25-12-89 Om Shanti Avyakt Bapdada Madhuban
Maintain your spiritual intoxication and become a carefree emperor
Today, the greatest Father is congratulating His children for each day of the alokik, divine confluence age. For the people of the world, just one special day is a great day, and what do they do on a great day? They think that they celebrate it with a generous heart, but you know what their celebration is. They celebrate, but the celebration of you generoushearted children of the greatest Father is unique and lovely. When it is a great day for the people of the world, they sing and dance in happiness and give greetings to each other on that day. Similarly, the confluence age is the greatest age for you children. Although it is a very short age, it is the greatest age of all in terms of its specialities and in enabling you to receive attainments. So, each day of the confluence age is a great day for you because you meet the greatest Father during this greatest age, the confluence. Together with that, you also receive the greatest attainment from the Father at this time. BapDada makes all the children the greatest, the most elevated humans at this time. The speciality of today is to celebrate with happiness, to give gifts to one another and to give greetings. This is celebrated as the day of receiving gifts from the Father. What is the greatest gift of all that the Father has given you at the confluence age? BapDada always says that He has brought the fortune of the kingdom of heaven on the palm of His hand. So the fortune of heaven is on the palm of each one's hand, is it not? It is said: Heaven on your palm. Can anyone else give a gift greater than this? No matter how great the gifts a great person would give, what are they compared to the gift that the Father gives? They are like a lamp next to the sun. So the memorials, the signs of the confluence age, also carry on in other religions. The great Father has given you the greatest gift during the great age. This is why they celebrate this great day with this method. They use the term ‘Father Christmas’. The Father is the One who always bestows upon the children. If you look at it in a worldly way too, a father is one who bestows upon the children. This One is the unlimited Father. The unlimited Father gives an unlimited gift. How long would any other gift last? They send very beautiful greetings cards and gifts, but when that day has passed, what do they do with those cards? They last for a short period. Even if they give something sweet to drink or eat, how long does that last? For how long would there be a happy celebration? They would sing and dance for one night. However, the Father gives you souls such a gift that it not only stays with you for this birth, but it will stay with you for birth after birth. People of the world say, "You arrive emptyhanded and you have to leave emptyhanded" but what do you say? You say with intoxication, "We souls will return full of all treasures received from the Father and we will remain full for many births." This gift will stay with you for 21 births. Have you ever seen such a gift before? No matter which foreign country they may be a king or queen of, can they give such a gift? Even if they were to offer or give you their whole throne, what would you do? Would you accept it? What is that throne compared to the Father’s heartthrone? This is why all of you remain in spiritual intoxication. Intoxication means spiritual intoxication. Those who stay in this spiritual intoxication do not worry about anything; they become carefree emperors. They become emperors now, and they also claim a kingdom in the future. Therefore, the greatest and best sovereignty is this carefree sovereignty. Do you have any worries? And do those who live in a household have any worries about their children? Kumars have greater worry about preparing food. What worries do the kumaris have? Do you have to worry about a job? Do you have the worry of finding a good job? You are carefree, are you not? Someone who has any worries cannot experience the pleasure of a carefree kingdom. You will have the kingdom of the world for 20 births, but you receive this carefree kingdom and the heartthrone for one birth during this age only. So one has importance, does it not?
BapDada always says to the children: Brahmin life means to be a carefree emperor. When Brahma Baba became a carefree emperor, what songs did he sing? "I found that which had to be found. What else is there left to do?" And what do you say? The work of doing service is left to do. But the Karavanhar Father is enabling that to be done and will continue to do so. By thinking that you have to do it, there is a burden. The Father is doing it through you. When you have this consciousness you will become carefree. You have the faith that this elevated task will definitely be carried out. It is already certain. This is why those who have faith in the intellect remain carefree and without any worries. Baba is making the children play the game of service in order to keep them busy. By making you the instruments, He is enabling you to claim the right to the fruit of service for the present and the future. It is the Father's work but the children’s name. He gives the fruit to the children; He Himself does not eat it. So you are carefree, are you not? The easy method for success in service is to have the consciousness that the One who is inspiring me is the One who is doing everything. If you think that you are doing it, then the fruit received through service is according to the capacity of the soul. If you think that the Father is enabling it to be done, then He is the Almighty Authority, so the fruit received through the action is equally elevated. Always keep in your consciousness the Godly gift of the carefree kingdom received from Baba and the fortune of the kingdom of heaven which has been placed in the palm of your hand. By having remembrance of the Father and the gift, not just every day, but every moment will be experienced as the greatest moment of the greatest day. People of the world simply give greetings. What do they say? “Be happy, be healthy, be wealthy”, but they don’t become that. However, the Father gives you such greetings that health, wealth and happiness stay with you for all time in the form of a blessing. He does not make you happy by simply saying this in words, but He makes you this, and to become it is to celebrate it, for the greetings of the imperishable Father would also be imperishable. So the greetings become a blessing.
All of you have emerged from the trunk. All others are the branches. All the religions are your branches, are they not? They are the branches of the kalpa tree. The Christmas tree is the symbol of this tree. Have you ever seen a decorated Christmas tree? (There are two decorated Christmas trees on the stage.) What has been shown in them? They especially show sparkling light bulbs; they decorate it with tiny bulbs. What is the meaning of that? You are the sparkling souls of the kalpa tree. The founders of religions that come are also satopradhan in their own way. This is why the goldenaged souls are sparkling. Therefore, this symbol of the kalpa tree is celebrated by the branches of other religions every year. Baba is the greatgreatgrandfather of the entire tree, is he not? Which father is the greatgreatgrandfather? The Father has placed Brahma in front. He is the original father of the souls of the corporeal world. Brahma is Adinath (the original lord); this is why he is the greatgreatgrandfather. All of you are also with Adi Dev, are you not? Or is Adi Dev alone? You first souls are with Adi Dev now, and you will also be with him in the future. Do you have so much intoxication? You constantly sing songs of happiness, do you not? Or will you only sing today?
Today is especially for the double foreigners. Is every day a great day for you, or just today? Everywhere, the children of this land and abroad are seen to be the sparkling stars on the kalpa tree. Everyone has reached Madhuban in the subtle form, and you are all celebrating in the angelic form. You are celebrating in the corporeal form. Everyone's mind is dancing with happiness on seeing the Father’s Godly gift. BapDada is also giving special greetings to all the children in their corporeal form and in their subtle form to remain constantly cheerful, to constantly eat the sweet that brings happiness to the heart (Dilkhush toli) and to sing songs of attainment. According to the drama, those from Bharat have been given special fortune. Achcha.
Did all the teachers celebrate the great day, or do you celebrate every day? The Father is great and all of you are also great and this is why you give importance to the great days of the people of the world. Through this, you senior ones give enthusiasm to your younger brothers. All of you teachers are carefree emperors, are you not? To be an emperor means to be constantly stable in faith and intoxication, because faith makes you victorious, and intoxication makes you constantly fly high in happiness. So, you would be carefree emperors, would you not? Do you have any worries? How will service increase? You don't worry, wondering about when good students will come, do you? For how long will you have to do service? You don't wonder about this, do you? Service will increase by not thinking. By thinking about it, it will not increase. If you become free from thinking and keep your intellect free, you will experience the Father’s power in the form of help. If you keep your intellect busy thinking, you will then not be able to catch the Father’s touchings or imbibe power from the Father. Baba and I are combined. Baba is Karavanhar (the One who gets it done) and I am the instrument soul who does it. This is known as the stage of not thinking, that is, the remembrance of One. Those who maintain pure and positive thoughts (chintan) never worry (chinta). Where there is worry, there are no pure thoughts, and where there are pure thoughts, there is no worry. Achcha.
To all the children everywhere who have a right to the Godly gift, to the greatest fortunate souls who belong to the greatest Father, to the adi (first) souls who are always companions of Adi Pita (the first father), to all the souls in the corporeal and subtle forms who have received greetings of love and eternal blessings from the greatest Father, to all the children, love, remembrance and namaste together with the sweet that brings happiness to the heart.Avyakt BapDada meeting a group of doctors:
What is in the hearts of all the doctors? It isn’t the hospital, is it? To make the Father sit in your heart means to give a cure for all time to many others. Nowadays, even doctors say that medicine doesn’t work as much as blessings do. They too have become disheartened by medicine because they know what the result of it is; what else can it be! This is why everyone’s vision is now going towards blessings. Now, yoga, in the form of exercise, is increasing everywhere. They have now reached the stage of yoga, and eventually they will come to the stage of easy yoga (sahaj yoga). At least their intellect has gone in a different direction from medicine. Ultimately, they will come to the right destination. So this is the work that you doctors do, is it not? You are the ones who bring everyone’s intellect to the right place, are you not? It is good. By maintaining courage you automatically receive the Father’s help and will continue to do so. Where there is courage, the impossible will become possible. You are all those who make the impossible possible. People of the world say that it is very difficult to concentrate their mind. They even say that that is impossible, whereas what do you say? For you, it is a matter of a second, is it not? You simply say “Baba” and your mind reaches its destination. So, for you it is a task of a second and for them it is impossible. There is so much difference! It doesn’t take you time, does it? It isn’t that you have to wait for the song to play, for the red lights to be switched on and only then can your mind concentrate, is it? You don’t have to labour, do you? He is your Father, after all, is He not? He is not the Father of anyone else. If someone were not your father and someone told you that he was your father and that you have to remember him, you would not be able to remember him, would you? However, this One is your Father. It is never difficult to remember someone who belongs to you. It is difficult to remember those who don’t belong to you. You remember Him with a right, or is it that you remember Him, thinking that He is God, He is so great, He is like the sun? Remember Him with the right that everything belongs to you.
Become spiritual roses and continue to spread fragrance throughout the day. Fragrance is such that it also attracts even those at a distance. Those at a distance will wonder where the fragrance is coming from. So, your spirituality will attract the world. Look, the fragrance of spirituality even attracted the people abroad to this land, did it not? The fragrance reached the lands abroad. Whatever work you are doing, continue to spread this fragrance with your pure thoughts. While doing any work, check in how many directions your intellect is going. Even against your conscious wish, it goes in many directions; it does not go in just one direction. Since it can go in other directions, you can also do service and have remembrance at the same time too, can you not? It is for a very little time that you need to engage your intellect fully in a task. When there is a certain type of work, such as a surgeon carrying out an essential operation, then the intellect would be fully engaged in that, but when medicine is being given or you are checking a patient, your intellect can then do other work too. Since it can do that work, why can it not do this work? The mind and intellect have a habit of spinning. Whether you spin the discus of knowledge or you spin the discus of waste, there definitely is some spinning going on. When you spin the discus of selfrealisation all other spinning ends.
So all of you are cooperative in service, are you not? Those of you who don’t have any time due to your circumstances, raise your hands! All of you can serve with your mind, can you not? Service is a very good means to remain busy. The busier your keep yourself, the safer you will remain. Whether you serve with your thoughts, words or deeds, definitely keep your intellect busy. You remain busy with your hands and feet, but also keep your intellect busy. Create a timetable for yourself. The more important a person is, so the timetable is fixed accordingly. So, you are the greatest people, are you not? Search throughout the whole cycle: is there anyone greater than Brahmins? Even the deities are not that. Even though you yourselves will become deities, that is nothing compared to this life. Of all lives, Brahmin life is the most elevated. Achcha.
Do you experience yourselves to be the ones with the greatest fortune of happiness? Is there anyone who is as fortunate as you? What would be the sign of those whose fortune is so elevated? They would always remain happy. Those who have fortune are always full. When someone is clever at knowledge and study it is said that this one’s fortune is very good. The sign of good fortune is that they would be full in everything; they would not be weak; they would be brave. So, all of you are fortunate, are you not? Songs of happiness are constantly playing. On the path of devotion, it is said: The limitless mantra should constantly resonate, and so they make so much effort to listen to and to retain the limitless mantra. What effort did all of you make? Songs of happiness are constantly playing automatically. They never end. No matter how long a song you compose, it will still end. If it continues playing automatically the battery will finish or the record player will get heated. Does your battery ever finish? The song is imperishable and this is why it is limitless, that is, it has no end. So, does the limitless song play or do you have to play it? What other work do you have anyway? Sing and dance! After all, what is having yoga? It is just dancing in happiness, is it not? You sing the Father’s praise, you dance in happiness; what else do you do? Only in this is there service, only in this is there yoga, only in this is there knowledge and dharna. Sing and dance, and eat Brahma bhojan. When you have offered bhog, it becomes Brahma bhojan, does it not? If you eat without offering bhog and without remembrance, then it is ordinary food, and there won’t be any strength received. Your stomach will become full through that, but the soul will not receive any power. So, what do you have to do? Eat, dance and sing. You have been liberated from making effort. Otherwise, people have to make so much effort: they do pranayama (breathing exercises), they continue to look at the one idol, they stop their mind. They are made to make so much effort. You simply directed your mind to the Father, that was all. You made your mind busy in that. You made your mind pure, you did not suppress it. Now, your mind has elevated thoughts and it is therefore a pure mind. The wandering of the mind has stopped. Until you find a destination, you keep on wandering. Once you have found your destination, why would you wander? If someone wanders even after finding the destination, it would be said that his brain is not OK. Your brain has become broad and unlimited. You have become farsighted and broadminded. Your intellect has become so unlimited that you know all three aspects of time: the beginning, middle and end and the past, present and future. So always remember this: You are fortunate. Never become weak. Become one who performs wonders. You remained weak for half the cycle. Why should you remain weak now? Whatever thoughts you have, words you speak and actions you perform, check that they are a wonder and not a weakness. Let wonders be experienced through every thought and word. Achcha.
Blessing: May you be a master sun of knowledge who burns the impure thoughts and attitudes of all souls.
Just as the sun destroys all rubbish and germs with its rays, in the same way, when you become master suns of knowledge and look at impure souls, their impure thoughts and impure attitude and vision will then be destroyed. Impure thoughts cannot attack purifier souls. Impure souls will surrender themselves to those who are purifiers. For this, become a might house, that is, always remain stable in the stage of being a master sun of knowledge.
Slogan: To create an impact of a yogi life through your being an embodiment of dharna is a very great service.
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