20-01-82 Om Shanti Avyakt Bapdada Madhuban
The way to fulfil the responsibility of love is to sing and dance.
Today, the Flame has come into the spiritual gathering of His moths. This spiritual gathering is so alokik and elevated. The Flame is eternal, the moths are eternal and the love between the Flame and the moths is eternal. No one except the Flame and the moths can know this spiritual love. Those who know this love have fulfilled the responsibility of love and have attained everything. To fulfil the responsibility of love means to attain everything. Someone who doesn’t know how to fulfil the responsibility of love doesn’t know how to attain anything. Those who have experienced this love know how easy it is to fulfil the responsibility of love. Do you know what the responsibility of love is? It is simply to do two things. That too is so easy, and all of you know it and all of you can do it. Those two things are to sing and to dance. You are all experienced in this, are you not? All of you like to sing and dance, do you not? So what else do you have to do here? You start singing songs from amrit vela onwards. In your daily timetable, you wake up to a song. Therefore, sing the songs of praise of the Father and your elevated life. Sing songs of knowledge. Sing songs of all attainments. Do you not know how to sing these songs? You do know them, do you not? Therefore, sing these songs and dance in happiness. Perform every action whilst dancing in happiness. Physical dancing is performed with the whole body. That becomes like drill. You dance in different poses. Similarly, in dancing in happiness you have poses of different actions. Sometimes, you perform actions with your hands, sometimes you perform actions with your feet. Therefore, whilst you are performing actions, you are in fact dancing in different poses. Sometimes you dance with your hands and sometimes you make your feet dance. Therefore, to become a karma yogi means to dance in different types of happiness. BapDada, the Flame, likes the moths who know how to sing and dance. This is the responsibility of love. So, this is not difficult, is it? What do you think? Is it easy or difficult? Now, in Madhuban, you are saying that it is easy. Later, when you return home, will you say it is easy? You won’t change when you leave, will you? (It is easy here and we will be busy when we return home.) However, you will remain busy in this singing and dancing, will you not? Use your ears constantly to continue to listen to this sweet music, because, together with singing and dancing, you also need music. To what music will you continue to listen? (Murli). The essence that BapDada gives in every murli is in the form of love and remembrance when He says, “Sweet children, beloved children, long-lost, now-found children”. Constantly continue to listen to this music of the Father’s love with your ears. Then, even though you hear other things, you won’t understand them, that is, they won’t enter your intellect. Since you’ll be busy in listening to this one music, how would you be able to hear any other music? In the same way, if you are constantly busy in singing songs, your mouth won’t have time to say anything wasteful. If you constantly continue to dance with the Father in happiness then no third person will be able to disturb you. No one can come between the two. You have already become conquerors of Maya, have you not? You don’t listen to anything else, you don’t speak anything else, so Maya doesn’t come. Therefore, what is the responsibility of love? To sing and dance. When you become tired of these two things, then the third thing is to go to sleep. What does “sleeping” mean here? To sleep means to become detached from performing actions. Therefore, become detached from your physical senses. To become bodiless means to go to sleep. Remembrance is BapDada’s lap. So when you become tired, become bodiless and become lost in the remembrance of the bodiless Father, that is, you go to sleep! When you sing and dance a great deal with your body you become tired, and so are able to go to sleep quickly. In the same way, by singing these spiritual songs and dancing in happiness, you will go to sleep and become lost in love. Therefore, do you understand what you have to do throughout the day? You double foreigners are very interested in these things. So, whatever you have a keen interest in, you just do that. You even sleep with keen interest! Therefore, you know how to do all three things. Therefore, do you all understand the easy way to fulfil the responsibility of love?
Achcha. Now you double foreigners have to leave one word behind. What is that? (everyone suggested something: Unhappiness, tiredness.) Achcha. This proves that you still have whatever you are saying. Achcha! To speak of it means to renounce it. Therefore, never say the one word, “Depression, depression.” It should be realisation, not depression. It is those who divorce the Father that become depressed. You are constant companions of the Father. So, the word, “Depression” doesn’t suit you. You have had self-realisation, so how can there be depression? Do you understand? Yes, when the copper age ends and the iron age begins, you may become depressed. Reject it for this length of time. Achcha.
To those who bring about eternal transformation in the land of transformation; to those who constantly fulfil the responsibility of love; to the moths who are loved by the Flame; to those who constantly sing spiritual songs and who dance in happiness and go to sleep in the Father’s lap whenever they want; to such long-lost, and now-found beloved children, BapDada’s love, remembrance and namaste.
Avyakt BapDada meeting teachers from abroad:
All of you have given the proof of service, according to your capacity, and will continue to give it. To be a server means to be someone who plays a part on the world stage at every second, in every breath and with every thought. Therefore, constantly continue to move along whilst considering yourselves to be elevated souls who are playing a hero part on the world stage. You have received this chance in the drama. When you become instrumental for others, you automatically also have to pay attention to those things. Therefore, constantly consider yourselves to be BapDada’s companions who are present on service. Continue to perform every action whilst maintaining this awareness. You will then constantly continue to make progress and also enable others to make progress. You have kept your courage very well. You are also receiving the Father’s help and will continue to receive it. To become an instrument teacher and a spiritual server means to follow the father. This is why you are equal to the Father and the long-lost and now-found beloved children of the Father. BapDada is pleased to see the servers. All of you constantly move along in humility whilst considering yourselves to be instruments. The more humility you have, the more you consider yourself to be an instrument, the more service will grow. Never have such ego as, “I did this! I am a teacher!” Instead of serving, this is called the basis of the stage of stopping service. Whilst you are moving along, sometimes service decreases or becomes slack. The main reason for this is that instead of being an instrument there is the consciousness of “I”. Service becomes slack because of this. Then your happiness and intoxication is lost. Therefore, never allow yourself to become distant from this awareness and do not deprive others from receiving their inheritance from the Father. Secondly, always remember the slogan: You have to transform a soul from any family with self-transformation, and also transform the world. There should be special attention paid to self-transformation, then service will grow automatically. You now understand the reason for service decreasing and the reason for service growing. Therefore, you will constantly continue to progress in happiness and also bring others into this happiness. Do you understand? Then you will come into the line of the foremost worthy teachers and foremost servers. So, all of you double foreigners are number-one teachers, are you not? You work very hard and you also have deep love. You have also brought the proof of that. Each one of you children is a server, you are a teacher. Whether you are living at a centre or anywhere else, you are servers, because the occupation of Brahmins is to serve. Some of you have received one part in service, others have received another part in service. Some have to do the service of bringing souls here, some have to do the service of relating knowledge; some of preparing bhog and others of offering bhog. All of you are servers. BapDada considers all of you to be servers.
BapDada was told about the plans that had been made for the International Conference.
Congratulations for the hard work you have put in preparing those plans! You have used your intellect and have thus accumulated an income. So, you didn’t have a meeting but accumulated an income. Constantly remain free from obstacles, destroyers of obstacles, content and make others content! Constantly continue to claim this certificate. To claim this certificate means to be seated on the heart-throne. Always have the aim of being content and making others content. Keep a balance of both. Achcha. Put into practice all the plans you have made. Come back with a gathering of VIPs.
Blessing: Remain double-light, and by having the awareness of being an instrument may you close the gate to Maya.
Those who move along whilst constantly considering themselves to be an instrument, automatically experience the double-light stage. By remaining aware that Karankaravanhar is making you do everything and that you are just an instrument, there is success. To have the consciousness of “I” means to open the gate to Maya. To consider yourself to be an instrument means to close the gate to Maya. Therefore, by considering yourself to be an instrument, you become a conqueror of Maya and you also become double-light. Together with this, you definitely do receive success. This awareness becomes the basis of claiming number one.
Slogan: Tie the safety strap of determination thoughts and you will never become upset with your seat.
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