12-03-84 Om Shanti Avyakt Bapdada Madhuban
Today, BapDada was looking at the contentment, spirituality, and smile of satisfaction of the children from everywhere, who are far away and yet remain close. Contentment is the easy way to spirituality, and cheerfulness is the easy attainment. Those who have contentment are seen to be embodiments of cheerfulness. To have contentment is to be an embodiment of all attainments. Contentment is the easy way to imbibe all specialities. The treasure of contentment automatically attracts all other treasures towards itself. Contentment is the proof of the subject of knowledge. Contentment makes you a carefree emperor. Contentment is the way to remain constantly seated (set) on your seat of selfrespect. Contentment constantly and easily makes you into a great donor, a world benefactor and a bestower of blessings. Contentment liberates you from the spinning of the cycle of “mine and yours” and makes you into a spinner of the discus of selfrealisation. Contentment makes you constantly free from sinful thoughts and enables you to claim a right to the victorious seat of constancy and stability. It enables you to remain stable in the perfect form of having a right to remain constantly seated on BapDada's heartthrone, to wear the tilak of easy remembrance and the crown of the service of world transformation. Contentment is the donation of life in Brahmin life. It is the easy way to progress in Brahmin life. When you are content with yourself and the family, the family is content with you. Whilst living in the midst of any situation, atmosphere or vibration of upheaval, you remain content. Similarly, those who are embodiments of contentment claim a right to the certificate of being an elevated soul and a victorious jewel. You have to claim three certificates.
1) Contentment of the self with the self.
2) Constant contentment of the Father with the self.
3) Contentment of the Brahmin family with the self.
Through this you can make your present and your future elevated. Even now, there is time to claim the certificate. You can claim it, but you don't have too much time. It is late now, but it isn't too late. Even now, you can move forward with the speciality of contentment. Even now, there is a margin for coming last and going fast and coming first. Later, those who come last will remain last. Therefore, today, BapDada was checking this certificate. You can check yourself too. Are you cheerful or are you full of questions? Are you doubleforeigners cheerful and content? If all your questions have ended, you remain cheerful. The time for contentment is the confluence age. It is at this time that you have the knowledge of contentment. There, you will remain beyond the knowledge of being content or discontent. It is the treasure of the confluence age at this time. All contented souls are those who give others the treasures of contentment. You are master bestowers, children of the Bestower. You have accumulated this much, have you not? Have you accumulated a full stock or is there a margin for a little more? If your stock is low, you cannot become a world benefactor. You can only be a benefactor. You have to become equal to the Father. Achcha.
All of you, who have come from this land and abroad, are going back as master almighty authorities, full of all treasures, are you not? Since you have come here, and so you also have to return. The Father comes here and so He also goes back. Children also come here and go back having become full. You go back to make others equal to the Father. You go back to make your Brahmin family grow. You go back to quench the thirst of thirsty souls. This is why you are going back, is it not? You are not going back with your own heart's desire or because of any bondage, but you are going back according to the Father's directions for service for a short time. You are going back with this understanding, are you not? Don't think that you belong to America or Australia etc. No. BapDada has made you instruments for service and sent you there for a short time. BapDada is sending you there; you are not going there from your own desire. You don't say, "My home, my country" etc. No. The Father is sending you to a service place. All of you are always detached and loving to the Father. You don't have any bondage, not even any bondage of service. The Father has sent you and so He knows. You have become instruments and so you are instruments for as long as and for wherever He makes you an instrument. You are double light in this way, are you not? You Pandavas are also loving and detached, are you not? No one here has any bondage. To become detached means to be loving. Achcha.
To those who constantly maintain the spirituality of contentment; to those who remain cheerful and give everyone the power of contentment through their every thought, word and deed; to those who make disheartened souls powerful with the treasures; to the world benefactors, unlimited carefree emperors, BapDada's love, remembrance and namaste.
Avyakt BapDada meeting Dadiji and Dadi Janki:
Your pair of being the holy swans of rup and basant is good. This one (Dadi Janki) prefers mostly to be an embodiment of silence and do service, whereas this one (Dadiji) has to speak. This one goes into solitude whenever she wants. This one prefers to serve through her form (rup). In fact, all of you are allround, but this is the partnership of Rup and Basant. In fact, there is a need for both these sanskars. Where words don't work, the form works, and where the form (rup) doesn't work, then basant (words) will work. Therefore, this is a good partnership/pair. All the pairs that are formed are good. That pair was good and this is also good. (Referring to Didi). She has become an incognito river in the drama. Those from abroad also have a lot of love for her. It doesn't matter. You have seen the other form of Didi. Everyone is so happy to see you. All the Maharathis are together. Brijindra, Nirmalshanta; all are companions even though they are far away. The Shaktis give very good cooperation. Because you all place each of you ahead of the other, you have moved forward. And, because of placing the instrument shaktis ahead, all of you are ahead. This is the reason for the growth of service: it is making one another move forward. There is love for one another and there is unity. To speak constantly of the specialities of others is to make service grow. There has always been growth through this method and there will continue to be growth. To look constantly at the specialities and to teach others how to see specialities is the thread of the rosary of the gathering. Pearls are also threaded together on a thread. This is the thread of the gathering, not speaking about anything except specialities. Because Madhuban is the great land, there is great fortune and great sin too. If someone comes to Madhuban and speaks wasteful words, then that sin is accumulated. Therefore, always wear the spectacles of seeing specialities. You cannot see anything wasteful. For instance, when you wear glasses with a rose tint, you cannot see anything except rose. Similarly, always wear the glasses of seeing specialities. Even if you do see something sometimes, don't speak about it. When you speak about it, you lose your fortune. If there are weaknesses etc., the Father is responsible for that. Who made you instruments? The Father. So to speak about the weaknesses of those who are instruments means to speak of the weaknesses of the Father. Therefore, no one can say anything except something with good wishes for them.
BapDada sees you jewels as even more elevated than Himself. You are the decoration of the Father. So, the children who decorate the Father are even greater than He. BapDada is pleased and sings praise of the children. Wah, My Soandso jewel! Wah, My Soandso jewel! He continues to sing this praise. The Father never looks at anyone's weaknesses. Even when He gives a signal, He gives that signal with regard according to your speciality. Although the Father has the authority, He always gives a signal with that regard. This speciality of the Father’s should always remain emerged in the children. You have to follow the Father, do you not?
All the main senior sisters (Dadis) are sitting in front of BapDada:
The praise of Janak who was liberated in life is your memorial, is it not? There are the two titles: Liberatedinlife and Videhi (bodiless) (for Dadi). This one is a jewel anyway. The jewel of contentment, the jewel of the forehead, the jewel of success, so many jewels! All are jewels and nothing but jewels. No matter how much you try to hide the sparkle of jewels, it cannot remain hidden. It will sparkle even in mud. It will work like a light. This is why that is your name and that is the work you do. This one also has those virtues: free from the body and liberatedinlife. You always stay in the depth of the experience of happiness in life. This is called being liberatedinlife. Achcha.
Blessing: May you be worthy of receiving blessings from everyone and, as a master bestower, continue to distribute treasures of happiness.
At present, everyone needs imperishable happiness. All are beggars of happiness and you are the children of the Bestower. The duty of you children of the Bestower is to give. Continue to give happiness to whomsoever comes into relationship or contact with you. Remain so full that no one goes back empty. At every moment, check whether you are giving something as a master bestower or whether you are just happy with yourself? The more you give to others, the more worthy of receiving blessings you will become and these blessings will make you into an easy effort maker.
Slogan: Remember the attainments of the confluence age and you will not remember things of sorrow or distress.
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