20-02-87 Om Shanti Avyakt Bapdada Madhuban
The three lines of a true server are remembrance, purity and service.
Today, the Father, the World Server who is loving to all has come to meet His constantly serving children. BapDada, the Server, constantly loves His children who are servers, equal to Him. Today, Baba is especially seeing the three lines sparkling on the forehead of all the server children. Each one's forehead is sparkling like a trimurti tilak. What are these three lines a sign of? From this trimurti tilak the present result of each child can be seen. One is the line of a full yogi life. The second is the line of purity. The third line is that of a true server. Baba was seeing the result of all three lines of all the children. Everyone's line of remembrance is sparkling, but numberwise. The line of some has been unadulterated from the beginning until now, that is, they have always been lost in the love of One. Secondly, has it always been unbroken Has the line always been straight, that is, has there always been the love of all relationships directly with the Father or have you experienced yourself to have forged a relationship with the Father through instrument souls? Do you have the direct support of the Father or do you experience the Father's support through the support of another soul? One are those whose line is straight, and the other are those whose line is a little bent in between. Those are the specialities of the line of remembrance.
The second is the line of complete purity. This too is numberwise. One is that as soon as you took Brahmin birth you received the blessing of Brahmin life, the special blessing from the Father, and you experienced this blessing in your life constantly and easily. This line is straight from the beginning until now. Others do not experience the blessing of this Brahmin life in the form of a right; they sometimes adopt it easily and at other times with a lot of labour and effort. Their line is not always straight and sparkling. In fact, the basis of success in remembrance and service is purity. Purity is not just to be celibate, but the complete form of purity is that, together with being celibate (brahmchari), you also have to be one who follows Father Brahma (Brahmachari). Brahmachari means those who follow the activities of Father Brahma, which is known as "follow Father" because you have to follow Father Brahma. You have to become equal to Father Shiva in your stage, but in your activities and your actions you have to follow Father Brahma. Be celibate at every step. Observe the vow of purity constantly in your thoughts and also your dreams. The meaning of purity is to constantly make the Father your Companion, and always stay in the company of the Father. Have you made Him your Companion? It is essential to feel "Baba is mine", but also at all times to have only the Father's company. This is called complete purity. The company of a gathering and the code of conduct of the love of the family are a different matter, and that too is essential. However, do not forget that you have the company of the love of the family because of the Father. You have the love of the family but whose family is it? The Father's. Where would the family come from if it weren't for the Father? The love of the family and the gathering of the family are very good, but do not forget the Seed of the family. You sometimes forget the Father and seek the company of the family. If, every now and again, you leave the Father, there is then an empty space in between, and Maya will enter it. Therefore, while living with everyone with love, and while having an exchange of love, do not forget the gathering . That is called purity. You are all clever at understanding, are you not?
Some children find it hard work to move forward to the stage of complete purity, and that is why, they have the thought now and then of making someone their companion, and they also have the thought that it is essential to have someone's company. You don't have to become a sannyasi, but do not forget the Father's company while staying in the company of souls. Otherwise, at a time of need, you will remember that soul's company and forget the Father. Therefore, it is possible to be deceived at a time of need. This is because if you have the habit of taking the support of physical, bodily beings, you will remember the bodily beings first and you will remember the avyakt father and the incorporeal Father later. If, at any time, you remember the support of corporeal beings first, then that becomes number one, and the Father becomes number two. So what status would you receive if you kept the Father as the second number? Would it be number one or two? Simply to take cooperation or to be loving is a different matter from making someone your support. This is something very deep. You have to know this accurately. In some gatherings, instead of being loving, you become detached. You become afraid that you might become trapped, and so you think it would be better to remain distant. But no! You have to live in a household and with a family for 21 births, do you not? So, if you remain distant because of fear, and become isolated, then those become the sanskars of a karmasannyasi. You have to become karmayogis, not karmasannyasis. Although you have to remain in a gathering and be loving, you must let the one Father and none other be the support for your intellect. No soul's company, virtue or speciality should attract your intellect: that is called purity.
When you find that purity is hard work, it proves that you have not taken the blessing of birth from the Father, the Bestower of Blessings. A blessing doesn't require labour. Every Brahmin soul has received the first blessing of Brahmin life: "May you be pure, may you be yogi." So, ask yourself: Have I received the blessing of purity or have I adopted purity by labouring? Remember that this is your Brahmin birth. It isn't just a transformed life, but it is a life that has been transformed on the basis of a Brahmin birth. Sanskars of birth are very easy and natural. You also say this among yourselves: My sanskars have been like this from birth. The sanskars of a Brahmin birth are "May you be yogi, may you be pure." This is a blessing and also your original sanskar. Two things are essential in life: One is a companion and the other is company. That is why the Trikaldarshi Father, knowing everyone's needs, becomes your best Companion and also gives you the best company. Doubleforeign children especially need both of these. That is why BapDada gave you the experience of the Companion from the moment you took Brahmin birth. He made you into a bride. You found your Companion as soon as you took birth, did you not? Have you found your Companion or are you looking for Him? Therefore, experience purity as your original sanskar. That is called an elevated line. Your foundation is strong, is it not?
The third line is that of a true server. There is also the line of a server on everyone's forehead. You cannot stay without doing service. Service is the means of making Brahmin life constantly free from obstacles, and it is also in service that you have more test papers. A server who is free from obstacles is said to be a true server. It is fixed in the drama for obstacles to come. They have to come and they will continue to come because these obstacles or testpapers make you experienced. Do not consider it to be an obstacle, but look at it with the feeling that you are making progress through your experiences and you will then experience it to be a ladder of progress. You have to move ahead even more through this because service means a gathering from where you experience blessings from all souls. Service is the means to receive blessings from everyone. If you look at it with this method and with this attitude, you will experience yourself to be moving forward as an authority of experience. Do not consider an obstacle to be an obstacle and do not consider the soul who has been instrumental for the obstacle to be a soul who brings obstacles, but consider that soul to be your teacher to make you experienced. Since you say that the one who defames you is your friend, then the one who makes you pass through obstacles and makes you experienced is your teacher, is he not? He taught you a lesson, did he not? Nowadays, you have doctors who make you do exercises to remove illnesses. Initially, it hurts you to do those exercises but that pain makes you free from pain for all time. However, those who do not understand this, cry out in pain saying that they are being given even more pain, even though merged in that pain is the cure. In the same way, the form may be that of an obstacle, and that soul may appear to be a soul who brings obstacles, but that soul becomes instrumental to make you overcome obstacles and makes you unshakeable for all time. That is why a soul who is free from obstacles is said to be a true server. Those who have such an elevated line are called true servers.
To have a constantly clean intellect, a clean attitude and to perform pure actions is the easy method for success in service. Before you begin any service, first of all check: If there is the slightness awareness of anything of something of the past, instead of cleanliness, then your way of seeing and speaking to that soul will be with that attitude and vision. You will then be unable to achieve the complete success that you would have done by doing service with cleanliness. To finish all the things of the past and all the different attitudes is cleanliness. Even to think about the past is a slight sin to some percentage. Even thoughts create a world, and to speak about something is an even greater thing, for, even by just having those thoughts, the awareness of those old thoughts makes the world and the atmosphere like that. You then say, "Whatever I said happened, did it not?" But why did it happen? Your weak and wasteful thoughts created this world of a wasteful atmosphere. Therefore, a true server is one who finishes even the old vibrations. Scientists destroy weapons with weapons and they use an aeroplane to make another one fall. When they battle, they finish one another off completely. So, your pure vibrations can make pure vibrations emerge and finish wasteful vibrations. Thoughts can finish other thoughts. If your thoughts are powerful, then powerful thoughts will definitely finish wasteful thoughts. Do you understand? You first of all need cleanliness, that is, the power of purity, in service. Baba is seeing these three lines sparkling.
You have also heard many specialities of service. The essence of all of that is that the basis of success is to serve with an altruistic stage free from sinful thoughts. It is with this type of service that you yourself remain content and cheerful and others remain content as well. There cannot be a gathering without service. In a gathering there have to be different situations, different ideas, different methods, facilities etc. Nevertheless, while the situations come, while hearing of the different methods, you yourself have to remain one who enables many others to be combined in remembrance of One and have a constant and stable stage. Never become confused by the diversity: What should I do now because there are now many ideas? Whom should I accept and whom should I not accept? If you take a decision whilst being altruistic and without any other thoughts, no one will have any waste thoughts, because no one can stay without service nor can anyone stay without remembrance. Therefore, continue to increase service. Also continue to make yourself move forward with love, cooperation and altruistic feelings. Do you understand?
BapDada is pleased that everyone in this land and abroad, young and old, have all given the proof of service with zeal and enthusiasm. The project of the service abroad has also now been accomplished successfully and in this land, too, all the tasks have now been completed successfully with everyone's cooperation. BapDada is pleased to see the love that you children have for service. Everyone's aim of revealing the Father has been good, and you have shown the visible fruit by transforming labour into love for the Father. All you children have come here as instruments for special service. BapDada is also singing your praise: Wah, children, wah! All of you have done very well. It isn't that some have done something and others haven't. Whether they are small places or big places, even those at the smaller places haven't done any less. Therefore, with everyone's elevated good wishes and elevated pure feelings, the tasks worked out well and will always work out well. You took a lot of time, you used many thoughts when you made plans, you had those thoughts, did you not? You also used physical energy, you used your wealth, and also the power of the gathering. The sacrificial fire of service was completed successfully with the offerings of all the powers in both places (abroad and this land). The projects went very well. There is no question as to whether you did well or not. They have always been fine and will always be fine. Whether you did the project of the Multimillion Minutes of Peace, or of the Golden Jubilee, both were very beautiful. The methods with which you carried out the projects were also good. In some cases, in order to increase the value of something, it is placed behind a curtain. The curtain increases the value even more and people's curiosity is raised to see what is behind the curtain. This curtain will become the curtain of revelation. You have now prepared the ground. When a seed is sown in the earth, it is hidden underground. The seed is not kept on top, it is kept hidden underground, but it is the flowers and fruit of the hidden seed that become visible. So, you have now sown the seed and the tree will automatically continue to come onto the stage.
You are all dancing in happiness, are you not? You say, "Wah Baba!", but you also say, "Wah service!" Achcha. BapDada has heard all the news.
This service, the service of all the different wings in this land and abroad that has taken place, is a good method of spreading the one sound in all places at the same time. In the future too, whatever programmes you have, do the same type of service everywhere, in this land and abroad, at the same time and then bring the fruit of that service to Madhuban as a group. Because of having the same wave in all places, everyone has zeal and enthusiasm and there is a spiritual race, not competition, between everyone as to who will give the maximum proof of service. So, with this enthusiasm, the name is glorified everywhere. Therefore, make a group of any profession, but let there be attention paid to doing the same type of service in the same way everywhere this year. When those souls see the gathering everywhere, they will feel enthusiastic too and have a chance to move forward. Continue to make plans and move forward in this way. First of all, serve those professions in your own area and have programmes of small gatherings, and prepare the special souls from those smaller gatherings for the bigger gatherings. However, all the centres nearby should work together because some are not able to come here, and so they should be able to take benefit from the programmes that take place there. So, first of all, have small "snehmilans", and then have a programme of a gathering of those from the whole zone, and then let there be the big gathering in Madhuban. Then they will become experienced beforehand and then come up to Madhuban. However, there should be the same topic both abroad and here, for the same profession. There can also be topics which are relevant to two or three different professions. If the topic is broader, then two or three professions can participate in that. So, now prepare three types of samples of the fields of religion, politics and science. Achcha.
To all the souls who have a right to the blessing of purity, to the souls who experience a constantly stable stage and who have a constantly yogi life, to the elevated souls who are true servers at every moment with just the one thought, to the souls who have love for the world and who are world servers, BapDada's love, remembrance and namaste.
Blessing: May you be a fortunate soul and fill your apron from the open treasurestore by knowing the importance of amrit vela.
Draw your line of fortune as long as you want from the Bestower of Blessings and the Bestower of Fortune at amrit vela, because at that time God is full of love in the form of the Innocent Lord. Therefore, become a master and claim your rights. There is no lock and key on the treasures. At that time, simply put aside the excuses of Maya and just have the one thought: Whatever I am, however I am, I am Yours. Surrender your mind and intellect to the Father and be seated on the throne and you will experience all the Father's treasures to be yours.
Slogan: If selfishness is mixed in service, then success too becomes mixed. Therefore, become an altruistic server.
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