emerge. And the fifth aspect BapDada reminded you of is your original and eternal home. Through having awareness of your own home, you received the power to return home, you received the courage to become one who has the right to a kingdom, in your own kingdom and you also became aware of the art of living a life of happiness in the Brahmin world at the present confluence age. You now know the art of living very well, do you not? The world is moving fast in the art of dying, whereas you Brahmins are flying in a life of happiness filled with joy. There is so much difference!
The Day of Remembrance means experiencing the spiritual intoxication of all types of awareness. On this Day of Remembrance you do not use the same words as people of the world such as: Our Brahma Baba was like this, that he said this, that he did that. People of the world say, "He was, he was" and spread waves of sorrow. The speciality of you Brahmins is that you say: He is with us even now, that you experience his company. So you have this speciality. You would not say that Father Brahma has gone away. He made a promise of staying with you and returning with you. If the Aadi soul does not fulfil his promise, then who else would fulfil a promise? It is just that the form and method of service have changed. The aim of all of you is to become angels who then become deities. Father Brahma became a sample of the angelic form. The sustenance of all the children is even now taking place through Brahma. This is why you are called Brahma Kumars and Kumaris. Do you understand the importance of this Day of Remembrance? Always remain merged in the awareness of all of this. This is known as the experience of becoming equal to the Father. You souls have experienced being equal to the Father (Bap Samaan), but people have taken this word ‘saman’ (equal) to mean ‘saman’ (to merge). You souls do not merge into the Supreme Soul but you become equal to the Father. All the children have personally sent special remembrance for the Day of Remembrance. Many have brought love and remembrance as messengers, for each one says: Give my special remembrance. Instead of writing a letter of remembrance to each of you individually, Baba is writing to you from His heart. The love from the heart of each one is merged in Baba's eyes and in His heart; it is especially merged now.
Those who are especially remembering Baba, BapDada also has especially made them emerge and is giving them love and remembrance. The enthusiasm of the heart, the hearttoheart conversation and the condition of the heart of each of you have reached Baba, the Comforter of Hearts. BapDada is reminding all of you children of the awareness: you are always in Baba’s heart, you are service companions and your stage is that of a constant observer. So the flag of being a conqueror of Maya will constantly continue to fly.
The lesson of ‘nothing new’ should always be in the awareness of all the children in every situation. Brahmin life means there cannot be any question mark or even an exclamation mark. How many times would you have heard this news? (news of war somewhere). Is this news new? No. Brahmin life means that when you hear any news, you remain powerful in the awareness of the previous cycle. Whatever is to happen will happen and therefore you cannot ask the question, “What will happen?” You are trikaldarshi: you are ones who know the beginning, the middle and the end of the drama. So can you not know the present? You are not afraid, are you? In Brahmin life, there is benefit in every step. It is nothing to be afraid of. The task of all of you is to give peaceless souls rays of peace with your power of peace. They are your brothers and sisters, and so in terms of your Godly family, be cooperative. To the extent that they are moving fast, to that extent the yoga of you yogi souls will give them the cooperation of peace. Therefore, make special time and give them the cooperation of peace. This is the task of you Brahmin souls. Achcha.
To the elevated souls who are embodiments of all types of awareness, to the souls who have the aim and the qualifications of becoming equal to the Father, to the close souls who always experience themselves to be with the Father, to those who easily put the lesson of ‘nothing new’ into a practical form, to those who become world benefactors and give cooperation to the souls of the world, to such constantly victorious souls, BapDada's love, remembrance and namaste.
Avyakt BapDada meeting the Dadis:
For the rosary of Aadi Brahmins – together with Father Brahma, the Aadi Brahmins also became instruments. The Aadi Brahmins have great importance. There is establishment, sustenance and transformation. The word destruction seems a little official, and so the Aadi Brahmins have a special part in establishment, sustenance and worldtransformation. You have this part, do you not? The Shaktis are worshipped with a lot of splendour. The incorporeal Father and Father Brahma are not worshipped with as much splendour. The temple to Brahma is very incognito, but the Shakti Army is well known in bhakti. This is why the special children have a part on the stage till the end. The part of Brahma is incognito – avyakt form also means incognito. He prepared the Brahmins and the part of Brahma then became incognito. Saraswati is also shown in an incognito way, because her part in the drama is continuing in an incognito way. It is good. The Aadi Brahmin souls are close to one another and are powerful. (Speaking to Dadi Janki) The body is not weak, it is powerful. That was just an excuse to give you a little rest in between; it isn't anything serious. Generally, you do not rest. Something becomes a cause for you to take a rest. All of you have a lot of love for the Dadis, do you not? As well as the Father, you also have love for the Aadi Brahmin instruments. So the blessings of love and the pure wishes of all of you keep the Aadi Brahmins healthy. It is good.
You have received a good part to do service through silence. So many souls are peaceless. They are praying so much. You will give them a small handful, will you not? People go and ask the goddesses for power, do they not? It is the task of you special souls to give them power, is it not? Day by day, they will experience rays of peace reaching them from somewhere. They will then search for them. Everyone's vision will then go towards the land of Bharat. Achcha.
Group 1:
Do you experience yourselves to be souls who become victorious with faith in the intellect? Do you constantly have unshakeable faith? Or, does it sometimes shake? The sign of having faith in the intellect is that you will experience victory in every task, whether it is worldly or spiritual. No matter how ordinary an action is, such a soul definitely has the right to gain victory in that, because the special birthright of Brahmin life is victory. Such a soul will not become disheartened by any task because he has the faith that victory is his birthright. So, do you have the intoxication of having such a right? If someone whose Companion is God doesn’t have victory, then who would? The memorial of the previous cycle is shown as: Where there is God, there is victory. Even though they show only five Pandavas, who was victorious? God is with you, and since you were victorious in the memorial of the previous cycle, you would be victorious now too, would you not? In no task should you have the thought: Will this happen or not? Will there be victory or not? This question cannot arise. Those who have the Father’s company can never be defeated. This is fixed for every cycle. No one can change this destiny. Such determined faith will constantly make you fly ahead. So, constantly continue to dance and sing in happiness of victory.Group 2:
Do you always experience yourselves to be the fortunate children of the Bestower of Fortune? Are you multimillion times fortunate or one hundred times fortunate? Those who have such an elevated fortune will always remain cheerful because fortunate souls do not lack anything. So, where there are all attainments, you will always remain cheerful. Even if someone wins a limited lottery, his face shows that he has found something. So, what would someone who attains multimillion times fortune be like? Constantly cheerful. Remain so cheerful that anyone who sees you would ask you what you have found. The further forward you go in your efforts, the less need there will be for you to speak. Your face will say that you have found something, because the face is a mirror. In a mirror you are able to see something exactly as it is. So, your face should work like a mirror. So many souls have to receive the message that there won’t be time for you to sit and relate knowledge to them. Time will continue to become more delicate, so you will not even have time to relate anything. So, how will you serve? Through your face, just as you do service with the pictures in the museums. People are impressed on seeing the pictures. So, you living pictures should become instruments for service: are you a picture that is ready? If such living pictures become ready, the sound will be able to be heard loudly. While walking and moving around, and while sitting, always have the awareness that you are the living pictures. The vision of all the souls of the world is on you. What is the most attractive aspect of living pictures? Constant happiness. So, do you always remain happy or is there sometimes some confusion? Or, when you return home, will you say, “This thing happened and that was why my happiness decreased.”? No matter what happens, your happiness should not disappear. Are you such strong ones? Will you pass an even higher (more difficult) paper? BapDada is taking everyone’s photograph, seeing who is saying “yes”. Later, do not say, “I just said it at that time.” In fact, nothing is a big thing in front of those who are master almighty authorities. Secondly, you have the faith that victory is guaranteed for you. Therefore, it is not a big thing. Any power that those who have the treasures of all powers order will become their helper. It is just that the one who issues the order has to have courage. So, do you know how to issue an order or do you know how to follow an order? You don’t sometimes follow Maya’s orders, do you? It isn’t that a situation arises and it finishes and you then think that if you had done something in that way, it would have been good, is it? It isn’t like that, is it? Are all the powers used at the right time or do they come a little later? If you remain set on the seat of a master almighty authority it is not possible for any of the powers not to obey you. When you get off your seat and then issue an order they will not obey you. In a worldly way, too, when someone gives an order while off the chair of his position, no one would obey it. If any power is not obeying your order, then you have definitely got off the seat of your position. So, always remain seated on the seat of a master almighty authority. Always remain unshakeable and immovable; do not be those who fluctuate. BapDada says: Even if you leave your body, your happiness should not go. Money is nothing in front of such a soul. Those who have the treasure of happiness find nothing to be a big deal. And the cooperative server children always have BapDada’s company. When a child is with the Father, then nothing is a big deal. Therefore, there is nothing to be afraid of. The Father is sitting here, and so what does the child have to worry about? The Father is full of all treasures. You children have to be sustained with any method; therefore, remain carefree. You are establishing the land of happiness in the land of sorrow, and there will therefore be upheaval in the land of sorrow. In the hot season, it would be hot, would it not? However, the Father’s children are always safe because they have the Father’s company.BapDada’s message for all the children:
Love and remembrance to all the tapaswi children. Look children, on hearing the news of the present time, you are watching the play while seated on the highestonhigh seat of a detached observer and on the throne of a carefree emperor, are you not? In this Brahmin life, the thought of being afraid cannot arise even in your dreams. In this year of tapasya, that is just fanning the fire of constant love in order to create the attitude of unlimited disinterest. You have had the thought of becoming complete, the same as the Father, that is, you have made a plan to hoist the flag of victory, and so, on the other hand, the upheaval of the completion is also fixed to happen at the same time, is it not? The rehearsal is the means to end the reel of the drama. Therefore, nothing new!
According to the circumstances of the present time, if there is a struggle in coming and going, or in obtaining something, let there not be a struggle in the thoughts of your mind. Wherever you happen to be in any situation, always continue to eat the happyheart toli. Remain happy, and fly like angels. Together with that, let a special programme for tapasya continue at this time at every centre. However much time someone is able to give, give that cooperation of silence. Achcha. Om Shanti.
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