18-04-82 Om Shanti Avyakt Bapdada Madhuban
Maintain the honour of the highest-on-high Brahmin clan.
Today, BapDada, is seeing all the elevated souls who have total love for Baba and the pure desire to have a meeting with Him. It is only at this time that BapDada has to give children the practical fruit of their pure desire to have a meeting with Him. One cannot receive the fruit of a direct personal meeting as a fruit of the pure devotion. However, once there is the recognition, that is, once the relationship between Father and child is forged on the basis of knowledge, then on the basis of that relationship, on the basis of their right, the Father has to give the children who are the embodiment of knowledge the fruit of their good wishes, their pure feelings filled with knowledge and their pure desire to have a meeting. Today, BapDada has come amongst you children in order to meet you souls who desire to meet the Father on the basis of being knowledge-full. Many Brahmin souls consider themselves to be weak in becoming brave soldiers (mahavirs), in becoming those who are the embodiment of power and who become victorious and have that much courage in themselves. However, because of one speciality they do come into the list of special souls. What is that speciality? It is that they like the Father and that they also like this elevated life. The selfless love in the gathering of the Brahmin family attracts the mind. The speciality is that they have found Baba, the family, the destination of purity and the easy support to create an elevated life. On this basis, they are continuing to move along with the pure desire to have a meeting and with the support of love, because it is on the basis of Brahmins becoming deities that they definitely claim a right to a deity status. The golden age is called the age of deities. No matter whether someone is a king or a subject, the religion is still the deity religion, because when the highest-on-high Father makes you His child, every child of His claims a right to his inheritance of heaven, his right to become a deity as his birthright. To become a Brahma Kumar or Brahma Kumari means to have the special imperishable stamp of claiming a right to the inheritance of heaven. Out of everyone in the whole world, only a few souls emerge who claim such a right. This is why you mustn't consider your becoming a Brahma Kumar or Kumari to be something ordinary. To become a Brahma Kumar or Kumari is in itself a speciality and because of this speciality you come into the list of special souls. This is why to become a Brahma Kumar or Kumari means to belong to the Brahmin world and the Brahmin family. If after becoming a Brahma Kumar or Kumari, there is any ordinary activity, then not only would you cause a loss to yourself, but, because you are not Brahma Kumars and Kumaris alone by yourselves, but are members of the Brahmin family, so you would therefore also accumulate the burden of defaming the Brahmin family. It is the duty of every Brahmin to maintain the honour of the Brahmin world. You pay so much attention to fulfilling the worldly code of conduct. Sometimes, even the worldly code of conduct deprives you of becoming multimillionaires. You yourselves have this experience and you say that you want to do this very much, but that you also have to fulfil your responsibility to people. You say this, do you not? Therefore, you know very well how that world deprives you of the attainment of many births, how it makes your present diamond-like life into the life of a worthless shell, and yet in spite of that you pay so much attention to giving your time and energy to fulfilling the responsibility of that worldly code of conduct. So, does this Brahmin code of conduct not have any importance? In fulfilling the responsibility to that world, you let go of your religion, that is, what you have imbibed, and the elevated action of remembrance; you let go of both your dharma and karma. Sometimes you let go of the precaution of having a special attitude, which means you let go of your religion. Sometimes you let go of the religion of having pure vision. Sometimes you let go of the religion of eating pure food. Then you make up many stories in order to justify yourself. What do you then say? That you have to do that. A slight weakness makes you renounce your religion and action for all time. Even in the physical family, what is someone who renounces his religion and action considered to be? Do you know that? This is not the religion and action of an ordinary family! This is the Brahmin family of the top-knot. So, of which world and clan are you going to fulfil the responsibility? You even confess very good things: I didn't want to do that, but I did it to please someone! Is it possible that non-knowledgeable souls can remain permanently happy? You renounce your elevated action and religion because of souls who sometimes remain happy and sometimes become upset. Those who don't have this religion don't belong to the Brahmin world. You pleased a few souls, but you also disobeyed the directions of the Almighty Father! So what did you attain and what did you lose? The world that is already finished! The firewood for the funeral pyre has been collected from everywhere with great force. Firewood means the preparations. The more you think that you will take away these sticks and finish all the preparations, the higher the stack of firewood becomes. When you burn a fire at holika then, together with the adults, even little children go and fetch firewood. They even fetch firewood from their own home because they have that interest. Therefore, nowadays, even small towns are co-operating with great interest. So, in order to observe the codes of conduct of such a world, you forget the codes of conduct of your imperishable world of Brahmins who are to become deities! You perform such wonders! Is this fulfilling your responsibility or is it losing? Therefore, keep the codes of conduct of the Brahmin world in your awareness.
Some children are very clever: they want to observe the code of conduct of the old world, but also want to become elevated in the Brahmin world. BapDada says: You may fulfil your responsibility of the code of conduct of your worldly family; you are not forbidden to do that. However, to fulfil that by letting go of your religion and action is wrong. And what cleverness do you show? You think that no one is going to know, that the Father Himself says that He is not Janijananhar (One who knows everything), that what do the instrument souls know? This continues all the time! And you move along in this way and even come to Madhuban! You give a little co-operation and on the basis of that co-operation you even buy yourself a very good title of becoming a server. However, you then lose your elevated title for every birth, the imperishable title of being complete with all virtues, sixteen celestial degrees complete, completely viceless. Therefore this is not giving co-operation, but taking the burden of the deceit of being one thing inside and something else outside. Instead of being a co-operative soul, you become one who carries a burden. No matter how much you make yourself move along (chalana) with that cleverness, that is not making yourself move along, but crying out (chilana). Don’t think that this centre is a place of the instrument souls. You may fool souls but, in front of God, a hundred thousand-fold is definitely accumulated for every action in the account of every soul. You cannot fool yourself in this account. This is why BapDada feels mercy for such clever children. Nevertheless, because once you have said “Father” He constantly continues to give you teachings for your benefit. Constantly fulfil the code of conduct of the Brahmin world.
BapDada is beyond every action and its fruit. At this time even Brahma Baba has this stage. Later he will have karmic accounts, but at this time he is equal to the Father. This is why whatever each one of you does, you do that for yourself. The Father is the Bestower. Since you yourself do everything and you receive the fruit of that, then what should you do? Seeing the variety of games of the children from the subtle region, BapDada smiles. Achcha.
To those who are the lamps of the Brahmin clan, to those who are loving and co-operative with true love; to those who attain elevated fruit for all time, to the loving souls who sacrifice all the temporary attainments out of true love for the true Father, to the elevated souls, BapDada’s love, remembrance and namaste.
Become a karma yogi and experience the stage of being free from the bondage of karma.
Whilst performing every action, do you experience yourselves to be loving and detached souls who are beyond the bondage of karma and loving to the Father? Those who perform every action as a karma yogi never have any bondage of karma. They constantly remain free from bondage and accurately linked in yoga. A karma yogi never comes under the influence of the good or bad actions of anyone. It should not be that when you come into connection with someone who performs good actions you become happy, and that when you come into connection with someone who doesn’t perform good actions, you become angry or you become jealous or dislike them. That too is a bondage of karma. No matter what others souls who come in front of a karma yogi are like, such a soul will always remain loving and detached. Through knowledge you would know that that is his part at present. To dislike someone who dislikes everything is also a bondage of karma. Those who have such bondage of karma cannot remain constant. They will sometimes experience one thing and sometimes experience something else at other times. Therefore, become a detached observer and see those who are good whilst considering them to be good, and be merciful and, as a detached observer, see those who are bad with the mercy and good wishes of wanting to transform them. This is known as being beyond the bondage of karma. The meaning of knowledge is understanding. So what is it the understanding of? The understanding of being free from the bondage of karma is knowledge. A knowledgeable soul will never be under the influence of any bondage. He will always be detached. It should not be that sometimes you are detached and sometimes you are affected a little by others. Keep the aim of constantly being a conqueror of sinful actions. You have to become a conqueror of the bondage of karma. By practising this over a long period of time, you will be able to receive a reward for a long period of time. And you will also have very unique experiences now. Therefore, become constantly detached and constantly loving. This is the stage of being free from the bondage of karma, equal to the Father.
BapDada speaking to the senior sisters:
What group would you call this group? In the beginning you all had your own names, so what name should you be given now? Those who constantly stay in the company of the Father and who are constantly the Father's right hands. This is such a group, is it not? How can BapDada carry out such a huge task of establishment without arms? Therefore, you are the special arms for the task of establishment. The right hands are the special arms. BapDada always calls the original jewels real gold. All of you original jewels are playing a special part on the world stage. BapDada is pleased to see the special part of every special soul. There is a variety of roles of everyone. They cannot all be the same. However, this much is certain, that the original jewels have a special part according to the drama. Each of you jewels has a particular speciality, on the basis of which you are moving forward and will constantly continue to do so. You yourselves as well as others know what that speciality is. Nevertheless, all of you are special souls full of specialities.
BapDada gives a hundred thousand-fold congratulations to such original jewels because, from the beginning, you have tolerated so much being instruments to bring growth in the task of establishment of the corporeal form. The seed of your power of tolerance has created this fruit. Therefore, from the beginning, through the middle till the end, BapDada sees what each of you has tolerated and how you have shown your form of a Shakti. You have tolerated everything as a game. You didn't tolerate anything as though you were tolerating anything, but you became instruments to play your part of tolerating everything as a game, and thereby recorded a hero part for yourself. This is why the part of the original jewels becoming instruments is always in front of BapDada. As a result of this, all of you souls are always immortal. Do you understand your part? No matter how far ahead someone goes, even then, BapDada knows the value of old things. Do you understand? Achcha.
Question: In which task should Brahmin children of the confluence age constantly remain engaged?
Answer: You have to become powerful and make others powerful too. Remain constantly engaged in this task because you have wasted a lot of time for half the cycle. Now the time is to become powerful and make others the same. Therefore, now finish all wasteful thoughts, wasteful words, wasteful actions; full-stop! The old accounts book is finished. The method to accumulate is to remain constantly powerful because through wastage there is a loss of time, energy and knowledge.
Blessing: May you be a self-transformer and thereby a world-transformer who finishes any difference between thinking and doing.
Speed up the machinery of transforming sanskars, nature, words and connections that are not accurate but wasteful. When you do something the moment you think it, the machinery of world transformation works fast. There is still now a difference seen between the thinking and the doing in souls who are instruments for establishment. Now finish this difference. Only then will you be able to become self-transformers who are world transformers.
Slogan: The luckiest of all are those who have attained the gift of experience in life.
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