22-01-84 Om Shanti Avyakt Bapdada Madhuban
The method to become a wellknown server.
Today, BapDada is seeing the Deepmala (rosary of lights) of the lamps that are lit and stable and is seeing how each of you ignited lamps is unshakeable, free from obstacles and giving light to the world with your own light. This light of the lamps is the light that will awaken souls. You have awakened in order to remove the wall of ignorance that is in front of all souls of the world, and are awakening others. Because of darkness, those who have been stumbling around in many different ways are looking with a lot of love at you lamps who have awakened, in order to fulfil their desire and need for light. Give the light of knowledge to souls who are wandering in darkness so that the lamps in every home become ignited. (The lights went out.) Even now, do you like this darkness? You love light, do you not? So, similarly, forge a connection with the Father. Give them knowledge of how to forge a connection.
All of you double foreigners have been refreshed, that is, you have become powerful, a lighthouse, a mighthouse, knowledgefull, powerful and successful and are going to your own service places in order to come back again. To go means to play the part of being an embodiment of success and to come back having multiplied many times from one. You are going in order to bring all the other souls of your family to the Father's home. Just as soldiers engaged in a limited battle, soldiers with physical strength and the power of science go onto a battlefield having adorned themselves with all weapons, to claim a medal of victory, in the same way, all of you spiritual warriors are going onto the field of service in order to hoist the flag of victory. The more victorious you become, the more medals of victory of love, co operation, closeness and perfection you receive from the Father. Therefore, now check how many medals you have received so far. Whatever specialities there are or titles that have been given, how many of those medals have you adopted? You have made a list of special titles, have you not? Keep that list in front of you and check yourself as to whether you have received all of those medals. As yet, you have made a very short list. There should be at least 108. Then, seeing so many medals of yours, keep yourself intoxicated. You are decorated with so many medals. To go means to carry out a special task and to continue to receive the newest medals. You receive a medal according to the task you carry out. So, this year, all the children who are instruments for service have to have the aim of carrying out a special new task which up to now has still been hidden in the drama, but is fixed. Now reveal that task. In the world outside, when you carry out a special task, you become very wellknown. As well as being known for your speciality everywhere, you also become known as a special soul. In the same way, each of you should think that you have to carry out a special task; that you have to receive a medal of victory. Amidst the Brahmin family become wellknown in the list of special servers. Stay in spiritual intoxication, not in the intoxication of your name. With spiritual intoxication of service, become wellknown with the certificate of being a humble instrument.
Today, it is a congratulations ceremony for the doubleforeigners’ group who have become victorious and are going to their place of victory. When anyone goes to a place of victory, they go in great splendour, with bands playing in happiness, and are congratulated with the tilak of victory. It is not farewell (vidaai), but congratulations (badhaai) because BapDada and the family know that victory is guaranteed for such servers. This is why you are celebrating the congratulations ceremony. Victory is already guaranteed, is it not? Simply become an instrument and repeat that because by doing it, you will do it as an instrument and receive the reward of it. The action is just in namesake and its visible fruit is guaranteed. You are going with the zeal and enthusiasm of this faith, to make others claim their right and bring them here. You have the unending treasure of rights, and, as great donors, are going to donate them and perform charity. Now we shall see whether the Pandavas or the Shaktis are going ahead. Whoever carries out a special new task will receive a medal. Either you can make souls for such special service emerge, or, you can enable the service place to grow more. Or, you can demonstrate by carrying out a special plan that spreads your name everywhere. Or, you may prepare such a big group and bring it in front of BapDada. Those who do any of these types of special service will receive a medal of victory. Those who carry out such special tasks also receive full cooperation. Others will themselves offer you a ticket. When all of you went out on service in the beginning, you used to serve and travel firstclass. Now, however, you buy your own tickets and you travel second or third class. Now do service of such a Company (organisation) and everything will become possible. Servers receive all facilities. Do you understand? All of you have become content and are going back victorious, are you not? You are not taking back with you any type of weakness, are you? You have sacrificed weaknesses and are going back having become powerful souls, are you not? There aren't any weaknesses remaining, are there? If anything is left, then make special time to end it and then go from here. Achcha.
To such constantly unshakeable ignited lamps who always end darkness with the light of knowledge; to those who always play a special part with the speciality of service; to those who attain all medals that are received from the Father; to those who constantly have faith that victory is guaranteed; to such souls who have the imperishable tilak of victory; to those who are always full of all attainments; to the content souls, BapDada's, love, remembrance and namaste.
BapDada meeting Jagdishbhai:
The jewels who have been sustained with sakar sustenance from BapDada are valued. In the world too, there is nothing like fruit that is ripened on the tree. Today, everyone looks at such experienced souls with so much love. You attained a blessing in your first meeting. Sustenance means you have grown with blessings. This is why the sound of your experience of sustenance will always continue to inspire the sustenance of many other souls. You will continue to inspire others to flow with the waves of the experience of the different relationships with the Ocean. At the beginning, at the time of economy, you became an instrument for service. Because of being an instrument at the time of economy, the fruit of service is always elevated. You became cooperative at the right time and this is why you received blessings. Achcha.
BapDada speaking for the conference:
When all of you together carry out a task with unified zeal and enthusiasm, you easily receive success in that. Because the task is being carried out with everyone's enthusiasm, it will definitely be successful. To unite everyone is also a sign of greatness. When everyone is united, other souls are also able to come closer to celebrate a meeting. To unite the thoughts of hearts means to enable many souls to celebrate a meeting. You are doing everything with this aim and will continue to do so. Achcha. Are all foreigners all right? Are you content? All of you have now grown up. You are now those who look after everything. Previously, you were still young and so you used to play games of mischief, whereas you have now become those who look after others. It isn't that you need someone to look after you. Now, you are not those who take effort, but those who make effort on others. You are not those who complain, but complete. You don't have any complaints now, nor will you have any complaints later. It is like this, is it not? Always give news of happiness. For those who haven't come, make them into conquerors of Maya. Then, they won't have to write many letters. Simply, I am OK. You may write good things, but in short. Achcha.
Speaking to the teachers:
BapDada has special love for teachers because you are equal. The Father is the Teacher and you are master teachers. In any case, those who are equal are loved very much. You are moving forward in service with very good zeal and enthusiasm. All of you are rulers of the globe. You toured around and came into relationship with many souls and are carrying out the task of bringing many souls close. BapDada is pleased. You feel that BapDada is pleased with you, do you not? Or, do you feel that you still have to do a little more? He is pleased, but you have to please Him a little more. You are working very hard. You work hard with love and this is why it doesn't feel like hard work. BapDada always says that serviceable children are the crown on the head. You are the crowns on the head. Seeing the zeal and enthusiasm of the children, BapDada gives further cooperation to increase the zeal and enthusiasm. One step of the children and multimillion steps of the Father. Where there is courage, there is automatically attainment of enthusiasm. When you have courage, you receive the Father's help. This is why you are carefree emperors. Continue to serve and you will continue to receive success. Achcha.
Blessing: Be a spiritual social worker and at the time of upheaval, may you be a true server who gives courage to overcome adverse situations.
Now, from time to time, upheaval in the world is going to increase. Whilst hearing news of peacelessness and violence, you spiritual social workers especially have to remain alert and with your powerful vibrations fill everyone with the courage of peace and the power of tolerance. Be a lighthouse and give everyone the light of peace. Now fulfil this duty of yours with intensity through which souls will receive spiritual comfort. Help those who are burning in the fire of sorrow experience being filled with cool water.
Slogan: In order to receive everyone's respect, become humble.
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