06-11-81 Om Shanti Avyakt Bapdada Madhuban
The special fruit of this special age.
Today, the WorldBenefactor Father is seeing His children who are the images of support for the task of world benefit. You images of support are the special souls for the transformation of the world. BapDada always sees such special souls with special vision. The speciality of every special soul is always very clearly in front of BapDada. Each one of you children is a great and a pure soul. To be amongst the most elevated of human beings means to be a deity soul. You are the souls who are instruments for world transformation. Does each of you consider yourself to be this as you move along? Do you realise what you were and what you have become? Are you constantly aware of this great contrast? Your understanding of this contrast automatically makes you become an embodiment of the great mantra. Do you experience this? Just as every child in front of the Father has the form of a great soul, in the same way, do you also always keep in front of you your own speciality and the specialities of others? Do you constantly only see the lotus that rests above the dirty water? Or, do you see both the dirty water and the lotus? The confluence age is the special age and you special souls are playing a special part in this special age because you cooperate with the Father. What is the task of you special souls? You have to engage yourself in this special task by using your own speciality. It is not simply to speak of your speciality whether in your thoughts or words, but to demonstrate in practice your speciality by using it for the particular task. The more you use your speciality in your thoughts, words and actions, the more it will increase. To use it for service means to enable one seed to bear a great deal of fruit. Examine yourself to see whether the speciality that you have been given as your birthright by the Father for this elevated life, is still being kept in its seed form or whether you have sown that seed in the field of service and made it grow. This means, have you experienced your own form or the form of success in service? BapDada has drawn the line of fortune of the speciality of each of you children from your moment of birth. Your star of the fortune of your speciality has been sparkling on the forehead of each of you children from your birth. None of you children is deprived of this fortune. All of you have come with your fortune awakened. So then, why is there a difference? You have been told that some of you make this seed of your blessing, this seed of your fortune, this seed of your birthright grow, whereas others, because of not using that seed, make it powerless. If you do not sow the seed when you should at the right time, then that seed can no longer remain fruitful. What do some of you then do? They sow the seed in the field of service, but they keep looking at the tree before it bears fruit and become happy by just thinking that they have used the seed. What then is the result of that? The tree grows; the trunk, the branches and stems emerge, and keep growing. However, it doesn't bear any fruit. The tree becomes very beautiful to look at, but it doesn't bear any fruit. In other words, the speciality you souls received as your birthright is unable to give you the fruit of success, nor is it able to make other souls into embodiments of success. The most elevated fruit of the seed of a speciality is contentment. This is why, even today, devotees worship the goddess of contentment the most. So, to remain content and make others content is the special fruit of this special age.
Some children do not become fruitful in this way. They do make the tree grow, that is, there will be expansion in service. However, what use is a tree that doesn’t give the fruit of contentment? Therefore, you must water the seed of your speciality and blessing with the all the powers, and it will become fruitful. Otherwise, even a fully grown tree will be shaken by storms so that sometimes one branch and then another will continue to break off it. What would be the result of that? It would be a tree, but it would be a completely driedup tree. It would be a driedup tree that has no greenery. There would be no hope of making progress or of having enthusiasm, happiness or spiritual intoxication. There is so much difference between a tree with no greenery and a fully grown tree laden with fruit. Which tree would you prefer? This is why BapDada has given every child the powerful seed of the blessing of a speciality. Simply make it fruitful by using it in the right way. This is a matter of your own speciality. However, you must also constantly remain in contact with the special souls because to be in the Brahmin family means to be in the family of special souls. Therefore, whilst remaining in contact with the family, see each one’s speciality. Imbibe the vision of seeing specialities. This means, put on your speciality spectacles. Nowadays, there is the fashion and also the need to wear spectacles. Therefore, wear spectacles with which you can only see specialities and you will not see anything else. Anything green you look at with spectacles created through science would appear to be red. Similarly, use your speciality vision, and you will only see specialities. You will not see dirty water but only see the lotus flower. Then, when everyone’s speciality is being used, you will become instruments for the special task of world transformation. Therefore, first use your own speciality and make it grow and let it become fruitful. Second, see everyone's speciality. Third, use everyone’s speciality. Fourth, you special souls of this special age must always have special thoughts, speak special words and perform special actions. What will you become then? You will have special time for this. Otherwise, what happens is that when you don’t consider yourself to be special, your time is wasted by the obstacles that you yourself have created or by others who come into contact with you. The stories and songs of praise (kirtan) of your own weaknesses and the weaknesses or others are very long. However, what are they? When you don’t see someone's speciality, but become jealous instead, then the story and songs become very long! When you don’t see the speciality, then instead of the play of Lakshmi and Narayan, it becomes the story of Rama. Then, instead of using your time for service, you waste it in this story and songs. You also do something very entertaining. You don’t just sing songs and listen to the story on your own, but you also create a gathering of those who sing these types of songs. This is why you were told that in order to stop wasting your time in these wasteful stories and songs of praise, you must be able to find extra time. Therefore, do you now understand what you must do and what you mustn’t do? In today’s world, when you tell others to attain the fruit of their bhakti and become an easy Raja Yogi, what are they more interested in doing? They are more interested in hearing stories and songs of praise of bhakti, because they consider that to be more entertaining. Similarly, some special souls think that when they occupy themselves in a gathering of the wasteful stories of Rama or in a gathering of those who sing such songs of praise, it is much more entertaining. At such a time, if you tell those souls to stop singing such songs, but to remain in silence instead, they do not listen to you because they have those sanskars. Now, stop these gatherings of those who sing songs of praise. Do you understand? You are sitting in this special group of the gathering of special souls. Here, there are those who sit on both gaddis: One is to enter the kingdom and the other is for the kingdom. One is of receiving the key to the kingdom (Calcutta) and the other is of ruling the kingdom (Delhi). So, both gaddis are here. So, both have specialities. If you don’t receive the key, you can't rule the kingdom. Therefore, do not forget the specialities. Achcha.
To those who constantly see specialities; to those who use their specialities; to those who use this special time for service and eat the instant fruit of service; to those who are constantly contented souls and who use their rays of contentment to make everyone else content; to such special souls, BapDada’s love, remembrance and namaste.
BapDada meetings groups:
Do you know the way to go beyond sound? To become bodiless means to go beyond sound. When you have a body, there is sound. Go beyond the body and there is silence. Have you experienced the greatness of the power of silence? You are establishing the world with the power of silence. With the power of science, destruction takes place, whereas with the power of silence, establishment takes place. Therefore, do you feel that you are establishing the new world with the power of silence? Since we are the instruments for the task of establishment, we can only carry out establishment when we remain in silence. If we ourselves fluctuate, we cannot be successful in the task of establishment. The loveliest thing in the world is peace, which means silence. It is for this peace that large conferences are held. Everyone has the aim of attaining peace. This peace is the loveliest and most powerful thing. You consider peace to be your original religion. Just as you find it easy to come into sound, do you also practise going beyond sound in a second? Have you experienced the power of silence? No matter how peaceless a soul may be, when you stabilise in your form of peace and give him rays of peace, that peaceless soul will become peaceful. To become an embodiment of peace means to give everyone rays of peace. This is your task. Therefore, especially increase your power of peace. Become a bestower of peace for yourself and for others. Devotees remember the deities of peace, do they not? To be a deity means to be one who bestows. Just as the Father is praised as the Bestower of Peace, in the same way, you are the deities of peace. Peace is the greatest donation of all. Where there is peace, there will be everything. Therefore, all of you are deities of peace. Even amidst an atmosphere of peacelessness, you are embodiments of peace who make everyone peaceful. Whatever task BapDada has, that is also your task. BapDada gives peace to peaceless souls. Therefore, children, follow the Father! This is task of you Brahmins. Achcha.
The special duty of Brahmins is to become suns of knowledge and give rays of all powers to the world. Have all of you become world benefactors who give the rays of all powers to the world? You are master suns of knowledge, are you not? What does the sun do? It lights up the world with its rays. So, are all of you master suns of knowledge giving the rays of all powers to the world? For how long throughout the whole day do you do this service? This is the duty of Brahmins; everything else is just for namesake. You have been given your Brahmin birth and Brahmin life to benefit the world. So, are you constantly busy doing this task? Those who remain busy in this task would always be free from obstacles. Obstacles come when your intellect is free. Constantly remain busy and you will remain free from obstacles and you will also be able to destroy the obstacles of others. No obstacles can come to those who are the destroyers of obstacles. Achcha.
The special place for Brahmins at the confluence age is BapDada’s heartthrone.
Do all of you experience yourselves to be seated on BapDada’s heartthrone? You will never find another place as elevated as this. You Brahmins are the most elevated and your elevated place is the heartthrone. This is why the topknot of the Brahmins is said to be the highest of all. Do you have the intoxication of being seated on the heartthrone? You have the crown, the throne and the tilak. So, do you constantly wear your crown, remain seated on the throne and always have your tilak? The imperishable tilak of your constant awareness is constantly on your forehead, is it not? Constantly maintain the intoxication that there is no one like you in the whole cycle. This awareness will constantly keep you intoxicated and dancing in happiness.
The duty of a spiritual server is to be a lighthouse and give everyone light.
Do you constantly consider yourself to be a lighthouse? A lighthouse means a house of light. There should be so much light that you are able to become a lighthouse and constantly give light to the whole world. A lighthouse constantly has light and is therefore able to give light. If a lighthouse doesn’t have light, how could it give light to others? All facilities are available in a house. So, here too, a lighthouse means to have constant light. The occupation of Brahmins is to be a lighthouse and give light. A true spiritual server, a great donor, would be a lighthouse. Children of the Bestower would be bestowers. You aren’t those who simply take, but you also have to give. The more you give, automatically the more you receive will increase. The way to increase what you have is to give.
The confluence age is the time to become full with all blessings.
Do you know the importance of this elevated time and the blessing that this present time has? Out of the whole cycle, which time is blessed? (The confluence age.) So, at this blessed time, have you made yourselves full of all blessings? You also know that the treasurestore of blessings of the Bestower of Blessings is always full and open at this time. Any of you who wants to fill yourselves completely may do so now. So, have you made yourselves this prosperous? Do not just take a few treasures and become content with just that. Since you are going to take, you have to take the full amount, not just a little. Souls who have claimed all rights would not be happy with just a little. Since you are going to become someone you have to become number one. If you are going to take, you have to take the full amount. Therefore, your aim and the qualifications for your aim should be equal.
When you have a balance in everything you do, you will constantly receive blessings from the Father and everyone else. You will then also have a blissful life. Maintain a balance and claim blessings and also give blessings to others. This is the main gift you have to take back with you from Madhuban. This is the refreshment you take here. Achcha.
Blessing: By everyone in the gathering practising to have a constant stage, may you be ever ready and beat the drums of victory.
The drums of victory will beat in the world when all the thoughts of everyone in the gathering come together in just one thought. When everyone becomes stable together in one constant stage within a second, you will be said to be everready. The picture of the fingers pointing in one direction is a symbol of your being united, in having a constant stage and stabilising in one thought within a second. It is with these fingers that the ironaged mountain is lifted. Therefore, everyone in the gathering should practise together stabilising in one stage. Only then will the name of the Shakti Army be glorified throughout the world.
Slogan: Perform every action whilst seated on your trikaldarshi seat and Maya will run away from a distance.
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