09-04-86 Om Shanti Avyakt Bapdada Madhuban
Today the sun and the moon of knowledge are seeing all the stars of the constellation of the earth. All the stars are sparkling. There is variety among the stars - some are stars of knowledge, some are easy yogis, some are bestowers of virtue, some are constant servers. Some are constantly complete and successful at every second - they are the most elevated of all. Others are still only stars of hope. The influence of each kind of star falls on the souls of the world, and on matter.
The stars of success influence everyone with their zeal. The stars of hope sometimes experience love, and sometimes labour, and this influence they exert on others - sometimes love, sometimes labour. However they still move forward, having hopes. Each has a different percentage, a different degree of sparkle, in each of gyan, yoga, virtues , and feelings of service. And so each can ask himself - which variety of star am I ?
This is a unique spiritual constellation. The more powerful you make yourself, the more more influence you have on the souls of the world. The greater the darkness all around, the more clearly the sparkle of the stars is visible. The darkness of lack of attainment will continue to increase, until you spiritual stars experience having a special influence on all. Everyone will see you in your forms of a dot of light, and a body of light, as the angels. They will watch the constellation of this earth, the sparkle of the angels, and will be amazed. They will ask “where does this sparkle and light and beauty come from?”.
At the beginning of establishment, many had visions of Brahma and Krishna, even when sitting far away. This wave of visions spread everywhere - the attention of many was drawn to try and understand. In the same way now, at the end in all different corners, this sparkle of both forms (the dot and the angel) will be visible, and the attention of all will be drawn here. This divine scene is waiting for all of you to become complete. When you experience the angelic stage of consciousness easily, there will be visions of the ones who truly are the angels.
This year has been specially given so you can experience the angelic stage of consciousness. Some children are thinking “should we be liberated from service and just sit in tapasya?”. BapDada is now telling you the accurate significance of service. Feelings of service means constant good wishes for every soul - to have pure elevated desires. Just giving a speech, or explaining to groups, or giving the course to someone, or opening a centre, is not feelings of service. Service means to serve a soul in such a way that they experience some attainment. Tapasya is automatically included in such service. Tapasya means to perform any task with determined thought. True service combines renunciation and tapasya and service. Service without renunciation and tapasya is service in name only, and its fruits are temporary. True service inspires others to have an experience, to link with Baba, and make themselves powerful. The sign of a true server is renunciation, humility and tapasya, that is determination in faith and the intoxication of the one Father. This is what is meant by accurate service. BapDada is asking you to become constant true servers.
If in the name of service you are disturbed, and disturb others, then BapDada asks you to be free from that service. It is better not to serve in that case. The special virtue of service is contentment, either with the self or with those who are in contact, so first become a jewel of contentment, and then come into service. If there is any burden, it is better to remain in solitude, and pay attention to self transformation.
The tapasya that BapDada is talking about is not just a question of sitting in tapasya day and night, though to sit in tapasya is also service, but it is to be a lighthouse and might-house and spread the rays of peace and power. Tapasya is the service of the mind. You are already elevated souls, but tapasya means to be complete with all powers within the self, and to have the determined thought and stage of consiousness of serving the world.
To serve with words isn’t service. It is service through the mind which is accumulated in the account of service. Just as happiness, peace and purity are related, in the same way renunciation, tapasya, and service are related to each other. BapDada is asking you to become the form of tapasya, the form of the powerful server. The drishti of one who is the embodiment of tapasya will do service. The face, which is the embodiment of peace, will also do service. Simply glimpsing one who is an image of tapasya will give attainment.
Feelings of service doesn’t mean opposing the weaknesses of others - it means merging those weaknesses, having tolerance and giving power to others. Hence the term “the power of tolerance”. To tolerate means to fill the self with power and to give power to others. Tolerance is the way to live in everyone’s heart with love. No matter how much opposition there may be - they may be stronger than Ravan - yet still the fruit of tolerance is eternal and sweet, and they will definitely change. Don’t desire anything in return - don’t wish for temporary fruit - have feelings of mercy. This is what is meant by feelings of service.
So be the destroyer of attachment and the embodiment of remembrance - become complete - reach the conclusion in this 18th year. Be like the Father. Achcha.
To the spiritual stars who are constantly sparkling; to the jewels of contentment who spread the wave of contentment; to the powerful souls who influence others through constant and simultaneous renunciation, tapasya, and service; to those who constantly give spiritual feelings to all souls; to the elevated children who are each a seed like the Father, BapDada’s love, remembrance, and namaste for becoming perfect.
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