18-01-80 Om Shanti Avyakt Bapdada Madhuban
BapDada’s teachings for the children on the Day of Remembrance.
Today, on the day of remembrance, seeing the children as embodiments of remembrance and embodiments of power, BapDada blesses them with the blessing, “May you be constantly powerful.” Just as all of you today naturally have been embodiments of remembrance and lost in the love of One, you belong to the one Father and none other, so, too, may you be constantly easy yogis who are constantly linked in yoga, liberatedinlife and angels.
The chart of you children today was equal to that of the father in being the residents of the subtle region, and having a constantly loving stage. May you be constantly equal to the father and remain constantly loving and detached. On this day of power, the one determined thought all of you children everywhere have of revealing the father is even now still reaching Baba. All of you children, in this land and abroad, are on the stage of service with one thought filled with zeal and enthusiasm. Some are engaged in this through their mind and others through their body. Even here, in front of BapDada, all the faces of the children are filled with zeal and enthusiasm for service. How long does it take for BapDada to tour the world? It takes BapDada just as long to tour the world as the time you take to switch on the inventions of science, such as T.V. and radio, in order to watch or to listen. In that time, BapDada saw what you children at each place were doing. Today, each of you has just the one concern for service. You want the flag of revelation that is at present flying in the heart of each of you to be flying throughout the world. BapDada is residing in the heart of each of you. Your practical efforts are showing how each of you wants to tear your heart open and reveal Baba residing there. The form of each of you at this time is like the memorial of Hanuman. Some of you are shooting the arrows of your elevated thoughts to create that atmosphere in which the Father can be revealed. Some of you are engaged in revealing the Father through the powerful words you speak filled with love through your lips. BapDada saw such scenes of the balance of remembrance and service. Today, your love was fully emerged and your powerful form for service was also emerged. Now constantly maintain this balance of remembrance and service that you had today.
This is the year for every soul to be given their inheritance according to their capacity. It is the year for making all desperate souls content and satisfied according to their capacity. This year you must especially maintain the balance of remembrance and service whilst constantly remaining blissful. As well as this, you must continue to give blessings to all souls. The slogan for this year for the whole gathering is: Become a destroyer of obstacles for yourself and for others. The easy way to do this is to bid farewell to question marks for all time and to accumulate a full stock of all powers by applying a full stop. This year, all of you should constantly be wearing your shining obstacleproof angelic dress. Don’t put on a dress of mud. Constantly remain adorned with your ornaments of all virtues and carry your special weapon of eight powers. Remain constantly a perfect idol holding your weapons of eight powers. Constantly have the foot of your elevated life placed on the seat of the lotus. What else will you do?
Every day at amrit vela, remain combined with the World Benefactor Father in your form of a bestower of blessings for the world. This is the Shakti that bestows blessings upon the world, and Shiva is the Father, the World Benefactor (Shiv and Shakti). With the combined form of Shiva and Shakti, spread the fragrance of vibrations through the power of your mind and your attitude. Nowadays, people spray many different types of physical fragrance such as rose and sandalwood. Similarly, the different types of fragrance of peace, happiness, power, love, and bliss etc. should continue to spread from you. Just as you sprinkle rosewater on everyone, similarly, every day at amrit vela, become like a fountain of many different elevated vibrations, and sprinkle that on all souls. For this, simply press the automatic switch of your thoughts. You know how to do this, do you not? In today’s world, there is much bad odour of impure attitudes. Sprinkle them with your fragrance. Do you understand what you have to do this year?
This year, use all your old and your new ways of doing service with your body, mind, wealth and time etc. and make the final selection of souls who will be worthy of receiving liberation and souls that will be worthy of receiving liberationinlife. Finalise everything by giving souls the message according to what they are worthy of. Now finalise the file of service. Just as an officer (a civil servant) completes and signs every paper in the file and moves on to the next, so, too, all of you servers should stamp every soul as to whether they are souls for liberation or liberationinlife. Apply the final stamp so that their file can be completed. Do you understand what you have to do this year? Speed up the machinery of making this selection. We shall see how long it takes you to prepare the file, and whether it is those from abroad or those from this land who prepare this file first. Apply a stamp on souls for whichever religion they want to go to.
Today, BapDada is giving love and remembrance to all you loving and serviceable children wherever you may be. Today, even though physically you may all be at different places, you are all engaged through your mind in revealing the Father. Therefore, all of you are manmanabhav (constantly linked) with the Father.
To those who remain constantly eternal in their love and service; to those who remain constantly engaged in the Father’s service; to those who fly the flag of revelation; to all you victorious souls, BapDada’s love, remembrance and namaste.
(Today, Dadi Janki is returning to London. BapDada made Dadi sit on the gaddi next to Him and take leave from everyone.) BapDada also respects His specially beloved children. This is why BapDada gives you congratulations (badhai) but does not bid you farewell (bidaai). In any case, you are an intoxicated fakir (wandering holy beggar). Baba tours the world even with the children in the corporeal form. Generally Baba tours the world in a second, but He also tours around doing service with the children in the corporeal form. So you are returning in order to take the Father on a tour of world service, that is, to take Him on a tour of service. Your speciality for this year is “May you be a ruler of the globe.” (Chakravarti, one who tours the whole world). The Father will lead and you will follow Him. You will take the Father on a tour and Baba will take you on a tour.
(Didiji came and sat in front of BapDada): Today, all the children came to the subtle region through their love. However, today, in order to celebrate this Day of Power, the elevated souls who have gone elsewhere to do service also came here. Their hearttoheart conversation was very good. Those souls (in a different costume now) were very pleased to see their wonderful part of world service, and wondering what alokik secret part of world service they are playing through their different body. BapDada was telling this to them. The memorial of River Saraswati, the purifier of the world, is in the form of being an incognito server. The River Ganges and the River Jamuna are well known and can be physically seen. However, the memorial of the service Saraswati did has been symbolised in the form of an incognito river and also in the visible form of the one with the Sitar. In the incognito form, her memorial is symbolised in the form of an incognito river. Both parts are wonderful. From her moment of birth, her part is connected with service. There is a saying, “You take birth where there is victory for you.” This does not refer to victory over a kingdom, but by taking this birth, you experience victory over your vices. It is when you take this birth that you experience victory, not that you take birth where there is victory. A practical part must be played of even the smallest memorial. Now these special servers are waiting for the completion of the time and the completion of the service of the corporeal servers because only when the role of physical service comes to an end can the wonderful part of the exchange (give and take) of the new kingdom begin. The advance group is very powerful, especially the very well known souls within it. These souls are playing their wonderful part of preparing the land for the first birth, the elevated birth, very quickly. Those responsible for destruction are just waiting to press a button. Similarly, the advance party of instrumental souls doing the service of creation through divine birth is just waiting to give a touching, to give a message and bring about revelation. They will reveal this through the love of their relationships. The part of the birth of the first creation is shown in the form of a unique story. Krishna will be first and Radhe will follow later. Radhe will be born after the task of preparing the birthplace and the stage of Krishna has been completed. This is why Krishna is older than Radhe. It is similar to how Jagadamba went on the field of service (outside Madhuban) to prepare the land first and then the father (Brahma) followed. It is similar to how Jagadamba and the special child Vishwa Kishore both faced the opposition. Just as they were the ones who went ahead onto the field of service, so, even now, they have the same sanskars they had for that task, in their different costume. They are both hero actors in the story of the birth of the first creation. They are now having the palaces of the womb prepared. Both of those idols were instruments in everything that happened here too. So, such powerful souls are also needed to prepare those palaces. They made preparations for what was created here, and are now making preparations for all of you, the special eight jewels, there. They are preparing your palaces for you. Only when all the preparations have been made will you souls go there. Therefore, such an elevated task of preparing pure palaces in this impure world has to be carried out and powerful souls are needed to accomplish this powerful task; it cannot be just any soul. They are also asking all of you when you want the palaces to be ready. They are saying that their task can only begin when your part of doing physical service comes to an end; that your end will bring their beginning. First, there has to be the end, then there can be the beginning. So what is the date of the end of your part of service? That date will also be the date for the birth of the kingdom. Did you hear their hearttoheart conversation? In fact, all souls emerged (souls who had gone into a new birth), but even they have their groups.
On seeing the serviceable children, Baba said: You have all made very good plans for service. However, only when you instruments pay special attention will all your plans for service be successful. First, create zeal and enthusiasm in souls by appreciating their specialities. In order to do this, you instruments have to become tireless servers.
Create a spiritual atmosphere at your centre and also those centres with which you are connected. Then there can be easy progress for you and also the new souls that come, because the atmosphere creates the land. Therefore, the atmosphere of the centre should be spiritual. Those who come to the centre come from the complications of their household. They have become tired of their household atmosphere and so they need your extra cooperation. By giving them a spiritual atmosphere, you can help them and make them into easy effortmakers. Just as air conditioning helps to create the right atmosphere so that you feel much more comfortable when you find a warm place in cold weather. In the same way, on the basis of your spirituality, the atmosphere of the centre should be such that they feel they can progress easily there. This is why they come to the centre. As soon as they enter your centre, they should be able to feel the difference between the centre and outside and be easily attracted there.
The speciality of Brahmin family is that whilst there are many, you are united. So the vibrations at every centre should be such that everyone feels that they are not all different but one. These vibrations of unity will create one religion and one kingdom throughout the world in the future. You have to pay special attention to finish any differences and bring about unity amongst you.
In this new year, you have to put three things into practice. Speaking and listening takes place anyway, but this year, put these three things into practice. Be a sevadhari (server), not for yourself but for service. Be one who sacrifices everything you have for service. Sakar Baba also sacrificed his bones for service. Similarly, service should continue to take place through all your physical senses at every moment. Continue to serve through your lips and your eyes; let there be nothing but service. All of you are such serviceable souls, are you not?
You have created very good plans. Baba now wants to receive a list of everything you have made practical. Just as Baba received your file of plans, Baba also wants to receive a file of the result of your plans. Achcha, all of you are those who will come in the rosary of 108, are you not? Everything will be announced automatically. Each of you announce your own number as your take your seat. Your seat of service will announce your number. Your service will become the mike. The mike of your mouth will not announce anything.
Blessing: May you be a master of yourself and a master of the world by forgetting the old world through spiritual intoxication.
Those who claim a right to the Father’s inheritance at the confluence age become masters of the self and masters of the world (in the future). Today you are a master of yourself and tomorrow you will become a master of the world. It is just a matter of today and tomorrow. Those who have a right to everything do not depend on any thing, person or sanskar. Such souls do not have to renounce limited things, because those limited things are renounced automatically.
Slogan: Those who are responsible for world benefit and who have the crown of the light of purity become those with a double crown.
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